How to add settings and make then be built into an existing exe file in Delphi - delphi

lets say that I have a program, that is modifying registry in Windows. User can chose what keys will be changed. After this he will click "generate" to create new exe file which will do its job depending on user choices.
How can I achieve that "exe generating" by clicking generate?

First you need to have two EXEs. One is your main app, and the second is the app that changes the registry. Now you have to append some data to get a copy of your secondary app using your main app and append the data that specifies what keys to change.
One way is to use resources. Use your main app to append required data as resources to your target exe (The compiled to-be-generated exe).
Your target exe file should check and load data resource from its own executable file and retrieve the required data.
You might find these links useful:
How to attach a resource file to an existing executable file?
And how to retrieve the resource in your target exe:


Show Content of app file after unzipping the iPA, and opening exec shows my local path

I've developed an application and I need to remove my computer local path from the generated iPA file.
I did the following:
unzipping iPA file.
click on show package content.
open exec(appname.exec) file with text editor.
Now I can see some binary stuff, and strings with my computer local path (with my mac name).
I have to remove these paths from the exec file, due to security issues. How can I do so?
As Accessing Files and Directories says:
Although you can open any file and read its contents as a stream of bytes, doing so is not always the right choice. OS X and iOS provide built-in support that makes opening many types of standard file formats (such as text files, images, sounds, and property lists) much easier. For these standard file formats, you should use the higher-level options for reading and writing the file contents. Table 2-1 lists the common file types supported by the system along with information about how you access them.
You have many ways to save your data:
Specifying the Path to a File or Directory
Locating Items in Your App Bundle
Locating Items in the Standard Directories
Locating Files Using Bookmarks
You have chosen to Specifying the Path to a File or Directory,as #Droppy says
Firstly it will break the code signature and secondly it's time consuming and error prone.
You'd better choose to Locating Items in the Standard Directories
Here is why you should choose the way:
Locating Items in the Standard Directories
When you need to locate a file in one of the standard directories, use the system frameworks to locate the directory first and then use the resulting URL to build a path to the file. The Foundation framework includes several options for locating the standard system directories. By using these methods, the paths will be correct whether your app is sandboxed or not:
The URLsForDirectory:inDomains: method of the NSFileManager class returns a directory’s location packaged in an NSURL object. The directory to search for is an NSSearchPathDirectory constant. These constants provide URLs for the user’s home directory, as well as most of the standard directories.
The NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains function behaves like the URLsForDirectory:inDomains: method but returns the directory’s location as a string-based path. You should use the URLsForDirectory:inDomains: method instead.
The NSHomeDirectory function returns the path to either the user’s or app’s home directory. (Which home directory is returned depends on the platform and whether the app is in a sandbox.) When an app is sandboxed the home directory points to the app’s sandbox, otherwise it points to the User’s home directory on the file system. If constructing a file to a subdirectory of a user’s home directory, you should instead consider using the URLsForDirectory:inDomains: method instead.
You can use the URL or path-based string you receive from the preceding routines to build new objects with the locations of the files you want. Both the NSURL and NSString classes provide path-related methods for adding and removing path components and making changes to the path in general. Listing 2-1 shows an example that searches for the standard Application Support directory and creates a new URL for a directory containing the app’s data files.
You cannot do it this way. Firstly it will break the code signature and secondly it's time consuming and error prone.
The correct approach is to not use the complete path in your code and instead use methods like NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains to get the Documents folder, or whatever directory you want to use.

how can I open a sqlite file in ios for reading without copying to documents?

I got an app I'm working on that uses static data from a sqlite database to do various things, While I only need read only access to the database, depending on the episode they pick from the first screen I want it to use a different database file and I want the list of available episodes to be updateable on the fly. and I got help to get the list of available episodes updated, and the proper content downloaded and stored in separate folders, So I know I could when the episode is selected delete the sql file in the documents folder and copy in the new one each time and that would work well enough for what I'm trying to do. but it seems like a bit much extra work to have to check for file, delete file, copy in new one. then open it from there each time the user wants to pick a different episode. and I don't want to put all the sql files together as that will be a bigger hassle then the first route especially if this app stays around long enough to have a long list of episodes.
so my question here is: can I get at least read-only access to an sql file that I've downloaded (or one in the bundle for testing) with out having to first copy it to the documents? and if so how would i open the file?
Can I get at least read-only access to an SQL file that I've downloaded (or one in the bundle for testing) without having to first copy it to the documents directory?
Yes. Files in the app bundle are readable (if they weren't, there would be no point in storing files in the bundle).
And if so, how would I open the file?
It's not clear what you're asking here - if you want to perform SQL queries on the file, you should use the sqlite3 library which is available on iOS.

How can a program change its own resources?

I would like to store some XML program preferences as a resource in a Delphi application. The resource would be modified based on user changes. I have no problem creating the XML and loading it as a resource, and can modify the xmlDocument that I load it into, but I don't know how to write the document back. Is this even possible? I would prefer not to end up with 2 files in the end (.exe and .xml).
The answer is both yes and no.
Yes, it is possible to update resources in a binary using Windows API routines. This link to BeginUpdateResource() should get you on the right track on that score.
However, you will note the following condition on the use of BeginUpdateResource():
"The binary file in which to update resources. An application must be
able to obtain write-access to this file; the file referenced by
pFileName cannot be currently executing."
In other words, it is not possible for an application to simply update it's own resources while running.
There are a number of strategies you could employ to achieve what you want - or something close enough to it as to be satisfactory. Which is most appropriate will depend on your precise needs.
Of the multitude of solutions, two might be:
1) Maintain all such resources in a DLL (resource only DLL - containing no actual code as such) which you open only when specifically loading resources (or updating them). Thus at the time you wish to write a resource back to the DLL you should be able to get the required write-lock.
2) When you need to update a resource rename the current running EXE to something like "myapp.OLD", copy it so that you have a new file with the current name "myapp.exe". You can then update "myapp.exe" because it is actually "myapp.old" that is executing.
This second approach is quite messy and has a "nasty smell" but is a technique that is (or used to be) quite commonly used by auto-updaters, for example. Obviously will involve a restart of your app at some point if the current running code is to make use of the updated resources in the modified EXE, so it may not be appropriate to your needs.
Something else to consider is that anti-virus software may flag the activity as suspicious.
Thinking about Deltics' answer I thought you could also create a console application that writes your resource back to the main exe. So your main exe saves it's changes to a file and also extracts the console app. When the main application terminates it calls the console app. The console app waits for a short period of time and then binds the resource file to the main executable, deletes the resource file and itself. The console app could do a check to make sure that the resource file was written successfully and, if not, leave the resource file open. The main executable could see the resource file upon start up and use it instead of the embedded file - as a safeguard.
All of this assumes a single user application.

File repository in ruby on rails

I would like to create a simple file repository in Ruby on Rails. Users have their accounts, and after one logs in they can upload a file or download files previously uploaded.
The issue here is the security. Files should be safe and not available to anyone but the owners.
Where, in which folder, should I store the files, to make them as safe as possible?
Does it make sense, to rename the uploaded files, store the names in a database and restore them when needed? This might help avoid name conflicts, though I'm not sure if it's a good idea.
Should the files be stored all in one folder, or should they be somewhat divided?
rename the files, for one reason, because you have no way to know if today's file "test" is supposed to replace last week's "test" or not (perhaps the user had them in different directories)
give each user their own directory, this prevents performance problems and makes it easy to migrate, archive, or delete a single user
put metadata in the database and files in the file system
look out for code injection via file name
This is an interesting question. Depending on the level of security you want to apply I would recommend the following:
Choose a folder that is only accessible by your app server (if you chose to store in the FS)
I would always recommend to rename the files to a random generated hash (or incremntally generated name like used in URL shorteners, see the open source implementation of rubyurl). However, I wouldn't store them in a database because filesystems are built for handling files, so let it do the job. You should store the meta data in the database to be able to set the right file name when the user downloads the file.
You should partition the files among multiple folders. This gives you multiple advantages. First, filesystems are not built to handle millions of files in a single folder. If you have operations that try to get all files from a folder this takes significantly more time. If you obfuscate the original file name you could create one directory for each letter in the filename and would get a fairly good distributed number of files per directory.
One last thing to consider is the possible collision of file names. A user should not be able to guess a filename from another user. So you might need some additional checks here.
Depending on the level of security you want to achieve you can apply more and more patterns.
Just don't save the files in the public folder and create a controller that will send the files.
How you want to organise from that point on is your choice. You could make a sub folder per user. There is no need to rename from a security point of view, but do try to cleanup the filename, spaces and non ascii characters make things harder.
For simple cases (where you don't want to distribute the file store):
Store the files in the tmp directory. DON'T store them in public. Then only expose these files via a route and controller where you do the authentication/authorisation checks.
I don't see any reason to rename the files; you can separate them out into sub directories based on the user ID. But if you want to allow the uploading of files with the same name then you may need to generate a unique hash or something for each file's name.
See above. You can partition them any way you see fit. But I would definitely recommend partitioning them and not lumping them in one directory.

How to pass parameter to exe downloaded from web?

I have .Net desktop app which users can download from my website. I want to customize this app to per user basis.
Is there way to modify exe before downloading, just to change few strings with appropriate for the users downloading ?
Or it is possible to pass command line parameters to this exe via URL ?
The .exe file needs to be customized for it to behave differently for certain downloads.
Skip below to find the solution I found tolerable.
Add section to the .EXE file – Not ideal.
The .exe file has sections one after the other. You could add a section with your data in it, which the executable would then read. This requires you to modify (have access to) the source code of the executable for it to do anything meaningful with the data. Also getting familiar with the .exe file format and modifying it on the web server side as well al playing with it in the program's source code is somewhat tedious.
Change resources section of the .EXE file – Not ideal.
A dedicated "resources" section exists in the executable. You could add custom strings or blob of data to it. Same cons as the first one.
Overwrite data in the .EXE at a fixed position – Passable.
Have the executable read data from itself from a fixed position in the file, which is overwritten with the customization data when serving the .exe file. Requires modifying the executable's source code.
Append data to the .EXE – Passable.
Append data to the executable. Again, reading it and doing anything special with it requires the executable itself doing so.
☑ Wrap the .EXE in another .EXE and append your data to it – Tolerable.
Create a program to which the original executable and the custom data will be appended to. When this custom program is then executed, it will extract the embedded executable and launch it with the custom data as it arguments.
This kind of a bundle-executable is also easy to produce on most server-side (scripting) languages. When the download is requested, the server sends the wrapper-exe, the original exe, the customized data and of course some statically-sized data fields denoting the sizes of both of those data blocks so it can extract them.
Cons: Requires such a wrapper program to be created, unless someone already has.
Related links:
1. Best practices to let my web users download custom .exe from my site using PHP
2. Modifying executable upon download (Like Ninite)
If the application is ClickOnce deployed, passing URL parameters is an option in the ClickOnce options dialog. However, I have not yet used this feature.
You might want to change some user settings in your configuration depending on the user that actually runs the application. You could also make sure this is done only once per user by adding an appropriate SettingsNeedUpdate setting you set to true after the initial initialization.
Add new setting "Option1", "Option2" and "SettingsNeedUpdate" which are user settings. In Main you could add something like:
if (Properties.Settings.Default.SettingsNeedUpdate)
Properties.Settings.Default.Option1 = ...;
Properties.Settings.Default.Option2 = ...;
Properties.Settings.Default.SettingsNeedUpdate = false;
catch (Exception exp)
You could write a library which can modify an assembly resources (here string table).
This library could benefit from reflection.
When a user asks for your file, page could customize the exe (using your library) and send it to client.
Not like that, No.
You could however automatically zip (on your server) your exe with a custom app.config file for each user.
Point your download location to a custom HttpHandler that zips together your exe (using with a generated (for the current user) application configuration file (
The user then unzips the two files (MyApp.exe & MyApp.exe.config) to any location and run MyApp.exe.
This method does not work if you have an installer.
