Software Development Methodologies for a single programmer [closed] - methodology

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Ive been trying to find an answer to what I thought would be a basic question.
What software development methodologies are relevant for a single programmer.
The only one I can find is RAD.
When I've looked into others such as agile they require a team of people.
Could someone more clued up point me in the right direction.
I am just looking for any methodologies that a single programmer can do so I don't waste more hours trying to find the answers.

Development methodologies like agile can be applied in almost any context, including going "solo". You just have to take the best out of it and apply it to your needs.
For instance as a single programmer you can have a product backlog with your user stories, you can give them story points, plan your sprints, find your velocity, etc.
In the end you'll be more organized and you'll improve your planning skills for sure.
Hey, i'm not saying that you must have daily standup meetings with yourself! :)
This applies to all development methodologies/processes(RAD, DDD, TDD, ...) don't forget they're just ways of doing things.


Is Erlang a good choice for a booking system backend? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need to write the backend for an event ticket selling system. Some companies would connect to the service in order to check for ticket availability in certain venues, book tickets and so on.
Reading about Erlang I though it could be a good choice since the system will have to support high concurrency, high availability but I don't know If it's a good choice for this problem domain.
Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks!
Erlang could be a good choice, yes, it sounds like something it would do a very good job.
But it's going to be hard for anyone here to be of much value for your decision, as you should also consider the knowledge level of the team, time & budget constraints, etc.
Ultimately, the best people to help you make this decision are the people in your team.
I suggest you take a look at OTP's finite state machines as I think it suits perfectly a ticket booking system.
I believe you can find a lot of examples either in the doc or on the web.

Examples of technical interview questions for junior Ruby / Ruby on Rails developer position? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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There are resources on stack for what a junior developer should know but notsomuch on specific interview questions that employers are likely to ask.
Particularly interested in junior level questions both because it's relevant to me and juniors inherently have less experience so could use the advice.
I've solicited and found advice that a jr rails dev should know the following areas but would love to know any interview questions people have encountered.
How MVC works
Data structures
Define Yield, Blocks, Enumerables, Class vs Instance variables
How the internet works (high level), how does data flow between your application and the end user
Any other questions you've seen?
Note, I've seen a lot of similar questions [closed] on stack, but I looked at the question guidelines and imho asking for specific examples of technical interview questions is well within the guidelines, so I hope people will let this question live :)

How to dissect business requirements from software requirements in a requirements statement? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am trying to make a Business Requirements Document and a separate Software Requirements Specifications document. From the following requirements statement, can anyone help me dissect business requirements from software requirements?
Design a system that will maintain positions in real time based on a feed of transactions – buys and sells – that come to the application via MQ. You should include initial positions loads, fault tolerance and error checking and handling for the process.
What is the business process for maintaining positions? When does the business need a position? What triggers the need? What steps/tasks maintain a position? When is a position no longer required? Get answers to these questions and you will have business requirements.

FogBugz Evidence Based Scheduling: How well does it work in the real world? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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My company has been using FogBugz for a while now and we are generally happy with it as a bug-tracking tool. I've been reading Joel Spolsky's articles about their Evidence Based Scheduling feature. It sounds great in theory, but I haven't seen much discussion about how well it actually works in practice. Before I spend a lot of time and effort trying to convince my co-workers to buy in to using it, I'd like to hear from people who have been using this feature in their development.
Have you been using FogBugz' EBS? If so, are you happy with it? Have its estimates been accurate enough to be helpful? With the benefit of hindsight, do you think it was worth the effort to set it up and input all of the information/estimates it requires? Is there some other mechanism that you found that works better?
(Note: I've deliberately posted this to rather than, since I suspect that the user base at might be unduly biased in favor of FogBugz -- in particular, ex-Fogbugz users who've moved on to something better are unlikely to read or post there)

Finding software development contracts [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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For the last few years I've been working as a self-employed software developer. Doing various gigs as they came my way. For the most part I've been fairly lucky, as my own personal network has yielded all the work I need to sustain myself and then some. As I said, I've been lucky to get all my contracts, I haven't had to put any real effort into finding work yet.
Although I'm currently employed, I'm unhappy and thinking about moving on.
My question is for the experienced self-employed contractors, how did you find your contracts? Are recruiters/headhunters/agencies helpful? What is the best way to expand your professional network? Can the internet be useful?
Thanks for the tips
Craigslist, network with former co-workers. Stay away from rent-a-slave and elame sites. They will only waste your time and frustrate you (I want a youtube/facebook/amazon clone for under $500).
Local is better. Clients love to have you come onsite and talk with them.
It will take a bit but after a while, you will find enough clients who keep you busy and you won't have time to look for new ones :D.
Start off moonlighting so you can keep the lights on and the internet paid while this ramp up happens.
Good luck!
