Achartengine, how to stretch it beyond? - achartengine

I have many many X axis points so, chart seems too congested. Users can manually zoom or stretch the chart but is there a way to make chart extend beyond its parent view by default so my x axis values are not so congested?

You can change the visible range:


Remove unnecessary horizontal/vertical spaces in highchart bubble chart

I am using highchart to show bubble chart. Everything is working fine except in many cases there are lot of horizontal space(below min cirlce and above max cicle) and vertical space(left of lowest x and right of highest y). Because of this issue my chart sometimes seems very crowded even though there are some free space left in chart. I tried setting min/max of x/y axis but then it then clipped top/left circle. Is there any way i can instruct highchart to use all space in chart to draw bubbles.
I have created sample script at
In this demo you can see extra vertical space. X axis is showing fine. In some other cases there are extra space along x axis.

Core Plot: Pinch to change x axis range

So I have a simple line XY Graph with integer values on the Y axis and dates on the X axis. What I would be like to be able to do is do a horizontal two-finger pinch and adjust the range dynamically. Eg, pinching in would give you a bigger range (mental model being that you're setting the start and end date shown to be further apart) and then pinching out would give you smaller time window.
Is there some stuff built in for this already? Reasonably new to CorePlot and the default finger stuff just zooms the graph itself, none of the values.
Would I need to put a gesture recgoniser on it? or does coreplot have stuff build into it for this?
This is how the built-in zoom features work. Use a plot space delegate to monitor changes to the plot space while zooming and make changes to the axis appearance as needed based on the changes. See my answer to your other question for more info.

Coreplot: Axis Labels Fixed Location

I'm trying to customize a Coreplot graph in many ways I can and the next thing I would like to do is place the X Axis Labels (one that is custom as well) at the bottom of the graph, independent of the X axis' position (whether it's scrolled up or down).
To make it clear, it is similar to giving the labels an offset value of something like 50.0. But offset is not the property I'm looking for since it fixes the labels location relative to the X axis.
Any way this can be done? Or do I have to skip the axisLabels property and place and layer or something manually at the bottom of the graph?
EDIT: Alright, I managed to place an axis on the bottom with CPTConstraints. But it's not on the bottommost. If a plot point is on those levels, the plot line overlaps the labels. I tired padding of the graph but of course, it moves the whole graph, hence the issue persists.
Thanks in advance
Make a second x-axis. Have the first one draw the axis line, tick marks, etc., as normal but no labels. Label the second one and set all of the line style properties to nil so it doesn't draw any of the lines.
Turns out that aside from the graph, the plotAreaFrame property of the CPTGrpah also has paddings. If you give more paddings to plotAreaFrame than that of the graph, the plot will be drawn in a smaller frame and the rest of the graph area will be for you to add what you want (i.e., a second Axis).
Big thanks to #Eric, for trying to answer Every single CorePlot question as soon as possible.
CorePlot does have a lot of customisation than I thought.

Axis Lables Rotation

Hi I am using HighStock 1.2.4
I do have multiple series and separate yAxis for each series. I am calculating height and topPadding and creating stacked series.
Now, I am facing two problems.
I have used rotation with yAxis to rotate labels but its not rendering correctly.
I have also used rotation for X Axis labels, but the last series position is getting messed with X Axis Labels.
1) I'm not sure why it's not rendering correctly, if you want to move a little to the left use x: property for title.
2) First, I think you need to set proper align for xAxis.labels (right). Then make higher chart to make sure you have enough space for a chart.
And jsFiddle:

How to position labels for plotbands on y axis in Highcharts

This Link is a similar example from which i'm working on. I'm trying to place the labels for plot bands on y axis. But as you can see the labels are overlapping on the chart which isn't that good. If i wanna color the labels with the same color of the corresponding plotbands, the label doesn't show up. Is there a way to place it completely outside without overlapping?
Thanks in advance.
A possible solution is to add right margin to the chart, and move the labels over.
Add a marginRight to the chart, and on each label, use x to determine its starting x position.
x: 90 on each label. the fiddle.
I think it's not possible to do it yet.
If you add labels to the plotbands it will overlap them.
You can align your labels but if you set x more than your chart width, it will not appear on your chart.
