Rhino: Retrieving the Line No and Column No - rhino

I am running my own proxy objects which extend org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptableObject.
I also have my own functions which extend org.mozilla.javascript.Function.
My desire is to have any exceptions thrown here return the line no and if possible the column number where they occurred in the evaluated script. Is this possible? I only have access to the context and the scope.

Whenever an exception is thrown from a script, Rhino throws RhinoException which already has line and column number (and more). However when you execute the script you need to provide the line number that will be used by Rhino as the starting line number. The actual line number of where the exception/error occurred will be relative to this number. So something line this:
//-- Define a simple test script to test if things are working or not.
String testScript = "function simpleJavascriptFunction() {" +
" this line has syntax error." +
"}" +
//-- Compile the test script.
Script compiledScript = Context.getCurrentContext().compileString(testScript, "My Test Script", 2, null);
//-- Execute the test script.
compiledScript.exec(Context.getCurrentContext(), anyJavascriptScope);
In the above code, the starting line number is set to 2 (third parameter of the call to compileString()). When this is executed, Rhino will throw a RhinoException that will have the lineNumber property set to the value '3' (the first line is treated as the second line b/c we passed 2).
Hope this helps.


Got the error when use LUA script to query a list

when I use Lua script to query a list, I got the correctly result if the list is not empty. But got error if the list is empty.
Blow is my script:
const char * sLuaQueryServers = "local key_list = redis.call('KEYS',
KEYS[1]); return(redis.call('MGET', unpack(key_list)))";
I passed the "serverlist:*" as the key, it's successfully returned the server in list.
But if there no server in redis, I got below error:
ERR Error running script (call to
f_88620231033e13635dc3181f2947a740f91012dc): #user_script:1: #user_script:
1: Wrong number of args calling Redis command From Lua script
Please help.
To your question, add a check that the list isn't empty before calling MGET, e.g.:
local key_list = redis.call('KEYS', KEYS[1])
if #key_list > 0 then
return(redis.call('MGET', unpack(key_list)))
return nil
Note #1: no need for semicolons in Lua
Note #2: Using KEYS isn't recommended for anything, except debugging
Note #3: You're using the KEYS table to pass an argument, but since your script is running KEYS (the command) that's really a moot point

Is it possible to trace the current line in an F# script with FSI library

We are using FSharp compiler service FSI evaluation session to execute a DSL. To be precise we are using F# code to simulate G-Code for a CNC machine. As each line of the FSI script moves the machine to a different location our users would like to see the current line of the script that is executing synced to the position of the machine.
Is it possible to get a callback from the FSI evaluation session indicating the current line being executed?
Use the LINE directive
let x = "this is on line " + __LINE__
val x : string = "this is on line 42"

How to execute batch file silently in windows background

i have a batch file which helps to start my rails server.when i am starting my batch file the command prompt is opening but here i need the cmd should not visible to user or it will execute at windows background.I am explaining mt .bat file code below.
cd c:\\Site\swargadwara_puri
rails server
Please help me.
You could run it silently using a Vbscript file instead. The Run Method allows you running a script in invisible mode. Create a .vbs file like this one :
Option Explicit
Dim MyBatchFile
MyBatchFile = "C:\New Floder\toto 1.bat"
Call Run(MyBatchFile,1,False) 'Showing the console
Call Run(MyBatchFile,0,False) 'Hidding the console
Function Run(MyBatchFile,Console,bWaitOnReturn)
Dim ws,Result
Set ws = CreateObject("wscript.Shell")
'A value of 0 to hide the MS-DOS console
If Console = 0 Then
Result = ws.run(DblQuote(MyBatchFile),Console,bWaitOnReturn)
If Result = 0 Then
'MsgBox "Success"
MsgBox "An unknown error has occurred!",16,"An unknown error has occurred!"
End If
End If
'A value of 1 to show the MS-DOS console
If Console = 1 Then
Result = ws.run(DblQuote(MyBatchFile),Console,bWaitOnReturn)
If Result = 0 Then
'MsgBox "Success"
MsgBox "An unknown error has occurred!",16,"An unknown error has occurred!"
End If
End If
Run = Result
End Function
Function DblQuote(Str)
DblQuote = Chr(34) & Str & Chr(34)
End Function
The second argument in this example sets the window style. 0 means "hide the window, and 1 means "show the window"
Complete syntax of the Run method:
object.Run(strCommand, [intWindowStyle], [bWaitOnReturn])
object: WshShell object.
strCommand: String value indicating the command line you want to run. You must include any parameters you want to pass to the executable file.
intWindowStyle: Optional. Integer value indicating the appearance of the program's window. Note that not all programs make use of this information.
bWaitOnReturn: Optional. Boolean value indicating whether the script should wait for the program to finish executing before continuing to the next statement in your script. If set to true, script execution halts until the program finishes, and Run returns any error code returned by the program. If set to false (the default), the Run method returns immediately after starting the program, automatically returning 0 (not to be interpreted as an error code).
You can minimize the batch command, for example using:
START /MIN rails server

Luac don't work with one script

I have embedded lua and I want precompile my script. For that, I call the main of luac (with argc the number of file is 1). My problem is on the function doargs of luac. I don't understand the use of the variable i. Because when I use one script. The result of i after the doargs function is 1. And in the main function we have argc -= i after. And so argc = 0 and I have a error "no file". Any idea ?
luac is meant to be a command line utility for compiling .lua files. This expected usage is the reason why you're getting an error.
When you start an executable the OS passes the name of the program as its first argument (argv[0]). The luac main function assumes it is being called by the OS, so it expects that there will always be at least one argument and its argv[0] will be the name of the executable.
For this reason doargs starts its for loop at 1 and will always ignore that first (0th) argument. It returns how many options it has processed, which is also the offset of the first filename in the argv array. The main function uses this to know where the list of files starts.
If you really want to use the main function to precompile your scripts, then supply an extra dummy argument at the beginning of your argument array and list your files after that. Preferably you should use luac from the command line and supply an output file where the precompiled script will be stored like this:
luac -o outputFile script.lua
Alternatively, take a look at chapter 8 of Programming in Lua (Compilation, Execution, and Errors) for a pure Lua solution, or the the luaL_dofile, luaL_dostring, lua_dump, and lua_load functions in the Reference Manual for a C API solution.

Calling back to a main file from a dofile in lua

Say i have two files:
One is called mainFile.lua:
function altDoFile(name)
function callBack()
print "called back"
The other called caller.lua, located in a libs folder:
function doCallback()
print "performing call back"
The output of running the first file is then:
"performing call back"
Then nothing more, i'm missing a line!
Why is callBack never getting executed? is this intended behavior, and how do i get around it?
The fact that the function is getting called from string is important, so that can't be changed.
I have tested it further, and the _G["callBack"] does resolve to a function (type()) but it still does not get called
Why not just use dofile?
It seems that the purpose of altDoFile is to replace the running script's filename with the script you want to call thereby creating an absolute path. In this case the path for caller.lua is a relative path so you shouldn't need to change anything for Lua to load the file.
Refactoring your code to this:
function callBack()
print "called back"
Seems to give the result you are looking for:
$ lua mainFile.lua
performing call back
called back
Just as a side note, altDoFile throws an error if the path does not contain a \ character. Windows uses the backslash for path names, but other operating systems like Linux and MacOS do not.
In my case running your script on Linux throws an error because string.find returns nill instead of an index.
lua: mainFile.lua:2: bad argument #1 to 'sub' (number expected, got nil)
If you need to know the working path of the main script, why not pass it as a command line argument:
C:\LuaFiles> lua mainFile.lua C:/LuaFiles
Then in Lua:
local working_path = arg[1] or '.'
If you just want to be able to walk back up one directory, you can also modify the loader
package.path = ";../?.lua" .. package.path;
So then you could run your file by doing:
dofile "../Untitled/SensorLib.lua" --use backpath librarys
Best Regards
