Is there any Apple API like google Place Search API? - ios

In my iPhone App I am using MKMapKit. Currently I am plotting places on map according to the results get from Google Place API, but as per Google's doc I must use this values only in google Maps. Unfortunately from iOS 6, MKMapKit will go to Apple Map itself.
Is there any Apple API like google Place Search API?
Now I am using URLs like this:,74.318723&rankby=distance&types=restaurant&sensor=false&key="my API Key"

I believe this is what you're looking for?
iOS Developer Library: MKLocalSearchRequest Class Reference

You can achieve this through MKLocalSearchRequest and MapKit.
It is showing autocomplete places just like google places API and can place the Annotation point on Apple's map (not on Google map, I hope that is only you are looking for.)
You can download a sample project from here, using MKLocalSearchRequest for fetching Places and showing in a auto complete tableview controller.
However it does not show as accurate result as you can get from Google Places API. As the problem is that Geocoding database is not obviously complete and Apple is not the company who leads this field - Google is.


Is it possible to get turn by turn directions using Google Maps Api in iOS?

I am looking for a way to get or make turn by turn navigation using Google Maps Api in swift. I've done drawing polylines from source to destination using GoogleMaps Api but still couldn't find a way to do turn by turn navigation. Is it possible?
Yes. It is possible.
Please refer following link which is using turn by turn directions using google API.
(see last two screen shot of iPad from itunes link)
To achieve it, you have to use Google Direction API which allows us to use upto 8 way points.
After that you will get an array of route including all turn by turn message and lat/long.
Just create a CLRegion of 100 meters (or as per your requirement.) around your current location in locationDidUpdate method. If next point of route array falls within CLRegion, just show a message received in routes array by google API.
I have made above application but it was not updated after uploading to store so it is having old UI and it is not having iPhone 5+ support. Sorry for that but you will find feature you require in this app...

iOS: How do I use Google Maps to get directions based on user input?

I am building an application that must take user's input of a start location, and two destinations and show the route between the three. I have used google maps api in my project to add a map view, but the google directions API is not meant for user input. Should I use the google maps javascript API or add a web view. How would I go about using either?
Google Maps Javascript API:
What about the option of having the user launch either google maps or maps with the direction? To do that there's a pretty good answer here: How to Open Google Map Navigation Url with Direction and Voice in iOS?
Multitasking on the phone is pretty good these days so it shouldn't cause too much user annoyance to have another app (built to directions) take over that job. The only reason I'd see to not do it that way is if your app is something like Uber, but if that's the case then there's a few other things you could do.

Can I use google place autocomplete to search for locations on iOS, then place results on Apple Maps?

I know that I have to add a "Powered By Google" logo to the area where I'm performing the operations, but will google be ok with me using the data that I receive to display them on an MKMapView? If they are ok with it, will I have to place the "Powered By Google" logo on the MKMapView too? or should it only be on the UITableView holding the results?
Thanks in advance
No, you can not.
According to Google Places API Web Service Policies,
 If your application displays Google Places API Web Service data on a map, that map must be provided by Google.

Google Maps API xCode

I've been trying to find some info on using Google maps for a project I'm doing now. But I've been kinda confused. I want to use the
main view-controller in the storyboard to have a search bar
and you can type in your town or zip code, and it will take you to another view-controller with Google maps on it and it will show all the McDonald or whatever specific restaurant or store around you or in your city. This is my first time using Google maps API. Thanks!
Use Android studio for create map and for the API key "Google console" and turn on the API then go to login section and get your API key
Then you have to get all position of McDonalds and add Markers to the map

Google Maps SDK for iOS's map is not same as Google Map

I am useing Google maps SDK for iOS.I want to add marker some location.I get those Coordinates from Google Map.I found ATM Booths and other institution in Google Map With their specific icon but when i do this from app i don't get those.
In google map i fount an icon of ATM,Cafe and so many
But not in my App.I am using Google Maps SDK for iOS's Version 1.6.1
Can anyone describe it?
I found the same problem last night when testing a small area.
The detail POIs (maybe when the zoomLevel of MapView is greater than 16?) is different between and
And it's easy to explain: Google need to keep the core competitiveness. In Maps business, data is everything.
If you wan't other places/landmarks outside of the defaults in the mapping api you will need to look at Google places api.
