Why is my timezone one hour off? - ruby-on-rails

Running this code...
Time.use_zone('Pacific Time (US & Canada)') do
p Time.zone.now
I get the following: => Sun, 14 Apr 2013 20:30:53 PDT -07:00
Yet when I do Rails Time Zone Select.... it says -8:00 quite clearly. Why is it -7 in one area and -8 in another?
Other times, time zones like Hawaii which are -10:00 don't get offset by an hour.
I assume this has something to do with DST, but I'm more curious whether it means it's working properly or improperly and there is something else I need to do.
Ultimately I'm using this in a datepicker, and I find it very odd that when I use Time.zone.parse (along with my time zone around filter), its offsetting everything by 1 hour.


Rails saves a Time instance to the wrong hour

So I have the following Time as a strong:
and I use the following strptime:
Time.strptime(times[0], "%H:%M:%S.%L")
Expected Result
Actual Result
I am 6 hours behind UTC outside of daylight savings. So that might explain why it
s saving six hours ahead. I've tried to wrap it in a Time.use_zone and set the zone to UTC but that still doesn't do the trick.
For now I have it subtracting six hours before saving the record. But I'd like to figure out how to force it to save the timing to the correct hour.
Try with Time.zone
t = "0:00:00.000"
Time.zone.strptime(t, "%H:%M:%S.%L")
=> Thu, 23 Jun 2022 00:00:00.000000000 CDT -05:00

Daylight Savings Time ignored using in_time_zone Rails 4

I'm having a frustrating issue that I can't seem to narrow down. I have searched many similar articles but they are not close enough to my issue to resolve. I am trying to pull a time from the database and display it in more than one time zone. My Rails app is using UTC as default. Here is what I'm doing:
On the create action I take the string of time which will be saved in the time column in my DB:
params[:schedule][:start] = "09:00"
Time.zone = "Central Time (US & Canada)"
#schedule.start = Time.zone.parse(params[:schedule][:start])
The above formats the time as it is supposed to:
2016-04-12 09:00:00 -0500
This is saved in the DB as:
2000-01-01 14:00:00
This has no time offset which is fine since I know it's in UTC. The problem happens when I go to display the time:
#schedule.start.in_time_zone("Central Time (US & Canada)")
This returns:
Sat, 01 Jan 2000 08:00:00 CST -06:00
Now, since this is a time column, I don't care about the date. I plan on formatting the value to only show the time. However, it is showing CST when it is currently CDT.
I can't figure out why this is happening. As I said I am not setting the Time Zone anywhere in my application.rb or anywhere else and I only set the Time zone on the create action which should be fine when moving to a new action.
Any help on clarifying this would be awesome!
This seems to be because when the time is stored it is stored with the date in the year 2000-01-01 which seems to be why it is using CST. How can I ignore the date when converting it to a particular timezone or will I need to change the column type to DateTime to get this to work properly?
It is showing CST simply because the time is read from the database including the stored date, i.e. it's read as 09:00 of Jan 1st 2000.
I guess you'd have to parse the time upon reading the attribute back. You can use a helper method in your model, for example:
# schedule model
def start_in_zone(zone)
This will take only the hours and minutes part of the stored time and parse it in the given time zone with the date set to today. See this example:
"Sat, 01 Jan 2000 08:00:00".to_time.
in_time_zone("Central Time (US & Canada)")
# => Tue, 12 Apr 2016 08:00:00 CDT -05:00
The fact that it matters whether it's CST or CDT means you do, on some level, care about the date. While I'm not familiar with the exact rules of Daylight Savings in that region, I do know that Jan 1 is the middle of winter and will definitely not be on Daylight Savings time.
Add the relevant date into your #schedule before putting it into a time zone, and it should fix the problem.

Time zone confusion (1 hour off)

Time.use_zone('Pacific Time (US & Canada)') do
p Time.zone.now
I get the following: => Sun, 14 Apr 2013 20:30:53 PDT -07:00
Yet when I do Rails Time Zone Select.... it says -8:00 quite clearly. Why is it -7 in one area and -8 in another?
Other times, time zones like Hawaii which are -10:00 don't get offset by an hour.
I assume this has something to do with DST, but I'm more curious whether it means it's working properly or improperly and there is something else I need to do.
Ultimately I'm using this in a datepicker, and I find it very odd that when I use Time.zone.parse (along with my time zone around filter), its offsetting everything by 1 hour.
Heres a similar problem I also just experienced with another piece of code
2.0.0-p0 :006 >
2.0.0-p0 :006 > u.meetups.in_future.first.meetup_time
Meetup Load (0.4ms) SELECT `meetups`.* FROM `meetups` WHERE `meetups`.`user_id` = 1 AND (meetup_time >= '2013-04-23 04:46:48') ORDER BY meetup_time ASC LIMIT 1
=> Tue, 23 Apr 2013 05:43:00 UTC 00:00
2.0.0-p0 :007 >
Notice the discrepancy in the result compared to the where clause.
It appears to work for CST properly, but PST is off by ~1 hours?? I feel this is all the same problem, I am just missing a piece of the puzzle.
The output is correct. Pacific Daylight Time has an offset of -7, while Pacific Standard Time has an offset of -8. My guess is that "Rails Time Zone Select" (whatever that is) is only is showing you the "standard" offsets, rather than the current ones. This is common in time zone pickers.
Hawaii does not implement Daylight Savings Time of any kind, so that addresses your second point.
On your third point, I would have to know more about your database platform to answer why the values are converted to UTC. Given that these are event times, I would say that they should be in UTC. They could also be in the time zone of the location of the "meetup", but only if the offset from UTC was also stored. But never should they be in the time zone of the server.
On your fourth point, it's difficult to tell what you mean without more details. Expand if you feel necessary.

Rails: how to create Time object in specific time zone

My app is working in "Moscow" (+04:00) timezone. But sometimes I need to create time object by only local time (for example "01 may 2012 13:45") and name of ActiveSupport::TimeZone object (for example "Berlin": +02:00 in Summer Time and +01:00 otherwise).
For example if I get "01 may 2012 13:45" and "Berlin" as input I want to yield "2012-05-01 13:45:00 +0200" or "2012-05-01 11:45:00 +0000". I create following function:
def from_local_datetime(local_datetime, time_zone)
offset = Time.now.in_time_zone(time_zone).formatted_offset
datetime = case local_datetime
when String
end.change(:offset => offset)
return datetime
And at the first look it works as I expected. But is it a best practice for this kind of task? May be in some situation It works with errors. I'm not definitely sure.
I would be greatful to any comments.
UPD: I think bug may occur about time when DST changing the time. For example 26 march 2011 was GMT+1 in Berlin time zone and Time.now.in_time_zone("Berlin").formatted_offset returns "GMT+1", but it would be GMT+2 in 27 march 2011. So if I call from_local_datetime("28 march 2011", "Berlin") before 27 march it returns 28 march 2011 00:00:00 +0100, but If I call it after changing the time my function returns 28 march 2011 00:00:00 +0200 :(
Your conversion method is the right approach.
With web sites, you should make sure times are stored as UTC in the database. If you can get the UTC value out of the database, instead of the local time (or maybe you can set your web server's time zone to UTC) it won't have to convert the time from UTC to local time, when you are going to then convert it to the user's timezone anyway.
And, of course, you will have to store the user's time zone preference.
Find the time zone

Rails timestamps don't use the right timezone

I'm a bit confused about timezones in rails. I want my rails app to use British Summer Time (like daylight savings in the US) for the timestamps set in updated_at and created_at in my models. I changed my environment.rb to say
config.time_zone = 'London'
The ubuntu server my app is on seems to use BST for it's time: in the command line, for example, if i type 'date' i get the current time (not offset by an hour). In the rails console, i see the following:
>> time = Time.now
=> Wed Oct 27 16:29:17 +0100 2010
>> time.zone
=> "BST"
All fine. However, if i make a new AR model object and save it, the timestamps are from an hour ago. So, it looks like this is using UTC. Now, i can see the logic in this: since the timestamps might be used in the model logic, you want them to be based on an unvarying yardstick time, ie UTC. But, this is a weird bit of behaviour that i don't understand:
#change a record and save it
>> someobj.save
=> true
#object's updated_at is one hour ago
>> someobj.updated_at
=> Wed, 27 Oct 2010 15:34:22 UTC +00:00
>> Time.now
=> Wed Oct 27 16:34:31 +0100 2010
#however, Time.now - object's updated at is just a few seconds.
>> Time.now - someobj.updated_at
=> 15.305549
So, before doing the subtraction, updated_at is converted into the current time zone.
The reason i want to show the date in the current time zone is just for status reports etc in the views: if someone updates something i want them to see that it was updated '1 minute ago' not 'one hour ago'.
Can anyone unconfuse me? cheers, max
EDIT: My immediate problem, of showing the right time in the status, is solved by using the 'time_ago_in_words' helper, which adjusts for time zone. I'd still like someone to explain what's going on with the timestamps though :)
Timestamps are stored in UTC by default, and this is probably the best way to do it. If you move from one server environment to another, you don't want all of your times shifting around just because you switched time zones.
If you want to know what the timestamp is in your local time zone, you just have to ask for it that way:
Note the offset listed at the end of the times -- the first offset is 0, the second is 1. When the time calculation occurs, the offset is included automatically, so that the subtraction gives you the correct result. someobj.updated_at and Time.now each displays its value in a different time zone, so they are really only 9 seconds apart, not 1 hour and 9 seconds.
