How to execute a filter in the return clause of a cypher query in the .net Neo4jClient - neo4jclient

I'm having trouble figuring out how to put a filter in the return clause using the cypher linq Return function in the neo4j client.
I'm trying to do a query like this:
START Parents = node:app_fulltext('name:"City"'),
MATCH Parents-[?:ChildOf]-Apps
WITH collect(Apps.Title) as myapps, collect(Parents.Name) as myparents
RETURN myapps, filter(x in parents : not x in myapps) as myfilteredparents
I've tried starting with a with clause like this
.With("collect(Apps.Title) as myapps, collect(Parents.Name) as myparents")
.Return("myapps, filter(x in parents : not x in myapps) as myfilteredparents")
but I can't pass in a string to the Return method, and if I try to pass in some sort of filter into the LINQ lambda I get a The return expression that you have provided uses methods other than those defined by ICypherResultItem. error.

Right now, complex return expressions with multiple identities are a bit icky in Neo4jClient. I'm open to ideas about how to support them nicely. The syntax is the hard part.
This is on the right track:
.With("myapps, filter(x in parents : not x in myapps) as myfilteredparents")
.Return("myapps, filter(x in parents : not x in myapps) as myfilteredparents")
However you're applying the filter twice: once in the WITH, then again in the RETURN.
Use the WITH clause to flatten it to simple identities (myapps, myfilteredparents) then RETURN those.
This code is untested, and typed straight into the answer window, but kind of what you want:
.With("myapps, filter(x in parents : not x in myapps) as myfilteredparents")
.Return((myapps, myfilteredparents) => new
Apps = myapps.As<IEnumerable<string>>(),
Parents = myfilteredparents.As<IEnumerable<Node<City>>>()
The With call shapes the data into a simple result set. The Return call describes the structure to deserialize this into.


WHERE condition in neo4j | Filtering by relationship property

How does the where condition in neo4j works ?
I have simple data set with following relationship =>
Client -[CONTAINS {created:"yesterday or today"}]-> Transaction -[INCLUDES]-> Item
I would like to filter above to get the items for a transaction which were created yesterday, and I use the following query -
(c:Client) -[r:CONTAINS]-> (t:Transaction),
(t) -[:INCLUDES]-> (i:Item)
where r.created="yesterday"
return c,t,i
But it still returns the dataset without filtering. What is wrong ? And how does the filtering works in neo4j for multiple MATCH statements say when I want to run my query on filetered dataset from previous steps?
Thank you very much in advance.
Your query seems fine to me. However, there are 2 things I would like to point out here:
In this case, the WHERE clause can be removed and use match by property instead.
The MATCH clause can be combined.
So, the query would be:
MATCH (c:Client) -[r:CONTAINS {created: "yesterday"}]-> (t:Transaction) -[:INCLUDES]-> (i:Item)
RETURN c, t, i
Regarding your second question, when you want to run another query on the filtered dataset from the previous step, use WITH command. Instead of returning the result, WITH will pipe your result to the next query.
For example, with your query, we can do something like this to order the result by client name and return only the client:
MATCH (c:Client) -[r:CONTAINS {created: "yesterday"}]-> (t:Transaction) -[:INCLUDES]-> (i:Item)
WITH c, t, i
There does not seem to be anything wrong with the cypher statement.
Applying subsequent MATCH statements can be done with the WITH clause, it's well documented here :

How to show relationships in an optional manner in neo4j?

I have multiple nodes and relationships in neo4j, certain nodes have relationship depth as 4, while certain have 2. I'm using neo4j's HTTP API to get the data in graph format
Sample query:
MATCH p= (n:datasource{resource_key:'ABCD'})-[:is_dataset_of]-(c:dataset)-[q]-(v:dataset_columns)-[s]-(b:component)-[w]-(e:dashboard) return p
If i use this query then i can get output if this exact relationship is present but I also want to get the output if the 2nd relationship is not available, Any pointers on how to achieve this?
Here is one way:
MATCH p = (:person1 {hobby: 'gamer'})-[:knows]-(:person2)
MATCH p = (:person1 {hobby: 'gamer'})-[:knows]-(:person2)--(:person3)
The UNION clause combines the results of 2 queries. And the ALL option tells UNION to not bother to remove duplicate results (since the 2 subqueries will never produce the same paths).
If you really want the path to be returned, you can do something along these lines, using apoc (
MATCH requiredPath=(n)-[r]->(m)
OPTIONAL MATCH optionalPath = (m)-[q]->(s)
RETURN apoc.path.combine(requiredPath,optionalPath) AS p

Cypher query doesn't return all the expected nodes

I have this graph:
B is the root of a tiny tree. There is exactly one relation between A and B, and one between B and C.
When I run the following, one node is returned. Why does this Cypher query not return the A and C nodes?
MATCH(a {name:"A"})<-[]-(rewt)-[]->(c) RETURN c
It would seem to be that the first half of that query would find the root, and the second half would find both child nodes.
Until a few minutes ago, I would have thought it logically identical to the following query which works. What's the difference?
MATCH (a {name:"A"})<-[]-(rewt)
MATCH (rewt)-[]->(c)
EDIT for cybersam
I have abstracted my database so we could discuss my specific issue. Now, we still have a tiny tree, but there are 4 nodes that are children of the root.(Sorry this is different, but I'm developing and don't want to change my environment too much.)
This query returns all 4:
match(a)<-[]-(b:ROOT)-[]->(c) return c
One of them has a name of "dddd"...
match(a {name"dddd"})<-[]-(b:ROOT)-[]->(c) return c
This query only returns three of them. "dddd" is not included. omg.
To answer cybersam's specific question, this query:
MATCH (a {name:"dddd"})<--(rewt:CODE_ROOT)
MATCH (rewt)-->(c)
RETURN a = c;
Returns four rows. The values are true, false, false, false
There is a difference between your 2 queries. A MATCH clause will filter out all duplicate relationships.
Therefore, your first query would filter out all matches where the left-side relationship is the same as the right-side relationship:
MATCH(a {name:"A"})<--(rewt)-->(c)
Your second query would allow the 2 relationships to be the same, since the relationships are found by 2 separate MATCH clauses:
MATCH (a {name:"A"})<--(rewt)
MATCH (rewt)-->(c)
If I am right, then the following query should return N rows (where N is the number of outgoing relationships from rewt) and only one value should be true:
MATCH (a {name:"A"})<--(rewt)
MATCH (rewt)-->(c)
RETURN a = c;
Both work just fine for me. I've tried on 2.3.0 Community.
Do you mind posting your CREATE command ?
In each MATCH clause, each relationship will be matched only once. See for reference.
See this related question as well: What does a comma in a Cypher query do?

Match several node property values in Cypher / Neo4J

using Cypher 2 I want to find all the nodes of a certain label (Context), which are called either "health" or "opinion".
The query that works is:
MATCH (c:Context) WHERE"health" OR"opinion" RETURN c;
But I'm wondering if Cypher has a syntax that I could put it into the first MATCH part, something like this:
MATCH (c:Context{name:"health"|name:"opinion})
The example above doesn't work, but I'm just showing it to let you know what I mean.
Thank you!
Alternatively, you can do this:
MATCH (c:Context) WHERE IN ['health', 'opinion'] RETURN c
Still not in the "MATCH" statement, but a little easier as your list of possible values grows.
You could do
MATCH (c:Context {name:"health"}), (d:Context { name:"opinion"})

Perform MATCH on collection / Break apart collection

I am trying to mimc the functionality of the neo4j browser to display my graph in my front end. The neo4j browser issues two calls for every query - the first call performs the query that the user types into the query box and the second call uses find the relationships between every node returned in the first user-entered query.
"statement":"START a = node(1,2,3,4), b = node(1,2,3,4)
MATCH a -[r]-> b RETURN r;",
In my application I would like to be more efficient so I would like to be able to get all of my nodes and relationships in a single query. The query that I have at present is:
START person = node({personId})
MATCH person-[:RELATIONSHIP*]-(p:Person)
WITH distinct p
MATCH p-[r]-(d:Data), p-[:DETAILS]->(details), d-[:FACT]->(facts)
RETURN p, r, d, details, facts
This query runs well but it doesn't give me the "d" and "details" nodes which were linked to the original "person".
I have tried to join the "p" and "person" results in a collection:
collect(p) + collect(person) AS people
But this does not allow me to perform a MATCH on the resulting collection. As far as I can figure out there is no way of breaking apart a collection.
The only option I see at the moment is to split the query into two; return the "collect(p) + collect(person) AS people" collection and then use the node values in a second query. Is there a more efficient way of performing this query?
If you use the quantifier *0.. RELATIONSHIP is also match at a depth of 0 making person the same as p in this case. The * without specified limits defaults to 1..infinity
START person = node({personId})
MATCH person-[:RELATIONSHIP*0..]-(p:Person)
WITH distinct p
MATCH p-[r]-(d:Data), p-[:DETAILS]->(details), d-[:FACT]->(facts)
RETURN p, r, d, details, facts
