Incremental (on-line) Backpropagation stopping criteria - machine-learning

In an on-line implementation of a Backpropagation ANN, how would you determine the stopping criteria?
The way that I have been doing it(which I am sure is incorrect) is to average the error of each output node and then average this error over each epoch.
Is this an incorrect method? Is there a standard way of stopping an on-line implementation?

You should always consider the error (e.g. Root Mean Squared Error) on a validation set which is disjunct from your training set. If you train too long, your neural network will begin to overfit. This means, that the error on your training set will become minimal or even 0, but the error on general data will become worse.
To end up with the model parameters which yielded the best generalization performance, you should copy&save your model parameters whenever the error on your validation set is a new minimum. If performance is a problem, you can do this check only every N steps.
In an on-line learning setup, you will train with single training samples or mini-batches of a small number of training samples. You can consider the succsessive training of all samples/mini-batches that cover your total data as one training epoch.
There are several possibilities to define a so called Early Stopping Criterion. E.g. you could consider the best-so-far RMS Error on your validation set after each full epoch. You would stop as soon as there has not been a new optimum for M epochs. Depending on the complexity of your problem you must choose M high enough. You can also start with a rather small M and whenever you get a new optimum, you set M to the number of epochs you needed to reach it. It depends on whether it is more important to quickly converge or to be as thorough as possible.
You will always have situations where both your validation and/or training error will get bigger temporarily, because the learning algorithm is hill-climbing. This means it traverses regions on the error surface which render bad performance, but must be passed to reach a new, better optimum. If you simply stop as soon your validation or training error gets worse between two subsequent steps, you will end up in suboptimal solutions prematurely.


why too many epochs will cause overfitting?

I am reading the a deep learning with python book.
After reading chapter 4, Fighting Overfitting, I have two questions.
Why might increasing the number of epochs cause overfitting?
I know increasing increasing the number of epochs will involve more attempts at gradient descent, will this cause overfitting?
During the process of fighting overfitting, will the accuracy be reduced ?
I'm not sure which book you are reading, so some background information may help before I answer the questions specifically.
Firstly, increasing the number of epochs won't necessarily cause overfitting, but it certainly can do. If the learning rate and model parameters are small, it may take many epochs to cause measurable overfitting. That said, it is common for more training to do so.
To keep the question in perspective, it's important to remember that we most commonly use neural networks to build models we can use for prediction (e.g. predicting whether an image contains a particular object or what the value of a variable will be in the next time step).
We build the model by iteratively adjusting weights and biases so that the network can act as a function to translate between input data and predicted outputs. We turn to such models for a number of reasons, often because we just don't know what the function is/should be or the function is too complex to develop analytically. In order for the network to be able to model such complex functions, it must be capable of being highly-complex itself. Whilst this complexity is powerful, it is dangerous! The model can become so complex that it can effectively remember the training data very precisely but then fail to act as an effective, general function that works for data outside of the training set. I.e. it can overfit.
You can think of it as being a bit like someone (the model) who learns to bake by only baking fruit cake (training data) over and over again – soon they'll be able to bake an excellent fruit cake without using a recipe (training), but they probably won't be able to bake a sponge cake (unseen data) very well.
Back to neural networks! Because the risk of overfitting is high with a neural network there are many tools and tricks available to the deep learning engineer to prevent overfitting, such as the use of dropout. These tools and tricks are collectively known as 'regularisation'.
This is why we use development and training strategies involving test datasets – we pretend that the test data is unseen and monitor it during training. You can see an example of this in the plot below (image credit). After about 50 epochs the test error begins to increase as the model has started to 'memorise the training set', despite the training error remaining at its minimum value (often training error will continue to improve).
So, to answer your questions:
Allowing the model to continue training (i.e. more epochs) increases the risk of the weights and biases being tuned to such an extent that the model performs poorly on unseen (or test/validation) data. The model is now just 'memorising the training set'.
Continued epochs may well increase training accuracy, but this doesn't necessarily mean the model's predictions from new data will be accurate – often it actually gets worse. To prevent this, we use a test data set and monitor the test accuracy during training. This allows us to make a more informed decision on whether the model is becoming more accurate for unseen data.
We can use a technique called early stopping, whereby we stop training the model once test accuracy has stopped improving after a small number of epochs. Early stopping can be thought of as another regularisation technique.
More attempts of decent(large number of epochs) can take you very close to the global minima of the loss function ideally, Now since we don't know anything about the test data, fitting the model so precisely to predict the class labels of the train data may cause the model to lose it generalization capabilities(error over unseen data). In a way, no doubt we want to learn the input-output relationship from the train data, but we must not forget that the end goal is for the model to perform well over the unseen data. So, it is a good idea to stay close but not very close to the global minima.
But still, we can ask what if I reach the global minima, what can be the problem with that, why would it cause the model to perform badly on unseen data?
The answer to this can be that in order to reach the global minima we would be trying to fit the maximum amount of train data, this will result in a very complex model(since it is less probable to have a simpler spatial distribution of the selected number of train data that is fortunately available with us). But what we can assume is that a large amount of unseen data(say for facial recognition) will have a simpler spatial distribution and will need a simpler Model for better classification(I mean the entire world of unseen data, will definitely have a pattern that we can't observe just because we have an access small fraction of it in the form of training data)
If you incrementally observe points from a distribution(say 50,100,500, 1000 ...), we will definitely find the structure of the data complex until we have observed a sufficiently large number of points (max: the entire distribution), but once we have observed enough points we can expect to observe the simpler pattern present in the data that can be easily classified.
In short, a small fraction of train data should have a complex structure as compared to the entire dataset. And overfitting to the train data may cause our model to perform worse on the test data.
One analogous example to emphasize the above phenomenon from day to day life is as follows:-
Say we meet N number of people till date in our lifetime, while meeting them we naturally learn from them(we become what we are surrounded with). Now if we are heavily influenced by each individual and try to tune to the behaviour of all the people very closely, we develop a personality that closely resembles the people we have met but on the other hand we start judging every individual who is unlike me -> unlike the people we have already met. Becoming judgemental takes a toll on our capability to tune in with new groups since we trained very hard to minimize the differences with the people we have already met(the training data). This according to me is an excellent example of overfitting and loss in genralazition capabilities.

How do neural networks learn functions instead of memorize them?

For a class project, I designed a neural network to approximate sin(x), but ended up with a NN that just memorized my function over the data points I gave it. My NN took in x-values with a batch size of 200. Each x-value was multiplied by 200 different weights, mapping to 200 different neurons in my first layer. My first hidden layer contained 200 neurons, each one a linear combination of the x-values in the batch. My second hidden layer also contained 200 neurons, and my loss function was computed between the 200 neurons in my second layer and the 200 values of sin(x) that the input mapped to.
The problem is, my NN perfectly "approximated" sin(x) with 0 loss, but I know it wouldn't generalize to other data points.
What did I do wrong in designing this neural network, and how can I avoid memorization and instead design my NN's to "learn" about the patterns in my data?
It is same with any machine learning algorithm. You have a dataset based on which you try to learn "the" function f(x), which actually generated the data. In real life datasets, it is impossible to get the original function from the data, and therefore we approximate it using something g(x).
The main goal of any machine learning algorithm is to predict unseen data as best as possible using the function g(x).
Given a dataset D you can always train a model, which will perfectly classify all the datapoints (you can use a hashmap to get 0 error on the train set), but which is overfitting or memorization.
To avoid such things, you yourself have to make sure that the model does not memorise and learns the function. There are a few things which can be done. I am trying to write them down in an informal way (with links).
Train, Validation, Test
If you have large enough dataset, use Train, Validation, Test splits. Split the dataset in three parts. Typically 60%, 20% and 20% for Training, Validation and Test, respectively. (These numbers can vary based on need, also in case of imbalanced data, check how to get stratified partitions which preserve the class ratios in every split). Next, forget about the Test partition, keep it somewhere safe, don't touch it. Your model, will be trained using the Training partition. Once you have trained the model, evaluate the performance of the model using the Validation set. Then select another set of hyper-parameter configuration for your model (eg. number of hidden layer, learaning algorithm, other parameters etc.) and then train the model again, and evaluate based on Validation set. Keep on doing this for several such models. Then select the model, which got you the best validation score.
The role of validation set here is to check what the model has learned. If the model has overfit, then the validation scores will be very bad, and therefore in the above process you will discard those overfit models. But keep in mind, although you did not use the Validation set to train the model, directly, but the Validation set was used indirectly to select the model.
Once you have selected a final model based on Validation set. Now take out your Test set, as if you just got new dataset from real life, which no one has ever seen. The prediction of the model on this Test set will be an indication how well your model has "learned" as it is now trying to predict datapoints which it has never seen (directly or indirectly).
It is key to not go back and tune your model based on the Test score. This is because once you do this, the Test set will start contributing to your mode.
Crossvalidation and bootstrap sampling
On the other hand, if your dataset is small. You can use bootstrap sampling, or k-fold cross-validation. These ideas are similar. For example, for k-fold cross-validation, if k=5, then you split the dataset in 5 parts (also be carefull about stratified sampling). Let's name the parts a,b,c,d,e. Use the partitions [a,b,c,d] to train and get the prediction scores on [e] only. Next, use the partitions [a,b,c,e] and use the prediction scores on [d] only, and continue 5 times, where each time, you keep one partition alone and train the model with the other 4. After this, take an average of these scores. This is indicative of that your model might perform if it sees new data. It is also a good practice to do this multiple times and perform an average. For example, for smaller datasets, perform a 10 time 10-folds cross-validation, which will give a pretty stable score (depending on the dataset) which will be indicative of the prediction performance.
Bootstrap sampling is similar, but you need to sample the same number of datapoints (depends) with replacement from the dataset and use this sample to train. This set will have some datapoints repeated (as it was a sample with replacement). Then use the missing datapoins from the training dataset to evaluate the model. Perform this multiple times and average the performance.
Other ways are to incorporate regularisation techniques in the classifier cost function itself. For example in Support Vector Machines, the cost function enforces conditions such that the decision boundary maintains a "margin" or a gap between two class regions. In neural networks one can also do similar things (although it is not same as in SVM).
In neural network you can use early stopping to stop the training. What this does, is train on the Train dataset, but at each epoch, it evaluates the performance on the Validation dataset. If the model starts to overfit from a specific epoch, then the error for Training dataset will keep on decreasing, but the error of the Validation dataset will start increasing, indicating that your model is overfitting. Based on this one can stop training.
A large dataset from real world tends not to overfit too much (citation needed). Also, if you have too many parameters in your model (to many hidden units and layers), and if the model is unnecessarily complex, it will tend to overfit. A model with lesser pameter will never overfit (though can underfit, if parameters are too low).
In the case of you sin function task, the neural net has to overfit, as it is ... the sin function. These tests can really help debug and experiment with your code.
Another important note, if you try to do a Train, Validation, Test, or k-fold crossvalidation on the data generated by the sin function dataset, then splitting it in the "usual" way will not work as in this case we are dealing with a time-series, and for those cases, one can use techniques mentioned here
First of all, I think it's a great project to approximate sin(x). It would be great if you could share the snippet or some additional details so that we could pin point the exact problem.
However, I think that the problem is that you are overfitting the data hence you are not able to generalize well to other data points.
Few tricks that might work,
Get more training points
Go for regularization
Add a test set so that you know whether you are overfitting or not.
Keep in mind that 0 loss or 100% accuracy is mostly not good on training set.

Determining number of epochs for model fitting in Keras

I'm trying to automatically determine when a Keras autoencoder converges. For example, look at this link under "Let's build the simplest autoencoder possible." The number of epochs is hardcoded at 50 (when the loss value converges). However, how would you code this using Keras if you didn't know the number was 50? Would you just keep calling fit()?
This question is actually ridiculously wide and hard. There are many techniques on how to set the number of epochs:
Early stopping- in this case you set the number of epochs to a really high number and you turn off the training when the improvement over next epochs is not satisfying. In Keras you have a special object called EarlyStopping which does the job for you.
Model Checkpoint - here you once again set up a really high number of epochs and you simply save only the best model w.r.t. to a metric chosen. Once again you have a special callback for this scenario.
Of course, there are other scenarios like e.g. using Reinforcement learning to find the stopping time or more complexed scenarios when you choose this in a Bayesian hyperparameter set up but those are much harder methods which are often not introducing any improvement.
One sure thing is that restarting a fit method might end up in unexpected behaviour as many inner states of a model are reset which could cause instability. For this scenario I strongly advise you to use train_on_batch which is not resetting model states and makes a lot of fancy training scenarios possible.

Adequate Mean Squared Error while using Deep Autoencoder/ Deep Learning in general

I'm currently wondering when to stop training of Deep Autoencoders, especially when it seems to be stuck in a local minimum.
Is it essential to get the training criterium (e.g. MSE) to e.g. 0.000001 and force it to perfectly reconstruct the input or is it okay to keep differences (e.g. stop when the MSE is at about 0.5) depending on the dataset used.
I know that a better reconstruction might lead to better classification results afterwards but is there a "rule of thumb" when to stop? I'm especially interested in rules that have no heuristic character like "if the MSE doesn't get smaller in x iterations".
I don't think it's possible to derive a general rule of thumb for this, as generating NN:s/machine learning is a very problem-specific procedure, and generally, there is no free lunch. How to decide what is a "good" training error to terminate at depends on various problem-specific factors, e.g. the noise in the data. Evaluating your NN only with regard to training sets, with the only objective of minimising the MSE, will many times lead to overfitting. With only the training error as feedback, you might tune your NN to the noise in the training data (hence the overfitting). One method to avoid this is holdout validation. Instead of only training your NN to given data, your divide your data set into a training set, a validation set (and a test set).
Training sets: Training and feedback to NN, will naturally keep decreasing with longer training (at least down to "OK" MSE values for the specific problem).
Validation sets: Evaluate your NN w.r.t. to these, but don't give feedback to your NN/genetic algoritm.
Along with the evaluation-feedback of your training sets you should hence also evaluate the validation set, however without giving feedback to your neural network (NN).
Track the decrease in MSE for training as well as validation sets; generally training error will steadily decrease, whereas, at some point, the validation error will reach a minimum and start to increase with further training. Of course, you cannot know during runtime where this minima occurs, so generally one stores the NN with the lowest validation error, and after this has seemingly not been updated in some time (i.e., in error retrospect: we've passed a minima in validation error), the algorithm is terminated.
See e.g. the following article Neural Network: Train-validate-Test Stopping for details, as well as this SE-statistics thread discussing two different validation methods.
For the training/validation of Deep Autoencoders/Deep Learning, specifically w.r.t. overfitting, I find the article Dropout: A Simple Way to Prevent Neural Networks from Overfitting (*) to be valuable.
(*) By H. Srivistava, G. Hinton, A. Krizhevsky, I. Sutskever, R. Salakhutdinov, University of Toronto.

Validation Set in Backpropogation in a Neural Network

I have a neural network model, and so far I am running the training set forward, calculating the errors, and adjusting the weights.
As I understand it, after I do this for each training set example I need to run an example from the validation set forward and calculate the errors. When the validation set error stops decreasing, but the training set error is still decreasing it is time to stop because over-fitting is starting to occur. After we stop, we use the testing set to calculate how much error is in our network.
Please correct me if there are any mistakes so far.
My question is what error are we comparing? Are we just comparing the error of the output layer? Or are we comparing the errors from every node? If so, how exactly do we define the overall error of the network, just sum up all the errors?
My question is what error are we comparing?
We are comparing the error only on the output layer. So, if you plot a error vs epoch graph, you will have two curves there. The line for training error goes down as you have more epochs. But the line for validation error goes down up to certain point before starting to go up. This indicates overfitting and you want to find the last point where the validation error was lowest.
Note that you are talking about each individual samples while I am talking about epochs. For batch methods these errors are usually plotted after one iteration over the data set (training or validation). So each point on the plot is the mean error or mean squared error from that epoch.
Also, if we have more than 1 output, are we just taking the sum of the errors in the output layer, or should it be some kind of weighted sum?
It's interesting for the multiple output case. Basically we are trying to find the early stopping point to stop training the weights. On the very last layer of multiple output network, the weights are being trained using different error derivatives and can possibly have different optimal early stopping points. You may want to plot them separately if you think that is the case. Otherwise, simple sum of error is sufficient. Weighted sum would mean that you care to optimize for on output over another, even when that causes other one(s) to over/under train.
If you are thinking about implementing separate early stopping points, you can use sum of MSEs to get stopping point for all internal weights that depend on all error derivatives. For the weights on the last layer, use their corresponding MSEs to get their separate stopping points.
Let's say I have 60% training, 20% validation, and 20% test set. For each epoch, I run through the 60 training set samples while adjusting the weights on each sample and also calculating the error on each validation sample.
Another way to do the weight update is to calculate the updates for each sample and then apply an average of all updates at the end of the epoch. If your training data has noise/outliers/misclassified samples, this is good. For example, couple outliers will not be able to massively distort the weights since their 'bad' updates will get averaged out with other 'good' updates.
Since there are only 1/3 as many validation samples as training samples, do I run through the validation 3 times for each epoch?
Why do we iterate over the validation set? Do we calculate error in validation to get weight updates? No. We do all our updating only using the training set. Validation is only their to see how our trained model generalizes outside of training data. Think of it as a test before the test you run with test set. Now, does it make sense to run over the validation set 3 times in each epoch? No, it doesn't.
I use the last calculated weights for online learning correct?
Yes. Error calculation and weight updates happen as new samples come in.
When we use the test set to calculate the error of our final model, are we using mse for this or does it even really matter too much which we use?
If your model is producing real valued output, then use MSE. If you system is trying to solve a classification problem, use classification error. i.e. 10% classification error, meaning 10% of the test set was misclassified by your model during test.
