Facedetection in iOS - ios

I'm currently working on a project, where I need to detect a face and then take a photo with the camera. (after the camera focused everything correctly).
Is something like this possbile in iOS?
Are there any good tutorials on this?

i would suggest to use opencv for this as it has proven algorithm and fast enough to work on image as well as video
This solution will work for android too using opencv port to android.

Use GPUImage for face detection.
Face detection example is also available in GPUImage.
see last point in FilterShowCase example project of GPUImage for face detection.

iOS 10 and Swift 3
You can check apple example you can detect face
you can select the face metedata to make camera track the face and show yellow box on the face its have good performace than this example


I want to detect motion/movement in the live camera. How can i do it?

I'm creating motion detect app for ios. when camera on live any object passes the camera like person , animal. than i want detect motion feature. how's it possible?
I suggest you get familiar with the AVFoundation framework to understand how to get live video frames using the camera of an iOS device. A good starting point is Apple's famous sample AVCam, which should get you familiar with all the camera concepts.
As the next step, figure out how to do the movement detection. The simplest algorithm for that would be the background subtraction. The idea is to subtract two consecutive frames one from another. The areas without movement just cancel each other and become black, while the areas with movements show some nonzero values.
Here's an example of background subtraction in the OpenCV framework.
If in the end, you decide to use OpenCV (which is a classic Computer Vision framework which I definitely recommend), then you'll need to integrate OpenCV into your iOS app. You can see a short tutorial here.
I tried to show you some pointers which could get you going. The problem (how you presented it) is definitely not an easy one, so good luck!

Reproduce the new scanning feature in iOS 11 Notes

Does anyone know how to reproduce the new Notes new scanning feature in iOS 11??
Is AVFoundation used for the camera?
How is the camera detecting the shape of the paper/document/card?
How do they place the overlay over in real time?
How does the camera know when to take the photo?
What's that animated overlay and how can we achieve this?
Does anyone know how to reproduce this?
Not exactly :P
Is AVFoundation used for the camera? Yes
How is the camera detecting the shape of the paper/document/card?
They are using the Vision Framework to do rectangle detection.
It's stated in this WWDC session by one of the demonstrators
How do they place the overlay over in real time?
You Should check out the above video for this as he talks about doing something similar in one of the demos
How does the camera know when to take the photo?
I'm not familiar with this app but it's surely triggered in the capture session, no?
Whats that animated overlay and how can we achieve this?
Not sure about this but I'd imagine it's some kind of CALayer with animation
Is Tesseract framework used for the image afterwards?
Isn't Tesseract OCR for text?
If you're looking for handwriting recognition, you might want to look for a MNIST model
Use Appleā€™s rectangle detection SDK, which provides an easy-to-use API that can identify rectangles in still images or video sequences in near-realtime. The algorithm works very well in simple scenes with a single prominent rectangle in a clean background, but is less accurate in more complicated scenes, such as capturing small receipts or business cards in cluttered backgrounds, which are essential use-cases for our scanning feature.
An image processor that identifies notable features (such as faces and barcodes) in a still image or video.

Detect an object and take photo

You might have seen that option in one of the samsung phone that when a person smile it take the photo. So it somehow detects the smile and the click the photo automatically.I'm trying to create the similar thing on iOS that lets say if the camera detects a chair it clicks the photo.I've searched around and what I found is that there is a library called OpenCV but I'm not sure it'll work with iOS or not. Plus there is a concept of CoreImage in iOS which has something to do with deep understanding of the image. So any idea about this?
openCV For iOS
For detection you can use openCV framework in iOS and the native detection methods. In my application i am using openCV rectangle detection and the scenario is: after taken picture openCV detects rectangle on the image and then makes lines on detected shape, also it can crop the image with basic functionality and as perspective correction.
options: Face Detection, Shape Detection
Native way:
iOS provides us real time detection there are many tutorials how to use them i will link at the end of the thread. Native way also provides us face detection, shape detection and perspective correction.
Choice is up to you but i prefer native way. remember openCV is written in C++ if you are using swift language you can import openCV in your project and then connect swift to objective-C to call openCV. Using Bridging Headers
Medium Link 1
Medium Link 2
Toptal Tutorial
How to use OPENCV in iOS

Motion Sensing by Camera in iOS

I am working on an app in iOS that will occur an event if camera detects some changes in image or we can say motion in image. Here I am not asking about face recognition or a particular colored image motion, And I got all result for OpenCV when I searched, And I also found that we can achieve this by using gyroscope and accelerometer both , but how??
I am beginner in iOS.So my question is , Is there any framework or any easy way to detect motion or motion sensing by camera.And How to achieve?
For Example if I move my hand before camera then it will show some message or alert.
And plz give me some useful and easy to understand links about this.
If all you want is some kind of crude motion detection, my open source GPUImage framework has a GPUImageMotionDetector within it.
This admittedly simple motion detector does frame-to-frame comparisons, based on a low-pass filter, and can identify the number of pixels that have changed between frames and the centroid of the changed area. It operates on live video and I know some people who've used it for motion activation of functions in their iOS applications.
Because it relies on pixel differences and not optical flow or feature matching, it can be prone to false positives and can't track discrete objects as they move in a frame. However, if all you need is basic motion sensing, this is pretty easy to drop into your application. Look at the FilterShowcase example to see how it works in practice.
I don't exactly understand what you mean here:
Here I am not asking about face recognition or a particular colored
image motion, because I got all result for OpenCV when I searched
But I would suggest to go for opencv as you can use opencv in IOS. Here is a good link which helps you to setup opencv in ios.
There are lot of opencv motion detection codes online and here is one among them, which you can make use of.
You need to convert the UIImage ( image type in IOS ) to cv::Mat or IplImage and pass it to the opencv algorithms. You can convert using this link or this.

Detect Face Side using OpenCV

I am working on a project which needs to detect left and right face turn in face recognition. I dont even know whether API's are available even to detect it.
I am able to detect face using OpenCV, but when I turn my face it is not even detecting the face.
Any help is greatly appreciated,
It's called profile in OpenCV and is already part of OpenCV. I guess you must use another classifier for this type of detection
Take a look at these links:
