kendo ui upload not working in IE9 at deployment - upload

I'm using Kendo Ui uploader and WebAPI call to upload a file. The process im doing goes fine on all browsers even on IE9 locally (localhost), but once i deploy the same code on another domain and i use the kendo upload in IE9 (only in IE9 there's problem), kendo goes directly to the error function and replies with an error message:
' Server response: Error trying to get server response: Error: Access is denied.'
Although the webapi method is returning an http response of 201(created), and i set the content type header to "text/plain", plus i'm sending in the body of the http response a json string. I tried so many things (one of it is configuring X-Frame-Options in IIS) but couldn't make it work. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks.

The answer is here “Access is denied” error on accessing iframe document object
"So it turns out, that if a response is sent with an error code, IE replaces the content of the iframe with an error message loaded from the disk (res://ieframe.dll/http_500.htm), and that causes the cross-domain access denied error. by Ovesh"


Access to a PDF File in a http with dinamyc variables

Hello everyone (sorry for bad English), i'm getting crazy with this problem... i'm working on a project with NiFi expecting to download PDF files from a public Goverment page. The main problem it's that the page you request in a web browser shows the correct page like this
Asking the same page in NiFi (also testing in postman) shows that the session has expire, then looking at the HTTPS POST with the development tools in chrome i notice that there are multiple headers that contain dynamic variables
Is there any form to replicate web browser behaviour on NiFi?

All Invalid Random Paths in the URL Return The Normal Web Page Instead of 404 Not Found Page

I have a website:
For instance this url contains an article:
But when I add invalid path to the existing url, page is still being showed.
But because css and javascript file locations will be invalid due to added extra path, page is displayed as broken.
I want to stop this. When the web server receives invalid path as with above, it should respond as 404 not found page coming from web server. How can I do that? I am using Apache web server and php scripting language.
Note: I am not using any MVC framework.

Azure + IE11 502 error

I ve hosted my MVC website in Azure. I am redirecting from the first page to the second via javascript and the url is like
When I am trying it with firefox or chrome everything works fine.When I am trying it with IE11 i got this error message :
502 - Web server received an invalid response while acting as a gateway or proxy server.
There is a problem with the page you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed. When the
Web server (while acting as a gateway or proxy) contacted the upstream content server, it
received an invalid response from the content server.
When I m trying to run the website localy with VS2012 everything works fine with all browsers.
Also if I change the value in the url from greek characters to english there is no error in IE11 (but also no proper results).
I conclude that it has to be something with the combination of azure+ie11+greek characters in query string.
Is it a known bug?Any ideas?
Thanx in advance!

uploadify returns back http error 302

I am using uploadify on my mvc3 project. I tested my code on local pc, it works. after I uploaded it to the production server, it returned back http error 302.
I found a few ppl got same problem, but they were using [authorize] attribute, that causes redirection. I am not using it. and I did get it working properly on my local. what else should I check?

Any ideas how to troubleshoot HTTP Error 400 for MVC/Firefox?

Two clients complains on HTTP Error 400 from Mozilla Firefox 3.6.9. This happens when they open any link - both mvc application and also any static images, which are hosted on Classic application pool without any code.
Exact error message is HTTP Error 400. The request is badly formed
No errors in windows log and application error log. Proxy in browser is set to off.
Other browsers works fine for them.
Any ideas about what could cause such behavior?
For now, i can see only one option - ask them to install Firebug, but this is not really user friendly.
For some reason, cookies was corrupted and this was leading to HTTP 400 error.
After user cleaned cookies for this website he was able to get page.
I still need to investigate what exactly went wrong and find source of this problem but it is clear that I need to review all places where I do cookie creation.
