NSOperation using GCD, ensure all on the same thread - ios

I have a 'concurrent' NSOperation, and during it's work it uses some controller classes that internally use GCD. When these controller classes return with their completion block, the completion block is on another thread.
I know I could store the current thread in the operation start method and run performSelectorOnThread:, but ideally I would like to wrap the completion in a GCD block and dispatch onto the same thread as the operation started on. Is this even possible with GCD, as I can only specify a queue to dispatch to.
What's the best way to bring this work back onto the same thread that the operation started on? Apart from what I already suggested... unless this is the best way.

When the operation is completed the UI update or any other related things has to be done on main thread. The following link might be useful to you about CGD.

I don't think this is really possible/advisable. Since iOS 4 onwards, NSOperation is using GCD , and as GCD is managing my threads - I don't think I should be keeping references to them.
I did find some util methods for executing blocks of code on a particular thread. See Practical Blocks by Mike Ash or this article doing similar thing.
As my goal was to keep my core data calls on the same thread, instead I opted to upgrade my code to use parent/child managed object contexts with NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType, and then used performBlock: on the managed object context to ensure all my call backs on the separate threads got executed correctly by core data.


is synchronous in separate thread the same as asynchronous

Recently, i am learning concurrency in swift. According to apple's document in NSOperation class reference :
When you add an operation to an operation queue, the queue ignores the value of the asynchronous property and always calls the start method from a separate thread. Therefore, if you always run operations by adding them to an operation queue, there is no reason to make them asynchronous.
does it mean synchronous in a separate thread is the same as asynchronous? and when i do the test with the following code, the operation indeed doesn't block the current main thread.
let operationQueue = NSOperationQueue()
let operation = NSBlockOperation(){
//do some task here
so if it is true, then why should we create concurrency subclass of NSOperation?
Oh, NSOperation. Such a bizarre history you have.
NSOperation is relatively old (in iOS terms; fairly modern in ObjC terms). It was added in OS X 10.5. Before OS X 10.6/iOS 4, there were no NSBlockOperation objects. There were no blocks at all. So the only way to make an operation was to subclass or use NSInvocationOperation. Both approaches are cumbersome, but were still easier and more powerful than the older approach of using NSThread directly.
(This was right at the time when multi-core became a thing. 10.5 was famous for adding Core Animation which was I believe the first major preemptive multitasking framework in Cocoa. Before 10.5, most things were done with the runloop and cooperative multitasking, which is actually very efficient and effective for single-core systems. But it doesn't scale well to multi-core systems. Tools like NSOperation were provided to help us write better multi-core code, but GCD was so much more powerful that it completely dominated how multitasking code is written in Cocoa.)
When you subclass NSOperation, you needed to tell the system whether your operation is asynchronous. This isn't a request to run you asynchronously. This is a promise that your start method will not block. It's up to your start method to make sure the operation really is asynchronous.
This is only necessary in the case that your NSOperation is being started manually, and even then it was often not needed. If you put it onto an NSOperationQueue (and you really should always do that), this property is irrelevant. I remember it creating a lot of confusion at the time.
It's become even more irrelevant since the introduction of blocks. It is almost always much easier to use an NSBlockOperation (or dispatch_async) than to subclass NSOperation, which was always a bit tricky to get quite right.
Just in case you haven't already read it, if you want to study Cocoa concurrency, you definitely want to start with the Concurrency Programming Guide.
Asynchronous is always defined relative to the thread that makes a request. So a request is asynchronous relative to thread A if thread A makes a request that runs in thread B such that thread A is able to do other work while thread B is running the request.
If thread B in turn farms out the request to thread C such that thread B is able to do other work while thread C is running the request then that second request is an asynchronous relative to thread B.
It doesn't make sense to just keep farming out the same element of work asynchronously over and over again, of course. But assume the work delegated by thread A to thread B described above can be split up into multiple smaller elements of work. It would be reasonable for thread B to invoke those smaller elements of work asynchronously on threads C, D, etc. This might happen if B provides a service to A such that A doesn't want/need to know the details of how the work gets done; it just wants the work done asynchronously. B knows the details and can decide if/how to accomplish the work via smaller parallel units.

How to get a "parent" thread for NSThread in iOS?

Assuming the "parent" thread is not the main thread. How can I know from the thread what thread has triggered its creation?
Main thread triggers creation of ThreadA
ThreadA triggers creation of ThreadB
In ThreadB I want to know that ThreadA is it's "parent"
I am not creating a thread in my app. I am trying to instrument existing applications.
You can't. There is no such thing as parent thread. A thread is an independent entity, even if a thread can communicate with other threads but there is no hierarchy involved.
Can you just give the "currentThread" as an argument when you "detachNewThreadSelector:toTarget:withObject:" ?
As the previous post states you can't directly access the "parent" thread of another thread because a NSThread is independent.
But you can create a mechanism to access the thread that started the current thread, indirectly, using the -threadDictionary or the -name/setName methods.
Basically you can create a custom thread pool that will handle the threads lifecycle and can be accessed from other threads.
But as an observation, I don't see a use of this mechanism. If you really want to run tasks on background and you want to be able to change the lifecycle of the background tasks (cancel/start/etc) you should use NSOperation and NSOperationQueue, this ones will give you all the feature required for a custom thread pool.

What is the best networking solution for a complex multithreaded app?

I have a streaming iOS app that captures video to Wowza servers.
It's a beast, and it's really finicky.
I'm grabbing configuration settings from a php script that shoots out JSON.
Now that I've implemented that, I've run into some strange threading issues. My app connects to the host, says its streaming, but never actually sends packets.
Getting rid of the remote configuration NSURLConnection (which I've made sure is properly formatted) delegate fixes the problem. So I'm thinking either some data is getting misconstrued across threads or something like that.
What will help me is knowing:
Are NSURLConnection delegate methods called on the main thread?
Will nonatomic data be vulnerable in a delegate method?
When dealing with a complex threaded app, what are the best practices for grabbing data from the web?
Have you looked at AFNetworking?
It's quite robust and helps immensely with the threading, and there are several good tutorials.
Are NSURLConnection delegate methods called on the main thread?
Yes, on request completion it gives a call back on the main thread if you started it on the main thread.
Will nonatomic data be vulnerable in a delegate method?
Generally collection values (like array) are vulnerable with multiple threads; the rest shouldn't create anything other than a race problem.
When dealing with a complex threaded app, what are the best practices for grabbing data from the web?
I feel it's better to use GCD for handling your threads, and asynchronous retrieval using NSURLConnection should be helpful. There are few network libraries available to do the boilerplate code for you, such as AFNetworking, and ASIHTTPRequest (although that is a bit old).
Are NSURLConnection delegate methods called on the main thread?
Delegate methods can be executed on a NSOperationQueue or a thread. If you not explicitly schedule the connection, it will use the thread where it receives the start message. This can be the main thread, but it can also any other secondary thread which shall also have a run loop.
You can set the thread (indirectly) with method
- (void)scheduleInRunLoop:(NSRunLoop *)aRunLoop forMode:(NSString *)mode
which sets the run loop which you retrieved from the current thread. A run loop is associated to a thread in a 1:1 relation. That is, in order to set a certain thread where the delegate methods shall be executed, you need to execute on this thread, retrieve the Run Loop from the current thread and send scheduleInRunLoop:forMode: to the connection.
Setting up a dedicated secondary thread requires, that this thread will have a Run Loop. Ensuring this is not always straight forward and requires a "hack".
Alternatively, you can use method
- (void)setDelegateQueue:(NSOperationQueue *)queue
in order to set the queue where the delegate methods will be executed. Which thread will be actually used for executing the delegates is then undetermined.
You must not use both methods - so schedule on a thread OR a queue. Please consult the documentation for more information.
Will nonatomic data be vulnerable in a delegate method?
You should always synchronize access to shared resources - even for integers. On certain multiprocessor systems it is not even guaranteed that accesses to a shared integer is safe. You will have to use memory barriers on both threads in order to guarantee that.
You might utilize serial queues (either NSOperationQueue or dispatch queue) to guarantee safe access to shared resources.
When dealing with a complex threaded app, what are the best practices for grabbing data from the web?
Utilize queues, as mentioned, then you don't have to deal with threads. "Grabbing data" is not only a threading problem ;)
If you prefer a more specific answer you would need to describe your problem in more detail.
To answer your first question: The delegate methods are called on the thread that started the asynchronous load operation for the associated NSURLConnection object.

iOS. Do NSURLConnection and UIView's setNeedsDisplay rely on GCD for asynchronous behavior?

I am doing a lot of GCD and asynchronous rendering and data retrieval work lately and I really need to nail the mental model about how asynchronous is done.
I want to focus on setNeedsDisplay and the NSURLConnectionDelegate suite of methods.
Is it correct to call setNeedsDisplay asynchronous? I often call it via dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{}) which confuses me.
The NSURLConnectionDelegate callbacks are described as asynchronous but are they not actually concurrently run on the main thread/runloop. I am a but fuzzy on the distinction here.
More generally in the modern iOS era of GCD what is the best practice for making GCD and these methods play nice together. I'm just looking for general guidelines here since I use them regularly and am just trying not to get myself in trouble.
No, you generally don't call setNeedsDisplay asynchronously. But if you're invoking this from a queue other than the main queue (which I would guess you are), then you should note that you never should do UI updates from background queues. You always run those from the main queue. So, this looks like the very typical pattern of dispatching a UI update from a background queue to the main queue.
NSURLConnection is described as asynchronous because when you invoke it, unless you used sendSynchronousRequest, your app immediately returns while the connection progresses. The fact that the delegate events are on the main queue is not incompatible with the notion that the connection, itself, is asynchronous. Personally, I would have thought it bad form if I can some delegate methods that were not being called from the same queue from which the process was initiated, unless that was fairly explicit via the interface.
To the question of your question's title, whether NSURLConnection uses GCD internally, versus another concurrency technology (NSOperationQueue, threads, etc.), that's an internal implementation issue that we, as application developers, don't generally worry about.
To your final, follow-up question regarding guidelines, I'd volunteer the general rule I alluded to above. Namely, all time consuming processes that would block your user interface should be dispatched to background queue, but any subsequent UI updates required by the background queue should be dispatched back to the main queue. That's the most general rule of thumb I can think of that encapsulates why we generally do concurrent programming and how to do so properly.

Is a GCD dispatch queue enough to confine a Core Data context to a single thread

I'm beginning to think the answer to my question is 'No', but I'm still confused and uncertain about this. So please confirm. I've already learned the need to be careful when using Core Data with multiple threads. NSManagedObjectContext objects must not cross thread boundaries. Being a newbie with both threads and Core Data, I happily found that GCD should make some of this easier.
Naively perhaps, I then thought I would simply create a dedicated GCD dispatch queue for dealing with Core Data (or even, if needed, have multiple dispatch queues each with its own core data context). That would have been simple.
But now I realize that one big advantage of GCD dispatch queues is that it manages and makes use of multiple threads as needed. So - if I understand this right - tasks I hand off to one and the same dispatch queue, could end up running in different threads, potentially handing off a core data context from one thread to another, and having things go wrong. Is that right?
I've read many related questions and answers, for example Core Data and threads / Grand Central Dispatch, but I remain somewhat confused. The accepted answer to that question, using GCD queues, does ensure that a new context is created on each thread, but does not point out the necessity of doing this. Another answer says "You could execute all CoreData work on a queue named com.yourcompany.appname.dataaccess" seeming to imply that as long as the Core Data work is confined to one GCD dispatch queue, then all is OK. Maybe it is not.
Update: As #adib points out in a comment, the approach to serialized managed object context (MOC) access has changed in iOS 9 and MacOS X 10.11. NSConfinementConcurrencyType, the thread confinement strategy, is now deprecated in favor of NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType and NSMainQueueConcurrencyType. In other words, stop using threads for concurrent access to Core Data objects and instead start using GCD. You should use either the main dispatch queue or the one associated with the MOC, depending on how you configure the MOC, and not a queue of your own creation. This is easy to do using NSManagedObject's -performBlock: or -performBlockAndWait: methods.
Short answer: Using a serial dispatch queue can provide serialized access to a managed object context, and that's an acceptable way to implement the "thread confinement" strategy even though GCD may actually employ multiple threads.
Longer answer:
The accepted answer to that question, using GCD queues, does ensure
that a new context is created on each thread, but does not point out
the necessity of doing this.
The big thing you need to remember is that you must avoid modifying the managed object context from two different threads at the same time. That could put the context into an inconsistent state, and nothing good can come of that. So, the kind of dispatch queue that you use is important: a concurrent dispatch queue would allow multiple tasks to proceed simulaneously, and if they both use the same context you'll be in trouble. If you use a serial dispatch queue, on the other hand, two or more tasks might execute on different threads, but the tasks will be executed in order, and only one task will run at a time. This is very similar to running all the tasks on the same thread, at least as far as maintaining the context's consistency goes.
See this question and answer for a much more detailed explanation.
This is how Core Data has always worked. The Concurrency with Core Data section of the Core Data Programming Guide gives advice on how to proceed if you do decide to use a single context in multiple threads. It talks mainly about the need to be very careful to lock the context any time you access it. The point of all that locking, though, is to ensure that two or more threads don't try to use the context simultaneously. Using a serialized dispatch queue achieves the same goal: because only one task in the queue executes at a time, there's no chance that two or more tasks will try to use the context at the same time.
AFAIK you're correct; GCD doesn't make guarantees about the thread in which the queue is run. Blocks and function calls sent to the queue will be run one at a time, but if Core Data does something with the current thread, e.g. installs a run loop source or observer, things probably won't work as intended.
However, on Mac OS X 10.7, NSManagedObjectContext can be set to run on the main thread, on a separate thread, or in a private queue.
