Facebook iOS SDK vs Social framework - ios

I want to write app that is heavily integrated with Facebook. I'm not sure what shoud I use - sdk provided by Facebook or new Social Framework provided by Apple. Do you know some pros and cons of them?
I ended using Social Framework provided by Apple, because it's much easier to integrate, It will be develop in future, and I have access to device owner Facebook account, so user don't have to log in to Facebook when using my app. I want to do some custom stuff, so I get oauth token from ACAccountCredential and then I make requests with AFNetworing to Facebook's Graph API.

The Social Framework is designed for simple, site-neutral data manipulation. Examples might include getting the user's 'activity feed' (as described by the docs) or posting a new status or photo. It currently works with Twitter, Facebook and Weibo however, other than lack of features, the current main disadvantage is that it is limited to iOS 6, which won't be as much of a problem in the future.
On the other hand Facebook does have an iOS SDK that makes it reasonably easy to integrate Facebook into your app, and it is much more powerful than the Social Framework. Another benefit is that support goes back to iOS 4.3.
I'd recommend using the Facebook iOS SDK over writing your own custom one and using OAuth because Facebook has already done the work for you.

I've struggled with this decision for a long time and came to this conclusion. If your app doesn't care for iOS 5 and older phones, then the iOS Social framework is the way to go, as it allows the user to share with any of the popular social outlets (Facebook, Twitter, email, Weibo, SMS...) just like one can do in mobile safari. According to Apple, 89% of the iDevices are already on iOS 7. The percentage will be higher if you include iOS 6.


How to get statistical data of app usage of other applications on IOS using react native?

I've been trying to see if it's possible to get information about app usage on IOS. For example, how much time a user spends on his/hers Facebook or Safari applications. How could one go about doing this within a react native application? Is it possible to do it with any framework?
No, it’s not possible. Apple is very strict about this.
An app cannot access other apps' sandboxes, for any reason. Everything an app can do is restricted to its own sandbox, and in no way can other sandboxes be accessed.
User security is very important for Apple.
If the app you are trying to get the data about has an SDK that can be integrated in your react native app, and the SDK has APIs to provide information about usage analytics for the user(which I don't think is possible with FB SDK), you could ask the user for authorization via the SDK and show them the usage analytics information. Although, chances of these APIs being in an SDK are slim, this might be the only way.

How to proceed with Twitter dropping support for the Twitter SDK?

Since Twitter announced that they will be discontinuing support for the Twitter SDK for iOS, Android and Unity (https://blog.twitter.com/developer/en_us/topics/tools/2018/discontinuing-support-for-twitter-kit-sdk.html), I am unsure of the best way to proceed with my application. I am specifically interested in options for iOS.
I am currently only using a subset of the full capabilities, primarily:
Fetching tweets
Displaying tweets
For authentication, OAuthSwift looks to be a possible replacement.
For fetching tweets from the API, Swifter is a library that I have been using and could continue to use.
However, I'm currently using the TWTRTweetView class of the Twitter SDK and am not aware of any other options to replace this.
Twitter seem to be suggesting to use web views to display tweets in apps but this option doesn't lend well to my use cases. I'm looking for a native solution.
Can anyone suggest any other alternatives or approaches to take in light of these developments?
As mentioned in the blog :
Documentation and source code for all three SDKs on GitHub will remain
available for consumption in an archived state.
You can fork the Twitter Kit project and build it into your app, or
copy the parts you need into your app. Or you can use Twitter’s
standard API to power your own native displays and login

How facebook App links work as deferred link on iOS

How facebook app links or Tapstream deep links provide support for deferred links on iOS.
For example when app is not installed on device then it redirect to app store which is fine; but it also sends the data to app on installation which was there with link.
There is no way to pass data through the App Store, so all deferred deep linking works by using a remote server to close the loop. You can build this yourself, but you really shouldn't for a lot of reasons, not the least of which being you have more important things to do. This is how Facebook and Tapstream provide deferred deep linking, and using third party tools for this is industry standard — even big names like Yelp and Tinder do so..
Facebook App Links are a completely different concept, and they have no support for deferred deep linking. They are essentially unsupported by any app on iOS (including Facebook) at this time, so they're not really worth your effort to implement.
The deferred deep link functionality provided by both Facebook and Tapstream is incomplete and unreliable. You should investigate a free service like Branch.io (full disclosure: they're so awesome I work with them) or Firebase Dynamic Links to handle all of this for you.

Share data on Weibo and QQ internation in iOS

I am trying to share data on QQ internation and Weibo, but not getting such a good way to post data on this messengers, i tried a lot for sharing data on weibo and qq internation but not getting result.
guide me to correct way and which is the good way to share data on this both messegner.
You might want to look at the SDK's they offer. Third-party service providers encapsulate their services on platforms such as iPhone in special SDK (software development kit) so you can easily talk to their servers.
Weibo iOS SDK
Try MonkeyKing library.
MonkeyKing helps you post messages to Chinese Social Networks, without
their buggy SDKs.
MonkeyKing use the same analysis process of openshare, support share
Text, URL, Image, Audio, and Video to WeChat, QQ or Weibo. MonkeyKing
also can post message to Weibo by webpage. (Note that Auido and Video
are only specifically for WeChat or QQ)
One more thing: MonkeyKing supports OAuth.

How to integrate twitter app in my iphone? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to connect to Twitter from iPhone?
can anybody please explain how to integrate the twitter app in my iphone app with simple example?
You have twitter iOS SDK, which can be downloaded from here. And the documentation there is good enough to get you started.
From iOS 6 onwards, you can use Apple's own SocialFramework to post tweets. From Apple's documentation
The Social framework (Social.framework) provides a simple interface
for accessing the user’s social media accounts. This framework
supplants the Twitter framework that was introduced in iOS 5 and adds
support for other social accounts, including Facebook and Sina’s Weibo
service. Apps can use this framework to post status updates and images
to a user’s account. This framework works with the Accounts framework
to provide a single sign-on model for the user and to ensure that
access to the user’s account is approved.
