Erlang: gen_tcp:recv() does not receive packet sent from client? - erlang

I modified this server to use gen_tcp:recv inorder to limit the number of bytes for a packet to 50. I commented out the line inet:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]), because gen_tcp:recv is supposed to be {active,false}. This is the client side erl shell
2> cp3:client().
and this is the server side erl shell
4> cp3:server().
Started Server:
Accept Server:
Pid <0.48.0>
Connection accepted
Accept Server:
Loop Server:
I also wondered how can I know if the socket closed with the return value {tcp_closed, Socket} if gen_tcp:recv doesn't create one?
-export([client/0, server/0,start/0,accept/1,enter_loop/1,loop/1]).
client() ->
{ok, Socket} = gen_tcp:connect("localhost", 4001,[list, {packet, 0}]),
ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, "packet"),
{tcp,Socket,String} ->
io:format("Client received = ~p~n",[String]),
io:format("Client result = ~p~n",[String]),
after 1000 ->
server() ->
Pid = spawn(fun()-> start() end),
start() ->
io:format("Started Server:~n"),
{ok, Socket} = gen_tcp:listen(4001, [binary, {packet, 0},{reuseaddr, true},{active, false}]),
accept(ListenSocket) ->
io:format("Accept Server:~n"),
case gen_tcp:accept(ListenSocket) of
{ok, Socket} ->
Pid = spawn(fun() ->
io:format("Connection accepted ~n", []),
io:format("Pid ~p~n",[Pid]),
gen_tcp:controlling_process(Socket, Pid),
Pid ! ack,
Error ->
enter_loop(Socket) ->
%% make sure to acknowledge owner rights transmission finished
receive ack -> ok end,
loop(Socket) ->
%% set socket options to receive messages directly into itself
%%inet:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]),
io:format("Loop Server:~n"),
case gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 50) of
{ok, Data} ->
case Data of
<<"packet">> ->
io:format("Server replying = ~p~n",[Data]),
gen_tcp:send(Socket, Data),
{error, Reason} ->
io:format("Error on socket ~p reason: ~p~n", [Socket, Reason])

I am not very clear about your question, but the above code does not work. Hope the following answers your problem. Your tcp receive case gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 50) of has one error. It is waiting for 50 bytes to read. Check the documentation of gen_tcp:recv/2. Change the length (length of packer 6 but preferably to) 0 to receive all the bytes.
The value does not limit the size of data, but it will not send the data back until it receives data of length 50. Instead you may need to accept and then check it.


process_not_owner_of_odbc_connection :ODBC connection

Has anyone ran across this error when querying with erlang odbc:
{:error, :process_not_owner_of_odbc_connection}
I am writing a connection pool and the :ODBC.connect('conn string) is ran inside the genserver and the returned pid is put into the state... But when i get that PID back out of the gen server, I get the above error when trying to run an :odbc.param_query with that pid... How are we suppose to create a connection pool if we can use pids created in a genserver?
Anyone have any ideas?
defmodule ItemonboardingApi.ConnectionPoolWorker do
use GenServer
def start_link([]) do
IO.puts "Starting Connection Pool"
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, nil, [])
def init(_) do
{ok, pid} = :odbc.connect('DSN=;UID=;PWD=', [])
IO.inspect pid
{:ok, pid}
def handle_call(:get_connection, _from, state) do
IO.puts "Inspecting State:"
IO.inspect state
IO.puts("process #{inspect(self())} getting odbc connection")
{:reply, state, state}
Calling Function:
def get_standards_like(standard) do
fn pid ->
connection =, :get_connection)
IO.inspect connection
val =
|> to_char_list
# Call Stored Proc Statement
spstmt = '{call invlibr.usp_vm_getStandards (?)}'
case :odbc.param_query(connection, spstmt, [
{{:sql_char, 50}, [val]}
|> map_to_type(ItemonboardingCore.Standard)
{:ok, mapped} ->
{:ok, mapped}
{:updated, affected_count} ->
{:ok, affected_count}
{:executed, o, a} ->
{:ok, o, a}
{:error, _} ->
I have confirmed that the pids in the genserver are infect the correct odbc pids and the GenServer.Call returns one of them.
Here is what I did to fix the issue. I didnt know that the process that created the connection, had to be the process that runs the query. A slight change to my worker to pass the query into has fixed my issue. This is a rough first pass, a few things still need to be done to the worker.
defmodule ItemonboardingApi.ConnectionPoolWorker do
use GenServer
def start_link([]) do
IO.puts "Starting Connection Pool"
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, nil, [])
def init(_) do
{ok, pid} = :odbc.connect('DSN=;UID=;PWD=', [])
IO.inspect pid
{:ok, pid}
def handle_call(:get_connection, _from, state) do
{:reply, state, state}
def handle_call({:query, %{statement: statement, params: params}}, _from, state) do
#TODO Check if pid is alive and start if needed.
{:reply, :odbc.param_query(state, to_charlist(statement), params), state}
That's going to be a problem, like Kevin pointed out you can't transfer connection ownership for odbc and other drivers like mysql/otp.
If you want to use a connection pool, take a look at this instead
Otherwise, you can use any pool but the process that executes the sql queries has to be the one that opened the connections.
example in Erlang
sql_query_priv(Conn, Conn_Params, {SQL, Params}) ->
lager:debug("~p:sql_query_priv trying to execute query: ~p, with params: ~p, conn = ~p~n", [?MODULE, SQL, Params, Conn]),
case Conn of
null -> try mysql:start_link(Conn_Params) of
{ok, NewConn} ->
lager:info("~p:sql_query_priv Connection to DB Restored", [?MODULE]),
try mysql:query(NewConn, SQL, Params) of
ok -> {ok, NewConn, []};
{ok, _Columns, Results} -> {ok, NewConn, Results};
{error, Reason} ->
lager:error("~p:sql_query_priv Connection To DB Failed, Reason: ~p~n", [?MODULE, {error, Reason}]),
exit(NewConn, normal),
{error, null, Reason}
Exception:Reason ->
lager:error("~p:sql_query_priv Connection To DB Failed, Exception:~p Reason: ~p~n", [?MODULE, Exception, Reason]),
{error, null, {Exception, Reason}}
{error, Reason} ->
lager:error("~p:sql_query_priv Connection To DB Failed, Reason: ~p~n", [?MODULE, {error, Reason}]),
{error, Conn, Reason}
Exception:Reason ->
lager:error("~p:sql_query_priv Connection To DB Failed, Exception:~p Reason: ~p~n", [?MODULE, Exception, Reason]),
{error, Conn, {Exception, Reason}}
Conn -> try mysql:query(Conn, SQL, Params) of
ok -> {ok, Conn, []};
{ok, _Columns, Results} -> {ok, Conn, Results};
{error, Reason} ->
try exit(Conn, normal) of
_Any -> ok
_E:_R -> ok
lager:error("~p:sql_query_priv Connection To DB Failed, Reason: ~p~n", [?MODULE, {error, Reason}]),
{error, null, Reason}
Exception:Reason ->
try exit(Conn, normal) of
_Any -> ok
_E:_R -> ok
lager:error("~p:sql_query_priv Connection To DB Failed, Exception:~p Reason: ~p~n", [?MODULE, Exception, Reason]),
{error, null, {Exception, Reason}}
According to the relevant documentation, an odbc connection is private to the Genserver process that created the connection.
Opens a connection to the database. The connection is associated with
the process that created it and can only be accessed through it. This
function may spawn new processes to handle the connection. These
processes will terminate if the process that created the connection
dies or if you call disconnect/1.
You can compare this to ETS tables that can be set to private, except that in the case of ETS tables you can make them public. This is not possible with odbc connections, as such you should move your code inside the Genserver

Erlang: difference between registering process and assigning Pid to variable

Does it make a difference if I register a newly spawned process using register(atom, spawn..) or if I do Pid = spawn..?
To take an example, I just did this with an old program from the Programming Erlang book:
Let's first make a simple server loop:
loop() ->
{Client, {square, S} = Tuple} ->
io:format("Server: Area of square of Side ~p is ~p and Client was ~p~n", [S, S*S, Client]),
Client ! {self(), Tuple, S*S},
Now a client:
-export([client/2, start_server/0]).
client(Pid_server, Geom_tuple) ->
Pid_server ! {self(), Geom_tuple},
{Pid_server, Geom_tuple, Area} -> io:format("Client: Area of ~p is ~p and server was ~p~n", [Geom_tuple, Area, Pid_server])
after 1000 ->
io:format("~p~n",["received nothing from server"] )
start_server() -> spawn(geometry_server, loop, []).
After compiling both, I do
register(q, Q = geometry_client:start_server()).
Then I call them and get results as follows:
5> geometry_client:client(Q, {square,2}).
Server: Area of square of Side 2 is 4 and Client was <0.60.0>
Client: Area of {square,2} is 4 and server was <0.77.0>
6> geometry_client:client(q, {square,2}).
Server: Area of square of Side 2 is 4 and Client was <0.60.0>
"received nothing from server"
Why does the client not receive anything from the server when I use the registered atom?? The server obviously received the message from the client.
I can confirm that the server sent a message, because after the above if I do
7> geometry_client:client(whereis(q), {square,2}).
Client: Area of {square,2} is 4 and server was <0.77.0>
Server: Area of square of Side 2 is 4 and Client was <0.60.0>
So I conclude that the mailbox already has the message from the server from the previous command, which is why the Client output gets printed before the Server message has been received and printed...
What am I missing?? Why is there a problem receiving the message when I use the registered atom?
The receive in your client/2 function waits for a message matching {Pid_server, Geom_tuple, Area}. When you pass q as the argument, Pid_server is q, but the message the server sends back to the client is a tuple with the first element always being the actual PID of the server, not its name, which means your receive ends up in the after block.
There are many ways to solve this. You can modify client/2 to use whereis/1 to get the PID of the registered process and use that in receive if Pid_server is an atom.
The best way would be to use references here (see make_ref/0). You create a reference when sending a message to the server, and the server sends it back in the response. This way you're guaranteed that you're receiving the response for the request you just sent, since every reference returned by make_ref/0 is guaranteed to be unique.
In client/2, do:
client(Pid_server, Geom_tuple) ->
Ref = make_ref(),
Pid_server ! {Ref, self(), Geom_tuple},
{Ref, Geom_tuple, Area} -> io:format("Client: Area of ~p is ~p and server was ~p~n", [Geom_tuple, Area, Pid_server])
after 1000 ->
io:format("~p~n",["received nothing from server"] )
And in the server:
loop() ->
{Ref, Client, {square, S} = Tuple} ->
io:format("Server: Area of square of Side ~p is ~p and Client was ~p~n", [S, S*S, Client]),
Client ! {Ref, Tuple, S*S},

Erlang gen_udp sending packets to ip address?

I tried using the following code for a simple test to send packets across the Internet. I did check to see if the localhost version works with the following commands and it did work but it doesn't work if I replace localhost ( with a real internet address, mine. I just get 0 on the client side and nothing changes with the server side, although using localhost is the same with the server side.
Server side:
Client side:
Simple enough but when I replace with my ip address I get nothing ( I turned off the firewall too). The basic topology of my home network consists of a wireless modem (using dsl) and my computer is connected via a wireless usb card. There are about two other active computers on the network. I thought that may have something to do with the connection.
I also wondered how could I modify the code so I can type udp_test:client(40,
instead and change the client function to accept two arguments in udp_test? I tried simply doing client(N,ip) and changing the function gen_udp:send(Socket, "ip",,) but that came up with a no matching clause error.
-export([start_server/0, client/1]).
start_server() ->
spawn(fun() -> server(4000) end).
%% The server
server(Port) ->
{ok, Socket} = gen_udp:open(Port, [binary]),
io:format("server opened socket:~p~n",[Socket]),
loop(Socket) ->
{udp, Socket, Host, Port, Bin} = Msg ->
io:format("server received:~p~n",[Msg]),
N = binary_to_term(Bin),
Fac = fac(N),
gen_udp:send(Socket, Host, Port, term_to_binary(Fac)),
fac(0) -> 1;
fac(N) -> N * fac(N-1).
%% The client
client(N) ->
{ok, Socket} = gen_udp:open(0, [binary]),
io:format("client opened socket=~p~n",[Socket]),
ok = gen_udp:send(Socket, "", 4000,
Value = receive
{udp, Socket, _, _, Bin} = Msg ->
io:format("client received:~p~n",[Msg]),
after 2000 ->
write {127,0,0,1} instead of "".
Ip address

problems while sending messages using ssl:send

I am writing some code which sends data over ssl sockets.
The sending part is inside a gen_server:call/3 as:
handle_call({send, Data}, _From, #state{socket=Socket} = State) ->
Reply = case ssl:send(Socket, Data) of
ok ->
{error, Error} ->
{error, Error}
{reply, Reply, State}.
the problem is that if i kill the application which behaves as server at the other side of the connection, the result of the call is 'ok' but the Data is not sent. Does that mean that the socket is viewed as alive untile {ssl_closed, S} is received by the process?
It was my mistake, data is actually sent but never recovered by peer.

Messages received from port in erlang-sqlite3

Erlang-sqlite3 uses a port driver to connect with the SQLite database, and receives messages from the port:
wait_result(Port) ->
{Port, Reply} ->
% io:format("Reply: ~p~n", [Reply]),
{error, Reason} ->
io:format("Error: ~p~n", [Reason]),
{error, Reason};
_Else ->
io:format("Else: ~p~n", [_Else]),
I thought that messages from ports should look like this:
{Port,{data,Data}} Data is received from the external program.
{Port,closed} Reply to Port ! {Pid,close}.
{Port,connected} Reply to Port ! {Pid,{connect,NewPid}}
{'EXIT',Port,Reason} If the port has terminated for some reason.
So, when uncommenting the io:format line in {Port, Reply} clause, I should expect to see {data, ...} for actual replies. I don't; instead I see (for test.erl)
Reply: {ok,101}
Reply: [{columns,["name"]},{rows,[{<<"user">>}]}]
Reply: [{columns,["sql"]},
{rows,[{<<"CREATE TABLE user (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, age INTEGER, wage INTEGER)">>}]}]
Reply: {id,1}
Reply: {id,2}
Reply: [{columns,["id","name","age","wage"]},
Reply: [{columns,["id","name","age","wage"]},{rows,[{1,<<"abby">>,20,2000}]}]
Reply: [{columns,["id","name","age","wage"]},
Reply: {ok,101}
Reply: [{columns,["id","name","age","wage"]},{rows,[{1,<<"abby">>,20,2000}]}]
Reply: {ok,101}
Where am I going wrong?
Will messages I get on a port error look like {'EXIT',Port,Reason} or not?
It seems that between your process and port is another process involved which decodes real port messages. Are you sure that Port is really Port?. Try io:format("Port: ~p~n", [Port]) If you will see something like #Port<0.500> it is port, if it will be something like <0.38.0> there is the man in the middle.
The relevant example in is the last one. It turns out that when using driver_output_term, the term is sent by itself:
Result ->
instead of
{Port, {data, Result}} ->
