On Phonegap application, is there any way to prevent page scrolling when a text-input is focused and the soft keyboard shows?
In case of no way, Is there any way to scroll the page to the position of text input instead of 'bring' the text input onto center of screen?
in phonegap 2.6 there is a new option to prevent scrolling by resizing the webview. take a look at the documentation and find the KeyboardShrinksView option.
I've used this javascript code with some success. It overrides the window.scrollTo function and cancels it out...
window.oldScrollTo = window.scrollTo;
window.scrollTo = function (x, y) {
I am trying to build a simple messaging view in ionic. My view looks as follows:
Initial screenshot
My problem is when I focus the input on iOs, the keyboard covers the input, however on an Android device, the input moved along with the appearing keyboard as expected.
My understanding that if I use position: fixed and indicate bottom value (say, bottom: 16px) the input should appear 16px above the page fold both when the keyboard is open and when it isn't.
For reference, this is the result I get when I try to focus the input on an actual iOs device.
On-screen keyboard covers up input
I had this problem with ion-textarea. I'm using ionic 4 beta 17 - ionic keyboard 2.1.3
I am still not using native keyboard, but maybe will try.
What I did is hookup the keyboardDidShow event and scrolled the active document into view. Look at this code:
ngOnInit() {
window.addEventListener('keyboardDidShow', () => {
const el = document.getElementById('myElement');
//myElement would be the input you have. Or you can just scroll into view the active element, like
// document.activeElement.scrollIntoView();
if (document.activeElement === el)
I want to keep the keyboard displayed at the bottom by default without using a text input which the user needs to tap.
I need to keep the keyboard at the bottom at all times.
Then I need to listen to the events of the keyboard.
How can I do this?
The workaround I implemented was adding an invisible text box somewhere on the screen and then set it as focused manually.
Just in case someone else might stumble upon this, OP's self answer works. In order to set focus manually, you'll need to get the ref to the hidden input.
ref={input => (this.textinput = input)}
style={{ display: 'none' }}
then elsewhere in the code, you focus manually by
if (this.textinput) {
This answer is way too late to do the OP any good, but for others:
You can't do this. In iOS, the operating system, keyboards simply don't/can't work this way. iOS never shows a keyboard without an active text input focus, and there is no way for even a native iOS app to override this OS-level behavior. The OS itself prevents this from happening.
I have a website that is optimized to work on iOS devices. But the problem is that the keyboard always says Go as user fills the form. How do I get the keyboard to say Next until the last entry on the form, where it should say Go? Or alternatively, how do I disable the Enter button entirely?
Again, this is a website. It works everywhere websites work: in browsers. Except I have having this particular problem in Safari on mobile devices.
while changing the input type gives you some control of the keyboard layout the return key label in IOS cannot be customized.
Other than changing it to say Search there are no customizations available. You can disable the functionality of the button using something like this injQuery:
$("#myForm input").live("keyup", function(evt) {
if (evt.keyCode === 13) {
I am using a parallax effect with javascript but I'm having issues with iPad.
I know the "$(window).scroll" is not triggered on webkit touch devides - only when we release the screen - so i'm using:
window.addEventListener("touchmove", triggerScroll, false);
function triggerScroll(event)
var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop();//event.touches[0].pageY; //window.pageYOffset();
$("#allCanvas .divCanvas").each(function(index, element) {
var speed = $(element).data('speed');
var initialTop = $(element).data('initialtop');
$(element).css('top', initialTop-(scrollTop*speed));
The problem is that it flickers the .divCancas a few pixels to the top or bottom depending if I'm scrolling to top or down.
I tracked the TOP value passed on $(element).css('top', initialTop-(scrollTop*speed)); and it's every time correct. The correct "TOP" value, eventhough webkit move it for a few milleseconds to the wrong position.
I tried also:
-"margin-top" rather than "top" with no difference.
-Removing all other objects and making the ".each" loop through only one div, so I guess is not a jQuery performance issue.
Has anyone came across this problem?
Many thanks
Maybe try using some of the -webkit css animation features... these run very smoothly on iOS devices. Here's a great demo of that (webkit only): http://jibjub.com/demo/HTML5/cube.html
I'm interested in a CSS approach to disabling scrolling on the iPad. I'm using an input type of range to create a slider, but would like to prevent scrolling on the rest of the iPad to keep a fixed position of the body.
Does anyone have a foolproof method?
I'm an idiot...but nobody else answered this either. HERE IS THE ANSWER:
create a slider with the input type="range" and give it an id
add the following code to the page:
document.addEventListener('touchmove', function (e) {if(e.target.id != 'slider_id'){e.preventDefault(); }}, false);