Equals object criteria query - grails

If I have two domain classes like this:
class Company{
string Name
string address
class User {
string firstName
string lastName
Company company
How can I get all the users from company named Google using criteria query? Something like this:
def company = Company.findByName("Google")
def c = User.createCriteria()
def usersByCompany = c.list {
eq("company", company)

You can declare a block inside your closure to filter any field in the Company:
def usersOfGoogle = User.createCriteria().list() {
company {
eq('name', 'Google')
I just don't remember if it works only for relationships (belongsTo & hasMany), maybe you will need to change your domain class:
class User {
static belongsTo = [company : Company]


grails grom create criteria with many-to-many mapping

I have two domain classes: User and Book.
class Book implements Serializable{
String bookName
Timestamp createdDateTime
Blob file
static belongsTo = [User]
static hasMany = [user :User]
I am able to add user in book using addToUser() method.
But I am stuck in create criteria while applying filter in user.
def query = Book.createCriteria();
def results = query.list () {
eq("user",userObject) // not working since user field is a list of users.
order("createdDateTime", "desc")
Please help me with the correct way of filtering.
You need to join the user table first in a many-to-many relation. The criteria should look like:
Book.withCriteria {
user {
eq("id", userObject.id)
order("createdDateTime", "desc")
I'm not 100% sure how you're trying to model your domain but maybe you want a Book to have a single user? In which case you'd have the belongsTo relationship on Book e.g.
class Book {
String bookName
Timestamp createdDateTime
Blob file
static belongsTo = [user: User]
Then have the hasMany relationship on User e.g.
class User {
String name
static hasMany = [books: Book]
Then you can look Books up with criteria like:
def user = User.findByName( 'bob' )
def results = Book.createCriteria().list () {
eq( "user", user )
order( "createdDateTime", "desc" )

Grails search from one to many is not working

Here are my domain class,
class Company {
String name
static hasMany = [groups:CompanyGroup]
class CompanyGroup{
String name
static belongsTo = [company:Company]
I receive params that contain name of CompanyGroup and I want to get the result of company that have the CompanyGroup found.
I did like this,
def groupList = account.companies.groups.flatten()
def groupResult = groupList.findAll{
it.name ==~ /(?i).*${params.keyword}.*/
I got the Companygroups that have name from params.key from above code. So I want to render company list that have these group like this,
def com = Company.withCriteria{
eq("groups", groupList)
render [companies : com]
It doesn't work!
def com = Company.withCriteria{
inList("groups", groupList)

How to find from array list in one-many relationship

I have one-many 2 of domain class,
class Company {
String name
static hasMany = [groups:CompanyGroup]
class CompanyGroup {
String name
static belongsTo = [company:Company]
I receive a list of CompanyGroup from below code,
def groupList = CompanyGroup.withCriteria{
eq 'id', new Long(user.id)
And I want to find which Companies has these groupList. I try this way,
def comList
groupList.each(){ group ->
def coms = Company.withCriteria{
eq("groups", group)
println 'company : ' + comList
It didn't work anymore.
How about this hql
Company.executeQuery("select c from company c join c.groups g join g.users u where u.id = :uid", [uid:xxx])
You could use this GORM Query.
def companyInstanceList = Company.createCriteria().listDistinct{
eq ('id', user.id.toLong())

How to limit the size of association in grails?

I have a grails domain class as below :
class Order {
String orderId = 'OD' + System.nanoTime().toString()
Date orderedDate
String itemName
List bids;
static hasMany = [ bids: Bid ;likedUsers: User,]
static belongsTo =[owner:User]
class Bid {
Integer amount
User bidedUser
static belongsTo = [Order]
class User {
String username
String password
String emailId
List orders
static hasMany = [orders:Order]
What I am trying to do is , to query for an order with bits with maxResult of 10 as like
def critObj = Order.createCriteria()
eq("id" ,1)
bids {
maxResult(10) //Trying to fetch only 10 records
How can I load only 10 bits(associations) , is it possible? . Or My design of domain class is wrong?
I think this should work:
def results = Bid.withCriteria {
order {
eq 'id', 1
projections {
property 'order'
maxResults 10
But please note that you have to change your Bid domain class to add the relation in the other way from Bid to Order:
class Bid {
static belongsTo = [order: Order]

Grails criteria select when hasMany hasn't any elements

I have the classes:
class Course{
String name
static hasMany = [
studentGrades: StudentGrade
class StudentGrade{
String name
int grade
How can I make a criteria to get the courses without any student grade?
You could use the isEmpty criterion method:
def c = Course.createCriteria()
def results = c.list {
See the docs for further informations.
