Rails 3 Counting Records by Date - ruby-on-rails

I am trying to build an array that looks like this via a model method:
[['3/25/13', 2], ['3/26/13', 1], ['3/27/13', 2]]
Where, the dates are strings and the numbers after them are the count of an table/object.
I have the following model method right now:
def self.weekly_count_array
counts = count(group: "date(#{table_name}.created_at)", conditions: { created_at: 1.month.ago.to_date..Date.today }, order: "date(#{table_name}.created_at) DESC")
(1.week.ago.to_date).upto(Date.today) do |x|
counts[x.to_s] ||= 0
However, it doesn't return the count accurately (all values are zero). There seem to be some similar questions on SO that I've checked out, but can't seem to get them to work either.
Can someone help (1) let me know if this is the best way to do it, and (2) provide some guidance in terms of what the problem might be with the above code, if so? Thanks!

Use this as a template if you wish
def self.period_count_array(from = (Date.today-1.month).beginning_of_day,to = Date.today.end_of_day)
where(created_at: from..to).group('date(created_at)').count
This will return you a hash with dates as key and the count as value. (Rails 3.2.x)

maybe this is what you are trying to do?
class YourActiveRecordModel < ActiveRecord::Base
def.self weekly_count_array
records = self.select("COUNT(id) AS record_count, DATE(created_at) AS created")
.where("created_at >= ?", 1.month.ago.to_date)
.where("created_at <= ?", Date.current)
records.each do |x|
puts x.record_count
puts x.created # 2013-03-14
# use I18n.localize(x.created, format: :your_format)
# where :your_format is defined in config/locales/en.yml (or other .yml)

Fantastic answer by #Aditya Sanghi.
If you have the exact requirement, you can opt:
def self.weekly_count_array
records = select('DATE(created_at) created_at, count(id) as id').group('created_at')
1.week.ago.to_date.upto(Date.today).map do |d|
[d, records.where('DATE(created_at) = ?', d.to_date).first.try(:id) || 0]

You do not need a process to perform the count. Simply perform a query for this.
def self.weekly_count_array
select("created_at, COUNT(created_at) AS count")
where(created_at: 1.month.ago.to_date..Date.today)
order("created_at DESC")

Built on #kiddorails Answer,
so not to make a lot of Requests to the DataBase, Created a Hash from the ActiveRecord
& changed the group from .group('created_at') to .group('DATE(created_at)') to base it on date
def self.weekly_count_array
# records = select('DATE(created_at) created_at, count(id) as id').group('created_at')
records_hash = Hash[Download.select('DATE(created_at) created_at, count(id) as id').group('DATE(created_at)').map{|d|[d.created_at, d.id] }]
1.month.ago.to_date.upto(Date.today).map do |d|
[ d, records_hash[d.to_date] || 0 ]


Rails query with condition in count

I'm having a little trouble with a query in Rails.
Actually my problem is:
I want to select all users which do not have any user_plans AND his role.name is equals to default... OR has user_plans and all user_plans.expire_date are lower than today
user has_many roles
user has_many user_plans
users = User.where(gym_id: current_user.id).order(:id)
#users = []
for u in users
if u.roles.pluck(:name).include?('default')
add = true
for up in u.user_plans
if up.end_date > DateTime.now.to_date
add = false
if add
#users << u
This code up here, is doing exactly what I need, but with multiple queries.
I don't know how to build this in just one query.
I was wondering if it is possible to do something like
where COUNT(user_plans.expire_date < TODAY) == 0
User.joins(:user_plans, :roles).where("roles.name = 'default' OR user_plans.expire_date < ?", Date.today)
Should work, not tested, but should give you some idea you can play with (calling .distinct at the end may be necessary)
There is also where OR in Rails 5:
User.joins(:user_plans, :roles).where(roles: { name: 'default' }).or(
User.joins(:user_plans).where('user_plans.expire_date < ?', Date.today)
FYI: Calling .joins on User will only fetch those users who have at least one user_plan (in other words: will not fetch those who have no plans)

Display all the records when due date is less than current date in Rails

I am having a Quote model which consists of due_date and other fields.
I need to write a condition where we have to display all the records where due_date (which is date data type and stored in database as yyyy-mm-dd format) is less than current date.
For example, current_date is today's date, so I need to display all the records till yesterday.
I wrote a condition but didn't work, can you tell me where I went wrong?
def past_quotes
#items = []
current_date = Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
daily_items = Quote.by_account(#account).active.includes(:company).where('due_date' < current_date)
#items << Item.new(items: daily_items) unless daily_items.empty?
But still displaying all the records, I think condition is wrong.
You shouldn't use a string when comparing the dates. ActiveRecord should be able to handle dates directly
daily_items = Quote.by_account(#account).active.includes(:company).where('due_date < ?', Date.today)
Can you try following query:
def past_quotes
#items = []
daily_items = Quote.by_account(#account).active.includes(:company).where('due_date < DATE(?)', Time.now)
#items << Item.new(items: daily_items) unless daily_items.empty?

how to join named scopes in rails

I want to join my named scopes as I generate them with an array.
how wouldI do that , i can't join named scopes, is there a better way to do this?
scope :search, ->(attrs_for_search,params) do
if attrs_for_search.present?
params_to_search_on = params.keys & attrs_for_search
params_to_search_on.collect{|x| where("#{x} ILIKE ?", "%#{params[x]}%") }
Contact.search(%w[email],{'email => 'jason'})
I think that you can create a scope and use the 'send' method to join the scopes.
scope :search, ->(field, value) do
where("#{field} LIKE ?", "%#{value}%")
def self.multi_search(params)
result = nil
params_to_search_on = params.keys
params_to_search_on.each do |k|
if result.nil?
result = Message.send(:search, k, params[k])
result = result.send(:search, k, params[k])
Hopes this help you.
You can't chain scopes when you return an array.
You can:
Try returning a relation:
results = params_to_search_on.collect{|x| where("#{x} ILIKE ?", "%#{params[x]}%") }
where(id: results.flatten.map(&:id))
I have not tested this, but I think you will need flatten because results is an array of relations [rel_1,_rel_2]
Then you can use/chain/attach-a-bunch-of scopes like this:
Contact.search(attrs, params).other_scope.another_scope(with_params)
You may want to read about full text search, to expand this topic, I would need to know the DB you are using.

find_each with order and limit

I need to limit and order batches of records and am using find_each. I've seen a lot of people asking for this and no really good solution. If I've missed it, please post a link!
I have 30M records and want to deal with 10M with the highest value in the weight column.
I tried using this method someone wrote: find_each_with_order but can't get it to work.
The code from that site doesn't take order as an option. Seems strange given that the name is find_each_with_order. I added it as follows:
class ActiveRecord::Base
# normal find_each does not use given order but uses id asc
def self.find_each_with_order(options={})
raise "offset is not yet supported" if options[:offset]
page = 1
limit = options[:limit] || 1000
order = options[:order] || 'id asc'
loop do
offset = (page-1) * limit
batch = find(:all, options.merge(:limit=>limit, :offset=>offset, :order=>order))
page += 1
batch.each{|x| yield x }
break if batch.size < limit
and I'm trying to use it as follows:
class GetStuff
def self.grab_em
file = File.open("1000 things.txt", "w")
rels = Thing.find_each_with_order({:limit=>100, :order=>"weight desc"})
things.each do |t|
file.write("#{t.name} #{t.id} #{t.weight}\n" )
if t.id % 20 == 0
puts t.id.to_s
BTW I have the data in postgres and am going to grab a subset and move it to neo4j, so I'm tagging with neo4j in case any of you neo4j people know how to do this. thanks.
Not exactly sure if this is what you're looking for, but you can do something like this:
weight = Thing.order(:weight).select(:weight).last(10_000_000).first.weight
Thing.where("weight > ?", weight).find_each do |t|
...your code...

How do I combine results from two queries on the same model?

I need to return exactly ten records for use in a view. I have a highly restrictive query I'd like to use, but I want a less restrictive query in place to fill in the results in case the first query doesn't yield ten results.
Just playing around for a few minutes, and this is what I came up with, but it doesn't work. I think it doesn't work because merge is meant for combining queries on different models, but I could be wrong.
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.listed_articles
Article.published.order('created_at DESC').limit(25).where('listed = ?', true)
def self.rescue_articles
Article.published.order('created_at DESC').where('listed != ?', true).limit(10)
def self.current
Looking in console, this forces the restrictions in listed_articles on the query in rescue_articles, showing something like:
Article Load (0.2ms) SELECT `articles`.* FROM `articles` WHERE (published = 1) AND (listed = 1) AND (listed != 1) ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 4
Article Load (0.2ms) SELECT `articles`.* FROM `articles` WHERE (published = 1) AND (listed = 1) AND (listed != 1) ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 6 OFFSET 4
I'm sure there's some ridiculously easy method I'm missing in the documentation, but I haven't found it yet.
What I want to do is return all the articles where listed is true out of the twenty-five most recent articles. If that doesn't get me ten articles, I'd like to add enough articles from the most recent articles where listed is not true to get my full ten articles.
EDIT #2:
In other words, the merge method seems to string the queries together to make one long query instead of merging the results. I need the top ten results of the two queries (prioritizing listed articles), not one long query.
with your initial code:
You can join two arrays using + then get first 10 results:
def self.current
(Article.listed_articles + Article.rescue_articles)[0..9]
I suppose a really dirty way of doing it would be:
def self.current
oldest_accepted = Article.published.order('created_at DESC').limit(25).last
Artcile.published.where(['created_at > ?', oldest_accepted.created_at]).order('listed DESC').limit(10)
If you want an ActiveRecord::Relation object instead of an Array, you can use:
ActiveRecordUnion gem.
Install gem: gem install active_record_union and use:
def self.current
UnionScope module.
Create module UnionScope (lib/active_record/union_scope.rb).
module ActiveRecord::UnionScope
def self.included(base)
base.send :extend, ClassMethods
module ClassMethods
def union_scope(*scopes)
id_column = "#{table_name}.id"
if (sub_query = scopes.reject { |sc| sc.count == 0 }.map { |s| "(#{s.select(id_column).to_sql})" }.join(" UNION ")).present?
where "#{id_column} IN (#{sub_query})"
Then call it in your Article model.
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
include ActiveRecord::UnionScope
def self.current
union_scope(Article.rescue_articles, Article.listed_articles).limit(10)
All you need to do is sum the queries:
result1 = Model.where(condition)
result2 = Model.where(another_condition)
# your final result
result = result1 + result2
I think you can do all of this in one query:
Article.published.order('listed ASC, created_at DESC').limit(10)
I may have the sort order wrong on the listed column, but in essence this should work. You'll get any listed items first, sorted by created_at DESC, then non-listed items.
