visual studio not updating html / javascript to server / browser -

This is an MVC 4 app using the Hot Towel SPA template. Whenever I change anything in the HTML and/or javascript the only way I can get the new code to display is to clear the browser cache. F5, cntrl-F5, shift-F5, nothing works.
I'm not normally a web dev and just learning this. I've done regular MVC before and not had this issue, maybe it has to do with where the HTML and javascript is in my project (i.e. in the /App folder) ?. I'm going nuts trying to figure this out.
I can completely delete an HTML file and run the app and it still runs as it did. Clear cache and run and I then get the update.
It's running using IIS express using Firefox, Chrome, IE...

In Opera and Chrome (and possibly others), you can disable caching while in 'development mode'.
While in DevTools, the 2nd option in the Settings menu is
Disable cache (while DevTools is open)

Go to your web.config file and make a change in it.Its not matter what change you make.For example type a character and then delete it and build the project and run it again.I hope it works.

I also experienced this issue and turns out it was related to caching.
If using Chrome DevTools, you can simply disable cache by navigating to the Network Tab and ticking Disable Cache
This will only disable the cache when Dev Tools is open.

ctrl+shift+F5 will do the trick! Seems like browser cache is part of the problem :)

in my case iis express not updated site, but site , created by iis Manager worked correctly?
possible solution for this problem is
set "use this 64 bit version of iis express for web sites and projects" option at visual studio
it located at options->Projects and Solutions->Web projects

I found that I had the .js file open in the Chrome Developer Tools -> Sources View.
When I closed the file there and refreshed the page the new .js file showed up as expected.

The browsers cache by default. You can turn off caching in your browser to get the changed files.

I had an issue with moved .ts & .html files on the server and had to:
stop debugging
clear the whole output/dist folder inside my ClientApp
start debugging again
Ctrl-F5 to force the cache to refresh on the browser
Simply disabling the browser's cache, or forcing the .net app to recompile, or even running ng serve had no effect.

None of the above listed methods works consistently and if one considers that different browsers are used in the task pane depending on Windows version/build used then you may have to clear the cache of a different browser in each case.
However, it seems that the real issue is not so much browser caching as it is VS deciding which files to deploy to the local IIS Express server used for testing/development. In many cases, when pressing the "Start" button, modified html and/or js files won't make it to the local deployment even if you also modify the web.config file.
The way I made this work consistently is I selected the web application project (in Solution Explorer), opened properties, clicked the "Package/Publish Web" tab and then under "Items to deploy" I selected "All files in this project".
Works fine for me!

If you just want to test locally You can try
A) Create Virtual Directory
Follow below path: Project / Properties / Web
Find Servers section
Click on Create Virtual directory
B) Follow below path: Project / Properties / Web
Find Servers section
Click on Drop down and change the selected value between Express and Local
Then Create Virtual directory

Following are some of the options that we can use to solve the problem.
ctrl + shift + r (This will do a hard refresh of your current tab)
ctrl + F5 (This will force the cache to refresh on the browser)
Stop debugging and Change the web.config file and run again
Stop debugging and clean the project, Rebuild it and run the project

In case disabling the cache and editing the web.config file does not work.
Simply close the solution and reopen it and try it. Strange, but it worked for me.


Windows Server 2019: IIS 10: HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden: The Web server is configured to not list the contents of this directory

I am migrating a working .Net Framework Website from IIS 8.5 on a Microsoft Windows Server 2012 to IIS 10 on a Microsoft Windows Server 2019.
The new web site is showing the error
HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden
The Web server is configured to not list the contents of this directory.
As far as I can see the website on the new server is configured the same as on the existing.
Neither have directory Browsing enabled nor a default file set as is recommended by most of the posts which exist discussing this error.
I have run the following which is also recommended.
%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -ir
The problem still exists.
I came across a post saying there might be an issue if paths referenced in the web.config are not correct but they look fine.
Has anyone got any insight into what else might cause this issue?
Are there any differences between IIS 8.5 and IIS 10 or between windows servers 2012 and 2019 which might cause this issue?
This problem occurs because the website doesn't have the Directory Browsing feature enabled. Also, the default document isn't configured. To resolve this problem, use one of the following methods:
Method 1: Enable the Directory Browsing feature in IIS
To resolve this problem, follow these steps:
Start IIS Manager. To do it, select Start, select Run, type inetmgr.exe, and then select OK.
In IIS Manager, expand server name, expand Web sites, and then select the website that you want to change.
In the Features view, double-click Directory Browsing.
In the Actions pane, select Enable.
Method 2: Add a default document
To resolve this problem, follow these steps:
Start IIS Manager. To do it, select Start, select Run, type inetmgr.exe, and then select OK.
In IIS Manager, expand server name, expand Web sites, and then select the website that you want to change.
In the Features view, double-click Default Document.
In the Actions pane, select Enable.
In the File Name box, type the name of the default document, and then select OK.
More information you can refer to this link: HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden when you open an IIS webpage.
All those clowns glibly posting that "HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden: The Web server is configured to not list the contents of this directory" can be fixed by configuring the web site by either enabling the Directory Browsing feature or adding a default document are really not understanding what they are talking about. Anyone can copy a solution from one post and paste to another.
I'm not going to pretend I know what I am talking about but I have fixed my issue and will share what I did here to see in the hope it helps others.
I created a project (of the same type as the application I was trying to deploy) using my IDE (MSVS) in the same .Net version of the application I was trying to deploy. In this case it was creation of an MVC project in .Net Framework 4.5.
I did nothing to it. All I wanted was a skeleton.
I replaced all the files in the home directory of the web site I had an issue with, with the files of this skeleton project.
I attempted to browse to the web site and it worked successfully. Note the directory browsing was not enabled nor was a default directory set.
This proved to me that those settings were irrelevant.
Having googled around, some sites point to paths in config files causing an issue if they do not exist, eg a logging path to d:\logs where that directory was missing. It didn't fix my issue but there's no harm checking.
I stumbled across a post which talked about the roles and features enabled on the server. In Web Server (IIS)/Web Server/Application Development they had selected "Application Initialisation" and "ASP".
The Windows Sever 2012 server I was moving the application from, where it work without a hitch, did not have those selected so had not selected them on the Windows Server 2019 I was moving them to when I set that server up.
It made no sense that this would be the solution but having tried everything else I activated those two options.
Stone me if the issue was resolved.
As a check I removed those two options and the problem came back and when I reselected them it went away again.
This struck me as pretty conclusive only having thought I'd found the cause of the problem I built the website from scratch and the problem came back again.
It took a number of iterations but eventually I got there, more by luck than judgement and whatever the cause was it was due to an issue in the application which wasn't being logged in event viewer so focus on permissions to files being written to: not only that the app pool account is set up on the directories it needs access to but also that it has modify or even full control.
All those muppets robotically posting advice on configuring the web site by either enabling the Directory Browsing feature or adding a default document will no doubt copy this and paste it into their posts to claim the credit but c'est la vie.
I hope this post is of use to someone, apart from those muppets.

Prevent Visual Studio web project start https

i have a web project where i wanted to start with SSL then in HTTPS, so doing some configurations... now i changed idea and i want to start without HTTPS, i cleaned my configurations, but when i run the project, IIS Express starts 2 projects, (see images). What can i do to remove the project with https?
Have you set your Solution properties to specify which projects should start?
there are a few things to check
make sure you Clean and Rebuild,
delete all Temp files from Windows\Microsoft.Net\Frameworks then 64 or 32 bit.
Have you created the actual app in IIS by hitting the "Create Virtual Directory button"?
If you have, then https will be a binding there, so just go and delete that.
Finally check your web.config, to make sure there is no https reference sticking around anywhere.
One of these should do the trick.
You can manually open .vs/config/applicationHost.config (VS2015) to remove the https binding from that site, or Documents\IIS Express\config\applicationHost.config (VS2013 or below). Of course, you can use Jexus Manager for IIS Express to do the same using a simple user interface,

images, css and js files are not being loaded in my application

This one is killing me, neither of those files are loaded in my application: images, css, js, everything was working fine before re-installing my PC, so I guess is configuration issue with IIS, since i haven't touch code and works well in a PC of a co-worker.
When seeing the HTML in firebug I see this
Reload the page to get source for: http://localhost/Common/Scripts/jquery-1.4.3.min.js
this is the code
<script src="#Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery-1.4.3.min.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>
I am running Windows 7 and IIS 7.5, it's an Asp.Net MVC 3 Application.
I have tried the following
uninstall and re-install IIS
added read permission on file system to IUSR and IIS_USRS
In the application in IIS, in feature anonymous authentication, I selected "application pool indentity".
Nothing happens, maybe someone has another idea of what's happening.
Or at least point me a direction to better understand the reason of the problem and I will update the question with the feedback.
help will be appreciated... and rewarded :)
I found the problem.
I didn't mark Static Content in features for IIS.
In Windows Features go to, Internet Information Services > World Wide Web Services > Common HTTP Features > Static Content
Under Application Development Features I selected Asp.Net it selected automatically everything else, I wonder why It didn't select this option too.
Hope it helps to someone else.

ASP MVC 2 with development server won't load default controller & action for an empty route

This used to work fine, but recently it refuse to load the default page for an empty route, instead it lists directory contents.
for example
http://localhost:1234/ should take me to the same page as http://localhost:1234/Home/Index assuming global.asax hasn't been modified, however recently it just takes me to "Directory List -- /" and lists out the content of the project folder.
This is using the ASP.NET Development Server. The sites work fine when deployed into IIS on a server.
Does anybody have any ideas, this is really annoying!
I would check the project settings like suggested on this other question:
Launching my debug MVC3 application opens a specific .cshtml file in the browser
Through trial and error I've determined that this is caused by the IBM RTC plug-in, when disabled it works normally.
I find this very surprising, but I've double checked and it is definitely that!

ASP.NET MVC3 IIS can't get stylesheets to load

I am having trouble getting my local II7 to load stylesheets when running a default 'File/New' MVC3 website. When I run the site using Visual Studio everything works great. I created an IIS7 website pointed to the root folder of the MVC website. The site comes up, but no stylesheets load. My app pool is set for .NET 4 and Integrated mode.
The same issue was described in this topic, but the fix didn't help me (I already have the 'serve static content' setting checked).
ASP.Net MVC & Local IIS Issue Loading Stylesheets
Any direction is appreciated!
This was solved by enabling Anonymous Authentication in IIS, then right-clicking that node and choosing Edit and choosing Application Pool Identity. Everything loads correctly now. With fiddler I noticed I was getting 401 errors on the stylesheets/js files, so I knew I had a security issue.
In your layout page have the style sheet like:
<link href="#Url.Content("~/folder/style.css")" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
This should help by making it relative to your applications root the #Url(Content("~/ part.
Another thing to check is that Static Content is enabled in Windows Features - this catches me out every time. In Windows 7:
Open Control Panel
Select Programs > Programs and Features > Turn Windows features on or off
Expand Internet Information Services > World Wide Web Services > Common HTTP Features
Check "Static Content"
Click OK and wait before retrying.
As #Mike said, I am almost willing to bet that the problem is that the path to the CSS file is different when you run local than when you run on the server.
Where are your CSS files located at?
For example, if your root IIS folder is c:\inetpub\wwwroot...are your CSS files under
c:\inetpub\wwwroot\somefolder\content\style.css or under
I had this problem too, and none of the solutions here (or anywhere else that I could find) helped.
The Solution
It turned out that my CSS files were downloaded from an external source in zip format. The files were copied and pasted from the zip file to my IIS directory using Windows Explorer. If you unzip the file first before doing the copy operation, then it won't mess up the permissions and you will be able to view them in IIS.
