Cypher query: find path by relationship properties - neo4j

My problem is very close to this topic: Cypher query: Finding all paths between two nodes filtered by relationship properties but what I'm trying to do is to find path which has increasing value of relationship property along the path. So in that previos topics example solution paths (from A to D) would be:
A->D and A->B->D
I used solution from previous topic
START a=node(1), d=node(4)
MATCH p=a-[r:ACTIVATES*..]->d
WITH head(relationships(p)) as r1,p
WHERE all(r2 in relationships(p)
where r2.temperature > r1.temperature)
return p;
and it works for this example. Problem is when there is path with more then 2 relationships, for example:
activates:50 activates:70 activates:60
this path unfortunately matches too.
Is there way how to write this query in cypher or I'll have to use gremlin instead?
Thanks for any suggestion.
Update: What I need is some construction like (in pseudo programing language):
WITH head(relationships(p)) as r1,p
FOREACH(r2 in tail(relationships(p)):
r1.temperature < r2.temperature, r1 = r2)
but in cypher if it's posible.

This one worked in my example
START a=node(1), d=node(4)
MATCH p=a-[r:ACTIVATES*..]-d
WITH head(relationships(p))as r1,last(relationships(p))as r2,p
WHERE all(r3 in relationships(p)
where r2.temperature > r1.temperature AND NOT r3.temperature < r1.temperature)
return p;
Update: Is there any way to do that with node properties?


Traverse both incoming and outgoing relationship in Cypher

I am new at Neo4j but not to graphs and I have a specific problem I did not manage to solve with Cypher.
With this type of data:
I would like to be able in a single query to follow some incoming and some outgoing flow.
Starting on "source"
Follow all "A" relationships in the outgoing way
Follow all "B" relationships in the incoming way
My problem is that Cypher only allows one single direction to be specified in the relationship pattern.
So I could do (source)-[:A|:B*]->() or (source)<-[:A|:B*]-().
But I have no possibility to tell Cypher that I want to follow -[:A]-> and <-[:B]-.
By the way, I know that I could do -[:A|:B]- but this won't solve my problem because I don't want to follow -[:B]-> and <-[:A]-.
Thanks in advance for your help :)
Alternatively to #Gabor Szarnyas answer, I think you can achieve your goal using the APOC procedure apoc.path.expand.
Using this sample data set:
CREATE (:Source)-[:A]->()-[:A]->()<-[:B]-()-[:A]->()
And calling apoc.path.expand:
match (source:Source)
call apoc.path.expand(source,"A>|<B","",0,5) yield path
return path
You will get this path as output:
The apoc.path.expand call starts from the source node following -[:A]-> and <-[:B]- relationships.
Remember to install APOC procedures according to the version of Neo4j you are using. Take a look in the version compatibility matrix.
To express this in a single query would require a regular path query, which has been proposed to and accepted to openCypher, but it is not yet implemented.
I see two possible workarounds. I recreated your example with this command with a Source label for the source node:
CREATE (:Source)-[:A]->()-[:A]->()<-[:B]-()-[:A]->()
(1) Insert additional relationships that have the same direction:
MATCH (s)-[:B]->(t)
CREATE (s)<-[:B2]-(t)
And use this relationship for traversal:
MATCH p=(source)-[:A|:B2*]->()
(2) As you mentioned:
By the way, I know that I could do -[:A|:B]- but this won't solve my problem because I don't want to follow -[:B]-> and <-[:A]-.
You could use this approach to first get potential path candidates and manually check the directions of the relationships afterwards. Of course, this is an expensive operation but you only have to calculate it on the candidates, a possibly small data set.
MATCH p=(source:Source)-[:A|:B*]-()
WITH p, nodes(p) AS nodes, relationships(p) AS rels
WHERE all(i IN range(0, size(rels) - 1) WHERE
CASE type(rels[i])
WHEN 'A' THEN startNode(rels[i]) = nodes[i]
ELSE /* B */ startNode(rels[i]) = nodes[i+1]
Let's break down how this works:
We store path candidates in p and use the nodes and relationships functions to extract the lists of nodes/relationships from it.
We define a range of indexes for the relationships (e.g. from 0, 1, 2 if there are 3 relationships).
To determine the direction of relationships, we use the startNode function. For example, if there is a relationship r between nodes n1 to n2, the paths will like <n1, r, n2>. If r was traversed to in the outgoing direction, the startNode(r) will return n1, if it was traverse in the incoming direction, startNode(r) will return n2. The type of the relationship is checked with the type function and a simple CASE expression is used to differentiate between types.
The WHERE clause uses the all predicate function to check whether all :A and :B relationships had the appropriate directions.

Cypher query fails with variable length paths when trying to find all paths with unique node occurences

I have a highly interconnected graph where starting from a specific node
i want to find all nodes connected to it regardless of the relation type, direction or length. What i am trying to do is to filter out paths that include a node more than 1 times. But what i get is a
Neo.DatabaseError.General.UnknownError: key not found: UNNAMED27
I have managed to create a much simpler database
in neo4j sandbox and get the same message again using the following data:
CREATE (n1:Person { pid:1, name: 'User1'}),
(n2:Person { pid:2, name: 'User2'}),
(n3:Person { pid:3, name: 'User3'}),
(n4:Person { pid:4, name: 'User4'}),
(n5:Person { pid:5, name: 'User5'})
With the following relationships:
MATCH (n1{pid:1}),(n2{pid:2}),(n3{pid:3}),(n4{pid:4}),(n5{pid:5})
CREATE (n1)-[r1:RELATION]->(n2),
The Cypher Query that causes this issue in the above model is
MATCH p= (n:Person{pid:1})-[*0..]-(m)
WHERE ALL(c IN nodes(p) WHERE 1=size(filter(d in nodes(p) where = )
return m
Can anybody see what is wrong with this query?
The error seems like a bug to me. There is a closed neo4j issue that seems similar, but it was supposed to be fixed in version 3.2.1. You should probably create a new issue for it, since your comments state you are using 3.2.5.
Meanwhile, this query should get the results you seem to want:
MATCH p=(:Person{pid:1})-[*0..]-(m)
WITH m, NODES(p) AS ns
WHERE SIZE(ns) = cns
return m
You should strongly consider putting a reasonable upper bound on your variable-length path search, though. If you do not do so, then with any reasonable DB size your query is likely to take a very long time and/or run out of memory.
When finding paths, Cypher will never visit the same node twice in a single path. So MATCH (a:Start)-[*]-(b) RETURN DISTINCT b will return all nodes connected to a. (DISTINCT here is redundant, but it can affect query performance. Use PROFILE on your version of Neo4j to see if it cares and which is better)
NOTE: This works starting with Neo4j 3.2 Cypher planner. For previous versions of
the Cypher planner, the only performant way to do this is with APOC, or add a -[:connected_to]-> relation from start node to all children so that path doesn't have to be explored.)

How to match all paths between two nodes with a relationship property filter?

I am trying to perform a query to retrieve all paths between two nodes a and b in which all the paths there is a relationship property fulfilled.
I have tried in many ways but I am not able to success.
MATCH p=(o{value:"a"})-[r*]-(x{value:"b"})
WHERE has( AND"foo"
I have changed the relationship part to [r*..] and many other options but not working.
The function shortestpath does not help me because I want not only the shortest but all the possibilities.
Can someone help me or tell me which is the error in the query?
What you're looking for is the ALL predicate on the relationships collection of the path :
MATCH p=(o{value:"a"})-[r*]-(x{value:"b"})
WHERE ALL(x IN rels(p) WHERE = "foo")
And please use labels !
Could you add the property on the relation/edge?
That would force an edge with a value for foo property.
I'm not a neo4j expert but interested why this would not work.
Maybe you can post a mini-sample of the data for people to test it out with.

Find all relations starting with a given node

In a graph where the following nodes
have a relationship with each nodes successor
How do i make a query that starts with A and gives me all nodes (and relationships) from that and outwards.
I do not know the end node (C).
All i know is to start from A, and traverse the whole connected graph (with conditions on relationship and node type)
I think, you need to use this pattern:
(n)-[*]->(m) - variable length path of any number of relationships from n to m. (see Refcard)
A sample query would be:
MATCH path = (a:A)-[*]->()
Have also a look at the path functions in the refcard to expand your cypher query (I don't know what exact conditions you'll need to apply).
To get all the nodes / relationships starting at a node:
MATCH (a:A {id: "id"})-[r*]-(b)
RETURN a, r, b
This will return all the graphs originating with node A / Label A where id = "id".
One caveat - if this graph is large the query will take a long time to run.

Combining depth- and breadth-first traversals in a single cypher query

My graph is a tree structure with root and end nodes, and a line of nodes between them with [:NEXT]-> relationships from one to the next. Some nodes along that path also have [:BRANCH]-> relationships to other root nodes, and through them to other lines of nodes.
What Cypher query will return an ordered list of the nodes on the path from beginning to end, with any BRANCH relationships being included with the records for the nodes that have them?
EDIT: It's not a technical diagram, but the basic structure looks like this:
with each node depicted as a black circle. In this case, I would would want every node depicted here.
How about
MATCH p=(root)-[:NEXT*0..]->(leaf)
OPTIONAL MATCH (leaf)-[:BRANCH]->(branched)
RETURN leaf, branched, length(p) as l
see also this graph-gist:
This query - a bit slow - should work (I guess):
START n=node(startID), child=node(*)
MATCH (n)-[rels*]-(child)
WHERE all(r in rels WHERE type(r) IN ["NEXT", "BRANCH"])
That is based on Neo4j 2.0.x Cypher syntax.
Technically this query will stop at the end of the tree started from startID: that is because the end in the diagram above belongs to a single path, but not the end of all the branches.
I would also recommend to limit the cardinality of the relationships - [rels*1..n] - to prevent the query to go away...
You wont be able to control the order in which the nodes are returned as per the depth first or breadth first algo unless you have a variable to save previous element or kind of recursive call which I dont think is not possible using only Cypher.
What you can do
MATCH p =(n)-[:NEXT*]->(end)
WITH collect(p) as node_paths
MATCH (n1)-[:NEXT]->(m)-[:BRANCH]->(n2)
WITH collect(m) as branch_nodes , node_paths
RETURN branch_nodes,node_paths
Now node_paths consists of all the paths with pattern (node)-[:NEXT]->(node)-[:NEXT]->...(node) . Now you have the paths and branch Nodes(starting point of basically all the paths in the node_paths except the one which will be emerging from root node) , you can arrange the output order accordingly.
