I'm unable to make my sprites "Flip" - actionscript

I'll start off by admitting that I am a beginner to ActionScript and I am in the process of coding my own basic arcade game (Similar to that of the old arcade game "Joust"). Whilst I have been able to code the sprite's movement I am looking to make the sprite flip to face the other way when I press the right arrow. I figured either I could try and rotate the object around its axis (Which I've tried multiple times and has proved difficult) or I could try and "Replace" the current sprite with another sprite (Which is just the sprite facing the opposite way). I've searched everywhere for a method of replacing a sprite with another sprite but to no avail. How would it be possible to give this sprite a flip effect when a certain keyCode is used?

Try this simple code below. Here 'object' is the movieclip/sprite that you want to flip
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, OnKeyDown);
function OnKeyDown(event:KeyboardEvent):void
var uiKeyCode:uint = event.keyCode;
switch (uiKeyCode)
case Keyboard.LEFT :
object.scaleX = -1; //flip
case Keyboard.RIGHT :
object.scaleX = 1; //unflip
NOTE: If you want the movieclip to flip without any shift in its position then the movieclip must be horizontally center registered.
Tell me if this works for you.

Are you using as2/as3? you could flip the axis Y 180 degrees
if your using as2 you will need to either mirror the bitmap via actionScript or
add a second bitmap that is mirrored to the display list.
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyPressedDown);
function keyPressedDown(event:KeyboardEvent):void
var key:uint = event.keyCode;
switch (key)
case Keyboard.LEFT :
myMovieClip.rotaionY = 180; // MC will be mirrored
case Keyboard.RIGHT :
myMovieClip.rotaionY = 0;


iOS build from Unity's physics behave differently on the phone

When i play the game in the editor window, everything works as intended. But when i build and play the game on the iPhone, my object bounces off of the screen. I set Physics Materials with 0 bounciness but i think this is something different.
This is the code that makes the cube jump around:
IEnumerator JumpAroundDelay()
while (true)
switch (direction)
case 1:
rb.velocity = new Vector2(0, 0);
rb.AddForce(new Vector2(10, 10), ForceMode2D.Impulse);
direction = 2;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(Random.Range(0.1f, top));
case 2:
rb.velocity = new Vector2(0, 0);
rb.AddForce(new Vector2(-10, 10), ForceMode2D.Impulse);
direction = 1;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(Random.Range(0.1f, top));
This is the cube's inspector window:
This is how i want it to behave
And this is how it behaves
As you can see somehow when the cube hits on its straight side on the walls, it bounces off violently. It doesn't do this in the editor or on an Android device. Only on iPhone. Anyone encountered something similar?
I tried everything from changing unity versions to manually adding non-bouncy Physics Materials to every object in the game. Nothing changed

Tile-based movement with Lance game engine?

I'm using Lance for a game where the gameplay area is a tiled map. When a player presses the left-arrow key, their character should move one tile to the left, etc. I tried two approaches, see below, but got neither to work.
Could either approach be modified to work with tile-based movement? Or is a third approach needed? Or is Lance not suited to this kind of game?
Approach 1: Adjust the player's position directly when a key is pressed. From my GameEngine class:
if (inputData.input == 'left') {
player.position.x -= 32;
player.angle = 180;
While this works well for a single player, it doesn't in multiplayer. When player A moves, their position is not updated on player B's screen.
Approach 2: Set the player's state when a key is pressed:
if (inputData.input == 'left') {
player.state = 'walkLeft';
Then add a postStep handler in the common GameEngine class. (Adding it to Player didn't work). This code turns the player (over many steps) to face 180 degrees and then accelerates the player in that direction:
onPostStep(event) {
let players = this.world.queryObjects({instanceType: Player});
players.forEach(player => {
if (player.state == 'walkLeft') {
if (Math.abs(player.angle - 180) > 2)
else {
player.state = '';
With this approach, if a player presses the left arrow key, their angle changes as expected at first, but the acceleration and movement is erratic. Also, Player A's position appears different on their screen vs the screen of Player B.
The Spaaace demo is the base for my project, so my project uses the same bending, physics engine, etc.
The first approach is better. The Brawler game in the sample collection does exactly what you describe. You can look at the BrawlerGameEngine.js code in https://github.com/lance-gg/tinygames/tree/master/brawler
Make sure that the action is processed in the method
GameEngine::processInput(inputData, playerId)

OpenLayers - lock rotation of box or rectangle geometry while modifying

Openlayers provides useful functions for drawing boxes and rectangles and also has ol.geom.Geometry.prototype.rotate(angle, anchor) for rotating a geometry around a certain anchor. Is it possible to lock the rotation of a box/rectangle while modifying it?
Using the OpenLayers example located here to draw a box with a certain rotation to illustrate the point:
I would like the box/rectangle to maintain its rotation while still being able to drag the sides longer and shorter. Is there a simple way to achieve this?
Answering with the solution I came up with.
First of all, add the feature(s) to a ModifyInteraction so you are able to modify by dragging the corners of the feature.
this.modifyInteraction = new Modify({
deleteCondition: eventsCondition.never,
features: this.drawInteraction.features,
insertVertexCondition: eventsCondition.never,
Also, add event handlers upon the events "modifystart" and "modifyend".
this.modifyInteraction.on("modifystart", this.modifyStartFunction);
this.modifyInteraction.on("modifyend", this.modifyEndFunction);
The functions for "modifystart" and "modifyend" look like this.
private modifyStartFunction(event) {
const features = event.features;
const feature = features.getArray()[0];
this.featureAtModifyStart = feature.clone();
this.draggedCornerAtModifyStart = "";
feature.on("change", this.changeFeatureFunction);
private modifyEndFunction(event) {
const features = event.features;
const feature = features.getArray()[0];
feature.un("change", this.changeFeatureFunction);
// removing and adding feature to force reindexing
// of feature's snappable edges in OpenLayers
The changeFeatureFunction is below. This function is called for every single change which is done to the geometry as long as the user is still modifying/dragging one of the corners. Inside this function, I made another function to adjust the modified rectangle into a rectangle again. This "Rectanglify"-function moves the corners which are adjacent to the corner which was just moved by the user.
private changeFeatureFunction(event) {
let feature = event.target;
let geometry = feature.getGeometry();
// Removing change event temporarily to avoid infinite recursion
feature.un("change", this.changeFeatureFunction);
// Reenabling change event
feature.on("change", this.changeFeatureFunction);
Without going into too much detail, the rectanglify-function needs to
find rotation of geometry in radians
inversely rotate with radians * -1 (e.g. geometry.rotate(radians * (-1), anchor) )
update neighboring corners of the dragged corner (easier to do when we have a rectangle which is parallel to the x and y axes)
rotate back with the rotation we found in 1
In order to get the rotation of the rectangle, we can do this:
export function getRadiansFromRectangle(feature: Feature): number {
const coords = getCoordinates(feature);
const point1 = coords[0];
const point2 = coords[1];
const deltaY = (point2[1] as number) - (point1[1] as number);
const deltaX = (point2[0] as number) - (point1[0] as number);
return Math.atan2(deltaY, deltaX);

Cocos2D - Simulating infinite scrolling

I have a BIG problem!! I want to make something like old space shooter games like “Asteroids”, where the ship, when going out of the screen, is reappearing at the other side. For example, when the ship go out at the top of the screen, it come back at the bottom. But in my game, there’s a camera following the player, showing only a quarter of the world, and I want to simulate an infinite world this way! Here’s a picture showing what I mean :
What I thought doing was simulate the scroll by only moving game objects, stored in an array, but not the player, and calculating at every frame if the objects are out of the world boundary and re-adding them at the other end of the world (i.e going out at the left would add it back at the right).
But I don’t really like that way of doing… I’d like something more… intuitive..?
Do you guys have any idea of how doing it? Like, any tutorial on the web or just the right words to explain what I mean so I could do a bright research on google (I’m french, so I had a really hard time writing that question)!
Thank you in advance!
Knowing the players position, x,y check to see if the player is within the bounds of the area. If the player has left those bounds, set the player's position to the opposite bounds, possibly adding width/height. I'll do it here for the Y coordinate only:
const float minWarpAreaY( 0 );
const float maxWarpAreaY( 400 );
//if (player.y < minWarpAreaY) { player.y = maxWarpAreaY - player.height; }
//if (player.y > maxWarpAreaY) { player.y = minWarpAreaY + player.height; }
if (player.y < minWarpAreaY) { WarpPlayer(0.0f, (maxWarpAreaY - minWarpAreaY)); }
if (player.y > maxWarpAreaY) { WarpPlayer(0.0f, -(maxWarpAreaY - minWarpAreaY)); }
void WarpPlayer(float amountX, float amountY)
player.x += amountX;
player.y += amountY;
for (eachObject in World)
eachObject.x += amountX;
eachObject.y += amountY;
Something along those lines should help.

Jumping effect in games

I'm currently trying to make a basic platformer with XNA and I'm wondering how to create a "jumping effect." I currently have basic keyboard input which allows for sideways movement, but I would like my sprite to slowly progress into a jump rather than instantly teleporting there (right now I have something like Rectangle.Y += 40 every time I jump, making the sprite instantly appear there). Does anyone have any insight?
I'm not totally across how to implement this in XNA/C#, but in Flash games I've made I just added a vertical velocity property. I'll try write everything as C# as I can..
Example; create the velocity property:
float verticalVelocity = 0;
Vertical velocity should be constantly reduced (by gravity). Set up a gravity property somewhere accessible from your player:
float Gravity = 2.5;
And in your update() method for the player, increment the verticalVelocity by Gravity. Also increment the Y position of your player by the verticalVelocity. This will simulate falling:
verticalVelocity += Gravity;
Position.Y += verticalVelocity; // this may be -= in XNA, not sure where the y axis beings
When you hit a surface, the velocity should be reset to 0.
And finally, to jump, simply subtract a given value from verticalVelocity:
public void Jump(float height)
// Only jump if standing on a surface.
if(verticalVelocity == 0)
verticalVelocity -= height;
You'll eventually want to add gravity and possibly other forces to your game, so I highly recommend you save yourself a lot of pain and implement some kind of basic force system. This can be done using Vector2s, as you can just add them to the speed of your character. Then just apply an instantaneous force to your character to push it up.
If you really don't want to use a physics engine, you can make a Vector2 with the high point of the jump for the Y and the characters X, and then use the Vector2.Lerp method to interpolate between the characters position and the end point of the jump.
This is generally a very bad system to use, and I highly recommend you either use an existing physics engine, or make your own simple one.
use a sinusoidcode should look something like this:
float ground = 0.0f;
float angle = 330.0f;
if(ground == 0.0f)ground = Rectangle.Y;
if(Rectangle.Y <= ground)
You can accurately create a gravity effect if you modify the ySpeed dynamically, as opposed to just adding 40.
You want to declare a ySpeed
ySpeed = 0;
Then you want to use an acceleration variable
acceleration = 0.25;
Okay, now that we've done that, let's add gravity, provided that our player isn't touching the floor.
if(playerLocationY + playerHeight > floorLocationY)
gravity = false;
gravity = true;
ySpeed += acceleration;
Now that we've got that down, we want to include something that allows us to jump.
if(KeyPressed == UP)
ySpeed -= acceleration;
This will move our player in the upward direction
We now want to make sure we actually move, so let's add one last line and we're done.
playerLocationY += ySpeed;
Congratulations, you made it.
