Logging users out with basic authentication? - asp.net-mvc

I've searched around and there doesn't seem to be a non-hacky way to clear the user credentials from the browser using basic authentication.
I'm building a WebAPI with an HTML client that accepts username/password - if the user logs in, they should certainly be able to log out as well, or the system should automatically log out after a certain time period.
Is there any standard way to accomplish this with Basic Auth (over SSL), or should I start looking into other forms of authentication?
Edit: looking into the SimpleMembershipProvider, would there be anything "wrong" with extending the Membership table with an "IsLoggedIn" property that I can toggle and check with every request? If they click logout, then I redirect to the login page and return 401 Unauthorized unless they submit their credentials again. Does this sound ok?

No. Until the time the browser is closed, credentials are cached by the browser. There is no non-hacky way to clear the credentials. Check this out.


Open web page and bypass login from iPhone - iOS

I want to open, from an iOS app, a web page that requires authentication in order to get to that page.
I googled a little bit and I believe I need to use WebKit and Javascript injection, but I am not sure and I have never done something like this, so every bit of information is welcomed or pointing me in the right direction.
I will give an example that I hope will make things more clear(I don't actually want to open facebook, it's just part of the example):
Is it possible to do the following scenario? And if yes, how?
Open a web page from an iOS app, for example: "https://www.facebook.com/profile" without having to go through the login page? I do have the user credentials(username and password), as the user is already logged in with those credentials in the iOS app, but the requirement is to not go through the login page, but to go straight to the profile page.
In general the answer is: no. Even if the user is already logged in and has a valid authentication token that token may only be valid from within your app and not from within the browser. And the login form may be protected by something like a captche preventing you from automatically logging someone in.
There certainly are situation where it is possible: For example if the tokens are not scoped to your app you can try passing them along. Or there is an actual API that you can call with the token that logs the user into the website on the website, etc. But those depend on the specific target website or wether you can control that target website and can add this functionality.

Via the api, can I force the user to login to reddit?

I am writing a Reddit client that uses OAuth to authenticate the user. One of the features I would like to implement is the ability to use multiple accounts simultaneously. This requires the user to authorize my client on each account they want to use. The problem I'm running into is that if the user is already logged into Reddit in their browser, when I pop a browser to perform the auth, it will have them authenticate my client against their currently logged in user.
Is there a way to force the user to re-enter their credentials? I would rather not have to put some kind of disclaimer on my Add Account screen that says "Please log out of Reddit in any open browser windows".
I tried opening the Reddit login page in a WebView so the request is sandboxed, and while that worked, it gives the user access to the entire login page (including all the links that navigate to elsewhere on the site). I don't mind that experience when I'm popping an external browser, but in an embedded WebView I really just want to present a username and password box along with the OAuth validation prompt.
Note: I do kind of prefer the embedded experience because it doesn't interfere with the users existing browser cookies, I just don't like how cluttered the login page is this way and I'm not sure how to prevent the user from navigating away from login. Also, for completeness, this is a UWP app, though this problem is largely technology independent.
The problem I'm running into is that if the user is already logged into Reddit in their browser, when I pop a browser to perform the auth, it will have them authenticate my client against their currently logged in user.
It may be caused by the authorization server. If so, we can not do anything in our client app.
But if it is not the server issue, in UWP, there is a WebAuthenticationBroker class witch can help you to authorize your app to access the user info from Resource server by getting a token. You can try to use the class to implement OAuth authorization. You don't need to use the in a WebView so that you can authorize your app with multiple users if you can manage all the user with the token properly in your code logic.
See the Web authentication broker topic and the sample to learn more details.

Auth0: How to enable silent authentication in Hosted Login Page?

I'm using hosted screen of Auth0. I want the following scenario to work-
Let's say I have 2 apps- app1 and app2.
One of the users signed in by providing email+password in app1.
User then navigated to app2.
Auth0 detected that the user has already signed in, so it redirects the user back to app2 WITHOUT having her signed in again.
But what I'm facing is this screen-
How can I save my user this additional click? How do I implement silent authentication? I know that you have to pass prompt=none to /authorize api, but since I'm not manually calling the api, how do I make the lock call /authorize with prompt=none?
What you want is silent SSO which is related to SSO but kind of independent.
The key is in the prompt param. This needs to be none in order for the user to not be prompted for login when he's already logged in Auth0's Authorization Server ("central SSO").
One annoying thing I found is that prompt is taken literally, so if the user is not logged in yet, he will not be prompted to login (you'd think it'd make sense to prompt the user when not logged right?).
In this case SSO will redirect to your app's /authorize with an error like "authentication required" and you'll have to handle it by redirecting the user to your /login endpoint again but passing prompt=true so that it knows that this time he'll have to pass prompt=true to Auth0's hosted login page.
To make things a bit uglier, currently passport-auth0-openidconnect seems to ignore the params you pass to the strategy unless you monkey patch one of the methods involved (I created a PR for it, don't when will be approved and/or if makes sense).
Pass prompt=none
If user is already logged in, he will silently be logged in your app as well
If user not logged in, user will be redirected to your app with "login required" error
In that case you'll have to pass prompt=true
I know it's a bit fiddly but I hope this helps you :)
PS: Another thing to bear in mind - I now just found out that it works perfectly when using Github as connection but when using google-oauth2 it blows up complain about the prompt param :|

Is there a way to skip the "Your domain administrator has approved" page in Apps Marketplace Oauth2?

I have a Google Apps Marketplace (v2) app I am working on setting up Oauth2 for.
I've got everything working, but for some reason when I do a redirect to the authentication page, after, after you select which Google account to use (if like you're me and are testing, you have to pick one of several Google accounts you're currently signed into), I get sent to another page which seems utterly pointless:
This is bizarre and annoying, because I am logging in as the domain administrator!
Does anyone know a way to skip this screen, or what I might be doing to be cursed with this terrible user experience?
I just confirmed that having access_type=offline will always display this page, even with approval_prompt=auto. You will always get back a refresh token as well.
The only way to hide it is to remove access_type=offline on future login requests (ask only on signup).
I believe this shows up only if app requests refresh token for offline access. Also this should only appear first time you access the app after installation.
In order to skip this you need to update app to not request refresh tokens.

OAuth2 redirect doesn`t work as it should

I am working with OAuth2 and have some issues. I know there is a lot of posts about this topic, I have read most of them but still did not found answer to my issues. Sorry for bad English, I will do my best.
How do I bypass OAuth2 approval dialogue? If I get it right, when user first time approve permissions, google should next time automatically redirect user to my redirect url. In my case, when I restart session(delete cookies) and go to https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%2Fauth&response_type=code&client_id=myClientId&state=myState&scope=myScopes I get approval dialogue again asking for offline access approval (assuming my app already have other permissions). When I approve it and go to this url again it works fine(redirect me to redirect url without asking for offline access). But when I restart session I am asked for offline access again. Why? I do not have neither access_type=offline or approval_prompt=force parameter set. Am I missing something?
