I want do realise a search function in an WebApi project.
But how to execute a localQuery?
I have tried:
var EntityQuery = breeze.EntityQuery;
var FilterQueryOp = breeze.FilterQueryOp;
var Predicate = breeze.Predicate;
var manager = new breeze.EntityManager(serviceName);
But what is the serviceName in my case?
Any serviceName, i.e. "foo", should do the trick. Just don't try to go remote without resetting it to something "real". Breeze will not use the serviceName until a remote service call actually occurs, so this is safe.
I use NReco.Data in my Asp.NetCore Application to make db-calls, because I don't want to use EF and DataTable isn't supported yet.
Now I need to call a StoredProcedure and get Multiple RecordSets (or Dictionarylists).
At the moment I called this:
dbAdapter.Select($"STOREDNAME #{nameof(SQLPARAMETER)}", SQLPARAMETER).ToRecordSet()
But the stored gives me more than 1 recordset, can anyone help me to get the others?
Currently NReco.Data.DbDataAdapter has no API for processing multiple result sets returned by single IDbCommand.
You can compose IDbCommand by yourself, execute data reader and read multiple result sets in the following way:
IDbCommand spCmd; // lets assume that this is DB command for 'STOREDNAME'
RecordSet rs1 = null;
RecordSet rs2 = null;
try {
using (var rdr = spCmd.ExecuteReader()) {
rs1 = RecordSet.FromReader(rdr);
if (rdr.NextResult())
rs2 = RecordSet.FromReader(rdr);
} finally {
As NReco.Data author I think that support for multiple result sets may be easily added to DbDataAdapter API (I've just created an issue for that on github).
-- UPDATE --
Starting from NReco.Data v.1.0.2 it is possible to handle multiple result sets in the following way:
(var companies, var contacts) = DbAdapter.Select("exec STOREDNAME").ExecuteReader(
(rdr) => {
var companiesRes = new DataReaderResult(rdr).ToList<CompanyModel>();
var contactsRes = new DataReaderResult(rdr).ToList<ContactModel>();
return (companiesRes, contactsRes);
In the same manner DataReaderResult can map results to dictionaries or RecordSet if needed.
I am getting a single entity by using a method fetchEntityByKey, after that I am loading navigation property for the entity by entityAspect.loadNavigationProperty. But loadNavigationProperty always make a call to the server, what I am wondering if I can first check it from cache, if it is exist then get it from there otherwise go the server. How is it possible? Here is my current code
return datacontext.getProjectById(projectId)
.then(function (data) {
vm.project = data;
Here is a function that I encapsulated inside datacontext service.
function getProjectById(projectId) {
return manager.fetchEntityByKey('Project', projectId)
.then(querySucceeded, _queryFailed);
function querySucceeded(data) {
return data.entity;
Also, how is it possible to load navigation property with some limit. I don't want to have all records for navigation property at once for performance reason.
You can use the EntityQuery.fromEntityNavigation method to construct a query based on an entity and a navigationProperty . From there you can execute the resulting query locally, via the EntityManager.executeQueryLocally method. So in your example once you have a 'project' entity you can do the following.
var messagesNavProp = project.entityType.getProperty("messages");
var query = EntityQuery.fromEntityNavigation(project, messagesNavProp);
var messages = myEntityManager.executeQueryLocally(query);
You can also make use of the the EntityQuery.using method to toggle a query between remote and local execution, like this:
query = query.using(FetchStrategy.FromLocalCache);
query = query.using(FetchStrategy.FromServer);
please take a look here: http://www.breezejs.com/sites/all/apidocs/classes/EntityManager.html
as you can see fetchEntityByKey ( typeName keyValues checkLocalCacheFirst ) also have a third optional param that you can use to tell breeze to first check the manager cache for that entity
hope this helps
I am trying to subscribe to CheckinEvent in TFS 2010 using TFS IEventService. For some reason I keep getting:
Event type <<event type>> does not exist
for WorkItemChangedEvent and CheckinEvent. What am I doing wrong?
var serverUri = new Uri("http://TFS_SERVICE:8080/tfs");
var server = TfsConfigurationServerFactory.GetConfigurationServer(serverUri);
var eventService = server.GetService<IEventService>();
var preference = new DeliveryPreference
Schedule = DeliverySchedule.Immediate,
Type = DeliveryType.Soap,
Address = "http://localhost:61773/NotifyService.asmx"
int eventId = eventService.SubscribeEvent("CheckinEvent", null, preference);
You are querying the Event Service at the Configuration Server level. These event types only exist at the team project collection level, which I assume is where you actually want to create your event subscription. You would need to change your code to something like the following:
var serverUri = new Uri("http://TFS_SERVICE:8080/tfs/collection");
TfsTeamProjectCollection collection = new TfsTeamProjectCollection(serverUri);
var eventService = collection.GetService<IEventService>();
var preference = new DeliveryPreference
Schedule = DeliverySchedule.Immediate,
Type = DeliveryType.Soap,
Address = "http://localhost:61773/NotifyService.asmx"
int eventId = eventService.SubscribeEvent("CheckinEvent", null, preference);
Please note that the URI needs to include your collection name.
Instead of using the TfsConfigurationServerFactory, use the TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory.GetTeamProjectCollection() method. These events exist at the collection level, rather than the server level.
Having searched StackOverflow, and Google I think what I'm doing is suppose to be right, however results don't seem to be going well
public void LoginAction_Should_Return_View_and_User_Authenticated()
// Arrange
var mock = new Mock<ControllerContext>();
var mockSession = new Mock<HttpSessionStateBase>();
mock.Setup(p => p.HttpContext.Session).Returns(mockSession.Object);
var testData = FakeUserData.CreateTestUsers();
var repository = new FakeUserRepository(testData);
var controller = new AccountController(repository);
controller.ControllerContext = mock.Object;
// Act
var result = controller.Login("testuser1", "testuser1");
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual("testuser1", controller.HttpContext.Session["Username"]);
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(RedirectToRouteResult));
When I run the test the value of controller.HttpContext.Session["Username"] is null, however I set the value to the username using a Session helper. Am I doing something completely wrong, or something else? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Use Mock.Verify to check if underlying code tried to set Session["Username"].
If your code needs to set session variable and use it - take a look here.
Quickstart is priceless too.
The documentation states that Autofac supports open generics and I am able to register and resolve in a basic case like so:
var flattener = _container.Resolve<IFlattener<Address>>();
The above code works just fine. However, assuming that I will not know the type provided to IFlattener until runtime, I want to do something like this:
object input = new Address();
var flattener = (IFlattener)_container.Resolve(typeof(IFlattener<>), new TypedParameter(typeof(IFlattener<>), input.GetType()));
Is this possible with AutoFac? I got the idea from the following using StructureMap:
I'm trying to achieve the same goal outlined in this article.
This is certainly possible with Autofac. At "register time", this is what you basically do:
Register the open generic type (PassThroughFlattener<>)
Register any specific types (AddressFlattener)
Register a method that can be used to resolve an IFlattener based on a input object
At "resolve time", you will do:
Resolve the method
Call the method with input parameter(s) to resolve the IFlattener implementation
Here's a (hopefully) working sample:
var openType = typeof(IFlattener<>);
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
builder.Register<Func<object, IFlattener>>(context => theObject =>
var closedType =
return (IFlattener) context.Resolve(closedType,
new PositionalParameter(0, theObject));
var c = builder.Build();
var factory = c.Resolve<Func<object, IFlattener>>();
var address = new Address();
var addressService = factory(address);
Assert.That(addressService, Is.InstanceOfType(typeof(AddressFlattener)));
var anything = "any other data";
var anyService = factory(anything);
Assert.That(anyService, Is.InstanceOfType(typeof(PassThroughFlattener<string>)));
If you don't know type until runtime you can build it using MakeGenericType:
var addressFlattener = _container.Resolve(typeof(IFlattener<>).MakeGenericType(typeof(Address)));