Full Screen UIWebView without status bar cannot scroll to top - ios

When I removed the top status bar, my UIWebView will not scroll to top, and understandably so. The question is how do I have the tap the top to scroll to top without the status bar?
I know Apple can do this when Safari is in full screen mode during Land scape. Tap to the invisible area, the content scrolls to top.
Anyone know how Apple does it?


Stop scrolling behavior iphone, on searchbar in fixed header (already on top, so scroll is not needed)

I have a fixed header with a search bar incorporated in it. The search bar appears when clicking a magnifying glass. The search bar is always positioned at the top of the screen. Now when scrolling down the screen on iPhone the header, being fixed, stays visible at the top of the screen. However, when toggling the search bar when scrolled away from the top a scrolling up is happening. How could I prevent this behavior? Tried a number of solutions also found here, but none work.

scroll top navigation bar similiar to flipkart app ios

I have a logo on a navigation bar. Beneath it, I have a searchbar with three bar buttons on its both sides.
The searchbar and bar buttons are put in a UIView which is beneath the navigationbar.
I want to implement a functionality where with a very small pinch of scroll on the tableview by user, the navigationbar should move above with animation with scroll up and should come down with animation for scroll down.
Along with this, the searchbar should occupy the position of the logo while scrolling up and should come at its original position when scrolling down.
This is the same functionality implemented in Flipkart app on the Home page.
I tried using SQTShyNavigationBar by Cocoa Controls
https://github.com/cbpowell/SQTShyNavigationBar, but that does not adjust the position of my search View.
Please help me with this.

Navigation Bar Hidden on Rotation When Keyboard Showing

I have a webview in my application. When the user brings up the keyboard to type into a text field and then rotates the screen the navigation bar scrolls up the screen as well as the text field in question, obscuring the status bar. Not only that but the screen auto scrolls back to that default position when you try to scroll up in the web view.
Any help on fixing this issue?

How do I keep the mergExt Banner control from covering the tab bar at the bottom of an IOS device

I am just getting started with using MergExt and I am unsure how keep the iAd banner from covering my Tab Bar at the bottom of the IOS display? Additionally is it possible to manually move its position to any other location on the screen in case it covers any other controls? I have tried looking about for information but havent found much on the subject and I have tried playing with setting the rectangle to no avail. any info would be appreciated.
mergBanner displays the banner at the bottom of your screen. What many people do is align the tab bar to the top of the banner and use the area below to display a static ad/image until the iAd is loaded. There's currently no options for setting the rect of placing the add anywhere other than the bottom of the screen.

Stopping the iPad keyboard from scrolling the webpage too much

It looks like the Safari keyboard works like this on iPads...
If the webpage originally reaches the bottom of the screen, when the keyboard appears it never scrolls past the bottom of the webpage.
If the webpage originally doesn't reach the bottom of the screen and the textfield that has the focus is more than halfway down the screen, it scrolls the webpage so that the current textfield is now halfway down the screen and doesn't care if the area below the original webpage is showing.
Basically I want to have a webpage that doesn't fill the screen vertically and yet I don't want the keyboard to cause the screen to scroll past the bottom of the webpage because that would hide the top part of the webpage and instead show the blank area below the webpage.
In portrait mode on an iPad the following webpage is always showing even when a textfield is active and the keyboard is showing:
But when you view that webpage in landscape mode and select the bottom textfield, the webpage scrolls so that the bottom textfield is halfway up the screen. I want it to be at the bottom of the screen.
In landscape mode the previous link fills the entire screen and so if you click on the bottom textfield (after scrolling) the textfield appears at the bottom of the screen when the keyboard is visible rather than the screen scrolling until the textfield is halfway down the screen.
In portrait mode the previous link doesn't originally fill the screen so if you click on the bottom textfield (making the keyboard appear) it scrolls up so that it is halfway up the screen.
The final link fills the entire screen for portrait mode as well and when the bottom textfield is selected it doesnt scroll past the bottom of the webpage when the keyboard becomes visible.
Maybe what it is doing when the webpage isn't filling the screen is that it is remembering the empty space at the bottom and then it scrolls up (hiding the top) when the keyboard is visible. I want it to forget about the empty space at the bottom when the keyboard appears.
I faced a very similar issue. Here's what I do.
I subscribe to UIKeyboardWillShowNotification to get the keyboard size then when the scroll view scrolls up more than the keyboard height then I set the scroll offset to the keyboard height.
