select an hidden element with multiple class name - jquery-ui

In the following html code, One of the div is hidden and the other one is not.My question is to select any element with multiple class names with hidden attribute to get the inner html when the html is hidden or shown
I tried,
$('.middle-cont,.float-lft,.content-height:hidden').html() //will this work
<div class="middle-cont float-lft content-height">
some html
<div class="middle-cont float-lft content-height" > //This div is hidden
some html123

no comma's, commas will select all elements with either of the classes, while removing the comma's will select the elements that has all the classes :
wether or not it's hidden makes no difference for this.

you don't need , to select element with multiple class....use html() to get the content.. (it doesn't matter if it is hidden or not)

Comma using as OR operator, you dont need it here so:
It's not matter that your element is hidden or not.

Try like this
var innerHtml = $(".middle-cont").filter(".float-lft").filter(".content-height").html();


How to fill in input field that is the child of an element that sits next to an element with given text

Inside a capybara test, I need to fill in a text field that doesn't have a unique id or class attribute.
The text field (the field called title in this case) can appear anywhere on the page. The only thing we know is that the text field is wrapped in a div and this div sits immediately after an h3 tag which has the content "Title"
<div class="input-row clear">
<input id="ember5046" class="ember-view ember-text-field" type="text">
<h3>Work Location</h3>
<div class="input-row clear">
<input id="ember5048" class="ember-view ember-text-field" type="text">
How can I do it?
We are not allowed to use xpath (company policy)
We are not allowed to do index based selectors like all("input")[0]
I think it should be possible with the css adjacent siblings combinator selector. Something like:
h3[text=Title] + div
This gives you the next element matching the thing after the +. If you rather want everything that matches you could use the ~ operator instead. These siblings selector can only help you to find things after a certain node. Going backwards is not possible as far as I know.

append to collabsible content after the header?

i am running into problem, concerning append. i ve a dynacmic collabsible, which i fill with a dynamic list. i want to append this list after the header h3 of the collabsible.
when i append it to the collabsible, it does not appear in the
<div class="ui-collapsible-content ui-collapsible-content-collapsed"> </div>
but after. therefor i get a space between the content header and the list, which i want to avoid.
i tried this:
$('some-selector > ui-collapsible-content ui-collapsible-content-collapsed') but it does not work.
any hints?
If you are trying to append inside
<div class="ui-collapsible-content ui-collapsible-content-collapsed"> </div>
Then you should use:
Where $content is either a jQuery object, a DOM element or a HTML string. Note the . in the selector, which specifies a class (or two).
See append.

Link in input text field

HI All,
I know this is bit strange question, but please suggest.
I want to create a link on website url content in input type"text" field not any other html tag,Is it possible and if yes how.
Regards & Thanks
I don't know whether I understood your question correctly or not. Based on my understanding I gave the answer. Feel free to raise your question. Nothing is impossible.
It displays a text box. You can enter any data into it. If you press enter key then it forwards the page to
You can use SPAN instead of INPUT. This also serve the same purpose.
<a href="" ><span style="border:1px solid blue;" >Link</span></a>
This is unfortunately not possible in the way you've asked it in HTML 4 or below. Even with HTML5 which has several new INPUT TYPEs, including URL, it only does validation and has some other useful functions, but won't give you want you want.
You might look for some jQuery plugins that can help you do this, most use the same principals behind Rich Text or other online/web-based HTML WYSIWYG editors. I've had trouble locating them myself.
These 3 situations (that I can think of right now) are pretty much what you will face natively with HTML4 or below, as text in an actual HTML4 INPUT textbox is pure text. It is not html and therefore NOT clickable. Here are some variations:
The INPUT tag's VALUE attribute, also referenced as the corresponding DOM object's "value" property (which is basically what you've been doing, and the most you can hope for, if you decide that you MUST have the text that's ACTUALLY inside the textbox (because the text inside the textbox is the VALUE attribute, as I have it with "" in this example):
<input id="myTxtbox" type="text" value="">
where the INPUT's VALUE = "", which you can retrieve with:
in pure javascript:
in jQuery:
When your link/url is the text in between the and , i.e. the text/innerText of the textbox. This is useless for your question/scenario since it's not clickable, and more importantly NOT INSIDE the textbox. However, someone might want to use this to retrieve any text that you may be using as a label (if you're not using the <label> tag itself already that is):
<input id="myTxtbox" type="text">
The textbox's text/innerText is NOT an attribute here, only a DOM object property, but can still be retrieved:
pure javascript:
$("myTxtBox").text() -- you would use this to capure any text that you may be using as a label (if you're not using the tag).
The result being:
When your link/url is the form of an ANCHOR () with an HREF to your url (and visible link text) in between the and , i.e. the innerHTML of the textbox. This is getting a bit closer to what you want, as the link will appear as, and function as an actual link. However, it will NOT be inside of the textbox. It will be along side it as in example #2. Again, as stated in example #1, you CANNOT have actual working HTML, and therefore a working 'link' inside of a textbox:
<input id="myTxtbox" type="text">
<a href="">
Once again, similarly to example #2, the textbox's innerHTML is NOT an attribute here, only a DOM object property, but can still be retrieved:
pure javascript:
The result being:
You could simply do this :
<input type=text value="link" readonly>
So whenever somebody clicks the textbox, it works as a link, and since it's read only, there wont be any text input/change.
Be careful tho, for it wont look like a regular link and might cause confusion, or may be misinterpreted as a normal textbox.
This is how I did it with JavaScript and JQuery. This wraps the entire text field in a hyperlink, so essentially the entire text field is click-able, which may not be the functionality you are looking for. It worked for my purposes though.
The reason I didn't just use a $(nameTextField).click(function(){...}) structure is because the text field I'm using has the disabled attribute set, so click functions aren't fired. That's why I had to wrap the text field in a hyperlink.
// Make person name a hyperlink to page in new tab
var nameLink = "/exampleUrl/?initStudentId=$" + studentId;
$("#studentNameLink").replaceWith($("#studentNameLink").html()); // Unwrap any previously wrapped text fields
$(nameTextField).wrap("<a id='studentNameLink' target='_blank' href='" + nameLink + "'>"); // Wrap text field in anchor
$(nameTextField).css('color', '#326699'); // Make text blue
$(nameTextField).val(studentName); // Set text field value
Half the people here missunderstood it. The OP would like to have the content/value of the input fields to be hyperlinks instantly and NOT the fields themselves.
It is doable... although it's not an input field but the appearance acts like such one.
Use the following: contenteditable=true
<div contenteditable=true>
<a id=lnk style=-moz-appearance:textfield href=></a>
or optionally -webkit-appearance ..depends
var lnk=document.getElementById('lnk');
window.location.href = lnk.getAttribute('href');
You want someone clicking a textbox to actually be treated as a link click?
Sounds malicious to me but you could bind the focus event via javascript to a window.redirect().
I don't know if I get the question right. As I've understood you want to be able to type in a ...-tag into an input-field. No other tags should be allowed. You can achieve this by using PHP for example:
<!-- HTML-Code -->
<input type="text" name="link" />
// PHP-Code
$link = strip_tags($_POST['link'], 'a'); // Remove all other tags than the <a>-Tag...
Is that what you mean?
Yes, it is possible, but it's not that simple. You need to create div, or other tag you prefer, that will be always floating over your input, using CSS positions, and create anchor inside it.
For example, virtual keyboard img is embedded into input field that way on russian Google page (
Because of browser-compatibility it's not a simple task.
EDIT: Understood your question a little more. You still need first part of the answer, and you will need to handle keypress event inside your input. When symbol is entered you will need to update your floating div.
So now task is difficult even more. Maybe you should revise your model and not the code.

mvc formatting text

i have text like this
div bla-bla end div
i need to get only 'bla-bla' without div, because of i need to call substring in controller only to text bla-bla not to div tags. is it possible
p.s. how to input tags here?
If you have jquery you can access inner html by calling ( for example ):
to set the conntent of the div:
$("#idofthediv").html('some html')
Take a look at using a Regular Expression.
There is a sample of what you want to do at Regular Expression Examples. It's the first sample in the section titled "Grabbing HTML Tags" near the top of the page.

How to get the foreign key column data when it is used in a select box

I have this ruby on rails code
<%=, '') %>
I have not specified any options on purpose because I set the options in a different way when the page loads (using jQuery and Ajax).
The question: Is there any way I can get the value from the column "serving_size_id" but not change that line? I have a partial which I use it for new and edit and I think it would be sweet if I can do the setting of the selected index in JS.
Any ideas?
I'm not sure I completely understand your question, but if you want to set the value of the select field with JavaScript, you need to obtain the value in JavaScript at some point. I can think of two ways of doing this:
1) When you get the options via AJAX, have the server indicate which one is selected. This can be done by returning HTML <option> tags with selected="selected" set for one of them. To do this, your AJAX request is going to have to provide information about the object this select field is for (so the server can look up the object's current serving_size_id value).
2) When you render the field in your original partial, also render some JavaScript which sets the current value of the field, for example, underneath what you have above:
<%= javascript_tag "var ssid = '#{builder.object.serving_size_id}';" %>
Then, after the options are retrived via AJAX, the ssid variable is checked and the correct option is selected.
using jQuery in rails is easy but a little more difficult than prototype.
ex: "div id="serving_size" class="nice" rel="<%=h num%>">Stuff Goes Here.../div>"
in application.js do the following:
//we are hovering over specific div id serving size
alert($('#serving_size').attr('rel'); //your dynamic rel value, and fire function
//we are now hovering over any item on page with class nice
//we are now using jQuery object ref and finding if that obj has attr rel
alert($(this).attr('rel')); // shows dynamic rel value
If you use the above code you should be able to do anything you want and fire any custom code from each of your set event callbacks.
The 'live' function in jQuery is great because it can be called on items that will eventually be on the page (eg. if you fill in something with ajax, jQuery will be prepared for that item being in the page)
I hope this help.
