is there a way to like a page on a button Click.
I've tried many snippets like this one
NSURL *baseURL = [NSURL URLWithString:#""];
AFHTTPClient *httpClient = [[AFHTTPClient alloc] initWithBaseURL:baseURL];
NSString *link = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"/%#/likes", #"6783623567"];
NSDictionary *params = #{#"access_token" : [[[FBSession activeSession] accessTokenData] accessToken]};
[httpClient postPath:link parameters:params success:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *op, id result) {
NSLog(#"result %#", result);
} failure:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error) {
NSLog(#"error %#", error);
but it fails with "Application does not have the capability to make this API call.","type":"OAuthException","code":3".
what I'm doing now is to open the link inside a webview.
Everything here for the code, and here for the publishing actions on Facebook, such as likes... :)
I want implement OAuth authentication for Fitbit to read the data from FitBit Api in my iOS app. I registered my app and i got clientId and client secret. I have been searched from past 2 days for tutorial, libraries. I am not any getting any idea about it. Please suggest me.
Note - According to
Applications should upgrade to OAuth 2.0 by March 14, 2016
Use safari or SFSafariViewController to open authorization page
Solution starts from here
please replace CLIENT_ID, REDIRECT_URI and other text to correct information
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#""]];
give proper scheme url, so that after successful login you will be redirected to your application. In openURL method you will get a OAUTHCODE
Now get OAUTHTOKEN by using this OAUTHCODE
NSString *strCode = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] valueForKey:#"auth_code"];
NSURL *baseURL = [NSURL URLWithString:#""];
AFOAuth2Manager *OAuth2Manager = [AFOAuth2Manager managerWithBaseURL:baseURL clientID:CLIENT_ID secret:CONSUMER_SECRET];
OAuth2Manager.responseSerializer.acceptableContentTypes = [OAuth2Manager.responseSerializer.acceptableContentTypes setByAddingObject:#"text/html"];
NSDictionary *dict = #{#"client_id":CLIENT_ID, #"grant_type":#"authorization_code",#"redirect_uri":#"Pro-Fit://fitbit",#"code":strCode};
[OAuth2Manager authenticateUsingOAuthWithURLString:#"" parameters:dict success:^(AFOAuthCredential *credential) {
// you can save this credential object for further use
// inside it you can find access token also
NSLog(#"Token: %#", credential.accessToken);
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(#"Error: %#", error);
now you can hit other FitBit requests like for "UserProfile" --
NSURL *baseURL = [NSURL URLWithString:#""];
AFHTTPSessionManager *manager =
[[AFHTTPSessionManager alloc] initWithBaseURL:baseURL];
[manager.requestSerializer setAuthorizationHeaderFieldWithCredential:credential];
manager.responseSerializer = [AFHTTPResponseSerializer serializer];
[manager GET:#""
parameters:nil progress:^(NSProgress * _Nonnull downloadProgress) {
} success:^(NSURLSessionDataTask * _Nonnull task, id _Nullable responseObject) {
NSDictionary *dictResponse = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:responseObject options:NSJSONReadingMutableContainers error:nil];
NSDictionary *userDict =[dictResponse valueForKey:#"user"];
NSLog(#"Success: %#", userDict);
} failure:^(NSURLSessionDataTask * _Nullable task, NSError * _Nonnull error) {
NSLog(#"Failure: %#", error);
I am using AFNetworking and download image if it is new image.
After I read though stackoverflow, currently, I am doing like this.
If the image is not modified, there will be cache in http header and I use that fact to check whether image is modified or not.
It is working well for most iOS. But, on iPhone 6s iOS 9.2.1, it always assume as new image.
How shall I detect whether image in server is modified already by using AFNetworking or may be NSUrlConnection?
- (void)downloadSplashScreenFromURL:(NSString *)urlStr
BOOL __block responseFromCache = YES; // yes by default
void (^requestSuccessBlock)(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, id responseObject) = ^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, id responseObject) {
// response was returned from the server, not from cache
NSString *assestName = [urlStr lastPathComponent];
NSString *filePath = [splashDirectory() stringByAppendingString:
[NSString stringWithFormat:#"/%#", assestName]];
if (![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:filePath]) {
DLog(#"Splash : Splash image is empty");
NSData *pngData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(responseObject);
[pngData writeToFile:filePath atomically:YES];
return ;
if (responseFromCache) {
// response was returned from cache
DLog(#"SPLASH - RESPONSE FROM CACHE: %#", responseObject);
else {
DLog(#"SPLASH - NEW IMAGES FROM SERVER \n Response: %#", responseObject);
NSData *pngData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(responseObject);
[pngData writeToFile:filePath atomically:YES];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] removeObjectForKey:USERDEFAULTS_SPLASH_SCREEN];
[[SplashHelper sharedInstance] showSplash:YES inWindow:[AppDelegate instance].window andSuccessBlock:^{
[[AppDelegate instance] startRunning];
void (^requestFailureBlock)(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error) = ^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error) {
NSInteger statusCode = operation.response.statusCode;
DLog(#"SPLASH - status code: %lu \nERROR: %#", (long)statusCode, [error localizedDescription]);
DLog(#"SPLASH - ERROR: %#", error);
AFHTTPRequestOperationManager *manager = [AFHTTPRequestOperationManager manager];
AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation = [manager GET:urlStr
[manager.requestSerializer setTimeoutInterval:3.0f];
operation.responseSerializer = [AFImageResponseSerializer serializer];
[operation setCacheResponseBlock:^NSCachedURLResponse *(NSURLConnection *connection, NSCachedURLResponse *cachedResponse) {
// this will be called whenever server returns status code 200, not 304
responseFromCache = NO;
DLog(#"Splash : cachedResponse = %#", cachedResponse);
return cachedResponse;
I'm using #import "UIImageView+AFNetworking.h" category in my app to load an image from my server to app. Its working great, whenever an an update made for images on server, it'll generate new URLs, thus when I request with new URLs, AFNetworking will not find a cached image and will load new images from server.
And you should also check this, How do I get cached image stored by AFNetworking's UIImageView category? - there comes requirement when you needs to look after for an image inside your app's cache area.
This is my code:
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:#""];
AFHTTPClient *client = [[AFHTTPClient alloc]initWithBaseURL:url];
NSDictionary *parameters = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:#"", #"UserName", #"123", #"Password", nil];
NSLog(#"%#", parameters);
[client postPath:nil parameters:parameters success:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, id responseObject) {
NSLog(#"success: %#", responseObject);
} failure:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error) {
NSLog(#"failure: %#", error);
It always triggers the failure block and I get the "Expected status code in (200-299), got 404" message.
When I try it through Fiddler it works.
You need more information. Use a proxy like Charles Proxy to watch the traffic between your device and the server. That'll let you see the actual request. You can compare that to a request that works, and the difference should give a pretty good idea of what's wrong. At the very least, it'll make your question much more specific.
I am trying to send post request on some url and in body to be only json data (trying to register new user sending json like
"username": "test",
"password": "test",
"email": ""
I have function like
-(NSString*) sendPostOnUrl:(NSString*) url
__block NSString* response = nil;
NSError *error;
NSURL *u = [NSURL URLWithString:url];
AFHTTPClient *httpClient = [[AFHTTPClient alloc] initWithBaseURL: u];
[httpClient postPath:REGISTER
success:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, id responseObject) {
response = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:responseObject encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSLog(#"Request Successful, response '%#'", response);
} failure:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error) {
NSLog(#"[HTTPClient Error]: %#", error.localizedDescription);
return response;
where params are NSDictionary with keys username, password and email and values for those keys.
Problem is when I send I always in return get null in response (the latest line) but in NSLog I get json response.. I am very new to ios, and it looks to me that I need to sync on some way block with return from function but don't know how, can anybody give me a clue what am I doing wrong ? (params contains all those keys when I try to debug, url is ok, REGISTER is NSString constant)
Blocks are asynchronous - the problem here is that "response = [[NSString alloc] initWithData..." is within the block which gets executed after you've exited the method. A better approach is to not do this in a method, instead place this code where you were calling sendPostOnUrl:withParameters: and do whatever it is you need to do within the success block. So instead of:
self.something = [self sendPostOnUrl:url withParameters:#{"username":"test" etc}];
you do this:
NSError *error;
NSURL *u = [NSURL URLWithString:url];
AFHTTPClient *httpClient = [[AFHTTPClient alloc] initWithBaseURL: u];
__weak YourClassName *me = self;
[httpClient postPath:REGISTER
success:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, id responseObject) {
me.something = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:responseObject encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSLog(#"Request Successful, response '%#'", response);
} failure:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error) {
NSLog(#"[HTTPClient Error]: %#", error.localizedDescription);
Also, take note of "__weak YourClassName *me = self", you cannot reference self within a block because it will cause a retain cycle.
I Wanna Get Data From PhP Page
My Code Is
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:#""];
AFHTTPClient * Client = [AFHTTPClient clientWithBaseURL:url];
[Client defaultValueForHeader:#"Accept"];
[Client getPath:#"" parameters:nil success:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, id responseObject)
NSLog(#"Data %#",responseObject);
failure:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error) {
NSLog(#"Error retrieving data: %#", error);
The Output Is
Data <32352020 32303133 2d30312d 31302030 383a3234 3a353620 2041686d 65642020 68656c6c 6f206865 6c6c6f20 3c627220 2f3e3234 20203230 31332d30 312d3130 2030383a 32343a35 30202041 686d6564 20203c62 72202f3e 32332020 32303133 2d30312d 31302030 383a3234 3a343920 2041686d 65642020 3c627220 2f3e3230 20203230 31332d30 312d3130 2030383a 32343a34 38202041 686d6564 20203c62 72202f3e 32312020 32303133 2d30312d 31302030 383a3234 3a343820 2041686d 65642020 3c627220 2f3e200a 0a>
Any Help Please ?
That is binary data. You should convert it.
Try NSString *response = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:(NSData*)responseObject encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; to get the response as string
or simple:
NSString *response = request.responseString;