I've been trying to generate in-house app distribution certificate and profile but without much success.
I have followed instructions in App Distribution Guide and Distributing Enterprise Apps for iOS Devices, but I've been going in circles for two days.
Here are synopsis:
I am a member of iOS Developer Enterprise Program team.
I have Admin access.
I have generated CSR.
When I try to add iOS certificate via portal I only have two options that are available iOS App Development (under development grouping) and App Store and Ad Hoc (under distribution grouping). All other options are disabled and there is no option for in-house distribution certificate at all (screenshot: http://i.stack.imgur.com/TkCLD.png).
I must be missing something, but I am not sure what exactly. Any help is appreciated.
One more piece of information that might or might not matter is that I am a member of multiple teams (enterprise and standard dev).
This is no longer an issue. There was a bug when Apple rolled out the new provisioning portal.
When you tried to create distribution profile the portal didn't detect distribution certificates you had, so you were unable to create one. This bug was fixed within 48h by Apple. Here is a link to the discussion on Apple developer forums for future reference: https://devforums.apple.com/thread/183805?tstart=0
Here is a screenshot of what you should be seeing. Also, you mentioned you are a part of multiple development teams. When you log in to your developer account, it should ask you to select a team (don't have a screenshot for that). Select your Enterprise team. Log out of your developer account and log back in. Hopefully you should see this selection.
You are signed into a standard account. That screen is not an Enterprise account screen. When you signed in to the site did you choose the correct team? You may be signed into your own account team instead of the enterprise team.
I am developing an app from one developer account and it was going on for the last few months. But now the client want to distribute it to a few customers Off-Store. We have an enterprise account ready to use but my question is Should I do everything from the start again right from creating the App ID? Or any other way around?
I looked around internet for answers but I could find anything effective.
This one was quite related to my question but I was looking for Off-Store distribution only. I just want to know if its possible.
If the app is already configured in iTunes connect then you can transfer the app from one account to another account from iTunes Connect. Refer this and see if it helps your cause.
You can use developer provisioning profile for it.
Add UDID of device in developer provisioning profile.
Download and install developer provisioning profile.
After that build IPA by using this developer provisioning profile.
Upload the generated IPA to https://www.diawi.com and click send.
This will give you a link, from which you can download the app.
So you can share this link with anyone.
I fell pretty stupid but I am to the point where I want to send my app to some friends to be tested. I was wondering if it is possible to do so without a developers account. If so, how do I do this. If it does take an account, how would I export it once I get one?
Without a developer account, you can't.
After you get your developer account, you have to create your Distribution Certificate and Ad Hoc Provisioning Profile based on the UDID collected from your friend's device.
Alternatively, you can use TestFlight feature in iTunes Connect. Requires Developer Account as well.
I'm a contractor who develops apps for companies other than my own.
My client plans to distribute game with his legal entity name as the “Seller”, so he enrolled iOS Developer Program.
I own Mac connected with my developer account, and builds of our game signed with my provisioning profile and certificates (for Ad Hoc testing).
Now we want to publish game using my client's account.
Should I tell him to buy Mac? Or maybe I can use my Mac to build game with my certificates and provisioning profiles and then use his account to publish game signed by me?
I would highly appreciate any suggestion, I have not found any revelant documentation in Apple support. It would be great if my client wouldn't need to buy new machine just to sell game that is already developed.
Thanks in advance,
You can use your own mac and sign the app with your client's provisioning profiles and certificates (they have to make you a Developer profile in their Apple Dev team).
Then, the thing you need is your client's Itunes Connect account to upload the app with the Application Loader.
No need to Purchase Mac for just publishing the apps,Firstly Create Distribution Profile & Certificate with your client's account.
Then Create a new app after login on itunesconnect with your app details & screenshots.Then Publish your app directly through XCode or with Application Loader.
You only need MAC in order to have XCode and apple tools which you use them to create and sign applications with the appropriate provisioning profiles.
For the publisher, it is sufficient if you provide him with an ipa signed with enterprise distribution provisioning profile OR if you upload from your xcode to the itunes the signed application with distribution provisioning profile.
The publisher's only work is to prepare the upload on itunesconnect (meaning screenshots and stuff) . All his work is done in a browser, so he can use Linux for all that matters .
When distributing apps using the Apple Developer Enterprise option, can a single iOS device have apps from two different Apple Developer Enterprise profiles?
We found this article stating it can not be done.
I contacted Apple Developer support directly and they did not have an answer of yes or no, but they could not find any documentation about this scenario. They did state that MDM could be used to limit apps that can be installed. But there is no reason to believe you can't install apps from two different Enterprise developer profiles.
Does anyone have first hand info about this scenario? The article makes us question this.
Thank you
The enterprise account simply allows you to create a signed and trusted application. This takes the place of an application signed by Apple.
The only sticking point here is in the license agreement for an enterprise account. The devices eligible to run an enterprise app are very limited - essential only allowed on employee devices. So it would be rare to have a person that is employed by multiple companies with enterprise accounts.
The ipa for the app contains the provisioning profile registered with Apple to certify the app. There is nothing associated the device with that enterprise account such as the way an AdHoc device is registered with a particular account.
Here is a link to a similar answer as well
Where I'm wrong? I have enterprise account for distribution when i start to generate provision profile for my app I find provision only for Ad-hoc (when I must check UDID of my test device), but I want gave this app for my client without his UDID entering.
Can someone explain what I must do to make this app working on device of client
I read official documentation but can't fined answer there.
Also I'm trying to find answer on stack but without any result.
That's what it should look like if you are creating a provisioning profile
Please note that the enterprise "Team" is different to your normal app store developer "Team". You should have to choose the one you want where you log in to your apple developer id. (In case your developer apple id is the same for both "Teams", and of course you have multiple "Teams" in your developer account)
You must provide an UDID of devices you wish to test the app on, and make an AdHoc distribution profile with those devices included. Then you can archive the app and send it via email for the client to install it via iTunes, or send him the app through http://testflightapp.com/.