iOS: Testing device to allow access to photo library...reset setting - ios

I was testing my app, part of which allows the user to take a photo and save it. When the alert appeared on the screen asking me to give my app access to the photo library I accidentally hit "No" (Stupid touch feature : D ). Now each time I run the app I cannot save images. Is there a way to reset that?

Just turn access on in the settings. Settings->Privacy->Photos->Your App.


How to activate and open my app as soon as I unlock my screen in iOS devices

I'm managing few iOS devices, so I want to create a app to add security feature like collecting the user information from the user like UserID to track which user is currently using the device .
Desired output:
So I want to trigger my app as soon as a user unlock the device and without giving the details the user should not able to access the home screen of the Device.
Is it possible to do it with any framework in iOS without Jailbreak ?
No its not possible. iOS does not allows application to manage device with it self. Application should work in the pre given area which is called Sandbox. So its not possible to handle the entire device and you can not check it that who is using the device.
This is not possible, you should look to Mobile Device Management solutions and rather go that route. You could also look at apple's business solutions.

Access photos with AssetLibraryPhotosViewer

I'm trying out this code: to access photos on my iPhone.
However when I run the application, I get an alert that says the application is trying to access my photos - and then I can allow this or decline.
Can I disable this when using the AssetLibrary, or does this message always appear?
If I can't turn this off, and I press "Don't Allow", can I still make the app access my photos?
Following on from answer above. This will appear once. If you allow access then it will not show again and you will have access to the photo's. If you disallow it then you will not be allowed to access this and the alert dialog will not appear again.
This permission can be changed at any time by the user in the settings app (Under Location and Privacy, or a variation of that.) This has been around since iOS 6 I believe.
You are never able to programtically state that access has been granted, the system handles the permissions which are shown to the user.
This is a security feature of the OS that cannot be disabled. If a user does not give your app permission to access the photo library your app will not be able to access any photos. Given this ability your app should be able to handle the situation gracefully from a UI/UX perspective.
For more information take a look at this guide from Apple about iOS security guidelines (page 47 takes about accessing personal data) iOS Security

iOS: Control access to camera roll new appear

in my app I use ALAssetsLibrary to load access at photos in camera roll;
The first time I start my app I see the classic message, if I want give the permission to access at the photo library or not.
But I want to test this situation in each case (allow and not allowed) but I'm not able show again this message; I tried to delete app, change number version, change bundle identifier, but nothing!
Every time I run my app it not show me this message and I have ever the permission to access in the library image; I want to test what happen if I select NO.
(I know that I can change this option in general settings, but in this case I control all in viewdidappear)
I want to know what happen If I select no with that message, then is it possible show again that alert?
Ok I think I got your question. In your simulator just goto Settings-->Privacy-->Photos-->You app.
Just off that switch each time and you will get prompted with that message..!
Once a user has allowed or disallowed you app access the message will never be shown again and iOS save this permission not to bother the user again.
For the iOS simulator you can rest the settings to get the message again.

open the camera app while iphone in lock mode programmatically

I'm looking for solution that will enable my app to get an event from the server while the phone is in lock mode, when the event occurs the app will open the camera and take a picture.
while the phone remains locked and send the picture to the server in the back ground.
is it possible?
will apple store allow this kind of application?
Clarification:: the idea is not to take a picture without the user knowledge, the goal is to have him take a quick picture without having to open the phone & the application in order for that picture to be taken. If there is a solution that allows me to add a button like the camera build in next to the lock that's a great solution too.
Short answers
This is a huge violation of privacy, and has a great potential for abuse, therefore, there is no way to sneak pictures away from the user's device on demand.
You could send a push notification and ask a user to take a photo and upload it to your server on the other hand.

iOS 6 - Can't gain access to photos?
In there it says "For the photo library, the existing interface supports the app being denied access." Does it mean that there is no way for the app to ask the user permission to access his photos? He'll need to manualy go to settings -> privacy -> Photos and toggle my app?
If you are using ALAssets to get access to photo library, for the first time system will ask user if he want's to share photos to your app. If user taps "Allow" - everything will be ok, otherwise, user should go to the preferences and allow it manually when he wants.
Hope it helped
No, that not true. iOS will ask user for persmission when he first time accesses his photos from your app.
