Concrete5: How to access external database? - database-connection

I am working on a project where I need to access external database ( for some content and display the content on Concrete5. How can I achieve this?

concrete5 uses the ADOdb php library. I'm assuming your application uses mssql.
Scroll down a bit and you will get to the mssql part.

Are you asking how to connect to the database? Or how to take that data and display it on your concrete5 site?
Connecting to the database has nothing to do with concrete5 -- instead just google for "connect to SQL Server database from PHP" (or use ADODB as #mkly points out in his answer).
But if you are asking how to display the content, then the easiest way to do that is by creating a single_page -- see


Store UmbracoIdentity data in SQL Server

I have implemented Umbraco using UmbracoIdentity for membership and everything was going fine until I deployed my solution to an Azure Web App. On azure I am getting permission errors because UmbracoIdentity is using a SQL Server CE database stored in the App_Data folder.
For reference the error I am getting is:
Exception type: SqlCeException
There is a file sharing violation. A different process might be using the file. [ ...\wwwroot\App_Data\UmbracoIdentity.sdf ]
My Umbraco data is being stored in an SQL database and I would like to store my UmbracoIdentity membership data here as well. I would appreciate any help in how to setup SQL Server as the user store for membership data.
You need to implement the IExternalLoginStore.cs interface and then configure the application to use it. It should be fairly simple to implement as you can use the SQL Server CE implementation as an example. I've done one for Azure Table Storage - you can check the Readme at to get an idea of how to configure the app to use a custom external login store (which for me was the least obvious part).

iOS Swift and external SQL databases

I need to Query an online SQL database from an iPhone app. I have been researching and have not been able to find a way to use SQL to directly query my non-local online database from my iOS app.
Is there any way to do this?
Or do you need a web service, restful api using json?
If so, can you lead me in the right direction on creating a web service (or resources that handle that for you)?
I have be trying the same thing and I endet up doing it via a MySQL DataBase on a 1&1 web domain, to Query the DataBase I made a PHP program, using (like you said) JSON to be read by the app. I dont know if that is what you meant if not maybe specifie pls. XD

Sybase Embedding Database

I would like to know if its possible to embed a database into a mobile app, which uses sybase. I am informed this is not possible as the app needs to pair with the server first. My issue is that it takes too long on first run to download the data. Thanks in advance.
SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere is an embedable database, that can be used in mobile applications.

Accessing an external SQL database in iOS

I am writing an iOS application that needs to access data from an external SQL Server 2005 database. I already have a website that accesses the same data.
I usually access the SQL server database using .NET along with stored procedures for security reasons.
I need to populate an array that will itself populate another TableViewController.
As I'm fairly new to the whole iOS thing, kindly let me know how I can do this. If it's possible, please suggest the syntax or Google keywords for this.
I'd recommend making a simple WCF .NET REST Service that queries your database and returns what you need.
I'm pretty sure your iOS app will not be able to connect to it directly.
Check out the following;
The code project tutorial is very easy to follow. And you can download the project code.
It sounds like you will want to make an API to access your database and you can access it through web requests. Essentially you will be performing web requests and respond from your site in json or xml where within your iOS client side code you can parse that and do what you need with it.

iOS Web Database

I need to populate a table in an iOS application with data from a Web database
I already have a MySQL database set up but reading about this it seems there must be an easier way for the iOS to interact with a web database
Any help or pointers would be appreciated,
You should make an API interface.
Then use the API to communicate with the database. Using the database directly is a very bad thing to do.
If you are really desperate, consider using the MySQL C library. This article explains it in great detail:
For my application, I chose to create a web service to act as an intermediary between my application and the database.
This layout has several advantages. Considering you have MySQL database you can try to create some php scripts (I chose php because the API to work with mysql is very very simple and as you said, you don't need very high security or performance).
You can use these scripts through HTTP requests (you can use NSURLConnection to do these).. These scripts connect to mysql , fetch the data you need to pass the result back to the application in an easier to use format (e.g. I use JSON).
