Get another value Object showing in Chosen JQUERY - jquery-ui

How can I get the selected ID value from the chosen single DropDown?
Im getting the value of a country (name) but I need the ID to link with another DropDown.
This ID is the index of array of States, so when I choose a Country in the another DropDown Appear the array with all the State items.

Checkout JsFiddle demo. I create a simple example for you. Is that what you need?
ko.bindingHandlers.chosen = {
init: function(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel) {
update: function(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel) {
var viewModel = {
sample : ko.observableArray([{"name": "Sample Option 1" , "value" : 1 } , {"name": "Sample Option 2" , "value" : 2 }, {"name": "Sample Option 3" , "value" : 3 }]),
selectedItemOne : ko.observable(),
selectedItemTwo : ko.observable(),
showOne : function(){ alert(this.selectedItemOne()) },
showTwo: function(){ alert(this.selectedItemTwo()) }


Knockout-Kendo dropdownlist Ajax observableArray get selected item name

My application is MVC 5, I use the following Knockout-kendo dropdown list:
<input data-bind="kendoDropDownList: { dataTextField: 'name', dataValueField: 'id', data: foodgroups, value: foodgroup }" />
var ViewModel = function () {
var self = this;
this.foodgroups = ko.observableArray([
{ id: "1", name: "apple" },
{ id: "2", name: "orange" },
{ id: "3", name: "banana" }
var foodgroup =
this.foodgroup = ko.observable();
ko.bindingHandlers.kendoDropDownList.options.optionLabel = " - Select -";
this.foodgroup.subscribe(function (newValue) {
newValue = ko.utils.arrayFirst(self.foodgroups(), function (choice) {
return === newValue;
ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel());
It works great, thanks to this answer Knockout Kendo dropdownlist get text of selected item
However when I changed the observableArray to Ajax:
this.foodgroups = ko.observableArray([]),
type: "GET",
url: '/Meals/GetFoodGroups',
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: function (data) {
error: function (err) {
alert(err.status + " : " + err.statusText);
Controller - get the table from ms sql server:
public JsonResult GetFoodGroups()
var data = db.FoodGroups.Select(c => new
id = c.FoodGroupID,
name = c.FoodGroupName
return Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
I get this error when I alert the item name
Unable to get property 'name' of undefined or null reference
What is the difference between hardcoding the array items from using Ajax.
The 'id' field has string datatype in hard coded array.
The 'id' field has number datatype in ajax array.
So, the 'id' field has different datatypes in both arrays. However in-condition you have used === operator so it checks value as well as datatype.
For ajax array value is same but its datatype is different so its not returning result.
Let me know if any concern.

Click event in select2 tag with a link

I am using select2 in tag mode. My item text is a link, e.g.:
<a href='url'>tag1</a>.
select2 seems to be swallowing the click event on the tag (selected choice) so I cannot navigate to the link.
Any ideas on how to get the link to work?
Select2 disables click events by default and for the moment, you must use a workaround to achieve the desired results. Here's an example of how I accomplished this, thanks to the resources below. This won't work if you don't re-instantiate the variable with the return value of .data('select2')
First, add a class to your links:
Then you have to listen to the onSelect event of Select2
var search = $("#searchBox");
placeholder: "Search...",
allowClear: true,
minimumInputLength: 3,
maximumSelectionSize: 1,
escapeMarkup: function(m) { return m; },
ajax: { blah blah blah },
formatResult: window.App.formatFunction
search.onSelect = (function(fn) {
return function(data, options) {
var target;
if (options != null) {
target = $(;
if (target && target.hasClass('detail-link')) {
window.location = target.attr('href');
} else {
return fn.apply(this, arguments);
This question/answer/JFiddle helped me out but its important to note the .data('select2') line
EDIT: forgot the resource --
I use select2-selecting event:
var $q = $('#select2input');
// your settings
$q.on('select2-selecting', function(e){
window.location = e.choice.url;
My AJAX payload looks like this:
"id": "1",
"text": "Foo",
"url": "/foo"
"id": "8",
"text": "Bar",
"url": "/bar"

kendo ui Combobox binded to a Grid losts it's value and text after Grid's Cancel button pressed

I have two views in database. Bonuses and employees. One(employee)-to-many(bonuses).
I have kendo ui grid (kendo web), which displays ajax results from controller called Bonuses
And an autocompliting element - Employee Combobox binded with Employee filed of a grid.
Grid's datasource:
// bind json result from /Bonuses/GetPagedJsonBonuses
var bonusesDataSource = new{
transport: {
read: "#Url.Action("GetPagedJsonBonuses", "Bonuses")",
update: {
url: "#Url.Action("Edit", "Bonuses")",
type: "PUT"
create: {
url: "#Url.Action("Create", "Bonuses")",
type: "POST"
parameterMap: function(options, operation) {
if (operation === "update" || operation === "create") {
// updates the BonusDTO.EmployeeId with selected value
if (newValueEmployeeId !== undefined)
options.EmployeeId = newValueEmployeeId;
return options;
schema: {
data: "Data", // PagedResponse.Data
total: "TotalCount", // PagedResponse.TotalCount
model: {
id: "BonusId", // Data
fields: {
EmployeeId: { type: "number" },
EmployeeLastName: {
type: "string",
editable: true,
//validation: { required: {message: "Employee's last name is required"}}
Amount: {
type: "number",
editable: true,
nullable: false,
validation: {
required: { message: "Amount is required to be set" }
} // fields
} // model
}// schema
Grid element looks like this:
// creates bonuses grid control
dataSource: bonusesDataSource,
toolbar: ["create"],
editable: "inline",
columns: [
field: "EmployeeLastName",
editor: employeeAutocompletingEditor,
template: "#=EmployeeLastName#"
command: ["edit"],
title: " "
save: function(e) {
if (newValueEmployeeId !== undefined && newValueEmployeeLastName !== undefined) {
e.model.EmployeeId = newValueEmployeeId; // it's a hack to bind model and autocomplete control
e.model.EmployeeLastName = newValueEmployeeLastName;
edit: function(e) {
setCurrentValueEmployeeIdAndLastName(e.model.EmployeeId, e.model.EmployeeLastName);
cancel: function(e) {
setCurrentValueEmployeeIdAndLastName(e.model.EmployeeId, e.model.EmployeeLastName);
Autocompleting combobox has it's own datasource using ajax:
// datasource for autocomlete combobox to lookup employees names from
var employeesDataSource = new{
transport: {
read: "#Url.Action("GetJsonEmployeesByLastName", "Bonuses")",
parameterMap: function(options, operation) {
if (operation === "update" || operation === "create") {
setNewValueEmployeeIdAndLastName(options.Id, options.LastName);
return options;
Autocompliting combobox look's like this:
function employeeAutocompletingEditor(container, options) {
$('<input required data-text-field="LastName" data-value-field="EmployeeId" data-bind="value:' + options.field + '"/>')
// sets the local variables to update values of current row.
change: function() {
setNewValueEmployeeIdAndLastName(this.value(), this.text());
dataBinding: function (e) {
console.log("dataBinding: ", e, this.dataItem());
dataBound: function (e) {
console.log("dataBound: ", e, this.dataItem());
dataSource: employeesDataSource
I use Editor binding to pass values(EmployeeId) and Text (EmployeeLastName) from grid to combobox.
I also use a hack like temporal variables (newValueEmployeeId, currentValueEmployeeId) to
send selected Employee in combobox and pass it to grid for correct save. A found it's a most common practice to pass a value back to grid.
My problems is:
If I press Edit button on my grid first time The combobox displays current employee's name from grid row:
If I press Cancel button and again press Edit button, combobox doesn't display current value of grid (employee's name)
IF I type some name, change some other values, and Udate(save) value, next time combobox again displays employees name, but only once before Cancel was pressed.
I'm very new in Kendo UI and this problem drives me crazy...
I think that combobox losts it's binding or doesn't update smth. I tried to set values while onBound and onBinding events, but this doesn't help. Please help me with an advice and example.
PS all evenets and functions is my try to debug and find solution.
only one fix helped me:
var employeeList = new List<Employee>()
employeeList.add(new Emplpyee()) // add fake employee record.
return Json(employeeList)
I don't know why, but grid control start make cyclying empty ajax requests if I return empty list of employees or null. This doesn't work:
return Json(new List<Employee>());
return Json(null);
I think it's a problem in kendo combobox itself ,because it's not ready to receive and handle empty list or null as json result.
Also I heared something, that JQuery doesn't support empty or null results anymore...maybe that's the reason

Jquery Autocomplete

iam using jquery autocomplete in project. it's not working. do you have any idea. the code is given below.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
source: "clientstates.aspx",
select: function (event, ui) {
source: "clientstatesabbrev.aspx",
minLength: 2
problem is states.aspx returning the data but it is not showing in the jquery autocomplete control.
Your server needs to return a JSON serialized array of objects with properties id, label, and value. E.g. :
[ { "id": "1", "label": "Mike Smith", "value": "Mike Smith" }, { "id": "2", "label": "Bruce Wayne", "value": "Bruce Wayne" }]
Can you confirm with firebug or Fiddler that your server is returning the correct response?
If you're having trouble serializing your data in C#, you can try using JavaScriptSerializer like this:
var result = from u in users
select new {
id = u.Id,
value = u.Name,
label = u.Name
JavaScriptSerialier serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
var json = serializer.Serialize(result);
// now return json in your response

Select event on JQuery UI autocompleter is not fired

I am trying to use the jQuery UI, but I can't seem to figure out how to get the select event to execute.
I bind the autocompleter as following:
$().ready(function () {
source: '<%=Url.Action("GetPeople") %>',
minLength: 3,
select: function (event, ui) {
// This code is never reached
Am I missing something to be able to bind to the select event?
Maybe your controller action throws an exception. Let's take the following action:
public ActionResult GetPeople(string term)
// the term parameter will contain the search string
// TODO: use the term parameter to filter the results from
// your repository. In this example the result is hardcoded
// to verify that the everything works.
return Json(new[]
new { id = "1", label = "label 1", value = "value 1" },
new { id = "2", label = "label 2", value = "value 2" },
new { id = "3", label = "label 3", value = "value 3" },
}, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Things to watch out for:
The controller action is accessible with GET verb (JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)
The controller action returns a JSON array where each item has an id, label and value properties
The controller action doesn't throw an exception
And then:
$(function () {
source: '<%= Url.Action("GetPeople") %>',
minLength: 3,
select: function (evt, ui) {
And finally use FireBug to analyze what exactly is sent to your server as an AJAX request and the response from the server.
