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Closed 9 years ago.
Im a beginner in Ruby on Rails and i asked me on which servers i can deploy the framework!
I heard a lot about Heroku, but they was asking me if i can start a ruby on rails application with a database of 4000-10000 entries (i mean little traffic!) on a local server for example from the german company protonet here is the link:
Or on an simple windows,linux server? With an Xeon Processor?
Or can somebody suggest a solution for a local server without binding to the internet? the website itself only needs to be visible in the local network!
I thank you a lot!
Yes, you can deploy locally. First thing you'll want to try is 'rails s -p 3000'. Bingo. You now have a fully functional rails server working on your local network. Try accessing it with your ip address and the port. You can deploy on both Windows and Linux, but based on my own experience, you'll prefer Linux (faster and easier).
Windows, with Thin server as a service :
Linux : Ideal Rails Server
In general any Unix(y) or Windows server (not recommended) should do it. Most shared hosting companies don't suport ruby so a VPS might be in order for public internet. I deploy always on Ubuntu and just moved to ($5 / month for a basic VPS) - not endorsing as just moved last week. For internal, I'd suggest a Unix server and possibly rvm for having dedicated ruby install for app.
Heroku / Engine Yard also options.
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Closed 10 years ago.
I am a junior programmer and beginning web developer seeking to build a reasonable developement enviroment under windows 8. I bought a new computer a few days ago and for a bunch of different reasons i'm stuck in Win8 for a while to come (let's not get into the specifics of that).
From what I have found on the net, developing in the middle of Windows is at best not worth it, so I'm seeking to set some kind of VM running a unix system. I can hanlde the setup itself, but i'm a bit lost at what ind of VM-ware system i should set up.
I want a unix (i'm thinking Fedora) system with packet manager and terminal but also a graphical text editor and the option of storing(using) files on my windows filesystem.
Do anyone have a suggestion about what kind of system i should consider?
Thanks in advance.
Ruby on Windows is ok, but VM is the way to go.
Here's my write up on how to get VM on Windows
Go all the way down to the section on Windows.
Once you install Ubuntu VM on Windows, follow the Ubuntu section in getting Ruby.
Vagrant is what you want. They changed the logo from an actual vagrant to a synthetic V :-(
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Closed 10 years ago.
I used to use the Webrick server for Ruby on Rails, but now my boss asked me to run the ROR code on apache server, I see there are some difference between these two servers, and I don't know how to access the controller/action on apache, so anyone happens to know any book about ROR on apahce? Thx!
To run directly in Apache, your best bet is to use Phusion Passenger, which can act as an Apache module.
However, I think you're missing a bit of conceptual information as well. Here's some of the common Rack servers used to host rails:
WEBrick: A web server implemented purely in Ruby (that ships with Ruby). It is not very performant, and is relatively limited. It makes for a great development webserver, but most people don't use it in production.
Thin: A very performant evented web server that is particularly easy to get up and running.
Unicorn: A forking web server that is widely used and recommended (written by GitHub) - but requires a bit more management to get up and running in production.
In nearly all cases, however, people generally have Nginx or Apache in front of their Rails webserver of choice (as a proxy):
Nginx/Apache do a much better job of serving static files than any of the options above. If you are not using a CDN to host your assets, you should definitely configure the proxy to host them.
Nginx/Apache are great at managing large volumes of requests and queueing them so that your app server can focus on in-flight requests rather than a deluge of queued-up requests.
Less surface area for security vulnerabilities.
My configuration of choice is Nginx+Unicorn; I find Apache too unwieldy to administrate, and Unicorn is particularly great.
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Closed 10 years ago.
I have small rails application with mysql2 database (2 tables), backbone and bootstrap. I think, that that amount of visits will be max 50ppl per week, so I want to find cheap (~10 $/m or cheŠ°per) hosting for it. I found dreamhost, is it good or not? What else you can suggest to me?
I usually run all my small rails apps off if your app is under 100meg(images you put on amazon s3 wich is also free if you use the free tier). Heroku has very easy deployment aswell :D Hope this helps.
here is a how to for heroku
here is how to for amazon s3 (to store your images or whatever you like to store there)
Alternatives to heroku
EngineYard -
Openshift -
Amazon - Tutorial On Deploying Rails Apps to the Amazon Cloud? - 0$/m for small projects.
I have two projects on heroku for more then one year. Not one of them has not yet become a hightloaded. And I paid 0$ for all time.
I've used Linode ( for many years with hardly any problems. Their cheapest plans do start at $19.9 though.
Check out Heroku and Amazon Web Services.
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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm new to Ruby on Rails, and I just finished following the getting started guide at In the guide I ran the development server on http://localhost:3000. Now I just moved the project folder to the directory of my website, but I cannot access the pages of the project by entering a URL. What steps do I need to do?
You will need to host your Rails application on a server that has Rails installed. Then you will need to make sure that you start whatever web server you are running on that web server so that it can start accepting requests.
If you haven't already done it, I would suggest that you find a Rails-friendly web host that will handle the server configuration for you.
Suppose your web server is Apache 2, you can use Phusion Passenger.
See, Rails comes with its own little web server called Webrick, that isn't really suitable for production for various reasons. So when you run rails server you start that server.
You need to tell your server (e.g. Apache 2) what pages to process via your application, and how. And Passenger makes that very easy.
The best guide to rails deployment is covered in chapter one of the rails tutorial book. It covers, source code version control as well as setting up the environment for deployment. Here is the link to chapter one:
Hope this helps.
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Closed 11 years ago.
I was considering migrating from MVC 3 to Rails, however, when I read that Rails (or Ruby for that matter) dev support on Windows was shacky at best, I began to back-off from this idea. At this point it seems that unless you stick to a LAMP type stack for rails (in dev and production mode), you will have difficulty getting support if you are based on windows.
Is there anybody here who has created a complex rails web app on Windows?
the best you can do as developer is keep your developer's environment closer to real production base. It saves a lot if time on debugging unexpected behaviour and fixing strange bugs. If you don't be able to use *nix, try to setup Virtual Machine with ports forwarding of 22 and 3000 ports