iOS image with hidden hyperlinks - ios

I've just been handed these requirements but wanted to check whats the best way to proceed with this?
There is a large Image file which needs to be displayed on an iPad which should be zoomable/pannable (thats the easy bit).
Now this image has several 'items' which need to be clickable - i.e. I need to generate a UIPopoverview with additional information about the item every time the item is clicked.
Whats the best way to go on about this?

Button nested in the imageView did the trick!
See previous post by #HermannKlecker


Swift - Convert String to html?

I am trying to achieve what the WordPress app does with the rich text editor. Here are a few images and the link to github repo.
As you can see from those example and from what I understand is:
That is a normal UITextView where the users types normal/attributedString text and when you tap the button in the top right hand corner of the keyboard it converts the text/attributedString to html??
Not sure if that is correct or not... I have found ways to convert Normal text to html in some other post here on SO, but the result is not the same as the one in that example.
Also when Adding an image to that textView of the Wp-app the image get's uploaded to the server and the in the textView is the link for that image.
I know how to add images to UITextView and upload them but not how to change the "src" name or whatever to the link for the image...
If anyone can help me or give me a quick explanation of how they do this? or how I should approach it I would appreciate it alot!
Thanks alot for your time!

How do I get rid of the bar on the bottom of the screen that allows you to take pictures in xcode?

I want the user to be able to see the content from the back camera but I do not want them to be given the option of taking a picture of it. Is there a function that I can call to turn this feature off?
I have run into a similar situation. You will want to use AVFoundation to construct your own interface. Your question was not nearly specific enough, so I'll give you my assumption of your situation: you are trying to hide the UIImagePicker button so the user cannot take a picture. UIImagePicker does not offer much in the way of customization, so AVFoundation will be your best bet. Check out this tutorial from Jameson Quave and it should help you understand what direction to be headed in. Cheers!

Save a view with images to edit later in iOS

I have a view which has images, this images are added by the user, once the user decide the image to add, the user drag the image to a specific position in the screen, the number of images is completely dynamic.
What I want is to save in a file, an array or whatever you suggest the view with the images for lately the user could edit the images or positions.
I'm not asking for code I just want a hint for accomplish what I need. What do you think is the best way to archive this?
Thank you all!
If you want to exit the app use NSUserDefaults to save it and use later.
If you are not going to exit you can set a global NSMutableArray and add the UIImageViews for later use.

Presenting choices to user in iOS app

I am writing an iPhone app. My next step is to create a card object. I know how to do this theoretically, but my problem is coming from my lack of experience in Xcode.
This is my add item page
I want the user to specify a name and then choose an icon, either from the 3 most popular choices, another page of premade options, or take their own picture and use that.
Now, how do I show those choices in a way that the user can select one and I can collect their response? Right now, they are simply buttons, I can add my background image to them, but I don't know how to record their response. I would like it to show them their selection by adding that shadow around the box.
I'm not sure if a button is the best approach.
Also, I will need the same selection behavior for the image they take themselves, but I figure if I get the icon choices to work, I can figure out using a picture taken by the user.
Thanks for any help.
I would create button "Select image" below the uiimageview.
This button would present action sheet where you would have two options
a) select form existing
b) take a picture.
Then I would probably use Grid view to present the existing icons and UIImagePicker for taking pictures :)

Sticky buttons on iPhone program

I have an app view rather crowded to insert the necessary switches in order to toggle 6 values associated to icons. So I would have appreciated if it were possible to make them sticky buttons, namely to have them independently keep the pressure when clicked in order for me to read the ones in that state when exiting the view.
I read there exists such a technique for Mac but that does not translate to iOS. Hw could I do that?
Thanks, Fabrizio
It sounds like you're looking for a checkbox functionality. Have the button change images when it's pressed, then use that to determine its state.
I'm on my phone so this took a bit, but here's a link to how to make a checkbox in objective-c What is the best way to make a UIButton checkbox?
Note that you don't need to use normal checkbox images.
