What happened to the hrplimittablerelationship table in ax-2012-r2? - x++

Any advice on how I can replace the following code from AX 2009?
display amount mrpg_limit()
return HRPLimitTableRelationship::find("Spending", emplTable_1.PartyId).LimitValue;

The HRPLimittableRelationship table was moved to multiple tables
If you want more details about the process of how this was changed, look at the data upgrade scripts on msdn: http://msdn.microsoft.com/EN-US/library/jj737032.aspx
This TechNet article describes the actual creation of signing limits, in case you need it for testing.
Taking a shot in the dark on getting the information you wanted, there is a class called PurchReqDocument with a static method of spendingLimitStatic, where you supply the worker recid and currency code.


How to optimize performance of Results change listeners in Realm (Swift) with a deep hierarchy?

We're using Realm (Swift binding currently in version 3.12.0) from the earliest days in our project. In some early versions before 1.0 Realm provided change listeners for Results without actually giving changeSets.
We used this a lot in order to find out if a specific Results list changed.
Later the guys at Realm exchanged this API with changeSet providing methods. We had to switch and are now mistreating this API just in order to find out if anything in a specific List changed (inserts, deletions, modifications).
Together with RxSwift we wrote our own implementation of Results change listening which looks like this:
public var observable: Observable<Base> {
return Observable.create { observer in
let token = self.base.observe { changes in
if case .update = changes {
return Disposables.create(with: {
When we now want to have consecutive updates on a list we subscribe like so:
someRealm.objects(SomeObject.self).filter(<some filter>).rx.observable
.subscribe(<subscription code that gets called on every update>)
//dispose code missing
We wrote the extension on RealmCollection so that we can subscribe to List type as well.
The concept is equal to RxRealm's approach.
So now in our App we have a lot of filtered lists/results that we are subscribing to.
When data gets more and more we notice significant performance losses when it comes to seeing a change visually after writing something into the DB.
For example:
Let's say we have a Car Realm Object class with some properties and some 1-to-n and some 1-to-1 relationships. One of the properties is a Bool, namely isDriving.
Now we have a lot of cars stored in the DB and bunch of change listeners with different filters listing to changes of the cars collection (collection observers listening for changeSets in order to find out if the list was changed).
If I take one car of some list and set the property of isDriving from false to true (important: we do writes in the background) ideally the change listener fires fast and I have the nearly immediate correct response to my write on the main thread.
Added with edit on 2019-06-19:
Let's make the scenario still a little more real:
Let's change something down the hierarchy, let's say the tires manufacturer's name. Let's say a Car has a List<Tire>, a Tire has a Manufacturer and a Manufacturer has aname.
Now we're still listing toResultscollection changes with some more or less complex filters applied.
Then we're changing the name of aManufacturer` which is connected to one of the tires which are connected to one of the cars which is in that filtered list.
Can this still be fast?
Obviously when the length of results/lists where change listeners are attached to gets longer Realm's internal change listener takes longer to calculate the differences and fires later.
So after a write we see the changes - in worst case - much later.
In our case this is not acceptable. So we are thinking through different scenarios.
One scenario would be to not use .observe on lists/results anymore and switch to Realm.observe which fires every time anything did change in the realm, which is not ideal, but it is fast because the change calculation process is skipped.
My question is: What can I do to solve this whole dilemma and make our app fast again?
The crucial thing is the threading stuff. We're always writing in the background due to our design. So the writes itself should be very fast, but then that stuff needs to synchronize to the other threads where Realms are open.
In my understanding that happens after the change detection for all Results has run through, is that right?
So when I read on another thread, the data is only fresh after the thread sync, which happens after all notifications were sent out. But I am not sure currently if the sync happens before, that would be more awesome, did not test it by now.

Equivalent of Androids DiffUtil for Swift / iOS or other effective implementation

In my app I have to load some data from a web service. Then I have to sort the data by properties of models of a collection property of the model and then update my collectio view with the new data.
Unfortunately I have no clue how I can know which cell moved to which new position. On Android, I used DiffUtil in the past but I'm not aware of a Swift equivalent to animate the changes in my collection view.
Heres the data model I use. For the this example, I omit all the other fields and use protocols to make it clearer (at least I hope this makes it clearer):
protocol Alert {
var date: Date
var statusType: StatusType
protocol Status {
var statusType: StatusType
var level: Level
protocol Device {
var states: [Status] //Contains never more than 1 Status of each StatusType so its basically a set
var alertsByStatusType: [StatusType: [Alert]]
enum StatusType {
case someStatus, someOtherStatus
enum Level {
case low, medium, high
The web service returns me a device which contains a collection of Status and a collection of Alert.
//Web service model kind of sucks
protocl WebServiceDevice {
var states: [Status]
var alerts: [Alert]
In the device constructor, I do some manually sorting and mapping to build the alertsByStatusType dictionary. I also sort the Status collection by the Status.level so that first, all "high" level states come, then the "medium" level and finally the "low" level states.
Inside the same level, I then have to sort by the Alerts.date so when two Status have the same Level, the one with the more recent Alert comes first.
I know, this data model I get from the web service is terrible to begin with and I begged for a proper model where the alerts are inside their corresponding states and the states are properly sorted but hey, thats life.
Now when I display all states in a tableview, let's say a Status with level == low gets and alert, then the level will change and after updating my data from the web service and sorting everything, it will be further to the beginning in the Device.states collection. How can I know from which indexPath I have to move the cell to which new indexPath?
I hope you understand what I mean and what the problem is. Basically I have to find out which Status has a different Level and from where to where it has moved in the data source of my table view so I can animate the changes instead just call reload() on the table view.
I'm not sure why but the answer I selected as correct for this question has vanished so I thought I'd answer it myself. I was pointed to a library which can do exactly that and by the time of writing, I found more libraries.
They probably all have their ups and downs and the one I use now is the Dwifft Library (https://github.com/jflinter/Dwifft)
Other interesting diff libraries can be found here: https://awesome-repos.ecp.plus/ios.html under the Data Structures / Algorithms section
Instagram's IGListKit does really good job when it comes to deal with arrays in a list view(i.e. UICollectionView) thanks to ListDiff function.

What is available for limiting the use of extend when using Breezejs, such users cant get access to sensitive data

Basically this comes up as one of the related posts:
Isn't it dangerous to have query information in javascript using breezejs?
It was someone what my first question was about, but accepting the asnwers there, i really would appreciate if someone had examples or tutorials on how to limit the scope of whats visible to the client.
I started out with the Knockout/Breeze template and changed it for what i am doing. Sitting with a almost finished project with one concern. Security.
I have authentication fixed and is working on authorization and trying to figure out how make sure people cant get something that was not intended for them to see.
I got the first layer fixed on the root model that a member can only see stuff he created or that is public. But a user may hax together a query using extend to fetch Object.Member.Identities. Meaning he get all the identities for public objects.
Are there any tutorials out there that could help me out limiting what the user may query.?
Should i wrap the returned objects with a ObjectDto and when creating that i can verify that it do not include sensitive information?
Its nice that its up to me how i do it, but some tutorials would be nice with some pointers.
public IQueryable<Project> Projects()
//var q = Request.GetQueryNameValuePairs().FirstOrDefault(k=>k.Key.ToLower()=="$expand").Value;
// if (!ClaimsAuthorization.CheckAccess("Projects", q))
// throw new WebException("HET");// UnauthorizedAccessException("You requested something you do not have permission too");// HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.MethodNotAllowed);
return _repository.Projects;
public DbQuery<Project> Projects
var memberid = User.FindFirst("MemberId");
if (memberid == null)
return (DbQuery<Project>)(Context.Projects.Where(p=>p.IsPublic));
var id = int.Parse(memberid.Value);
return ((DbQuery<Project>)Context.Projects.Where(p => p.CreatedByMemberId == id || p.IsPublic));
Look at applying the Web API's [Queryable(AllowedQueryOptions=...)] attribute to the method or doing some equivalent restrictive operation. If you do this a lot, you can subclass QueryableAttribute to suit your needs. See the Web API documentation covering these scenarios.
It's pretty easy to close down the options available on one or all of your controller's query methods.
Remember also that you have access to the request query string from inside your action method. You can check quickly for "$expand" and "$select" and throw your own exception. It's not that much more difficult to block an expand for known navigation paths (you can create white and black lists). Finally, as a last line of defense, you can filter for types, properties, and values with a Web API action filter or by customizing the JSON formatter.
The larger question of using authorization in data hiding/filtering is something we'll be talking about soon. The short of it is: "Where you're really worried, use DTOs".

Mygeneration autonumber field bug with MS Access database

I am using Mygeneration tools to create the abstract classes responsible for dealing with database to perform CRUD operation as well as some other dooDad operations. Problem is I cant retrieve the auto number field (it is also Primary Key) of table using the code
Employees newObj = new Employees();
newObj.ConnectionString = connectionString;
// Your Properties will be different here
newObj.FirstName = "Joe";
newObj.LastName = "Plank Plank";
int staffid=newObj.StaffID;
The same thing is working fine in MS SQL server or other databases. Looks like auto number is not generated instantly which can be accessed once I added the entry. But, later, when I am checking the database, I found that auto number is generated there. Not sure, why this is happening. Anybody having expertise with dooDads, please help with info.
The main problem is I cant access the autonumber field instantly after I create the fresh row entry. Looks like MS Access autonumber takes some time to show up and even in VS, you can see this phenomenon. How to fix this problem?
I have built many applications using Doodads , using MS Access , you have only to make the filed as autonumber .. and generate the stored procedures and other classes.
i.e your code should work ..
also I made modification to Dodads to return list of Objects
How to get list of objects from BusinessEntity using myGeneration?

Editing a big imported file on a second page

This is mostly theoretical question, since I actually can implement it in any way, but it confuses me a bit. So, suppose I present a user with a page to select an Excel file, which is then uploaded to the server. Server code parses the file, and presents the user with another page with many options. The user can select and deselect some of them, edit names, and then click OK - after which the server has to process only the selected options.
The question may be:
is it better to store parsed file in Session?
is it better to push parsed data to client's page and then receive it back?
Here's example:
public class Data
public string Name { get; set; } // shown to user, can be changed
public bool Selected { get; set; } // this is in ViewModel but anyway
public string[] InternalData { get; set; } // not shown to user
// 1st option is to receive data via POST
public ActionResult ImportConfirmed(IList<Data> postitems)
// 2nd option is to receive only user changes via POST
var items = Session["items"] as IList<Data>;
items = items.Where(postitems of same name selected);
items.ForEach(set name to postitems name);
Obviously option #2 has less side effects, since it does not have global state. But in option #1 we don't push loads of useless-to-user data to the client. And this can be a lot.
Of course this problem is not new, and as always, the answer is: it depends.
I have to admit, I don't have any exact question in mind. I can't even tell why I don't like the Session solution which takes only couple of additional lines of code. The reason I ask is that I've read about Weblocks concept and was very impressed. So, I tried to invent something similar in ASP.NET MVC and failed to. Thus, I wonder, is there any elegant way to deal with such situations? By elegant I mean something that doesn't show it uses Session, easy to use, handles expirations (cleans up the Session if user does not press the final "Save" button), etc. Something like:
var data = parse(filestream);
var confirmationPostData = ShowView("Confirm", data);
items = items.Where(confirmationPostData of same name selected);
items.ForEach(set name to confirmationPostData name);
Here ShowView actually sends GET, wait for user's POST, and returns. Kind of. I do not insist, I just show the way that impressed me (in Weblocks - if I actually did understand it correctly).
Does everyone just use Session in such cases? Or is there a better way (except learning LISP which I already started to investigate if I can cope with)? Maybe, async actions in MVC v2 do it?
UPDATE: storing in DB/temp files, it works. I do sometimes store in DB. However this needs a way to expire the data since user may just abandon it (as simple as closing the browser). What I'm asking for: is there a proven and elegant way to solve it - not about how to do it. An abstraction built on top of serialization not tied to particular DB/file implementation, something like this.
I'm not sure what the purpose of uploading the Excel file is, but I like to make all actions that affect the long term state of the application, for the user, persisted. For example, what if the user uploads the file, changes a couple of options, then goes to lunch. If you store the info in session, it may be gone when they get back, ditto for storing it in the page with hidden variables. What about storing it in a DB?
I would store the file at the temp folder and only associate the name of the file with the user session so that later it can be processed:
// Create a temp file in the Temp folder and return its name:
var tempFile = Path.GetTempFileName();
// write to the temp file and put the filename into the session
// so that the next request can fetch the file and process it
There's a flaw with the GetTempFileName that I once fell into because I didn't read the documentation carefully. It says that the method will start throwing exceptions if you have more than 65535 files in the temp folder. So remember to always delete the temp file once you've finished processing it.
Another alternative to the temp folder would be to store the file into a database, but I am a little skeptic about storing files inside a relational database.
