[perl]How to force perl use modules in my own path? - dbi

I want to let perl use the DBI module in my own path(suppose, /home/users/zdd/perl5/lib/DBI), but the sysem also has a DBI module which is /usr/lib/perl5/lib/DBI.
when I write the following code in my script, perl use the system path be default, how to force it use the one under my path?
use lib './perl5/lib/DBI';
use DBI;
sub test {
/usr/lib/perl5/lib/DBI was added to the PATH environment variable in my bash profile, it was used by many scripts, so I can't disable it.

The file for the main DBI module is in ./perl5/lib. So your path is not pointing to it.
The DBI folder contains sub-modules of DBI, e.g. DBI::Foo (the :: in module names is a representation of your module directory structure).
Try using ./perl5/lib as your library instead.
Also, using a relative path will fail if the current directory is not what you think it is. If you are in doubt, have your script call cwd to see what the current directory is.
For debugging purposes, it may be helpful to use:
no lib '[main Perl module library path here]';
That way you can be sure you are only using your custom module path. Any failure to find a module will cause an error, rather than silently using the system version.
Update: For more information, see Perldoc on use lib. Perl will use the library that you have specified first. If it does not, that indicates it is not actually finding the module in the location you have given.

In addition to what dan1111 suggested, I would also recommend you print out #INC (just before your use DBI statement) and dump %INC (just after your use DBI statement) to see what your script is doing. That may help you debug the issue.


AST of a project by Clang

I use the Clang python binding to extract the AST of c/c++ files. It works perfectly for a simple program I wrote. The problem is when I want to employ it for a big project like openssl. I can run clang for any single file of the project, but clang seems to miss some headers of the project, and just gives me the AST of a few functions of the file, not all of the functions. I set the include folder by -I, but still getting part of the functions.
This is my code:
import clang.cindex as cl
index = cl.Index.create()
lib = 'Path to include folder'
args = ['-I{}'.format(lib)]
translation_unit = index.parse(source_file, args=args)
I receive too many header files not found errors.
I used Make to compile openssl by clang? I can pass -emit-ast option to clang to dump the ast of each file, but I cannot read it now by the clang python binding.
Any clues how I can save the the serialized representation of the translation units so that I will be able to read it by index.read()?
Thank you!
You would "simply" need to provide the right args. But be aware of two possible issues.
Different files may require different arguments for parsing. The easiest solution is to obtain compilation database and then extract compile commands from it. If you go this way be aware that you would need to filter out the arguments a bit and remove things like -c FooBar.cpp (potentially some others), otherwise you may get something like ASTReadError.
Another issue is that the include paths (-I ...) may be relative to the source directory. I.e., if a file main.cpp compiled from a directory /opt/project/ with -I include/path argument, then before calling index.parse(source_file, args=args) you need to step in (chdir) into the /opt/project, and when you are done you will probably need to go back to the original working directory. So the code may look like this (pseudocode):
cwd = getcwd()
translation_unit = index.parse(source_file, args=args)
I hope it helps.

Lua: relative import fails from different working directory

I'm trying to repackage into a Docker container some Lua library that is made of the main module and some helper modules. The helper modules are kept inside a subfolder of the library so that imports from the main file are done as
require 'helpers/SomeHelper'
The problem is: because of the way I want the Docker container to work, it would be extremely helpful if I can invoke this library from a different working folder. That is, my call to the main program would be something like
th /app/main.lua
regardless of the actual working directory I'm standing. Unfortunately, relative imports seem to fail when the working directory is different from the directory where the main file is located.
Is there any way I can configure LUA_PATH or any other mechanism to make these imports work correctly? Note that changing the code of the library itself would be a poor solution, as it wasn't developed by me and I would like to be able to update it to newer versions easily.
If you don't care about the working directory, you can just load lfs / LuaFileSytem and use lfs.chdir( src_dir ) to change to the source directory (potentially saving the current working directory with lfs.currentdir( ) first.)
You can also extend the search path of Lua so that it will search those extra directories. The search is driven by package.searchpath. To add a directory /foo/bar/ to the search in a way that supports all normally supported library layouts, add
/foo/bar/?.lua;/foo/bar/?/init.lua to package.path
/foo/bar/?.so (or .dylib or .dll on other OSen) to package.cpath
You can use several ways to extend the path.
One option that works well is to set the LUA_PATH / LUA_CPATH environment variables. (A ;; sequence in one of them will expand to the full default path.) This can be done from .profile or other setup scripts via an earlier export LUA_PATH="..." or (if started from a wrapper script) inline by setting variables just for that call LUA_PATH="..." lua /foo/bar.lua. (Note that if you export this variable in too broad a scope, other Lua scripts will also get their path extended and may find potentially incompatible Lua libraries.)
(You can also manually modify package.(c)path from LUA_INIT. That way, you won't be able to independently disable LUA_INIT or LUA_PATH, but you can use all of Lua to generate the path dynamically.)
A third option (this may be best in your specific case) is to put the extension of package.path at the top of your main script, as in
local dir = (arg[0]:match "^(.*)/$")
if dir then -- else cwd is . which works by default
package.path = dir.."/?.lua;"..dir.."/?/init.lua;"..package.path
package.cpath = dir.."/?.so;"..package.cpath
-- rest of your program goes here
When running a script with the Lua interpreter, arg[0] is the script. So this extends the path to include the program's directory no matter where it is located, and it will only affect the search path of this particular script / program.
You should not forget about that not all modules are loaded from FS directly.
E.g. to improve perfomance it is possible read/compile file to memory and then
use preload table to provide way to load module from memory.
Basic example
--- preload code. It can be done by host application.
local FooUtils = function()
return {
print = function(...)
print("foo", ...)
local Foo = function()
local Utils = require "foo.utils"
return {
foo = function()
package.preload['foo.utils'] = FooUtils
package.preload['foo'] = Foo
--- main application
require "foo".foo()
In this example assume that FooUtils and Foo just example of compiled modules.
E.g. it can be like FooUtils = loadstring('path/to/utils.lua) and it can be done
even in separate Lua state and then used in any other.
It is important to remember that Foo module have no idea about how host application does lookup of foo.utils.
So there no standart way to provide original file path or relevant paths.
So if you write some module wich relays on relative paths then this module
may be not working in some environments.
So I just suggest use full namespace like require 'foo.utils' instead of require 'utils'

How to include file from Erlang/OTP module

I need to include some head files from Erlang/OTP module, is there any practical method other than using absolute path like
Yes, ref the Question: Erlang: what is the difference between "include_lib" and "include"?
you should use -include_lib(XXX) instead of -include(XXX) if include from its system library.
I think you can use:
include_lib is similar to include, but should not point out an
absolute file. Instead, the first path component (possibly after
variable substitution) is assumed to be the name of an application.
The code server uses code:lib_dir(kernel) to find the directory of the current (latest) version of Kernel, and then the subdirectory
include is searched for the file file.hrl.

ocaml: Is there an environment variable to set the search path for #use and #load?

I've been wondering, if there is an environment variable to set the search path for #use and #load for the ocaml toplevel.
What I think I know so far:
I can use findlib instead of "raw" #use and #load. findlib looks at some environment variables for the search path.
I can set a search path with -I.
Experiments seem to indicate that CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH does not influence #use (script loading) and #load (byte code file loading).
(updated) I can use #directory to add the desired path - but unfortunately this only takes a string literal, so i can't pass something I read from the environment at run time. (Update: I forgot to mention #directory originally and why it doesn't fit my use case).
What I want to do:
Run ocaml programs as scripts
Point ocaml to script libraries and script fragments with an environment variable
Avoid, in some scenarios, to create a full findlib library.
Presently I'm not using ocaml as interpreter, but a wrapper that adds a path to the invocation. I want to avoid the wrapper.
(I hope the questions makes sense now, after you know my use case)
So: Is there an environment variable to set the search path for #use and #load without resorting to a wrapper?
More Details
What I'm currently doing:
#!/usr/bin/env oscript2
#use "MyScript"
#load "SomeModule.cmo"
(* ... more ocaml *)
oscript2 is a wrapper around ocaml that basically sets the search paths for #use and #load, but finally executes the toplevel ocaml withe something like
exec ocaml -I .... ...some-byte-code-modules... "$#"
MyScript and SomeModule.cmo live outside of the "normal" Ocaml search path. The actual location might change, but after login (and working through the profie scripts) there is an environment variable (today it's OSCRIPTLOAD_PATH) that tells me, where alle loadable byte code and ocaml script files might live.
This works well, a variant of that setup has been in use for years (at least 7).
The one thing that bothers me there, is: The wrapper, the simple fact of it's presence, looks homebrew, so I'd like to avoid it, to make a better impression on potential future users of the script collection. What I'd like to do
#!/usr/bin/env ocaml
#use "MyScript"
#load "SomeModule.cmo"
(* ... more ocaml *)
and have ocaml itself pick up the search path from some environment variable (I'm free to change the variable name, that is under my control, but I don't want to install script and byte code libs into the default search path, and, as already stated, I' asking if I can do that without findlib).
Basically (as already stated at the very beginning) I'm looking for an environment variable that controls the search path for #use and #load. I'm not looking for toplevel directives and not for wrappers that retrofit this feature. (Thanks everyone for those suggestions, but unfortunately I've already gone that road, it's feasible, but here I'm looking for an alternative purely for cosmetic reasons).
Recent research didn't bring up that such a variable exists, but I thought I'd be asking here, before giving up on it.
From inside the OCaml toplevel you can use the #directory "foo";; primitive to add an include directory.
Here's a shell script that runs the OCaml toplevel while adding a directory to the search path taken from an environment variable named EXTRA_OCAML_DIR.
ocaml -I "$EXTRA_OCAML_DIR" "$#"
If you run this instead of ocaml, you will have a directory in the load path specified by an environment variable.
It seems a little obvious, but maybe it will spark an idea that is more helpful.

Using custom Environment Variables in JetBrains products for File watcher Arguments

I am trying to use node-sass as File Watcher in WebStorm.
I created a local variable named STYLE with main stylesheet name inside to add it as variable to File Watcher settings everywhere it needed.
But if I add $STYLE$ in a Path I get an error:
/Users/grawl/Sites/sitename/node_modules/node-sass/bin/node-sass app/styles/$STYLE$.scss public/$STYLE$.css
error reading file "app/styles/$STYLE$.scss"
Process finished with exit code 1
IDE just don't interprets my variable.
Also I tried to use %STYLE% but with no luck.
Please do not blame me for direct mapping filenames in File Watcher without using built-in variables like $FileName$ or $FileNameWithoutExtension$ because even WebStorm 9 EAP does not support preprocessor's dependencies except of built-in preprocessors like Sass and Jade.
This case is not only case to use local variables.
For example I want to put into variables my public/ path (that can be dest/ in other projects) and app/ (can be source/). And so on.
So let's figure out this feature.
