I am taking a computer graphics class, and I need to work with textures, but I can't use any library to do it. I am stuck on loading the rgb values of the images I need to use (the images can be in any format, jpg, raw, png, etc..) so my question is, which is the easiest way to get the rgb values of an image (of any format) without using any libraries to get this values?? Here is what I found already on the site:
unsigned char *data;
File *file;
file = fopen("image.png", "r");//
data = (unsigned char *)malloc(TH*TV*3); //TH and TV are both 50
fread(data, TH*TV*3, 1, file);
int i;
//suposing I have a struct RGB for the rgb values
RGB.r = data[?];// how do I get the r value
RGB.g = data[?];// how do I get the g value
RGB.b = data[?];// how do I get the b value
Rather than iterating through every byte that you read in, you want to iterate every pixel which consists of 3 bytes. So replace i++ with i+=3.
RGB.r = data[i];
RGB.g = data[i+1];
RGB.b = data[i+2];
Try to use some framework like OpenCV there are several options to get the colors or to manipulate an image.
Here I found this example code:
cv::Mat img = cv::imread("lenna.png");
for(int i=0; i<img.rows; i++) {
for(int j=0; j<img.cols; j++) {
// You can now access the pixel value with cv::Vec3b
std::cout << img.at<cv::Vec3b>(i,j)[0] << " ";
str::cout << img.at<cv::Vec3b>(i,j)[1] << " ";
str::cout << img.at<cv::Vec3b>(i,j)[2] << std::endl;
But please note that the code above is not very performance, but the code above should give you an idea how to read the pixels.
So I created gif file from 5 png files with using MagickCoalesceImages call and store it on disk.
How I can read these files back from gif file ?
MagickReadImage does not help
Hard to help without seeing the code, but I can assume you created 5 images with something like...
* gif2png;
gif2png = NewMagickWand();
MagickReadImage(gif2png, "input.gif");
MagickWriteImages(gif2png, "output_%02d.png", MagickFalse);
gif2png = DestroyMagickWand(gif2png);
How I can read these files back from gif file?
You would use MagickReadImage to decode the image from the file, and MagickAddImage to append the decoded image onto a image-stack.
* png2gif,
* temp;
// Create a blank image-stack.
png2gif = NewMagickWand();
char filename[PATH_MAX]; // PATH_MAX provided by limits.h
// Iterate over images to append.
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
sprintf(filename, "output_%02d.png", i);
// Read image from disk.
temp = NewMagickWand();
MagickReadImage(temp, filename);
// Add "frame" to stack.
MagickAddImage(png2gif, temp);
temp = DestroyMagickWand(temp);
MagickWriteImages(png2gif, "output.gif", MagickTrue);
png2gif = DestroyMagickWand(png2gif);
Warning: The above example omits basic error handling, and assumes the filename names are a sequential series.
From the comments, if you wish to extract a single frame as a PNG file, there are a few ways.
Fastest way is to use MagickWriteImages
MagickWriteImages(img, "output_%02d.png", MagickFalse);
Or use the image stack iterators.
for (MagickSetFirstIterator(img); MagickHasNextImage(img); MagickNextImage(img)) {
MagickWriteImage(img, "output_%02d.png");
Or, if the PNG filenames are defined, and you need to map them.
const char * filenames[5] = {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
MagickSetIteratorIndex(img, i);
MagickWriteImage(img, filenames[i]);
Without seeing the code, we can't offer much help, and can only guess what an acceptable solution would be.
I am using OrbFeaturesFinder to detect keypoints in Images.
Ptr<FeaturesFinder> finder;
finder = makePtr<OrbFeaturesFinder>();
vector<ImageFeatures> features(num_images);
(*finder)(img, features[i]);
I used this code on linux and implemented the same on android, but the results are different sometimes, as in given link
What can be reason behind this nature of output.
method of accessing images in android
Image is saved in jpeg form, then read[edit] -
for(int i = 0; i < imgNames.size(); i++){
Bitmap bitmap = getThumbnail(imgNames.get(i));
int imageW = bitmap.getWidth();
int imageH = bitmap.getHeight();
byte[] rgb = getByteArray(imageW, imageH, bitmap, "RGB");
Mat mRgb = new Mat(imageH, imageW, CvType.CV_8UC3);
mRgb.put(0, 0, rgb);
Imgproc.cvtColor(mRgb, mRgb, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2RGB, 3);
and sent to jni -
jclass matClass = env->FindClass("org/opencv/core/Mat");
jmethodID getNativeAddr = env->GetMethodID(matClass, "getNativeObjAddr", "()J");
int numImgs = env->GetArrayLength(jInputArray);
vector<Mat> natImgs;
for(int i=0; i < numImgs; ++i) {
env->GetObjectArrayElement(jInputArray, i),
for linux - I am saving the same image in jpeg format and then using imread to access files.
As a result of a call to estimateRigidTransform() I get a cv::Mat object named "trans". To retrieve its contained matrix I try to access its elements this way:
for (i=0; i<2; i++) for (j=0; j<3; j++)
Unfortunately with VS2010 I get a compiler error
error C2228: left of '.ptr' must have class/struct/union
for the line with CV_MAT_ELEM. When I unwrap this macro I find something like
(mat).data.ptr + (size_t)(mat).step*(row) + (pix_size)*(col))
When I remove the ".ptr" behind (mat).data it compiles. But I can't imagine that's the solution (or can't imagine that's a bug and I'm the only one who noticed it). So what could be wrong here really?
You don't access the mat elements like this. For a traversal see my other answer here with sample code:
color matrix traversal
or see the opencv refman for grayscale Mat:
Mat M; // should be grayscale
int cols = M.cols, rows = M.rows;
for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
const double* Mi = M.ptr<double>(i);
for(int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
Mi[j]; // is the matrix element.
Just an addendum from my side: meanwhile I found CV_MAT_ELEM expects a structure CvMat (OpenCV-C-interface) but not cv::Mat (the C++-interface). That's why I get this funny error. Conversion from cv::Mat to CvMat can be done simply by casting to CvMat. Funny confusion with the C and C++ interfaces in OpenCV...
I'm using cv::imread to load a image and do some processes with that image,
but I don't know why I can't read values of the returned Mat from imread function.
I used Mat.at method:
Mat iplimage = imread("Photo.jpg",1); //input
for(int i=0;i<iplimage.rows;i++){
for(int j=0;j<iplimage.cols;j++){
cout<<(int)iplimage.at<int>(i,j)<<" ";
But it appeared an error:
OpenCV Error: Assertion failed ( dims <= 2 && data && (unsigned)i0 <
(unsigned)size.p[0] &&
(unsigned)(i1*DataType<_Tp>::channels) < (unsigned)(size.p[1]*channels()) &&
((((Sizeof(size_t)<<28)|0x8442211) >> ((DataType<_Tp>::depth) & ((1 << 3) -1))*4) & 15)
== elemSize1()) is unknown function, file: "c:\opencv2.2\include\opencv2\core\mat.hpp", line 517
But it is ok if I use the direct access way:
Mat iplimage = imread("Photo.jpg",1); //input
for(int i=0;i<iplimage.rows;i++){
for(int j=0;j<iplimage.cols;j++){
cout<<(int)iplimage.data[i*iplimage.cols + j]<<" ";
Could anyone tell me how can I use the Mat.at method to access the above Mat?
Thanks for your help!
See this answer. In your case, the returned Mat is 3 dimensional, hence iplimage.at<int> fails the assertion, you just need to access the intensities in each channel like the way the mentioned answer explain.
you are trying to load with 3 channel of image it will be fine if you change to this Mat iplimage = imread("Photo.jpg",0); //input
I found the solution. It is because I used :
inputImage.at<int>(i,j) or inputImage.at<float>(1,2)
instead of, (int)inputImage.at<uchar>(1,2) or (float)inputImage.at<uchar>(1,2)
Sorry for my carelessness!
Mat iplimage = imread("Photo.jpg",1) this read in a 3 channel colour image. You can use Mat iplimage = imread("Photo.jpg",0) to read in the image as greyscale so that your iplimage.at(i,j) would work. Please note that you should use .at if your image is 8bit instead of .at.
If your image is not 8bit, you should use iplimage = imread("Photo.jpg",CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYDEPTH)
After spending a couple of days trying figure out why opencv DFT would give 100% similar results for all three channels I ended up finding out that there might be a bug in the split() function that OpenCV provides for splitting a input image to 3 single channel images.
std::vector<cv::Mat> rgbChannels(3,cv::Mat(inputImage.size(),CV_64FC1));
cv::split(inputImage, rgbChannels);
After saving the image values onto disk and using a file differencing tool, I found out that all values in the split channels were identical.
Have I done something wrong?
My work around was the following function. But that also gave me the exact identical values, giving me a hint that somehow vectors were not being handled correctly by OpenCV.
SplitImage(cv::Mat inputImage)
//copy original in BGR order
std::vector<cv::Mat> splittedImage(3,cv::Mat(inputImage.size(),CV_64FC1));
cv::Mat tempImage(inputImage.size(),CV_64FC1);
for (int row = 0; row < inputImage.size().height; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < inputImage.size().width; col++)
splittedImage[0].at<double>(row, col) = inputImage.at<cv::Vec3d>(row, col)[0];
splittedImage[1].at<double>(row, col) = inputImage.at<cv::Vec3d>(row, col)[1];
splittedImage[2].at<double>(row, col) = inputImage.at<cv::Vec3d>(row, col)[2];
return splittedImage;
And finally wrote the following to solve the problem
SplitImage(cv::Mat inputImage)
//copy original in BGR order
std::vector<cv::Mat> splittedImage(3,cv::Mat(inputImage.size(),CV_64FC1));
std::vector<cv::Mat>::iterator it;
it = splittedImage.begin();
for(int channelNo = 0; channelNo < inputImage.channels(); channelNo++)
cv::Mat tempImage(inputImage.size(),CV_64FC1);
for (int row = 0; row < inputImage.size().height; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < inputImage.size().width; col++)
tempImage.at<double>(row, col) = inputImage.at<cv::Vec3d>(row, col)[channelNo];
it = splittedImage.insert ( it , tempImage );
return splittedImage;
Has anyone had a problem with split() function or have I done something wrong?
It is not a bug in OpenCV but there is a problem with your code.
The following line does not create a vector of 3 different Mats:
std::vector<cv::Mat> rgbChannels(3,cv::Mat(inputImage.size(),CV_64FC1));
Instead, this line produces a vector of 3 Mat headers sharing the same memory. It works this way because Mat copy constructor does not make a deep copy - it just increments an internal reference counter.
Just change your code to the following to solve your problem:
std::vector<cv::Mat> rgbChannels(3);
cv::split(inputImage, rgbChannels);