Trying to open an application with parameter via an Application Protocol Handler - url

I am currently trying to figure out an issue with an Application Protocol Handler I've created. Following the directions listed on MSDN (, I was able to register my application, PDF Annotator, to open via a URL. The issue I am experiencing is when I try to pass a parameter along with the call. The application will open, but the file parameter that gets passed is not opening within the application.
My registry key is verbatim as dictated by MSDN. My HTML code is as follows:
The way I understood the protocol handler is it takes the URL and tries to launch it via the command line. That being said, I am able to open my pdf file in PDFAnnotator with following command in the prompt:
PDFAnnotator.exe C:\path\to\file\file.pdf
I've tried formatting the file path in the HTML differently thinking that would be the issue too. Has anyone else come across this issue or something similar?
Obligatory Update for future generations (
The reason I was doing this is because half of the PDFs my application handled would be editable while the other half were read-only. I was trying to keep the read-only ones in browser with the Acrobat plugin (I'm targeting chrome only) while the protocol would allow me to set the links of the editable ones to open with Annotator. I tried, on whim, to reverse this (setting the default to Annotator and creating a protocol for Acrobat). I did this, first by trying Acrobat's URI Scheme (acrobat://), which didn't work outside of opening Acrobat. Then, I tried creating a protocol for Acrobat. When that fired off, it gave me an error stating the path was wrong for the file name, path name, or volume. So, progress? I'm giving up on this for now as other priorities have come up, but hopefully this helps somebody down the road.


How to get a content of file which is being written by an application?

This application always create a file when you activate a function (lets say, a log file). This file cannot be opened during the running - but I need its content before application closes (another process uses it, so I cant even view it). Is there a way to "hook" it somehow?
Im working with Delphi, but I accept any other solution.
So, summary, I need to know what file application created (it always creates other, but in the same directory) and the content it wrote. Any help appreciated.
I found a workaround:
copy the file, and operate on the cloned one:

Saxon CE 1.1 - Using result-document to create a output file

I've been playing with Saxon-CE_1.1 over the last few days and have managed to create a little application that allows users to classify pictures according to a data dictionary using a select dialog. All was going really well until I tried to use the result-document() function in it's "classic" way, to create a new file in the file system containing the choices the user has made.
XML Quire is returing with a severe error stating:
XpathException in mode: '{}onclick' event: [object MouseEvent]: Expected '?select=' ir '#' at start of result document href found "filename.xml
This error seems, to me, to be stating that I must pipe the results back into the HTML using # or ?select/
Is it still possible to create "external" output using SaxonCE? If so how can I accomplish the task.
Until recently it has not been possible to read or write files in the local client machine from Javascript code running in the browser, and if Javascript can't do it, then Saxon-CE can't do it either.
This may change soon with the HTML5 FileSystem API, but as far as I'm aware support for this is still very patchy. When it appears to be more stable and widespread, we can certainly look at implementing both doc() and xsl:result-document to access local filestore (or indeed, implementing the EXPath file module).

Delphi: Set Browsers Homepage

I want my application to be able to set IE, Firefox, Chrome & Operas homepages when a button is pressed. I understand IEs homepage is set in the registry, which I understand how to change, but can anyone give me any help with the others? Thanks
Chrome stores the homepage in a file called 'Preferences'. On Windows XP, this is located at;
C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Local Settings\Application
Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default
On Vista+, it's located at;
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default
This file is JSON format, and so it can be opened and viewed as plain text. In order to change the homepage, you'd need to load the JSON from this file, and change the homepage field value. You may also need to change the homepage_changed field value in order for it to stick. Using something like SuperObject to change the field would be an easy solution (if I get time, I'll write up some example code later).
Firefox uses a pref.js file to store it's settings, and realistically, a way of changing this would be to load this file, find the something that's along the lines of;
user_pref("browser.startup.homepage", "[URL]");
...and edit it as appropriate before saving the file. This should be a simple task using some simple find-and-replace code. I'd strongly advise that you use a pos() function though, as it could be that the end-user has already got their own custom homepage set and so searching for a preset string (e.g. [URL]) may not work, and certainly wouldn't be reliable.
A quick search hasn't given me enough information about Opera to provide a solution, but I'll keep looking and respond if I do find such a way.
Note that none of these methods have been tested and are merely provided based upon some very quick research.

open an excel file located on the server instead of download it MVC

I'm building a Reporting web application right now with MVC3 and I've come up to a couple problems.
My goal is to have it able to generate and view Crystal Reports, SSRS reports, and Excel documents.
Right now I'm working on the Excel segment and I'm running into more trouble than I thought I would. First off, when I link directly to the file, it either opens inside the browser or it downloads it from the server and if the user makes changes it doesn't actually save it to the true file on the server.
I've tried both linking to the file directly using Razor and a ViewModel with the path to the document as well as directing it to an action that returned a File.
I've also tried linking it to a shortcut to the actual file thinking that if I could open the shortcut it would open the file the way I wanted it to and unfortunately it didn't really open at all.
The users already have access to the files on the server through a network drive, so as of right now they can go into the server, open the excel document, edit and save it no problem. I want to duplicate this effect through a link. The program already has a file browser built, so I can browse between the files and make links to the reports.
Thanks in advance!
Since they are apparently on a network drive, you can just link to the files directly, relative to the user?
For example: a link to file://///SERVERNAME/folder/
I tested it between two computers on the network, and that seems to work. However, you still get a popup asking that you want to do with the file, open or save. (both in firefox and IE)
Note: Yes, that many slashes seem necessary, lol

Download a static file in Silverlight 3 without using SaveFileDialog

I have a Silverlight 3 app that that will let users download PDF files of static content. The problem is that the SaveFileDialog in Silverlight 3 does not allow you to specify the default filename that appears in the dialog box. This means that users have to type the name themselves and this is confusing for them since they are accustomed to a "simple" save dialog which only asks them to either Save or Cancel. All users are using IE7 or IE8.
I've tried to find a solution by the following methods:
Open the file new window using HtmlPage.Window.Navigate hoping to prompt a download (which obviously fails since it opens the file in a new window)
Using the SaveFileDialog (which we don't want to use for the aforementioned reason)
How can a file be downloaded in Silverlight such that a user-initiated save dialog only gives users the option to Save/Cancel instead of prompting to type a file name?
This is a well-known issue with SL3 SaveFileDialog. Unfortunately, there is currently nothing on the horizon that says it will get fixed other than someone at MSFT saying something to the effect of "if we have some time, we'll fix it for SL4". There is a bit of a riot by developers over at
Did you try setting the default extension on the SaveFileDialog? See MSDN documentation:
