Listbox Help wanted (simple script) - listbox

I am not an expert but try to figure it out about ~6 hours now,
I have a selection window with 2 items, and whatever what i choose it say i choose No1 item. Later on i replace nr1, nr2, with actions if the selections could working. Please help! I assume i use wrong code at MyListbox1.
Gui, Add, ListBox, vMyListBox1 gMyListBox1 w100 r10
GuiControl,, MyListBox1, Item1|Item2
Gui, Show
if A_GuiEvent <> DoubleClick
GuiControlGet, MyListBox1, %Item1%
GuiControlGet, MyListBox1, %Item2%
IfMsgBox, %Item1%
MsgBox, MsgBox You entered 1
IfMsgBox, %Item2%
MsgBox, MsgBox You entered 2

Like this?
Gui, Add, ListBox, vMyListBox1 gMyListBox1 w100 r10, NotePad|x
Gui, Show
if A_GuiEvent <> DoubleClick ; If not double click stop
GuiControlGet, MyListBox1 ; Get current value of MyListBox1 variable
If (MyListBox1 = "NotePad") ; If MyListBox1 contains NotePad
Run, NotePad.exe
Else If (MyListBox1 = "x") ; If MyListBox1 contains x
Send, !{Esc} ; Need to switch back to previous application since GUI is in focus and you would send the data to your own GUI
Sleep, 100 ; Wait a little while, so that the other application can be in focus
Send, x ; You could have used Send, %MyListBox1%, since MyListBox1 contains x


How to close a trade for sure in MQL4/MT4?

I have an EA with closes a trade on button click
//void CloseCurrentTrade(). It's called after successfull OrderSelect
int orderType = OrderType();
double price;
if (orderType == OP_BUY)
price = return MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_BID);
else if (orderType == OP_SELL)
price = return MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_ASK);
int slippage = 20;
bool closed = OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), price, slippage);
if (closed)
int lastError = GetLastError();
Sometimes it closes the trade and sometimes it returns error #129 (Invalid price). I can't figure out why. Most of the cases people just misuse bid/ask or don't have enouth slippage. I've try to use slippage up to 200, still the same error. Some EA's just try to close it several times (and it looks like a hack for me), but it does not help as well. There are some mentions that you need to call RefreshRates() before bid/ask, but documentaion says that you don't need to do that for MarketInfo.
I've run out of ideas what it could be. Why it can happen and how to avoid that? I'm testing it on FXCM Demo (if it is the case).
First make sure that you've selected the order properly, and try to use OrderClosePrice where possible(this will eliminate the need for checking the OP_SELL/OP_BUY)
//| Close the latest order for this current symbol |
void CloseCurrentTrade()
for(int i=OrdersTotal()-1;i>=0;i--)
if(!OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES)) continue;
if(OrderSymbol()!=Symbol()) continue;
if(OrderMagicNumber()!=MagicNum) continue; // if there is no magic number set, then no need for this(manual orders)
if(OrderType()>OP_SELL) continue;
Print("Error in Closing the Order, Error : ",ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
break; // assuming you want to close the latest trade only, exit the order closing loop
Also note that your broker might have restrictions on how far the closing price must be from the Order Opened price and other levels(sl/tp), in order to close an order. Refer here
Print and compare Ask/Bid && price when closed!=true. Beware that MarketInfo mode data is stored at Ask/Bid predefined variables already, so you can eliminate that if you OrderSelect in current symbol.

Perl6 Terminal::Print how to prompt the user for input text?

I'm using the Perl6 Terminal::Print module for a console based application.
It's working well - however, now I need to prompt the user for a string of text.
What's a good way to do this?
Here is an example of using Terminal::Print::RawInput to get a filename as user input:
use v6;
use Terminal::Print;
use Terminal::Print::RawInput;
my $screen =;
# saves current screen state, blanks screen, and hides cursor
$screen.print-string(9, 23, "Enter filename: ");
my $in-supply = raw-input-supply;
my $filename;
react {
whenever $in-supply -> $c {
done if $c.ord ~~ 3|13; # Enter pressed or CTRL-C pressed
my $char = $c.ord < 32 ?? '' !! $c;
$filename ~= $char;
print $char;
sleep .1;
say "Filename entered: '$filename'";

Figure doesn't show correct string on event

In the following code I create 3 boxes with the text 1 to 3, in a fourth box I'd like to show the text of the box my mouse is hovering over. So i set an onMouseEnter FProperty for each of the boxes where I change the string of the fourth box and tell it to redraw.
bool redraw = false;
str s = "0";
Figure getTextbox() {
return computeFigure(bool() {bool temp = redraw; redraw = false; return temp; },
Figure() {
return text(str() {return s; });
list[Figure] boxes = [];
for (i <- [1..4]) {
boxes += box(text(toString(i)), onMouseEnter(void () {s = toString(i); redraw = true; }));
Figure changer = box(getTextbox());
render(vcat(boxes + changer));
However, for some odd reason all three boxes will tell the onMouseEnter method to change the text of the fourth box into "3" (the value of the last box) instead of their individual value.
Any clue why? Thanks!
Ah yes, this is the variable capturing closure problem with for loops, also known from other languages which have this particular feature like Javascript. This is the code with the issue:
for (i <- [1..4]) {
boxes += box(text(toString(i)), onMouseEnter(void () {s = toString(i); redraw = true; }));
The variable i is bound by the void closure and not its value. So every time the function which is created and passed to onMouseEnter it will read the latest value of the i variable. Since the callback is called after the loop terminates, all calls to the mouse enter function will have the value 3.
To fix this and "do what you want", the following code would work I believe:
for (i <- [1..4]) {
newS = toString(i);
boxes += box(text(toString(i)), onMouseEnter(void () {s = newS; redraw = true; }));
This works because for every pass of the for loop a new environment is created which binds the newS variable. So you'll get a fresh newS for every loop instead of the reused i.

Pagination issue in Report Viewer 11 in MVC Application

I am using ReportViewer 11 to display a report inside an iframe (aspx page is loaded into iframe). It displays first page properly. But when I click on next page, it loads the first page again. Even if I type in page number manually into the textbox, it loads first page only. It seems like, it doesn't fire the pagenavigation event in the server side. If I set the currentpage property to 2 in code behind, then also it loads page 1 only no matter what settings I provide.
Searched for this for days. Got no solution.
Any help will be appreciated.
Apply this logic
Store the records in container1
Pass the records to container2
print 5 records(or may be more) from container2
when "next" button is pressed print next 5 from container2
and so on.
I dont know whether this will help you, but records from database can be paginated in this way.
I have tried this logic too. But the main problem is that ReportViewer.CurrentPage is 0 always (in my case) even when the "next" button is pressed. So it will again show the container1 records. This is my code:
public void SetReportData(ref ReportViewer objRptVwr, ReportParameter[] rptParam, string moduleName, string reportName, string dsName, System.Data.DataTable dtFinal){
objRptVwr.ProcessingMode = ProcessingMode.Local;
objRptVwr.LocalReport.ReportPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/ReportViewer/" + moduleName + "/" + reportName + ".rdlc");
if (rptParam != null)
objRptVwr.ShowPrintButton = true;
objRptVwr.ShowParameterPrompts = true;
objRptVwr.AsyncRendering = false;
objRptVwr.InteractivityPostBackMode = InteractivityPostBackMode.AlwaysSynchronous;
objRptVwr.ShowBackButton = true;
objRptVwr.SizeToReportContent = false;
objRptVwr.PageCountMode = PageCountMode.Actual;
objRptVwr.ShowExportControls = true;
objRptVwr.ShowPageNavigationControls = true;
objRptVwr.ShowToolBar = true;
objRptVwr.ShowWaitControlCancelLink = false;
objRptVwr.ShowZoomControl = true;
objRptVwr.LocalReport.EnableExternalImages = true;
objRptVwr.ExportContentDisposition = ContentDisposition.AlwaysInline;
ReportDataSource reportDataSource = new ReportDataSource(dsName, (System.Data.DataTable)dtFinal);
What I did that the generated buttons will be according to the list size.
Each buttons(may be li tag) will have a textfield containing value like 0,5,10 and so on dynamically(In case of 5 elements per page).
A button is clicked, the value of that textfield(e.g index) I got and shifted the resulset position to index and print the records upto 5 elements.

tk: make listbox "toggle" or "deselect"

In tk, the listbox can take a number of different selectModes: single, browse, multiple, and extended. What I want is to be to select only one item at a time (like single or browse) but then deselect the option when the user clicks again - essentially a "single or none" option.
I don't think I can use the ListboxSelect callback because that only is called "when the set of selected item(s) in the listbox is updated" - not when the user clicks a previous selection.
Do I have to resort to a series of checkboxes?
Note: For the listbox, I have exportselection=0 so I don't lose my selection when another widget takes focus.
You don't have to resort to a series of checkboxes, you can simply bind to the buttonpress event, and add a click handler.
Observe, an example:
bind $listbox <Button-1> {listbox_selection_toggler %W %x %y}
proc listbox_selection_toggler {W x y} {
set c [$W cursel]
set i [$W index #$x,$y]
lassign [$W bbox $i] x1 y1 x2 y2;
set x2 [expr {$x1 + $x2}]
set y2 [expr {$y1 + $y2}]
if { $y < $y1 || $y > $y2 } {
puts "(Cur: $c) Clicked on $W at $x,$y, index $i. (NOT IN BBOX)";
} else {
puts "(Cur: $c) Clicked on $W at $x,$y, index $i.";
if { $c != "" && $i == $c } {
puts "Toggling selection off."
after 0 [list $W sel clear 0 end]
Now, obviously there's room for improvement, but this demonstrates the general idea.
