how to connect textfield with table view of listed options instead of keypad - uitableview

I need to be able to disable the keypad in a textfield, and instead when the user taps on it to start editing, a new table view will appear presenting a list of possible strings with which the textfield should be filled.
Anyone has any suggestions on how to achieve this?
Thanks in advance
p.s. I tried already but this functionality cannot be nicely implemented with a picker in my case, as there are too many options to choose from and (more importantly) each one of them is a rather long string and cannot appear entirely in a picker.

I believe you just need a regular cell that, when tapped, pushes a new detail UITableViewController with all the options to choose from. Once an option is chosen, set the cell's textLabel to whatever option have been selected.
If you'd like to go for an easier path, then you should also probably check the free Sensible TableView framework, as it has these kinds of cells out of the box (called selection cells). You just pass on your strings array to the selection cell and it will automatically display the detail view, and even assign the selected option to one of your object's properties if you wish. Should save you some good amount of manual work. Good luck!


UITableView trigger when cell is reused

I'm having some issues with reusable cells in a UITableView. I have several types of cells, that I declare in the constructor.
My issue is that I have one particular type of cell that contains a UITextView and I have an issue when I scroll the table, the text within is lost. I need to save this text to the models that accompany the cells and then put the text back when the cell is used again.
How do I know that the cell is being moved away from? I have other types of cells, so I need a way to invoke some code to do the saving part on the scroll of the UITableView.
I hope that makes sense, if more is required, let me know.
Just save the text once it is changed to the model, check if any text is present and use that in tableView(_:cellForRowAt:)
For more help you will have to show us your code.
You can inherit UITextViewDelegate and in the textViewDidEndEditing(_:) check if the text view is edited, then you will be able to store the text in a variable or somewhere else and restore it whenever you are about to show that cell again.
If there is more than one text view, you might want to set an accessibility identifier for each kind, so you will find out which one did end editing.

First button of UITableView as Search as well as Add textfield

If you see the screenshot below, its a view from iOS Files app which lets you select tags for a file.
I want to make a similar Tableview which lets user either select existing items or add new items. But I also want the add textfield to be a search field. That is, when the user starts typing there, he also gets search results from the existing items.
The way I am planning to implement this is...
Two table views.
One has a static cell to 'Add' and is not vertically scrollable.
Right underneath is the second table view with existing itmes, which is vertically scrollable.
when the user taps and starts typing in the textfield, there is a search side by side, in the second table view and the user can select an item from it as well.
When there are no matching results, an add button is highlighted and the user can add a new entry.
I want to know what is the best way one can implement such behaviour?
(In terms of UI Design)
Should one make use of the UISearchBar instead of a textfield?
Or, is it better to simply use the UISearchController?

How can I get IndexPath of currently selected tableviewcell by voice over?

I'm using Voice Over in my application. I'm having hard time to figure out which table cell is currently selected when voice over is on. How can I know whenever user initiates single tap or navigate through any tableviewcell?
These are the things you can try:
use the UIAccessibilityFocusedElement global function
override accessibilityElementDidBecomeFocused and accessibilityElementDidLoseFocus on the cell
observe the UIAccessibilityElementFocused notification in NotificationCenter in situations where you need it (e.g. when the view controller for the table in question is showing)
Also what element will report focus will most probably depend on whether your UITableViewCell has isAccessibilityElement set to true or false.
While the above will probably help you with literally what you asked, it is also possible that your overall approach to accessibility in this situation might be wrong if you need the above information. If you share more info on the bigger picture / motivation what you are trying to achieve, it might turn out that the information about focused element might not be needed at all and that another solution is more proper.
If what you need is to add a hint for swiping, you can simply set accessibilityHint on the proper element (if you set isAccessibilityElement = true on the whole cell, then set that on the whole cell, otherwise try setting it on the label that VoiceOver reads in the cell), e.g. when you configure the cell for display (usually in tableView(_:cellForRowAt:)). In such case, you will not need to observe which element is focused, and simply let VoiceOver read hint available on that particular element/cell.

Table View Design Issue

My app design required a page that display 'user information' and i currently have this setup using a simple table view in a View controller. Now, the tricky thing is I need to be able to provide functionality to the user to be able to edit these on the same same screen. So essentially when the user taps on a row in the table view, I want that little flashing text line at the end of the current text in the row so the user can edit what's currently present and I also want a save button to apear on the top when a user has started editing. The tricky part is, not all fields in my table view will be editable. So, I need certain fields to be editable and have the save button appear and certain fields not.
Can you tell me how would I go about modifying my existing design to implement this functionality? I would appreciate some code if you think you can show me how exactly I would go about doing things.
You would probably want to make some custom UITableViewCells. You can fill a tableview with all sorts of different cells which are different sizes and looks different, all at the same time. I would suggest a custom UITableViewCell which will hold a UITextField as one of the subviews. On the cells which you don't want user interaction with the textfield, either make a new custom cell that uses a UILabel or just do textfield.userInteractionEnabled = NO. Look up some custom uitableviewCell tutorials to get you started and then use the approach that I suggested for your problem.

iphone/ipad how to handle lots of input fields?

I'm writing a app that contains quite a bit of input fields for collecting data.
and im wondering what are some good methods to display these kind of input fields, if there are too many to fit on a screen? so something like the add contact screen... where u can scroll down and there are fields there
my initial idea is to put them in a scroll view and then i can scroll through them, is there a tutorial to do this? it seems like the scroll view is more for dynamically displaying data like a text view, and not for static forms like i was describing.
if anyone has any different methods for doing this please post.
UITableview will match perfectly for what you need.
My friend wrote this which is a container view that automatically helps with moving fields out of the way of the keyboard - It will certainly save you some time if you don't want to use a UITableView:
The other way as H2CO3 suggested is to use a UITableView. If it is a UITableViewController, then you get the moving out of the keyboards way automatically. You could build custom table view cells that are styled to have a prompt and a UITextField for input. You can also set the selectionStyle to UITableViewCellSelectionStyleNone to prevent these cells from highlighting when selected.
I think the third way is to do this with a UINavigationController (or a UIPageControl) and build a kind of wizard, where you go through various pages of related data. This might be the neatest way depending on how many fields you have and if you can group data into common sets (e.g. personal information, work information etc)
I had the same problem and found GTKeyboardHelper to be an easy way out.
After drag and drop the framework in your project, include the header file.
Download and open the example project, then drag the "Keyboard Helper" object from the objects section in the xib to the objects section in your project's interface builder.
Drag and drop all your views to be children of the "Keyboard Helper".
