Developing on an iPod iTouch - UIView Issues - ios

So I've been using this site for a lot of my questions. I'm very good with Googling problems and debugging even the worst error code, but this is something rather basic that I'm not able to figure out.
My UIView compared to what I actually see on the iTouch has always been a bit different. I'm not sure if this is xCode's IB just having larger graphics for its buttons, but in general there is this 20px height difference, to the point where if I set a button at the bottom of the UIView, it gets cut off. (I thought it was supposed to be 320x460..)
Normally I shrug this off because it hasn't been an issue till I've started to put scrolling into place with the login screen. xCode claims my view is 320x548, my app says its 320x480. If I resize my scroll size to 320x480, the view shrinks on the iTouch, leaving a large gap.
I have been using UIViews in the IB rather then a ViewController because I'm subviewing mixed with some nav control.
Is there something that I'm doing wrong? (when first loading) (scrolling down about 20 px..)

You need to make correct use of springs and struts or Auto Layout. You are probably designing your app for the 4 inch screen - in your Storyboard, there is an option to see how it would look on a 3:5 inch screen. Press that.
For more info, Google Auto Layout.


iOS app only showing half in simulator

I am trying to develop a simple app with one screen for iOS and am running into a strange problem. Only half of the app is showing up. For example I have a screen with just one button in the center of the screen. When I run the app in the simulator I only see half the button and I cannot move it either.I can scroll the view in the simulator vertically but not horizontally. I am stumped. Will appreciate any pointers.
I'm pretty sure you built your view using the main storyboard and put everything in the middle of it. The main storyboard is set to take all iOS format into account, iPhone and iPad. If you want your app to appear centered on your iOS device, you need to constraint the position of your different UI objects, using Auto Layout. That way it would appear centered automatically, whatever is the device you're using
I reckon you've got AutoLayout turned on... but haven't set any constraints on your controls yet.
Try the following test:
Go into your Storyboard file.
Click on a blank area in your storyboard, then on your screen (so the border of your screen is blue - not black or gray).
In the menu bar, click on Editor \ Resolve Auto Layout Issues, and then "Update Frames".
Alternatively, you can click on the following button, and select "Update Frames" from there (it doesn't matter which one):
When you do this, where does your "one button" end up ? Does it suddenly disappear off the screen, have a negative X or Y position, or a width/height of 0 ? If so, then AutoLayout is your problem.
With XCode 6.1, Apple has put a gun to developers' heads and demanded that when you add an object to a Storyboard, you must - straightaway - add some constraints to it.
I had this issue when I first upgraded to XCode 6.
I would add, say, a View to a screen, stretch it to a particular size, then drag a second control (perhaps a Label) onto the same screen. Suddenly, my View would resize itself to a height/width of zero, or be positioned way off the side of the screen... huh ?!
To get around this, when you add a control onto a Storyboard, you must add sufficient constraints to really let XCode calculate where to position it, based on which device/orientation the device is running on. And, yes, you sometimes need to do this straightaway before XCode ridiculously decides to mess up your control's position or size.
I really do loathe XCode. This isn't the way a development environment should behave in 2015...
If I get your point of problem then
I m sure the problem is you have auto layout and size classes enabled.
check if you have Auto layout and size classes enabled ....???
If yes then you haven't set the constraints accurately. set the constraints for the UI Objects to show on your desired position in screen.

Why does my button stop working when it is placed too low on my view controller?

I have an app that works fine on a 4 inch iPhone. However, when I test the app on the 3.5 inch iPhone, my buttons near the bottom of the view don't work anymore. I have buttons higher up that are still working fine. I tested this out on the 4 inch simulator - when I put a button even closer to the bottom, it wouldn't work. By not working, I mean they are no longer clickable.
Is there something thats stopping me from operating too low on a view? I currently use a container view with a scroll view which points to my view controller.
Hard to tell.
If you are working with Interface Builder, you can't even show us what's your setup. This doesn't help
My first guess is that you either have an invisible element on top of your buttons, or that something funny is happening with the content view of your scroll view.
Try to place your buttons directly in the parent/root view. If that works, bring them back to their original position in the view hierarchy, one level at a time. This should give you an idea of where they stop working, and what might be causing it.

IOS - How to get my text view object information to scroll on view?

I am using Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5 and XCode Version 4.6.1 (4H512),
I have looked at these answers on stackoverflow to try to figure out my question
-cannot make a text view scroll - xcode 4.3
-also posts that looked possible, when I searched on "scroll text in UITextView" within stackoverflow
Within Interface Builder I cannot figure out how to make information in a UiTextView object scroll within the iPhone simulator*. To resolve this challenge, I have made the most simple prototype project I can think of, just a view and one text view object on it, filling the text view object with a stream of text simply typed in via interface builder. For this most basic sample I'm using to sort out my problem, I have not done anything programatic. (Please note that I am aware of StoryBoards and have begun working through a book to learn to use them, but I would like to finish my first prototype app using what I’ve already learned and fully complete one project before I move onto my next project using StoryBoards.)
When I run this in the iPhone simulator, I see the sample information in my text view object come up. As I expected not all the information displays, due to my sizing the box a little too small on purpose. But I cannot flick or arrow down, or in any other way view the rest of the text information within the simulator. Nor do I see scrolling bars anywhere on the view. The information is just frozen in/on the view.
Inspector Settings
Identity Inspector
"Accessibility" Tested both with Enabled checked and not checked
Use Auto Layout is NOT checked
Attributes Inspector
Behavior Editable box not checked
Scroll View Area Checked ‘show horizontal scrollers, shows vertical scrollers and also scrolling enabled” The rest of the scrollers box are not checked
Bounces is checked
Zoom min and max are both 1
Touch all boxes checked- bounces zoom, delays content touches, cancellable content touches
View mode is ‘scale to fill”
Interaction ‘multiple touch’ is checked
Drawing checked opaque, clears graphics context, clip subviews, and autoresize subviews. Only ‘hidden’ is not checked
Size Inspector
I played around with the ‘scrolling insets’ boxes changing them from the default (I think it was 0 or 1), just to see if I noticed anything. I think maybe that I see some shadowy marker type lines in Interface builder in the area where I might expect a scroll bar when I make these changes, but no change in appearance within the simulator.
I cannot figure out why my actual iPhone device with everything up to date, is now not working as a test device, but I believe that is a separate challenge
how about wrapping you uitextfield in a uiscrollview. Make the scroll view the dimensions you currently are setting the uitextfield to, then allow your uitextfield to scale to the size of the text.
This is one of those questions that solved itself eventually. After twice creating the most basic app, with no programmatic bits just interface builder and a textView object with all the defaults the scrolling worked. The only reason I can think of that it might not have scrolled as expected the first time through may have had to do with placement of the textView object on the view. I wonder if it overlapped the bottom of the view and maybe that messes something up.
Just one of those situations where I had to keep plugging away, trying what seemed like the same thing repeatedly,set in the Inspectors, and suddenly, like magic, it worked. Except no magic involved.

UILabel in different position for 2 different screen sizes

I have a UILabel that i placed in the top left corner of the screen in the Storyboards. I disabled "Autolayout" and it works perfectly fine on the iPhone 5 screen. The problem comes when i try them on any of the smaller screens like the iPhone 4. The label is then placed on the bottom right corner. After this issue, i tried to programmatically 'fix' the position in the "viewDidLoad" method of the view controller, but it stills moves position and the problem continues.
Ive been scratching my head about this for a while!
Any help would be appreciated.
I would suggest that you turn autolayout back on. If you get the constraints right, this situation (two different screen sizes) is exactly the sort of thing autolayout is really good for. There's a very good reason why Apple migrated autolayout from OS X to iOS at exactly the moment the iPhone 5 screen appeared on the scene!
try to fix it at viewWillAppear
Go to the utilities panel, click the tab "Show size inspector", and change the autosizing. Then drag your component in your storyboard's view so that it stays in one of the "borders". If you do not need to support older iOS versions, I'd recommend you to figure the proper way with auto-layout though.

Storyboard layout not correct on iPad 2

I am trying to lay out objects on a Storyboard using the interface builder yet when I run the app on an iPad2, the layout is being messed up and objects are not appearing where they should. All the objects are there but they are being moved horizontally and not the same number of pixels! For instance, I have two ImageViews overlayed on one another (one is 100x100 and one is 75x75 centred within) but when the app is run on the iPad, they are both being moved horizontally across the screen by different distances!
I'd like to add screenshots but unfortunately I can't for privacy reasons.
I know it's vague but does anyone have any ideas on where to start looking to fix this?
I had this problem too when I was first making an iPad app.
Try fiddling with some of the 'struts & springs' of the interface elements in the storyboard. To do this, select some of the interface elements, then on the right panel go to the size inspector and try some things with the 'Autosizing' rectangle.
Hope it helps!
