ajax request in rails 2 not working - ruby-on-rails

function ajaxRequest(){
type: 'GET',
url: 'client/orders/send_mail_to_notaries',
data: { subject: "hi" }
return false;
It doesn't pass any params in controller.Can any one trigger this out?

Following the question that you have asked today morning page.replace_html method in rails 2 i guess you are using prototype.
Can you check if jQuery is included? Unless jQuery is included this ajax request will not work.

I just tried the method you're using and it worked for me. Perhaps there's a problem with the router/controller?
When debugging ajax it's very handy to use the Chrome developer toolbar. Bring it up, run the javascript and see what happens.
To see the response from the server you can then flip to the Network tab to see what the response is.


How to debug ajax response?

I am at lost with ways to debug my Ajax callback. I'm trying to print the response from the php file to see if the call is working but without success. While the call works, the response seem to return empty... Nothing shows in the console but the response in Network tab is 200 OK and I can see the data in the response header. However not able to print it back to the console. console.log(response) should print the table but meh. What are alternative ways to debug this? Any suggestion is welcome.
type: 'POST',
dataType : 'json',
url: 'queries/getsocial.php',
success: function(response)
console.log(response);//does not print in the console
So here's the proof I get that it is working server side
After a much needed 10 hour break into the night, I solved the issue with a much clearer mind. I removed the dataType row and it worked for me.
As silly as it may sound, the table in the PHP page was not in JSON format, so when jQuery tries to parse it as such, it fails.
Hope it helps for you. If not, check out more suggestions here.
type: 'POST',
dataType : 'json',
url: 'queries/getsocial.php',
success: function(response)
console.log(response);//does not print in the console
After (Works now)
type: 'POST',
url: 'queries/getsocial.php',
success: function(response)
console.log(response);//yes prints in the console
Can you add a photo of the console? When something like that happens to me, I usually print something console.log(“Response: “+ response). At least if you see the text at least you can be sure your function is getting executed.

backbone.js fetch error

I am facing a problem with getting a response in fetch function of backbone.js. I am using Backbone.js with rails.
success: function(e) {
window.questionListView = new QuestionListView;
window.headerView = new HeaderView;
error: function() {
There is already a URL set for the fetch method and it does make a request to online server which returns a JSON object. I checked by hitting that request independently in new tab and it worked fine. Also the JSON object returned is valid. But when i run this page i always get popup of 'Error'?
Any help would be great.
I got what was the issue..... The thing that was happening was, The Java_Servlet which i was calling to get the JSON object was returning the data in text format instead of JSON... (But it was a valid JSON string)... and while calling the ajax method i had set the type as 'json' so it was failing.
Thanks to everyone who read my question and thought for a solution.
But one strange thing which i observed was, same code was working in production and not in my local machine??? Does anyone have some idea on why it could be behaving like that..???
Thanks :) Now i can sleep properly!!

Jquery mobile page navigation corrupts base url and causes ajax on main page to fail

My main page is here:
My login page is here:
Main.php uses ajax to fetch data in response to a tap event. This works fine until I navigate to my login page and then back to my main page. After going to the login page and back, the relative paths get messed up such that the ajax looks for server file in the wrong place.
here is the ajax:
1. function get_more_data() {
2. more_data_index += 15;
3. var formData = "index=" + more_data_index;
4. $.ajax({
5. type: "POST",
6. url: "genxml.php", // file located here: http://www.mydomain.com/main/genxml.php
7. cache: false,
8. data: formData,
9. dataType: "xml",
10. success: showFiles3,
11. error: onErrorMoreData
12. });
13. }
After I navigate back to main.php from login.php the ajax tries posting to the wrong location:
(genxml.php is not in the "pages" subdirectory; it's in the main directory.)
I tried updating the ajax to use an absolute path:
url: "http://www.mydomain.com/main/genxml.php"
This made the post successful, but my data parsing failed because relatives paths are used in the main file for things like images. So instead of getting images from here: http://www.mydomain.com/main/ the script was trying to get images from here: http://www.mydomain.com/main/pages/
I've found a few posts with people having similar issues, but I've not come across a solution. I've also tried reading the jquerymobile docs and it's very possible that the jquery developers attempt to cover this issue here, but I admit I don't completely understand everything on this page:
If anyone can help I would really appreciate it. Thanks.
P.S. This issue happens on Android and Google Chrome, but not in Firefox.
I have created a working example of what you're trying to do. You should be able to look at this and see what I've done. Be sure to checkout the master.js. I think that the key to making it work in your situation is to nest the ajax calls within the "pageshow" event to be sure that your baseURL has been updated. You can download the example at http://www.roughlybrilliant.com/stackoverflow/7372909.7z
View the example in action as it pulls in weather.xml with relative URLs.
$("div").live("pageshow", function(){
var $page = $(this);
Why don't you use one of this:
use "../main.php" when redirecting back from login page, or
remember UrlRefer from Headers when you entering login.php and use that to redirect back to any previous page with 301

Strange underscore param in remote links

I use Rails3, JQuery and will_paginate gem to make remote pagination links. Known solution for this is:
$('.pagination a').live('click',function (){
return false;
With this code I get links like: http://localhost:3000/products?_=1300468875819&page=1 or http://localhost:3000/products?_=1300468887024&page=2. So the little question is: what is this strange param _=1300468887024 (looks like Unix-time). What is its purpose? As I know this can cause some problems with search crawlers.
UPD: The solution is described here.
it's a cache buster. It's also used in development mode, so to avoid getting an old request from the browser cache.
(unfortunately, all the explanations I found are realated to advertisement :S)
This is a simple solution if you don't mind removing it for all requests:
jQuery.ajaxSetup({ cache: true });
Another solution would be to extend jQuery's getScript function as per the documentation:
jQuery.cachedScript = function(url, options) {
options = $.extend(options || {}, {
dataType: "script",
cache: true,
url: url
return jQuery.ajax(options);
This way, only the ajax calls using this new method will use the cache. On the other hand, if you used the ajaxSetup method, all your ajax calls would cache by default since ajaxSetup sets the cache property globally.
Now you can use $.cachedScript(location.href); instead of $.getScript(this.href);.

Strange jquery post problem, wrong post url is used

I have a form I wish to submit via ajax usind the jQuery $.post command.
The form looks like this:
<form action="/wine/merlot/reviews" class="new_review" id="new_review" method="post">
And the jquery call is:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#new_review').submit(function() {
$.post($(this).attr('action'), $(this).serialize(), null, 'script');
return false;
I get the following error on the server:
ActionController::MethodNotAllowed (Only get, put, and delete requests are allowed.):
From what I can tell by digging in with firebugs console the problem is the post is posting to this url:
/wine/merlot instead of /wine/merlot/reviews
I can't for the life of me figure out why this is the case.
OK. It turns out I'm an idiot. I had another div on the page with the id "new_review" so I guess it was looking at the wrong element. Renamed and everything working now.
I could not get a form to submit via ajax using the jQuery $.post command with Rails 2.
I modified Ryan Bates' Railcast 136 to submit via a put instead. The kludge I used was to check the (params[:id] == 'update') in the update action to check for this ajax request.
jQuery.fn.blurWithAjax = function() {
this.blur(function() {
// GOOD .ajax javascript update action works even though create on Rails2 does not
type: "PUT",
url: "/reviews/update",
data: jQuery(this).serialize(),
dataType: "script",
callback: null
return false;
return this;
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
You need to make the parallel changes also;
def create => def update
app/views/reviews/create.js.erb => app/views/reviews/update.js.erb
Not sure, but try /wine/merlot/reviews/ instead of /wine/merlot/reviews?
