I'm having trouble figuring out how to loop over the results of a ThinkingSphinx search that has been set to group_by. I currently have the following:
search = Event.search(
group_by: 'category_id',
group_function: :attr
search.each_with_groupby_and_count do |event, group, count|
puts [event, group, count].join(' - ')
This, however, only returns one record per category. It seems like the group and count values are correct, but I only get the first Event of each category, which I would have expected to be all the events in the group. Is it possible to get an array of Hashes or similar? Furthermore, if this is possible, would the per_page option be per group?
I would expect each_with_group_and_count to iterate over something like this:
{group: 1, hits: [Event1, Event2], count: 2},
{group: 2: hits: [Event3], count: 1}
I'm afraid Sphinx's grouping functionality doesn't behave in that matter - it only returns one document (in this situation, one event) per group value.
It may be more appropriate to just sort by category_id instead, and track when it changes as you iterate over it (or use Enumerable#group_by to group all events by category_id) - keep in mind that Sphinx paginates results, so you may want to increase the default page size (with :per_page) depending on how you're using these results.
I have a table with columns that are numbered (e.g. Group1, Group2, Group 3). I'd like write a loop that queries the table while grouping on a different Group each time (e.g. first iteration groups on Group1, second iteration groups on Group2 etc.). I'm aware of the send method but I'm having trouble adapting it to Rails query methods like .where and .group.
I'm looking for something along the lines of:
group = "Group1"
Is this possible? Do I just have the wrong syntax?
To strictly answer your question, #send takes a symbol that represents a method name, followed by any parameters. So what you want is:
Table.send(:group, 'Group1')
Having said that, resorting to #send seems unnecessary. Could you not just do something like:
groups = %i[group1 group2 group3]
groups.each do |g|
Table.where(...).group(g) # or whatever
I do the following so I am able to group all LineItem's together by count and display the LineItem by count along with the vendor_name
line_items = LineItem.all
vendor_line_items = line_items.group(:vendor_name).select('COUNT(*) as count', 'vendor_name').order('count desc')
My issue is that I am only able to receive the following params: id: nil, vendor_name: "name_here"
Is there a way to accomplish the same thing but allow all params from the model to be passed?
You can't select the rest of the columns since you have different values for each coulmn inside the group (like... if you have 2 LineItem in the same group, which ID do you expect to have?)
You could apply aggregate functions (like COUNT, MAX, MIN, etc) to other columns on the SELECT to tell the database which columns you want for each column I guess.
Personally, I would first get the groups ordered by count and then do more queries when needed to fetch the actual record for the groups.
counts = LineItem.group(:vendor_name).count
# counts should be something like: {vendor_1: X, vendor_2, Y, vendor_3: Z}
# order the vendors using the count for each vendor
ordered_vendors = counts.keys.sort_by { |ven| counts[ven] }
ordered_vendors.each do |vendor|
# do something with each vendor, fetch LineItems, etc
The reason why you only see the count and the vendor name is because that is all you are grouping by. Suppose in the database, you have 5 different Vendor A shown below.
vendor_name | product_name
Vendor A | test
Vendor A | test2
Vendor A | test3
Vendor A | test4
Vendor A | test5
When you run your query, SQL will not know what to display for product_name as the group_by will only show 1 row instead of 5. Have a read about it here.
To achieve this you will need to either to group by the other columns too or use a min/max select to pick a value to display. Here is an example:
vendor_line_items = LineItem.select('COUNT(*) AS count', 'vendor_name', 'MAX(product_name)').group(:vendor_name).order('count DESC')
Now each of those results, you can call the attributes method.
Which will give you the following hash:
vendor_line_items.each do |x|
result = x.attributes
# Here result will be a hash.
# {"count" => 5, "vendor_name" => "Vendor A", "product_name" => "test5"}
(Not accepted answer unless a better way is received)
I did:
vendor_line_items = Vendor.joins(:line_items).group(:id).order('COUNT(line_items.id) DESC')
This gives me what I want by ordering the results by vendor.line_items.count and allowing me to get all of the associations to display any param I want.
I assume this way is much slower than what I was previously doing as it fetches all records and then on the front end goes through associations to get more records.
In the original way I was doing this. It is what I want minus an extra parameter that I would want the SUM of. The parameter is a decimal attribute. In the same way I count the LineItem that have the same vendor_name, I want to sum of the LineItem.attribute that share the same vendor_name.
Better Answer:
LineItem.select(:vendor_name, 'sum(line_item_revenue) as line_item_revenue', 'COUNT(*) as count').group(:vendor_name)
This seems to get me what I want with less queries (i believe) --- correct me if I am wrong on the queries.
I am quite confused about your code and your expectation. You are selecting the COUNT but the expected result is id instead of count?
If you want to group by vendor_name and show the count of group_by you can try
I'm doing a select with a count-distinct in ActiveRecord, but it's not returning any of my aggregated fields.
'users.id, count(distinct(shc.id)) as shipping_credit_count,
count(distinct(sc.id)) as service_credit_count'
Is only returning #<ActiveRecord::Relation [#<User id: 119>]> I was expecting to see the count in my aggregated fields? Why is nothing being returned?
Your query probably works as expected but the inspect method is throwing you of. Read my answer here for a better description: Why group calculation fields do not show up in query result?
You should be able to call service_credit_count and service_credit_count on your objects even though it does not show up when you log them.
I would however implement it a little bit different. I would on the User model add the methods
def service_credit_count
return service_credit_count_sql if self.respond_to?(:service_credit_count_sql)
def shipping_credit_count
return shipping_credit_count_sql if self.respond_to?(:shipping_credit_count_sql)
And then in your query name the fields with the suffix. This way you can always use these counts. There is also a small (quite imature) gem I have written that does this: https://github.com/trialbee/association_count
Rails: 4.1.2
Database: PostgreSQL
For one of my queries, I am using methods from both the textacular gem and Active Record. How can I chain some of the following queries with an "OR" instead of an "AND":
people = People.where(status: status_approved).fuzzy_search(first_name: "Test").where("last_name LIKE ?", "Test")
I want to chain the last two scopes (fuzzy_search and the where after it) together with an "OR" instead of an "AND." So I want to retrieve all People who are approved AND (whose first name is similar to "Test" OR whose last name contains "Test"). I've been struggling with this for quite a while, so any help would be greatly appreciated!
I digged into fuzzy_search and saw that it will be translated to something like:
SELECT "people".*, COALESCE(similarity("people"."first_name", 'test'), 0) AS "rankxxx"
FROM "people"
WHERE (("people"."first_name" % 'abc'))
ORDER BY "rankxxx" DESC
That says if you don't care about preserving order, it will just filter the result by WHERE (("people"."first_name" % 'abc'))
Knowing that and now you can simply write the query with similar functionality:
People.where(status: status_approved)
.where('(first_name % :key) OR (last_name LIKE :key)', key: 'Test')
In case you want order, please specify what would you like the order will be after joining 2 conditions.
After a few days, I came up with the solution! Here's what I did:
This is the query I wanted to chain together with an OR:
people = People.where(status: status_approved).fuzzy_search(first_name: "Test").where("last_name LIKE ?", "Test")
As Hoang Phan suggested, when you look in the console, this produces the following SQL:
SELECT "people".*, COALESCE(similarity("people"."first_name", 'test'), 0) AS "rank69146689305952314"
FROM "people"
WHERE "people"."status" = 1 AND (("people"."first_name" % 'Test')) AND (last_name LIKE 'Test') ORDER BY "rank69146689305952314" DESC
I then dug into the textacular gem and found out how the rank is generated. I found it in the textacular.rb file and then crafted the SQL query using it. I also replaced the "AND" that connected the last two conditions with an "OR":
# Generate a random number for the ordering
rank = rand(100000000000000000).to_s
# Create the SQL query
sql_query = "SELECT people.*, COALESCE(similarity(people.first_name, :query), 0)" +
" AS rank#{rank} FROM people" +
" WHERE (people.status = :status AND" +
" ((people.first_name % :query) OR (last_name LIKE :query_like)))" +
" ORDER BY rank#{rank} DESC"
I took out all of quotation marks in the SQL query when referring to tables and fields because it was giving me error messages when I kept them there and even if I used single quotes.
Then, I used the find_by_sql method to retrieve the People object IDs in an array. The symbols (:status, :query, :query_like) are used to protect against SQL injections, so I set their values accordingly:
# Retrieve all the IDs of People who are approved and whose first name and last name match the search query.
# The IDs are sorted in order of most relevant to the search query.
people_ids = People.find_by_sql([sql_query, query: "Test", query_like: "%Test%", status: 1]).map(&:id)
I get the IDs and not the People objects in an array because find_by_sql returns an Array object and not a CollectionProxy object, as would normally be returned, so I cannot use ActiveRecord query methods such as where on this array. Using the IDs, we can execute another query to get a CollectionProxy object. However, there's one problem: If we were to simply run People.where(id: people_ids), the order of the IDs would not be preserved, so all the relevance ranking we did was for nothing.
Fortunately, there's a nice gem called order_as_specified that will allow us to retrieve all People objects in the specific order of the IDs. Although the gem would work, I didn't use it and instead wrote a short line of code to craft conditions that would preserve the order.
order_by = people_ids.map { |id| "people.id='#{id}' DESC" }.join(", ")
If our people_ids array is [1, 12, 3], it would create the following ORDER statement:
"people.id='1' DESC, people.id='12' DESC, people.id='3' DESC"
I learned from this comment that writing an ORDER statement in this way would preserve the order.
Now, all that's left is to retrieve the People objects from ActiveRecord, making sure to specify the order.
people = People.where(id: people_ids).order(order_by)
And that did it! I didn't worry about removing any duplicate IDs because ActiveRecord does that automatically when you run the where command.
I understand that this code is not very portable and would require some changes if any of the people table's columns are modified, but it works perfectly and seems to execute only one query according to the console.
After researching for a good amount of time, finally writing this.
I am doing a solr query to find all the records that have specific object_id and also another field which tells active/inactive. And then need to get the counts that are active and as well as total count (that includes active/inactive and also belongs to specified object_ids)
Model.search() do
with(:object_id, params[:ids])
active_condition = with(:active, true)
facet(:object_id, exclude: active_condition)
This is returning all the records. But, the requirement is to fetch the count that are belongs to only specific object_ids and also both active/inactive.
Is it possible to get the counts with this approach ?
You need to facet on the active field instead:
Model.search() do
with(:object_id, params[:ids])
active_condition = with(:active, true)
facet(:active, exclude: active_condition)
This returns the active and inactive counts of the object_ids you scoped on.