I'm looking for a way to take database backup on heroku without using pgbackups addon. Is there any gem which can help in this situation? The gem should not also use command line command pg_dump.
You can save a copy to your development environment by using this command:
heroku db:pull
I set my env to (PGHOST, PGPORT, PGDATABSE, PGUSER, PGPASSWORD) to the Heroku instance and then run:
pg_dump --clean --blobs | sed 's/db_user_on_heroku/db_user_on_local/g' > /tmp/db.pg
I then set the env to point to my local DB, and run:
psql < /tmp/db.pg
Can someone please help me how can i pull single table from heroku database.
I have tried the following way:
heroku db:pull --tables table_name
with no luck as heroku db:pull is deprecated now.
Thanks in Advance
Not sure if you can pull a single table from heroku but there are certainly some options to pull whole database.You can use Herokus PG Backups add-on to import or export your database. First you'll have to add it as add on in your app by
$ heroku addons:add pgbackups
$ heroku update
After that you can download your database by
$ heroku pgbackups:capture
$ curl -o latest.dump `heroku pgbackups:url`
You can also use pg:transfer Heroku CLI plugin to transfer the data in a single step.
From your app's directory, copy your production database locally (assuming a local PG db), by installing the plugin and execute the pg:transfer command.
$ heroku plugins:install https://github.com/ddollar/heroku-pg-transfer
$ heroku pg:transfer
Not sure if this is still relevant, but you can achieve what you want pulling a CSV dump of a single table (or any other format) and then import it. The steps would be as follows:
# 1. Connect to psql on Heroku
$ heroku pg:psql --app your_app_name DATABASE
Then you can download a table like so:
# 2. Pull table_you_want_to_copy
your_app_name::DATABASE=> \COPY table_you_want_to_copy TO '~/local/path/your_table.csv' WITH (FORMAT csv, DELIMITER ',', HEADER true);
A simple version of an importer could look like this:
# 3. Seed local table from fetched CSV
CSV.foreach('~/local/path/your_table.csv, headers: true) do |row|
In this block you can ofc define whatever other logic you might require.
I tried to use heroku-valkyrie to transfer my local data to heroku databse.
I installed the plugin:
heroku plugins:install http://github.com/ddollar/heroku-valkyrie.git
Installing heroku-valkyrie... done
and wanted to transfer data:
heroku db:transfer sqlite://db/development.sqlite3 postgres://my-apps-database-url/
but received this error message:
! `db:transfer` is not a heroku command.
! See `heroku help` for a list of available commands.
How can I use db:transfer as a heroku command?
According to Heroku documentation, you will have to export your local database as a dump file by using the pg dump tool and import the file using command.,
heroku pgbackups:restore DATABASE 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/me/items/3H0q/mydb.dump'
Check for complete documentation here
Try running heroku plugins:install https://github.com/ddollar/heroku-pg-transfer first.
Then the command will be pg:transfer, not db:transfer.
However, you may run into issues since you're transferring from an sqlite database and this command only transfers from postgre.
I have been trying to run $ heroku pg:reset from the command line but I believe I'm not putting in the database correctly. I've tried a number of variations.
I ran $ heroku config | grep POSTGRESQL to get the database name which prints as
HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_PINK_URL: postgres://naknaswvxfvuup:QK2dHYNMZ_va10lDgMDo4S0BIM#ec2-23-21-161-255.compute-1.amazonaws.com:5432/db7eute4gu4mcb
I've tried running everything from
$ heroku pg:reset HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_PINK_URL: postgres://naknaswvxfvuup:QK2dHYNMZ_va10lDgMDo4S0BIM#ec2-23-21-161-255.compute-1.amazonaws.com:5432/db7eute4gu4mcb
$ heroku pg reset postgres://naknaswvxfvuup:QK2dHYNMZ_va10lDgMDo4S0BIM#ec2-23-21-161-255.compute-1.amazonaws.com:5432/db7eute4gu4mcb
$ heroku pg:reset db7eute4gu4mcb
and other variations. Please let me know how to correctly note this as I keep getting either an error or this text from the commmand line " ! Unknown database: db7eute4gu4mcb. Valid options are: DATABASE_URL, HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_PINK_URL"
I'm currently at 10.4 on the Ruby on Rails tutorial. Thanks!
You should specify a DATABASE when run heroku pg:reset. This is the syntax:
heroku pg:reset <DATABASE>
To know the value of , you can run:
heroku pg:info
It will return DATABASE_URL, something like: HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_GRAY_URL
Then you can reset your database:
In your case, to reset database run:
this is how it worked for me
(replace app-staging with your app's name, do not replace DATABASE_URL, this is how heroku now finds the app's db)
heroku pg:reset DATABASE_URL --confirm app-staging
hope it helps
Assuming you have your authentication information exported to the shell environment, you should be fine with just passing the name of the database. For example:
heroku pg:reset pink
There are certainly other ways to use the reset command, but IMHO this is the easiest.
I've been working on a Heroku app for several months. We've recently set up a staging server and occasionally sync the staging db with the production db. The three main commands in use are:
$ heroku pgbackups:capture --app myapp
$ heroku pg:reset DATABASE --app myapp-staging --confirm myapp-staging"
$ heroku pgbackups:restore DATABASE `heroku pgbackups:url --app myapp` --app myapp-staging
The problem is that after running the third command, I need to run heroku run rake db:migrate --app myapp-staging. We have a few dozen migrations now, including some that refer to Ruby classes that we've deleted or renamed.
This causes the migrations to fail to fully run. What's the solution here? Should I delete the old migrations that fail and commit these changes to the git repo?
Re-running this script fixed the error, so it seems like the schema should just copy over. For anyone seeing a failing migration like I did, the pgbackups:restore command probably failed for you, so re-run that.
You can also checkout the transfer command now as part of pgbackups .. see this post
How do I transfer production database to staging on Heroku using pgbackups? Getting error
After three evenings on this problem and reading all the posts about this, I have to ask this question finally!
I want to deploy the most simple Rails app to Heroku:
rails new test_appli
cd test_appli
git init
git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"
heroku create
git push heroku master
Everything's OK, the application works well on Heroku. After that, I'll create a SQLite3 database:
rails generate scaffold User name:string email:string
rake db:migrate
Everything's OK on the local machine. I can see localhost:3000/users well. Then I want to put the DB on Heroku. First I modify my Gemfile:
group :production do
gem 'pg'
group :development, :test do
gem 'sqlite3'
Then I send the whole thing to Heroku:
git init
git add .
git commit -m "with Database"
git push heroku master
heroku rake db:migrate
Then there are no errors in the batch, everything is OK, the DB is sent, but the page heroku.com/users gives the error
Rails 500, "We're sorry, but something went wrong"
I don't know more what to do. Can you help me?
I suspect you're trying to deploy a Rails 3.1 application to the bamboo stack (heroku create defaults to the 1.9.2 bamboo stack and doesn't run Rails 3.1 out of the box.). The Cedar stack is much better suited to Rails 3.1 sites -
heroku create --stack cedar
when creating your application on Heroku and repush it up. Also note your rake command on Heroku will become
heroku run rake db:migrate
heroku run rake db:schema:load
I had the same issue. It works for me after git push heroku master
Don't do the git init in the second set of commands - you only need to initialise your Git repo once.
Other than that this looks fine - are you seeing any errors anywhere?
Why would you use the pg gem in your production group, but the sqlite3 gem in your development group? Seems to me that your problem is likely due to the fact that you're developing with a different database then you're using in the production environment. If I were you, I would stick to one, which would make it much easier to debug.
If you really want/need to get the application running ASAP, then just run it in production with sqlite... Gemfile:
gem 'rails'
gem 'sqlite3'
Also, a quick way to figure out what the error is would be to run heroku logs from the unix console.
Which version of Rails?
Can you try creating the application running on the Cedar stack?
heroku create myapp --stack cedar
Given the application is running on cedar you need to modify the commands a bit, for example:
heroku run rake db:migrate
In any case you really need to checkout your logs, because your problem might not even be database related, but assets related.
Do you have the heroku shared 5mb database instance added?
When you create your heroku app (on cedar) it doesn't necessarily create the database automatically.
airlift:projects $ heroku create --stack cedar testapp9
Creating testapp9... done, stack is cedar
http://testapp9.herokuapp.com/ | git#heroku.com:testapp9.git
airlift:projects $ heroku addons --app testapp9
When you view your heroku config, you get nothing:
heroku config
airlift:projects $ heroku config --app testapp9
airlift:projects $
To add a database:
heroku addons:add shared-database:5mb
airlift:projects $ heroku addons:add shared-database:5mb --app testapp9
-----> Adding shared-database:5mb to testapp9... done, v3 (free)
airlift:projects $ heroku config
No app specified.
Run this command from an app folder or specify which app to use with --app <app name>
airlift:projects $ heroku config --app testapp9
DATABASE_URL => postgres://blah:blah#blah.compute-1.amazonaws.com/blah
SHARED_DATABASE_URL => postgres://blah:blah#blah.compute-1.amazonaws.com/blah
airlift:projects $
Then you should be able migrate your db.
Hey #redronin thanks for helping me find a way to connect to my postgres database on Heroku, however as a newbie to Heroku and postgresql I had to reverse engineer what "blah" was. So I figure I would break it down to help others as you helped me.