Multiple bars at top in iPad Screen - ios

I want to know can we create 2 bars at top like in this screen shot. one top bar with multiple buttons and search bar and second one with the back button.

You can use the UINavigationBar from the UINavigationController and you can add on the view of your currently displayed UIViewController a UIToolBar right at the top of the view.


Is there any maximum limit to show number of bottom tabbar items in iOS?

In my iOS app I want to display more than 8 items in my bottom bar like tab bar items.
For that I have used UICollectionView like tab bar at the bottom.
But one of my friends told me that Apple will reject the app if the bottom bar has more than 5 items. Is that true?
Or does that restriction only apply to UITabBar?
Please confirm. I am using UICollectionView instead of UITabBar.
It is true. The human interface guidelines say that for a bottom bar there should be around 3 to 5 items.
Yes you can make it, but for his purpose you need to make a custom tab bar, you can't use tab bar controller,
Place a UIView on top of a controller where you see view controller and exit etc. and place a view inside it and place Image view and buttons and set constraints.

Is there a search bar that shows results in a sub screen in iOS/Swift?

I have a screen with a UITableView. I would like to add to it a search bar (that searches on the internet) and shows the found results in a sub screen. When an item on the sub screen is clicked, I'd like to add it to my table. Is there such a search bar in iOS? I added a paint in order to make things clearer.
UITableViewControllers have a restriction: its main view must be a UITableView that takes up the entire screen space (except for a possible navigation bar at the top, and a toolbar or tab bar at the bottom).
If you want to have other views such as a UISearchBar you must use a UIViewController and add a UITableView and a UISearchBar

Modal UIViewController from middle of the screen

I have a transparent custom navigation bar like the one on this picture:
I would like to have a modal view that appears from just under the navigation bar up to half of the screen and make it feels like the navigation bar is expending until half of the screen. And I would like to animate it like if it is sliding down. It will just contain a UILabel, and it will appear when I click on the "i" information button on the top right corner.
I don't know how to make a translucent modal view appears from the middle of the screen instead of from a border. Especially since my navigation bar is transparent and my modal view should not appears behind it while appearing. Do you have any example or tutorial to help me do that?
I am coding in Swift :)

How to design a tabbar inside a view

I need to make this view:
A view on top of the tab bar with some data. (image, name, text, ...)
tab bar has a 3 page and every page has a separate view
When user scroll up, tabbar will be scrolling top of the page and a UILable stands top of tab bar. It can be show with some fading animation (not important right now)
this is after scrolling:
I search in cocopods but I didn't find solution.
---- EDITE
I want to know how to put uitabbar inside a view. Is it possible ?
If yes, How to change just sub view of tab bar when I change tab bars!
I want to know how to put uitabbar inside a view. Is it possible ? If yes, How to change just sub view of tab bar when I change tab bars!
Yes, but I wouldn't describe the thing you are showing in your screen shot as a "tab bar". It is a UISegmentedControl. So all you have to do is respond to the user tapping on a segment of the UISegmentedControl by substituting one view for another, and that's easy to do.

Adjusting the position of Navigation Bar Items in Swift

I'm currently designing a Navigation Bar in my storyboard and I wanted to bring my two right side navigation buttons closer together.
How would I go about this? All I have right now is just a regular view controller with a navigation bar on it and two buttons.
I do have my two buttons connected to my ViewController code so I would have no problem doing it programmatically or in the storyboard.
One possible option: add a view as the single item in that position, and then add your buttons to that view.
