AChartEngine Time Chart with multiple Y scales and axis - achartengine

How can I create a Time Chart with multiple Y scales and axis with AChartEngine? Thanks

You will have to build a CombinedXYChart of line charts and use custom labels instead of the default ones.
TimeChart is not supported in the CombinedXYChart.
Update: See this example and just create a time chart instead of a cubic line chart.


How to add crosshair vertical line in line graph using Core Plot framework?

I am using core plot framework for drawing the line graph in iPhone and it is working fine.I am displaying system time on X- axis and Temperature on Y- axis.I need to draw the cross hair vertical line that indicate the selected value on the line graph. for example
I would highly appreciate if someone can give me some suggestion to solve this issue.
Thanks in advance.
You can use another axis or scatter plot to draw the line. Using an axis is simpler if all you need is a single horizontal or vertical line. Set all of the tick and grid line styles to nil and use the orthogonalCoordinateDecimal to position it in the correct location. There is a demo using a scatter plot to draw a crosshairs over the selected point in the Mac version of the CPTTestApp example app.

Changing lables on x-axis like from Monday to show M as per window size in HighCharts

I am using highcharts library to draw chart and I need to display Weekdays as labels on x-axis and also to auto reset it like from Monday to M if all weekdays can't fit on screen.
It should be dynamic, which means no flickering should appear when changing label text on x-axis.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
There is no straight option for that, rather simple workaround:
Disable reflow from Highcharts, use window.resize browser event
In that event add condition to decide showing full name of just shortened, and set this for chart - chart.xAxis[0].dateTimeLabelFormats should be fine
After setting new format, apply new chart dimensions using chart.setSize(w, h)

Axis Lables Rotation

Hi I am using HighStock 1.2.4
I do have multiple series and separate yAxis for each series. I am calculating height and topPadding and creating stacked series.
Now, I am facing two problems.
I have used rotation with yAxis to rotate labels but its not rendering correctly.
I have also used rotation for X Axis labels, but the last series position is getting messed with X Axis Labels.
1) I'm not sure why it's not rendering correctly, if you want to move a little to the left use x: property for title.
2) First, I think you need to set proper align for xAxis.labels (right). Then make higher chart to make sure you have enough space for a chart.
And jsFiddle:

Highcharts - multiple plot with the same x scale

I want to make a multiple plots with the x-axis aligned so that we can compare two set of data. I want it to look like this
In my case there are some addition requirement that some of the plot are lines and some are bar. So the default scale does not align even if the data range are the same.
I found some good suggestion about "stacking" the charts. It is a little bit complicated but a promising way to try.
However I also have other use case that may push the envelop of simple stacking. For example, I'd like to do scatter plot matrix sometime when both x-axis and y-axis have to align like this
Rather than putting many chart in one Highchart, this may requires have many separate charts but have better control in how the axis is layout.
If you want to use one one chart, you can use linkedTo option to connect axis.
If you want more simple charts, you can manage to connect axis using event afterSetExtremes, where you can call setExtremes() for another chart.

Draw a vertical line in Core Plot?

I have an iPhone project that displays some data of the past 24h in Core Plot. x axis shows the time, y axis the data value.
Now I want to highlight a day change by drawing a vertical line at midnight. How can this be done?
Add a scatter plot to your graph to draw the vertical line. Just give it two data points—one for each end of the line.
