Detecting shades of color in OpenCV - opencv

I have a lots of images of paper cards of different shades of colors. Like all blues, or all reds, etc. In the images, they are held up to different objects that are of that color.
I want to write a program to compare the color to the shades on the card and choose the closest shade to the object.
however I realize that for future images my camera is going to be subject to lots of different lighting. I think I should convert into HSV space.
I'm also unsure of what type of distance measure I should use. Given some sort of blobs from the cards, I could average over the HSV and simply see which blob's average is the closest.
But I welcome any and all suggestions, I want to learn more about what I can do with OpenCV.
EDIT: A sample
Here I want to compare the filled in red of the 6th dot to see it is actually the shade of the 3rd paper rectangle.

I think one possibility is to do the following:
Color histograms from Hue and Saturation channels
compute the color histogram of the filled circle.
compute color histogram of the bar of paper.
compute a distance using histogram distance measures.
Possibilities here includes:
Chi square,
Earthmover distance,
Bhattacharya distance,
Histogram intersection etc.
Check this opencv link for details on computing histograms
Check this opencv link for details on the histogram comparisons
Note that when computing the color histograms, convert your images to HSV colorspace as you yourself suggested. Then, there is 2 things to note here.
[EDITED to make this a suggestion rather than a must do because I believe V channel might be necessary to differentiate the shades. Anyhow, try both and go with the one giving better result. Apologies if this sent you off track.] One possibility is to only use the Hue and Saturation channels i.e. you build a 2D
histogram rather than a 3D one consisting of values from the hue and
saturation channels. The reason for doing so is that the variation
in lighting is most felt in the V channel. This, together with the
use of histograms, should hopefully make your comparisons more
robust to lighting changes. There is some discussion on ignoring the
V channel when building color histograms in this post here. You
might find the references therein useful.
Normalize the histograms using the opencv functions. This is to
account for the different sizes of the patches of material (your
small circle vs the huge color bar has different number of pixels).
You might also wish to consider performing some form of preprocessing to "stretch" the color in the image e.g. using histogram equalization or an "S curve" mapping so that the different shades of color get better separated. Then compute the color histograms on this processed image. Keep the information for the mapping and perform it on new test samples before computing their color histograms.
Using ML for classification
Besides simply computing the distance and taking the closest one (i.e. a 1 nearest neighbor classifier), you might want to consider training a classifier to do the classification for you. One reason for doing so is that the training of the classifier will hopefully learn some way to differentiate between the different shades of hues since it has access to them during the training phase and is required to differentiate them. Notice that simply computing a distance, i.e. your suggested method, may not have this property. Hopefully this will give better classification.
The features use in the training can still be the color histograms that I mention above. That is, you compute color histograms as described above for your training samples and pass this to the classifier along with their class (i.e. which shade they are). Then, when you wish to classify a test sample, you likewise compute a color histogram and pass it to the classifier and it will return you the class (shade of color in your case) the color of the test sample belongs to.
Potential problems when training a classifier rather than using a simple distance comparison based approach as you have suggested is partly the added complexity of the program as well as potentially getting bad results when the training data is not good. There is also going to be a lot of parameter tuning involved to get it to work well.
See the opencv machine learning tutorials here for more details. Note that in the examples in the link, the classifier only differentiate between 2 classes whereas you have more than 2 shades of color. This is not a problem as the classifiers in general can work with more than 2 classes.
Hope this helps.


Create a feature vector to classify segments in air images

I am working on a project to segment air images and classify each segment. The images are very large and have huge homogeneous areas, so I decided to use a Split and Merge Algorithm for the segmentation.
(On the left the original image and on the right the segmented one, where each segment is represented in its RGB mean value Thanks to this answer)
For the classification I want to use a SVM Classifier (I used it a lot in two projects before) with a feature vector.
For the beginning I just want to use five classes: Water, Vegetation, Built up area, Dune and Anomaly
Now I am thinking about what I can put in this feature vector:
The mean RGB Value of the Segment
A texture feature (but can I represent the texture of the segment with just one value?)
The place in the source image (maybe with a value which represents left, right or middle?)
The size of the segment (Water segments should be much larger than built areas)
The mean RGB values of the fourth neighborhood of the segment
So has anyone done something like this and can give me some advises what useful stuff I can put in the feature vector? And can someone give me an advise how I can represent the texture in the segment correctly?
Thank you for your help.
Instead of the Split and Merge algorithm, you could also use superpixels. There are several fast and easy-to-use superpixel algorithms available (some are even implemented in recent OpenCV versions). To name just a view:
Compact Watershed (see here:
preSLIC and SLIC (see here: and here:
SEEDS (see here:
ERGC (see here:
Given the superpixel segmentation, there is a vast set of features you can compute in order to classify them:
In Automatic Photo Pop-Up Table 1, Hoiem et al. consider, among others, the following features: mean RGB color, mean HSV color, color histograms, saturation histograms, Textons, differenty oriented Gaussian derivative filters, mean x and y location, area, ...
In Recovering Occlusion Boundaries from a Single Image, Hoiem et al. consider some additional features to the above list in Table 1.
In SuperParsing: Scalable Nonparametric Image
Parsing with Superpixels
, Tighe et al. additionally consider SIFT histograms, the mask reduced on a 8 x 8 image, boundign box shape, and color thumbnails.
In Class Segmentation and Object Localization with Superpixel Neighborhoods
, Fulkerson et al. also consider features from neighboring superpixels.
Based on the superpixels, you can still apply a simple merging-scheme in order to reduce the number of superpixels. Simple merging by color histograms might already be useful for your tasks. Otherwise you can additionally use edge information in between superpixels for merging.
You don't need to restrict yourself to just 1 feature vector. You could try multiple feature vectors (from the list you already have), and feed them to classifiers based on multiple kernel learning (MKL). MKL has shown to improve the performance over a single feature approach, and one of my favourite MKL techniques is VBpMKL.
If you have time, I would suggest you try one or more the following features, which can capture the features of interest:
Haralick texture features
Histogram oriented gradient features
Gabor filters
patch-wise RGB means

Which feature descriptors to use and why?

I do like to do compute the position and orientation of a camera in a civil aircraft cockpit.
I do use LEDs as fixed points. My plan is to save their X,Y,Z Position associated with the LED.
How can I detect and identify my LEDs on my images? Which feature descriptor and feature point extractor should I use?
How should I modify my image prior to feature detection?
I like to stay efficient.
----Please stop voting this question down----
Now after having found the solution to my problem, I do realize the question might have been too generic.
Anyways to support other people googeling I am going to describe my answer.
With combinations of OpenCVs functions I create masks which contain areas where the LEDs could be in white. The rest of the image is black. These functions are for example Core.range, Imgproc.dilate, and Imgproc.erode. Also with Imgproc.findcontours I am filtering out too large or too small contours. Also used to combine masks is Core.bitwise_and, or Core.bitwise_not.
The masks are computed from an image in the HSV color space as input.
Having these masks with potential LED areas, I do compute color histograms, which of the intensity normalized rgb colors. (Hue did not work well enough for me). These histograms are trained and normalized using a set of annotated input images and represent my descriptor.
I do match the trained descriptor against computed onces in the application using histogram intersection.
So I receive distance measures. Using a threshold for these measures, the measures and the knowledge of the geometric positions of the real-life LEDs I translate the patches to a graph system, which helps me to find the longest chain of potential LEDs.

Best tracking algorithm for multiple colored objects (billiard balls)

Let me quickly explain what I have: I have written a custom detector that finds the regions in an image of billiard balls. I did this in using the HSV colorspace and for most ball's I could get away with only thresholding the Hue channel. However for orange (#5) and brown (#7) one must take the saturation into account which adds another dimension to the problem.
From my research it seems like my best route would be to do some manner of mean-shift tracking but everything I've come across has described mean-shift in which only one channel is used (the hue channel).
Can anyone please explain or offer a link explaing how I can adapt mean-shift to work using hue and saturation?
Or can you tell me if you think a different tracking algorithm may be better suited to this problem?
In theory mean shift works well regardless of the dimensionality (in very high dimensions sparseness is a bit of an issues, but there are works that address that problem)
If you are trying to use an off the self mean shift tracker that only takes a single channel input, you can create your own problem specific color channel. You need a single channel that maximizes the difference between the different colored billiard balls.
The easiest way of doing that will be to take the mean colors of all 15 balls and, put them in a 15x3 matrix and decompose it with SVD (subtract the mean first) so you'll get the axis of maximal variance. This will give you the best linear transformation from RGB to a new one dimensional color space that maximizes difference between the billiard balls colors. (If it isn't good enough you can do better with local mapping, but might not be necessary)

Ways to improve Image Pixel Classification

Here is the problem we are trying to solve:
Goal is to classify pixels of a colored image into 3 different classes.
We have a set of manually classified data for training purposes
Pixels almost do not correlate to each other (each have individual behaviour) - so most likely classification is on each individual pixel and based on it's individual features.
3 classes approximately can be mapped to colors of RED, YELLOW and BLACK color families.
We need to have the system semi-automatic, i.e. 3 parameters to control the probability of the presence of 3 outcomes (for final well-tuning)
Having this in mind:
Which classification technique will you choose?
What pixel features will you use for classification (RGB, Ycc, HSV, etc) ?
What modification functions will you choose for well-tuning between three outcomes.
My first try was based on
Naive bayes classifier
HSV (also tried RGB and Ycc)
(failed to find a proper functions for well-tuning)
Any suggestion?
For each pixel in the image try using the histogram of colors the n x n window around that pixel as its features. For general-purpose color matching under varied lighting conditions, I have had good luck with using two-dimensional histograms of hue and saturation with a relatively small number of bins along each dimension. Depending upon your lighting consistency it might make sense for you to directly use the RGB values.
As for the classifier, the manual-tuning requirement is most easily expressed using class weights: parameters that specify the relative costs of false negatives versus false positives. I have only used this functionality with SVMs, but I'm sure you can find implementations of other classifiers that support a similar concept.

How to match texture similarity in images?

What are the ways in which to quantify the texture of a portion of an image? I'm trying to detect areas that are similar in texture in an image, sort of a measure of "how closely similar are they?"
So the question is what information about the image (edge, pixel value, gradient etc.) can be taken as containing its texture information.
Please note that this is not based on template matching.
Wikipedia didn't give much details on actually implementing any of the texture analyses.
Do you want to find two distinct areas in the image that looks the same (same texture) or match a texture in one image to another?
The second is harder due to different radiometry.
Here is a basic scheme of how to measure similarity of areas.
You write a function which as input gets an area in the image and calculates scalar value. Like average brightness. This scalar is called a feature
You write more such functions to obtain about 8 - 30 features. which form together a vector which encodes information about the area in the image
Calculate such vector to both areas that you want to compare
Define similarity function which takes two vectors and output how much they are alike.
You need to focus on steps 2 and 4.
Step 2.: Use the following features: std() of brightness, some kind of corner detector, entropy filter, histogram of edges orientation, histogram of FFT frequencies (x and y directions). Use color information if available.
Step 4. You can use cosine simmilarity, min-max or weighted cosine.
After you implement about 4-6 such features and a similarity function start to run tests. Look at the results and try to understand why or where it doesnt work. Then add a specific feature to cover that topic.
For example if you see that texture with big blobs is regarded as simmilar to texture with tiny blobs then add morphological filter calculated densitiy of objects with size > 20sq pixels.
Iterate the process of identifying problem-design specific feature about 5 times and you will start to get very good results.
I'd suggest to use wavelet analysis. Wavelets are localized in both time and frequency and give a better signal representation using multiresolution analysis than FT does.
Thre is a paper explaining a wavelete approach for texture description. There is also a comparison method.
You might need to slightly modify an algorithm to process images of arbitrary shape.
An interesting approach for this, is to use the Local Binary Patterns.
Here is an basic example and some explanations :
See that method as one of the many different ways to get features from your pictures. It corresponds to the 2nd step of DanielHsH's method.
