EmbeddedReadOnlyGraphDatabase complaining about locked database - neo4j

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Database locked.
at org.neo4j.kernel.InternalAbstractGraphDatabase.create(InternalAbstractGraphDatabase.java:289)
at org.neo4j.kernel.InternalAbstractGraphDatabase.run(InternalAbstractGraphDatabase.java:227)
at org.neo4j.kernel.EmbeddedReadOnlyGraphDatabase.<init>(EmbeddedReadOnlyGraphDatabase.java:81)
at org.neo4j.kernel.EmbeddedReadOnlyGraphDatabase.<init>(EmbeddedReadOnlyGraphDatabase.java:72)
at org.neo4j.kernel.EmbeddedReadOnlyGraphDatabase.<init>(EmbeddedReadOnlyGraphDatabase.java:54)
at QueryNodeReadOnly.main(QueryNodeReadOnly.java:55)
This is using 1.8.2 version of neo4j. I've written a program that opens the db in readonly mode, querying and and make it sleep for a while before exiting.
Here is the relevant text
graphDb = new EmbeddedReadOnlyGraphDatabase( dbname); // Line 55 - the exception.
if(sleepVal > 0)
I reckon I should not be getting this error. There are only 2 processes that open the db , both in read-only mode. In fact, it should work even if i open the db when another process has opened it to write to it.

We disallow two databases accessing the same files on disk at the same time - even in read-only mode.
The reason being is that while we do not allow you to modify the database in read-only mode, Lucene will still write to disk when servicing your read requests, and having two instances access those same index files leads to race conditions and index corruptions.
Why is it you want 2x instances accessing the same files at the same time anyway? What is your use case?

You can't make multiple connections to an embedded database. Maybe you should consider using the REST server.


Does the order of hdf5 close matter?

I am implementing a HDF5 layer in an interpreted language with automatic reclamation facilities (garbage collect).
When a proxy to a HDF5 entity (H5File, H5Group, H5Dataset, H5Dataspace, H5Datatype, etc...) will be no longer referenced, it will be automatically reclaimed. With ephemeron like facility, I can arrange to be noticed and invoke the corresponding close function automagically (H5Fclose, H5Gclose, H5Dclose, etc...) in order to release the target resource.
By default, I have no control on the order of reclamation. However, if ever order of close counts, then I can arrange to keep a strong pointer on a parent proxy (for example the H5 File) from within any other entity. If order does not count, then I will avoid this useless complication.
So my questions:
Can I invoke H5Fclose(fid); before H5Gclose(gid); where previously gid=H5Gcreate(fid,'/foo',H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);?
Can I continue to operate on the group once I closed the containing file? For example, is it legal to call H5Fclose(fid); before gid2=H5Gcreate(gid,'bar',H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT); in above example? If not, are there other entities concerned, or is it just file?
Doh, case of blindness, the documentation tells that close is delayed until all objects have been closed, so 1. order does not count and 2. is legal.
However, it may not work in every circumstances, so it's not recommended.
H5Fclose terminates access to an HDF5 file by flushing all data to storage and terminating access to the file through file_id.
If this is the last file identifier open for the file and no other access identifier is open (e.g., a dataset identifier, group identifier, or shared datatype identifier), the file will be fully closed and access will end.
Delayed close:
Note the following deviation from the above-described behavior. If H5Fclose is called for a file but one or more objects within the file remain open, those objects will remain accessible until they are individually closed. Thus, if the dataset data_sample is open when H5Fclose is called for the file containing it, data_sample will remain open and accessible (including writable) until it is explicitely closed. The file will be automatically closed once all objects in the file have been closed.
Be warned, however, that there are circumstances where it is not possible to delay closing a file. For example, an MPI-IO file close is a collective call; all of the processes that opened the file must close it collectively. The file cannot be closed at some time in the future by each process in an independent fashion. Another example is that an application using an AFS token-based file access privilage may destroy its AFS token after H5Fclose has returned successfully. This would make any future access to the file, or any object within it, illegal.
In such situations, applications must close all open objects in a file before calling H5Fclose. It is generally recommended to do so in all cases.

Elasticsearch can't sync 2GB database from neo4j with GprahAware

The neo4j2elasticsearch works on my machine when the database is only 250KB. But the the databse is around 2GB. It won't sync anymore. I'm wondering is because of these parameters in the config file:
#optional, size of the in-memory queue that queues up operations to be synchronised to Elasticsearch, defaults to 10000
#optional, size of the batch size to use during re-initialization, defaults to 1000
I'm wondering what is the unit of in-memory queue size 10000 and how to estimate what parameter to set based on my database size.
Here is the debug file :
neo4j debug.log failure loading
The database is re-initialized but there are only empty neo4j-index-relationship/neo4j-index-node index in the elasticsearch database
Just for information, here is the debug file for successful 250KB database loading:
neo4j debug.log successful loading
seems like Re-indexing nodes... step is missing in the 2GB database loading procedure.
The log doesn't have a line saying it will re-index, did you configure:
To a timestamp that warrants re-indexing on startup? Otherwise, it will only index new data. It is explained at the bottom of https://github.com/graphaware/neo4j-to-elasticsearch :
...in order to trigger (re-)indexing, i.e. sending every node that
should be indexed to Elasticsearch upon Neo4j restart, you have to
manually intervene...
So try to create a new node and see if the synchronization is working for new stuff to eliminate this situation (most common one).

Spark job-server release memory

I've set up a spark job-server (see https://github.com/spark-jobserver/spark-jobserver/tree/jobserver-0.6.2-spark-1.6.1) in standalone mode.
I've created a default context to use. Currently I have 2 kind of jobs on this context:
Synchronization with another server:
Dumps the data from the other server's db;
Perform some joins, reduce the data, generating a new DF;
Save the obtained DF in a parquet file;
Load this parquet file as a temp table and cache it;
Queries: perform sql queries on the cached table.
The only object that I persist is the final table that will be cached.
What I don't get is why when I perform the synchronization, all the assigned memory is used and never released, but, if I load the parquet file directly (doing a fresh start of the server, using the parquet file generated previously), only a fraction of the memory is used.
I'm missing something? There is a way to free up unused memory?
Thank you
You can free up memory by unpersisting cached table: yourTable.unpersist()

Failure on CSV import into Neo4j 2.2.0-RC01

I'm having some weird issues when using the batch load into Neo4j 2.2.0-RC1. I am trying to import 10 different node sets (for different labels) along with 12 relationship files. The data sets vary in size - some node types have ~200-300k records, some are small (50-100 records). For most node types I have a separate file with a header and separate file with data for each of the sets (the data is generated from the DB and I want to be able to regenerate the dump files without worrying about preparing the :ID columns, describing data types etc.)
I am re-running the import task a number of times (with options --processors 1 --stacktrace) and I keep getting different errors (not a single change in the actual dataset) which makes me think it might be something concurrency-related. Sometimes import simply hangs with a message like this:
[>:36.75 MB/s------------------------|*PROPERTIES-----------------------------------------|NOD|] 0
In most cases, it crashes with an error like below, except the number of nodes that it manages to import fine differs from run to run.
[>:27.23 MB/s-------------|*PROPERTIES--------------------------|NO|v:19.62 MB/s---------------]100kImport error: Panic called, so exiting
java.lang.RuntimeException: Panic called, so exiting
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.StageExecution.stillExecuting(StageExecution.java:63)
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.ExecutionSupervisor.anyStillExecuting(ExecutionSupervisor.java:79)
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.ExecutionSupervisor.finishAwareSleep(ExecutionSupervisor.java:102)
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.ExecutionSupervisor.supervise(ExecutionSupervisor.java:64)
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.ExecutionSupervisors.superviseDynamicExecution(ExecutionSupervisors.java:65)
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.ParallelBatchImporter.executeStages(ParallelBatchImporter.java:226)
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.ParallelBatchImporter.doImport(ParallelBatchImporter.java:151)
at org.neo4j.tooling.ImportTool.main(ImportTool.java:263)
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Panic called, so exiting
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.AbstractStep.assertHealthy(AbstractStep.java:189)
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.ProducerStep.process(ProducerStep.java:77)
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.ProducerStep$1.run(ProducerStep.java:54)
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Nodes for any specific group must be added in sequence before adding nodes for any other group
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.cache.idmapping.string.EncodingIdMapper.put(EncodingIdMapper.java:137)
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.NodeEncoderStep.process(NodeEncoderStep.java:76)
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.NodeEncoderStep.process(NodeEncoderStep.java:41)
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.ExecutorServiceStep$2.call(ExecutorServiceStep.java:96)
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.ExecutorServiceStep$2.call(ExecutorServiceStep.java:87)
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.executor.DynamicTaskExecutor$Processor.run(DynamicTaskExecutor.java:217)
I managed to run it successfully once, which, again, seems to imply that some sort of timing issue is at play.
Unfortunately I cannot provide the datasets as they contain confidential data.
The weirdest thing of all is that if I split the load into 2 different sets (the datasets are almost separate subgraphs, they have only 2 relationships in common) then all works fine (so not likely to be data related), but even loading just nodes doesn't work if I put them all into a single command. And because it's not possible to force a load into an existing database, loading it in 2 steps is sadly not an option.
1) Is that a known issue and if so, any ETA on a fix / issue that I could follow?
2) If not, is there any troubleshooting I can do to get to the bottom of it? The messages.log file in the target DB directory contains VERY little output, it would be nice if I could get some more details on what's going wrong.
I've spotted the problem. Thanks for reporting/asking. The next release will include this fix. I see an additional set of integration tests for the import tool. I'll provide link to commit once it's in.

Suds is not reusing cached WSDLs and XSDs, although I expect it to

I'm pretty sure suds is not caching my WSDLs and XSDs like I expect it to. Here's how I know that cached objects are not being used:
It takes about 30 seconds to create a client: client = Client(url)
The logger entries show consistent digestion of the XSD and WSDL files during the entire 30 seconds
Wireshark is showing consistent TCP traffic to the server storing the XSD and WSDL files during the entire 30 seconds
I see the files in the cache being updated each time I run my program
I have a small program that creates a suds client, sends a single request, gets the response, then ends. My expectation is that each time I run the program, it should fetch the WSDL and XSD files from the file cache, not from the URLs. Here's why I think that:
client.options.cache.duration is set to ('days', 1)
client.options.cache.location is set to c:\docume~1\mlin\locals~1\temp\suds and I see the cache files being generated and re-generated each time I run the program
For a moment I thought that maybe the cache is not reused between runs of a program, but I don't think a file cache would be used if that were the case, because an in-memory cache would do just fine
Am I misunderstanding how suds caching is supposed to work?
The problem is in the suds library itself. In cache.py, although ObjectCache.get() is always getting a valid file pointer, it's hitting an exception (EOFError) doing pickle.load(fp). When that happens, the file is just downloaded again.
Here's the sequence of events:
Loading ObjectCache 51012453-document
Loading pickled object...
Exception raised:
Got None from cache
Downloading... Done
Saving FileCache 51012453-document... Done
So it doesn't really matter that the new cache file was saved, because the same thing happens the next time I run. This happens for ALL of WSDL and XSD files.
I fixed that problem by opening the cache file in binary mode when reading and writing. Specifically, the changes I made were in cache.py:
1) In FileCache.put(), change this line:
f = self.open(fn, 'w')
f = self.open(fn, 'wb')
2) In FileCache.getf(), change this line:
return self.open(fn)
return self.open(fn, 'rb')
I don't know the codebase well enough to know if these changes are safe, but it is pulling the objects from the file cache, the service is still running successfully, and loading the client went from 16 seconds down to 2.5 seconds. Much better if you ask me.
Hopefully this fix, or something similar can be introduced back into the suds main line. I've already sent this to the suds mailing list (fedora-suds-list at redhat dot com).
