How to skip test api docs in maven-javadoc-plugin? - maven-3

I would like to skip generating 'testapidocs' folder in my 'target/site' folder after executing 'clean skip:skip' with following configuration.
Build Configuration:
Reporting Configuration:
When i ran 'clean site:site' it is creating the following folders under 'target' directory:
target/site/testapidocs - would like to skip this one

The Selective Javadocs Reports told us as
To run the Javadocs reports selectively, you need to include only the Javadocs reports that you prefer. As said in the FAQ, the configuration depends on the <build/> tag or <reporting/> tag used.
Using <build/> Tag
<!-- Default configuration for all reports -->
<!-- Specific configuration for the given reports -->
Using <reporting/> Tag
<!-- Default configuration for all reports -->
<!-- Specific configuration for the given reports -->
<!-- Specific configuration for the given reports -->
I hope this may help.


QuickFix/J ClassCastException after rebuilding with maven new quickfixj-messages-fix44 from new dictionary

I am trying to generate a new quick fix 4.4 message library for a custom dictionary that will be used by my initiator engine.
I have downloaded the quick fix repository to generate my new jar file from github, I then duplicated the quickfixj-messages-fix44 project under quickfixj-messages and created a new project quickfixj-messages-fix44-new, I also changed the quickfixj-messages-fix44-new pom to reflect the changes
also I changed under quickfixj-core pom
<!-- add dynamically-loaded version-specific message factories (optional)-->
<!-- add the required imports -->
and finally under quickfixj-distribution pom
I was able to generate 2 jar files under target
the thing is every time I received a message from acceptor engine I get exception under my MessageCracker saying:
java.lang.ClassCastException: class quickfix.Message cannot be cast to class quickfix.fix44new.Message (quickfix.Message and quickfix.fix44new.Message are in unnamed module of loader 'app')

How to run `jacoco-maven-plugin` with `-Xbootclasspath/p:my.jar` option?

To successfully run my unit tests I have to provide JVM with some replaced standard classes. Therefore, I use following configuration for maven-surefire-plugin :
plugin/configuration/argLine added, nothing special. But how can I tell jacoco the same thing? The jacoco doesn’t have configuration/argLine :( .
I have configured the Maven JaCoCo plugin as follows in my pom.xml file:
<!-- NO ONE (((((
<rule implementation="org.jacoco.maven.RuleConfiguration">
<limit implementation="">
As stated in documentation of prepare-agent - it simply sets property argLine that is used by maven-surefire-plugin, and you have two options to add additional arguments:
<argLine>-your -extra -arguments</argLine>
<!-- no argLine here -->
or using late property evaluation feature of maven-surefire-plugin:
<!-- empty to avoid JVM startup error "Could not find or load main class #{argLine}" in case when jacoco-maven-plugin not executed -->
<argLine>#{argLine} -your -extra -arguments</argLine>

change temp dir for Neo4j-OGM unit tests?

Out of the box, the junit tests of the Neo4j-OGM library create the temporary database files under /tmp.
How can I change this?
Setting in the maven-surefire-plugin config does not seem to do the trick.
This worked for me
Update since the syntax above is deprecated:

maven - jibx codegen - storing binding.xml

I'm using maven to build a jar containing generated code from an schema file using jibx. To do this I'm using the jibx-maven-plugin with the schema-codegen goal. I want to include the generated binding.xml file as part of the resulting maven jar. Is there any way of directing the jar creation to include the generated binding.xml
Currently using:
Good! While including the binding.xml file is not required, it is good practice. The new jibx-maven-plugin can use this file later when creating a new binding that is based on the original schema. There are plenty of examples in the JiBX source repository.
Since JiBX is OSGi enabled, it is also good practice to add an OSGi manifest when creating your jar file. This also simplifies including the binding.xml file. Even if you don't use OSGi, your jar will work fine. Here is what your project file should look like:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
Take a look at your jar file. Your classes, the binding.xml file, and OSGi manifest entries are there!
Don Corley
jibx-maven-plugin author
You can always use maven-antrun-plugin to copy your file(set) to target/classes.
Make sure that:
you attach the jibx plugin to a phase before package - best is generate-resources
you attach the antrun execution to the same or later, but again, before package - best is generate-resources or process-resources
the jibx plugin declaration precedes antrun declaration
Then you can use something like this:
<copy file="${}/PATH/TO/binding.xml" todir="${}/PATH/IN/JAR/"/>
You can create your binding.xml in the target directory you want it to be placed in the jar like this:
When binding the code, you can use the refer to this directory with the <bindingDirectory> tag
You can do it using the add-resource goal of the build-helper-maven-plugin.
You will find the binding.xml file in your jar at:

How can I deploy a zip file created with the maven-antrun-plugin?

I'm using the maven-antrun-plugin to do a bunch of work with Ant, which ultimately results in a zip file. I'd like to deploy the zip file to our maven server (Artifactory). The maven-antrun-portion works as intended and successfully creates the zip file; however deployment fails with the following error message:
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.6:deploy (default-deploy) on project projectname: The packaging for this project did not assign a file to the build artifact
My POM file is as follows:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- Some dependencies... -->
<!-- Compiler plugin -->
<!-- Do lots of other stuff with Ant. -->
<!-- Create a zip file. -->
<zip basedir="mydir" destfile="${WORKSPACE}/" />
When I invoke this (from the parent POM) with mvn -U -pl projectname clean deploy I get the aforementioned error during the deploy phase. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong or how I can fix this?
The solution that worked for me (I'm not sure if it is ideal, it seems rather hackish) was to switch to the deploy:deploy-file goal:
and invoke it explicitly:
mvn -U -X -pl projectname clean install deploy:deploy-file
The solution worked for me is to add the <attachartifact> tag after zip creation, filled with the same path and zip filename . So something like:
<zip destfile="${}/MyStuff-${project.version}.zip" update="true" comment="This is my comment...">
<fileset dir="${}/MyStuff" />
<attachartifact file="${}/MyStuff-${project.version}.zip" type="zip" />
Remember that the zip file has to exists, otherwise attachartifact returns "file does not exists" error (consider to use whenempty="create" in tag in order to avoid errors).
While looking for a way to add comment to a zip file I found this question. The deploy worked fine but had troubles with the maven release to post into nexus. The solution below solved my problem, I made an empty zip assembly and then simply replaced it with the zip file from the ant task which allowed me to add the comment to the zip file.
This way the artifact is generated and not transitive.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- make an assembly (zip the LxBase) for the distribuition -->
<zip destfile="${}/MyStuff-${project.version}.zip" update="true" comment="This is my comment...">
<fileset dir="${}/MyStuff" />
