I have a form that I'm testing using Capybara. This form's URL goes to my Braintree sandbox, although I suspect the problem would happen for any remote URL. When Capybara clicks the submit button for the form, the request is routed to the dummy application rather than the remote service.
Here's an example app that reproduces this issue: https://github.com/radar/capybara_remote. Run bundle exec ruby test/form_test.rb and the test will pass, which is not what I'd typically expect.
Why does this happen and is this behaviour that I can rely on always happening?
Mario Visic points out this description in the Capybara documentation:
Furthermore, you cannot use the RackTest driver to test a remote application, or to access remote URLs (e.g., redirects to external sites, external APIs, or OAuth services) that your application might interact with.
But I wanted to know why, so I source dived. Here's my findings:
def click_button(locator)
find(:button, locator).click
I don't care about the find here because that's working. It's the click that's more interesting. That method is defined like this:
def click
wait_until { base.click }
I don't know what base is, but I see the method is defined twice more in lib/capybara/rack_test/node.rb and lib/capybara/selenium/node.rb. The tests are using Rack::Test and not Selenium, so it's probably the former:
def click
if tag_name == 'a'
method = self["data-method"] if driver.options[:respect_data_method]
method ||= :get
driver.follow(method, self[:href].to_s)
elsif (tag_name == 'input' and %w(submit image).include?(type)) or
((tag_name == 'button') and type.nil? or type == "submit")
Capybara::RackTest::Form.new(driver, form).submit(self)
The tag_name is probably not a link -- because it's a button we're clicking -- so it falls to the elsif. It's definitely an input tag with type == "submit", so then let's see what Capybara::RackTest::Form does:
def submit(button)
driver.submit(method, native['action'].to_s, params(button))
Ok then. driver is probably the Rack::Test driver for Capybara. What's that doing?
def submit(method, path, attributes)
browser.submit(method, path, attributes)
What is this mysterious browser? It's defined in the same file thankfully:
def browser
#browser ||= Capybara::RackTest::Browser.new(self)
Let's look at what this class's submit method does.
def submit(method, path, attributes)
path = request_path if not path or path.empty?
process_and_follow_redirects(method, path, attributes, {'HTTP_REFERER' => current_url})
process_and_follow_redirects does what it says on the box:
def process_and_follow_redirects(method, path, attributes = {}, env = {})
process(method, path, attributes, env)
5.times do
process(:get, last_response["Location"], {}, env) if last_response.redirect?
raise Capybara::InfiniteRedirectError, "redirected more than 5 times, check for infinite redirects." if last_response.redirect?
So does process:
def process(method, path, attributes = {}, env = {})
new_uri = URI.parse(path)
method.downcase! unless method.is_a? Symbol
if new_uri.host
#current_host = "#{new_uri.scheme}://#{new_uri.host}"
#current_host << ":#{new_uri.port}" if new_uri.port != new_uri.default_port
if new_uri.relative?
if path.start_with?('?')
path = request_path + path
elsif not path.start_with?('/')
path = request_path.sub(%r(/[^/]*$), '/') + path
path = current_host + path
send(method, path, attributes, env.merge(options[:headers] || {}))
Time to break out the debugger and see what method is here. Sticking a binding.pry before the final line in that method, and a require 'pry' in the test. It turns out method is :post and, for interest's sake, new_uri is a URI object with our remote form's URL.
Where's this post method coming from? method(:post).source_location tells me:
["/Users/ryan/.rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p374/lib/ruby/1.9.1/forwardable.rb", 199]
That doesn't seem right... Does Capybara have a def post somewhere?
capybara (master)★ack "def post"
76: def post(*args, &block); browser.post(*args, &block); end
Cool. We know that browser is aCapybara::RackTest::Browser` object. The class beginning gives the next hint:
class Capybara::RackTest::Browser
include ::Rack::Test::Methods
I know that Rack::Test::Methods comes with a post method. Time to dive into that gem.
def post(uri, params = {}, env = {}, &block)
env = env_for(uri, env.merge(:method => "POST", :params => params))
process_request(uri, env, &block)
Ignoring env_for for the time being, what does process_request do?
def process_request(uri, env)
uri = URI.parse(uri)
uri.host ||= #default_host
#rack_mock_session.request(uri, env)
if retry_with_digest_auth?(env)
auth_env = env.merge({
"HTTP_AUTHORIZATION" => digest_auth_header,
"rack-test.digest_auth_retry" => true
process_request(uri.path, auth_env)
yield last_response if block_given?
Hey, #rack_mock_session looks interesting. Where's that defined?
rack-test (master)★ack "#rack_mock_session ="
40: #rack_mock_session = mock_session
42: #rack_mock_session = MockSession.new(mock_session)
In two places, very close to each other. What's on and around these lines?
def initialize(mock_session)
#headers = {}
if mock_session.is_a?(MockSession)
#rack_mock_session = mock_session
#rack_mock_session = MockSession.new(mock_session)
#default_host = #rack_mock_session.default_host
Ok then, so it ensures it is a MockSession object. What's MockSession and how is its request method defined?
def request(uri, env)
env["HTTP_COOKIE"] ||= cookie_jar.for(uri)
#last_request = Rack::Request.new(env)
status, headers, body = #app.call(#last_request.env)
headers["Referer"] = env["HTTP_REFERER"] || ""
#last_response = MockResponse.new(status, headers, body, env["rack.errors"].flush)
body.close if body.respond_to?(:close)
cookie_jar.merge(last_response.headers["Set-Cookie"], uri)
#after_request.each { |hook| hook.call }
if #last_response.respond_to?(:finish)
I'm going to go right ahead here and assume #app is the Rack application stack. By calling the call method, the request is routed directly to this stack, rather going out to the world.
I conclude that this behaviour looks like its intentional and that I can indeed rely on it being that way.
I'd like to know if there's a clean way of getting a list of cookies that website (URL) uses?
Scenario: User writes down URL of his website, and Ruby on Rails application checks for all cookies that website uses and returns them. For now, let's think that's only one URL.
I've tried with these code snippets below, but I'm only getting back one or no cookies:
url = 'http://www.google.com'
r = HTTParty.get(url)
puts r.request.options[:headers].inspect
puts r.code
uri = URI('https://www.google.com')
res = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri)
puts "cookies: " + res.get_fields("set-cookie").inspect
puts res.request.options[:headers]["Cookie"].inspect
or with Mechanize gem:
agent = Mechanize.new
page = agent.get("http://www.google.com")
agent.cookies.each do |cooky| puts cooky.to_s end
It doesn't have to be strict Ruby code, just something I can add to Ruby on Rails application without too much hassle.
You should use Selenium-webdriver:
you'll be able to retrieve all the cookies for given website:
require "selenium-webdriver"
#driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox #assuming you're using firefox
#driver.manage.all_cookies.each do |cookie|
puts cookie[:name]
#cookie handling functions
def add_cookie(name, value)
#driver.manage.add_cookie(name: name, value: value)
def get_cookie(cookie_name)
def get_all_cookies
def delete_cookie(cookie_name)
def delete_all_cookies
With HTTParty you can do this:
puts HTTParty.get(url).headers["set-cookie"]
Get them as an array with:
puts HTTParty.get(url).headers["set-cookie"].split("; ")
In debugging console, while app running (using binding.pry to interrupt it), I can see that my variable Rails.configuration.hardcoded_current_user_key is set:
pry(#<TasksController>)> Rails.configuration.hardcoded_current_user_key
=> "dev"
But it doesn't appear to be defined:
pry(#<TasksController>)> defined?(Rails.configuration.hardcoded_current_user_key)
=> nil
Yet it works fine to store and test its value:
pry(#<TasksController>)> tempVar = Rails.configuration.hardcoded_current_user_key
=> "dev"
pry(#<TasksController>)> defined?(tempVar)
=> "local-variable"
What is going on?
This is because Rails config implements respond_to? but not respond_to_missing?, and defined? only recognizes respond_to_missing?:
class X
def respond_to?(name, include_all = false)
name == :another_secret || super
def method_missing(name, *args, &block)
case name
when :super_secret
when :another_secret
def respond_to_missing?(name, include_all = false)
name == :super_secret || super
x = X.new
puts x.super_secret # => Bingo!
p defined?(x.super_secret) # => "method"
puts x.another_secret # => Nope.
p defined?(x.another_secret) # => nil
It's recommended to implement respond_to_missing? along with method_missing, I too wonder why Rails did it that way.
You shouldn't be using defined? on anything but the "stub" of that, or in other words, merely this:
Anything beyond that is highly unusual to see, and I'm not even sure it's valid.
defined? is not a method, but a construct that tests if the following thing is defined as a variable, constant or method, among other things. It won't evaluate your code, it will just test it as-is. This means method calls don't happen, and as such, can't be chained.
If you want to test that something is assigned, then you should use this:
I have a get request that retrieves JSON needed for graphs to display on a page. I'd do it in JQuery, but because of the API that I am using, it is not possible -- so I have to do it in rails.
I'm wondering this: If I run the get request on a separate thread in the page's action, can the variable then be passed to javascript after the page loads? I'm not sure how threading works in rails.
Would something like this work:
Thread.new do
url = URI.parse("http://api.steampowered.com/IDOTAMatch_570/GetMatchHistory/v001/?key=#{ENV['STEAM_WEB_API_KEY']}&account_id=#{id}&matches_requested=25&game_mode=1234516&format=json")
res = Net::HTTP::get(url)
matchlist = JSON.parse(res)
matches = []
if matchlist['result'] == 1 then
matchlist['result']['matches'].each do |match|
def GetMatchWin(match_id, id)
match_data = matchlist["result"]["matches"].select {|m| m["match_id"] == match_id}
Given that the above code is in a helper file, and it then gets called in the action for the controller as such:
def index
if not session.key?(:current_user) then
redirect_to root_path
gon.winlossdata = GetMatchHistoryRawData(session[:current_user][:uid32])
The "gon" part is just a gem to pass data to javascript.
In rails 3, is it possible to gain access to the controller/action of the URL being generated inside of default_url_options()? In rails 2 you were passed a Hash of the options that were about to be passed to url_for() that you could of course alter.
E.g. Rails 2 code:
==== config/routes.rb
map.foo '/foo/:shard/:id', :controller => 'foo', :action => 'show'
==== app/controllers/application.rb
def default_url_options options = {}
options = super(options)
if options[:controller] == 'some_controller' and options[:id]
options[:shard] = options[:id].to_s[0..2]
==== anywhere
foo_path(:id => 12345) # => /foo/12/12345
However, in rails 3, that same code fails due to the fact that default_url_options is not passed any options hash, and I have yet to find out how to test what the controller is.
FWIW, the above "sharding" is due to when you turn caching on, if you have a large number of foo rows in your DB, then you're going to hit the inode limit on unix based systems for number of files in 1 folder at some point. The correct "fix" here is to probably alter the cache settings to store the file in the sharded path rather than shard the route completely. At the time of writing the above code though, part of me felt it was nice to always have the cached file in the same structure as the route, in case you ever wanted something outside of rails to serve the cache.
But alas, I'd still be interested in a solution for the above, purely because it's eating at me that I couldn't figure it out.
Edit: Currently I have the following which I'll have to ditch, since you lose all other named_route functionality.
==== config/routes.rb
match 'foo/:shard/:id' => 'foo#show', :as => 'original_foo'
==== app/controllers/application.rb
helpers :foo_path
def foo_path *args
opts = args.first if opts.is_a?(Array)
args = opts.merge(:shard => opts[:id].to_s[0..2]) if opts.is_a?(Hash) and opts[:id]
define a helper like
# app/helpers/foo_helper.rb
module FooHelper
def link_to name, options = {}, &block
options[:shard] = options[:id].to_s[0..1] if options[:id]
super name, options, &block
and then do the following in your view, seems to work for me
<%= link_to("my shard", id: 12345) %>
edit: or customize the foo_path as
module FooHelper
def link_to name, options = {}, &block
options[:shard] = options[:id].to_s[0..1] if options[:id]
super name, options, &block
def foo_path options = {}
options[:shard] = options[:id].to_s[0..1] if options[:id]
super options
In Rails3, is there a way to check if the page I'm rendering now was requested from the same application, without the use of the hardcoded domain name?
I currently have:
def back_link(car_id = '')
# Check if search exists
uri_obj = URI.parse(controller.request.env["HTTP_REFERER"]) if controller.request.env["HTTP_REFERER"].present?
if uri_obj.present? && ["my_domain.com", "localhost"].include?(uri_obj.host) && uri_obj.query.present? && uri_obj.query.include?('search')
link_to '◀ '.html_safe + t('back_to_search'), url_for(:back) + (car_id.present? ? '#' + car_id.to_s : ''), :class => 'button grey back'
But this doesn't check for the "www." in front of the domain and all other possible situations.
It would also be nice if I could find out the specific controller and action that were used in the previous page (the referrer).
I think you're looking at this the wrong way.
If you look around the web, find a site with a search feature, and follow the link you'll see a param showing what was searched for.
That's a good way to do it.
Doing it by HTTP_REFERER seems a bit fragile, and won't work, for example, from a bookmark, or posted link.
then you can just look up the params[:from_search]
If you really need to do it by HTTP_REFERER then you probably dont have to worry about subdomains. Just;
def http_referer_uri
request.env["HTTP_REFERER"] && URI.parse(request.env["HTTP_REFERER"])
def refered_from_our_site?
if uri = http_referer_uri
uri.host == request.host
def refered_from_a_search?
if refered_from_our_site?
Try something like this:
ref = URI.parse(controller.request.env["HTTP_REFERER"])
if ref.host == ENV["HOSTNAME"]
# do something
To try and get the controller/action from the referring page:
#=> {:controller => "foo", :action => "bar"}
Create an internal_request? method utilizing request.referrer.
Compare the host and port of the request.referrer with your Application's host and port.
require 'uri' # Might be necesseary.
def internal_request?
return false if request.referrer.blank?
referrer = URI.parse( request.referrer )
application_host = Rails.application.config.action_mailer.default_url_options[ :host ]
application_port = Rails.application.config.action_mailer.default_url_options[ :port ]
return true if referrer.host == application_host && referrer.port == application_port
And then call it like this where you need it, most likely in application_controller.rb:
if internal_request?
Some caveats:
This might need to be modified if you're using subdomains. Easy, though.
This will require you to be setting your host and port for ActionMailer in your configuration, which is common.
You might want to make it the reverse, like external_request? since you're likely handling those situations uniquely. This would allow you to do something like this:
do_something_unique if external_request?