Send a global touch event on iOS 6 - ios

I wanna build a automatic iOS app test framework. I can record the touch event by IOHIDFamily, so any way to replay this?
I tried GSEvent like this
void sendclickevent(){
mach_port_t thePortOfApp = GSCopyPurpleNamedPort("com.fuckyou.fuck");
GSEventRecord header;
GSHandInfo click;
GSPathInfo pathInfo = {2,2,2,1,1,{50,50}, NULL};
bzero(&header, sizeof(header));
bzero(&click, sizeof(click));
header.type = kGSEventHand;
header.subtype = kGSEventSubTypeUnknown;
header.location.x = 50;
header.location.y = 50;
header.windowLocation.x = 50;
header.windowLocation.y = 50;
header.infoSize = sizeof(GSHandInfo)+sizeof(GSPathInfo);
header.timestamp = mach_absolute_time();
click.type = kGSHandInfoTypeTouchDown;
click.deltaX = 1;
click.deltaY = 1;
click.pathInfosCount = 1;
GSEventRecord record;
GSHandInfo hand;
GSPathInfo path;
} record = {header, click, pathInfo};
GSSendEvent(&record, thePortOfApp);
thePortOfApp return Non-Zero. But at end of this function, such as press a button, nothing happpend. So something wrong? or I need another way to send touch event to iOS UI?

Take a look some other questions related to sending events outside of your app:
Use GSEvent to send touch event,but it's invalid
Using GraphicsServices.h/GSEvent as well as compiling CLI iPhone tools with Xcode
How to send a touch event to iPhone OS?
Simulating System Wide Touch Events on iOS
1) I believe you should send touchDown first and touchUp second to get a click.
2) Most of code which I saw on this subject used GSGetPurpleSystemAppPort() which allows to send system wide events (vs GSCopyPurpleNamedPort).
I believe GSCopyPurpleNamedPort just does usual bootstrap_look_up port. So, it will find a port, even if it's no a purple port (which is most likely true for "com.fuckyou.fuck")


How to make audio/video calls and get the call type in on_incoming_call function in PJSIP in iOS?

I built PJSIP library with PJSUA_HAS_VIDEO as 1. I want to make an option to make audio only calls. I tried
pjsua_call_setting opt;
opt.vid_cnt = 0;
opt.aud_cnt = 1;
pj_status_t status = pjsua_call_make_call((pjsua_acc_id)[self identifier], &uri, &opt, NULL, NULL, &callIdentifier);
At the receiving end, in on_incoming_call() function, I tried
if (callInfo.rem_offerer && callInfo.rem_vid_cnt == 1)
call.hasVideo = YES;
} else {
call.hasVideo = NO;
But rem_vid_cnt is always giving 1.
How can I set the call type while making call and receive it correctly at receiving end? I want to set the setHasVideo field of CallKit also at receiving end.
Thanks in advance.
At the app end your code is correct.
You need to disable video from server side also.
This is a two way communication. You can do this from the caller side set the rem_vid_cnt = 0 when you initiate a call, and at the receiver side you will get this as "0".
Hope this will help you :)
/** Number of video streams offered by remote */
unsigned rem_vid_cnt;

Firebase message (FCM) not work in close app

This Post is referenced by FCM.
If the application is active state or in background state then all is well it's working fine.
But if you close(Terminate) the application. The messages do not come, that I would not do it.
Priority is high in messages.
Messages like :
act = msg;
aps = {
"content-available" = 1;
"chat_id" = 26;
date = "2016-08-23 08:05:21";
delay = 300;
"from_user" = 25;
"gcm.message_id" = "0:1471939....f965049af";
id = 898;
"is_read" = 0;
msg = sds;
type = 1;
How to make that message come close application?
Just ran many tests. It appears that in order to have the message delivered to a "closed" IOS app, you need to specific priority=high. With priority unspecified or set to "normal" it will not deliver the notification to a closed app. When the app restarts, it seems the undelivered messages will be sent and handled in the same way as if the app were in the foreground when they were sent originally.

How to update a UILabel in realtime when receiving Serial.print statements

I am using a Bluno microcontroller to send / receive data from an iPhone, and everything is working as it should, but I would like to update the text of a UILabel with the real time data that is being printed from the Serial.print(numTicks); statement. If I stop the flowmeter the UILabel gets updated with the most current value, but I would like to update this label in realtime. I am not sure if this is a C / Arduino question or more of a iOS / Objective-C question. The sketch I'm loading on my Bluno looks like the following,
And the method in question inside that sketch looks like the following,
// flowmeter stuff
bool getFlow4() {
// call the countdown function for pouring beer
// Serial.println(flowmeterPin);
flowmeterPinState = digitalRead(flowmeterPin);
// Serial.println(flowmeterPinStatePinState);
volatile unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
// if the predefined interval has passed
if (millis() - lastmillis >= 250) { // Update every 1/4 second
// disconnect flow meter from interrupt
detachInterrupt(0); // Disable interrupt when calculating
// Serial.print("Ticks:");
// numTicks = 0; // Restart the counter.
lastmillis = millis(); // Update lastmillis
attachInterrupt(0, count, FALLING); // enable interrupt
if(numTicks >= 475 || valveClosed == 1) {
numTicks = 0; // Restart the counter.
valveClosed = 0;
return 0;
On the iOS / Objective-C side of things I'm doing the following,
- (void)didReceiveData:(NSData *)data Device:(DFBlunoDevice *)dev {
// setup label to update
_ticks = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
[_tickAmount setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"Ticks:%#",_ticks]];
[_tickAmount setNeedsDisplay];
NSLog(#"ticks = %#",_ticks);
Basically I would like to update the value of the UILabel while the flowmeter is working.
I just tested the functionality again with the serial monitor within the Arduino IDE, and I got the same if not similar results as to what I got via Xcode and the NSLog statements. So this leads me to believe something in the sketch is preventing the label from updating in real time. :/ Sorry for the confusion.

firefox extensions, make notification box appear in all tabs

Firefox has a native notification box system:
I'd like to use this system in a way that it appears in all opened tabs when it is supposed to appear. The code I have only warns you in the currently opened tab.
var mainWindow = window.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIWebNavigation).QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDocShellTreeItem).rootTreeItem.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDOMWindow);
var nb = mainWindow.gBrowser.getNotificationBox();
outdatedNotification = nb.appendNotification("Your information outdated",
priority, buttons);
Each tab has it's own notification box. You just need to loop over all the browsers and add the notification to each one. One thing you should know is the gBrowser.getNotificationBox can take a browser element:
If you don't pass a browser, the code returns the notification box for the active tab.
Try this:
var browsers = mainWindow.gBrowser.browsers;
for (var i=0; i<browsers.length; i++) {
var nb = mainWindow.gBrowser.getNotificationBox(browsers[i]);
outdatedNotification = nb.appendNotification("Your information outdated",
priority, buttons);

Tray icon does not disappear on killing process

I have a window service for my application. When i stops that by killing process with task manager, the tray icon does not disappear. Is it a window bug or something else? Do we have a solution for that problem? Thanks in advance :).
You can let the icon disappear by calling the Dispose()-method of the specified NotifyIcon-object. In most cases these Container-object isn't part of the tree of components in your application so it will not disappear by killing the proces. When the user moves over the icon, the icon doesn't find it parent so it dissapears. But by calling the Dispose-method, it disapeared at least in my applications. So:
//creating a NotifyIcon
NotifyIcon notifyicon = new NotifyIcon();
notifyicon.Text = "Text";
notifyicon.Visible = true;
notifyicon.Icon = new Icon(GetType(),"Icon.ico");
//let it disappear
There is no solution to this problem. If you kill process with task manager, it does not receive termination notification, and hence can not remove its icon from the tray. Try avoiding killing process this way. You can use net start/stop to kill a service or services.msc GUI.
Use this tool
It iterates through ToolBarButtons in TrayNotifyWnd & NotifyIconOverflowWindow and removes those with null file names.
Move your mouse over the icon, and it will disappear. I've noticed this behavior in all versions of windows, including Win 7.
I often notice that too, with various applications. The death of the application is only noticed when you move the mouse over the icon.
I think the "bug" is with Windows, not your application. (I'm reluctant to call it a "bug", per se, because it was probably a conscious decision to leave this in. Explorer could check whether applications that registered icons are still running, but that might be too expensive.)
If an application is forcefully terminated (e.g. through Task Manager), then Windows does not remove the notification icon. Windows Explorer doesn't even notice that the application has gone away until it attempts to send a message (usually a mouse movement message) to the window that owns the notification icon. At that point, Windows will remove the now dead icon from the notification area.
Given that you can't intercept TerminateProcess, there's nothing that your program can do about this by itself.
I guess that Windows Explorer could watch for the owner window being destroyed (as when the application quits unexpectedly), but it doesn't.
Even if the application is shut down gracefully, it must still remember to remove any of its notification icons. That is: if you don't call Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_DELETE) (the equivalent of NotifyIcon.Dispose) when your application shuts down (even gracefully), the icon will remain there until the mouse moves over it.
Oh, and if this is a service process that's displaying the notification icon, be aware that session 0 isolation in Windows Vista and Windows 7 will break it.
You can move your mouse over it, or you can send a WM_MOUSEMOVE message to it.
Here is some sample code (tested on Windows 10):
public struct RECT
public int Left, Top, Right, Bottom;
static extern bool GetClientRect(IntPtr hWnd, out RECT lpRect);
[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern IntPtr FindWindowEx(IntPtr parentHandle, IntPtr hWndChildAfter, string className, string? windowTitle);
[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, uint Msg, nuint wParam, nint lParam);
const int WM_MOUSEMOVE = 0x0200;
public static void RefreshTraybar()
static void RefreshHiddenTraybar()
var hiddenTrayWnd = FindWindowEx(IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, "NotifyIconOverflowWindow", null);
var hiddenNotificationArea = FindWindowEx(hiddenTrayWnd, IntPtr.Zero, "ToolbarWindow32", null);
static void RefreshTraybarInTaskbar()
var trayInTaskbarWnd = FindWindowEx(IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, "Shell_TrayWnd", null);
var trayNotifyWnd = FindWindowEx(trayInTaskbarWnd, IntPtr.Zero, "TrayNotifyWnd", null);
var sysPager = FindWindowEx(trayNotifyWnd, IntPtr.Zero, "SysPager", null);
var trayNotificationArea = FindWindowEx(sysPager, IntPtr.Zero, "ToolbarWindow32", null);
static void RefreshArea(IntPtr area)
if (!GetClientRect(area, out var clientRect)) return;
for (int x = 0; x < clientRect.Right; x += 10)
for (int y = 0; y < clientRect.Bottom; y += 10)
SendMessage(area, WM_MOUSEMOVE, 0, (y << 16) + x);
I've done it by handling the ThreadException event and disposing the tray icon in that event handler.
