Generate Local Resource fails on mvc views? -

Trying to localize a large existing MVC website, using Visual Studio 2010, MVC 4.
If I switch a view to the design view and then select Tools -> Generate Local Resource, none of the html text is pushed to a resource file and all I get is an app_localresources/pagename.aspx.resx file with one useless entry:
<data name="PageResource1.Title" xml:space="preserve">
<value><asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="TitleContent" runat="server" /></value>
Is there a setting that I'm missing that prevents this from working?
Or do we have to manually strip all the html text out of this large existing mvc website manually?

After doing some more googling, it appears that the VS tool for Generate Local Resource only runs on actual web form .net controls, and ignores all of the other aspx code and html text, so it's pretty useless for an MVC app.
We're going with a different route, which is to create a separate folder for copies of all of the view files, and have the app switch the view path at run time based on the user's selected culture.
We will just hand the whole separate folder of view pages to the translators and hope they don't screw up the aspx code too much. O_o And then the files will go back to the designers to fix the layouts. O_o
Otherwise, it'll take weeks to strip out all of the strings into resource files, and then the translators won't have the context of what they're translating, and the designers will have a fit because the layout will get screwed up.


mvc webpage without using the default templates

I am using MVC 4.I have designed a webpage in Dreamweaver and then tried to convert it as a razor page. I wanted to view it in a browser, without using Visual Studio. I have heard that a Razor page can be edited using a notepad.
Please help, I am comfortable designing pages in Dreamweaver, than in Visual Studio.
If I understand you correctly you have a HTML design (created in whichever tool you prefer) and you wish to create an MVC website out of this. You have experience in ASP.NET Webforms.
Primarily to creating anything I would follow the topics covered in the ASP.NET MVC tutorials of MVC itself. It's not about "default templates" it's about understanding what builds your final output. Layouts, partial renderings etc...
PS: Ask yourself: Is MVC the right choice for my solution? (because I get the feeling everyone just wants to use MVC and doesn't think about what it is and why you should or shouldn't use it...)
If you dont't want to use default template then you can include your css files you created in Content folder. In shared folder which is located inside Views folder you can create the your customized layout which uses the css that you included in Content folder. And you can then include these layout in the views you later create inside shared folder of Views.
You can explore yourself by installing twitter.bootstrap.mvc4.sample from package manager console and see how your project changes.
This package changes your default layout to different layout, which is pretty cool.
Hope you can get idea of what is done and how you include your own layout from this above mentioned package.

integrating static html/css pages to an mvc project?

I am working for a personal project (Creating a website). I finished the design, then i converted all the pages to static html/css pages, after that i added some javascript. now I am with the final stage making the site dynamic i mean integrating the html/css pages to be an MVC project with c# code that generates the content. even if i can tinker, but i prefer to be more methodical. so i am asking you for any guidelines how to do it ? and what the things i need to keep in mind to make this conversion ?
I am going to document my experience doing this here. It's going to be a incomplete and / or incorrect answer until I'm done with the process in a few days. I'm assuming Visual Studio 2012.
Create a new MVC 4 Internet Application project.
Add a method to the home controller for each static page.
Right click on each method and select Add View.
Open the images folder in VS and delete every item (from inside VS)
Drag all static site images into images project folder and add to project.
Replace contents of Site.css with static site css.
Paste the html from each page into the corresponding view. Leave the ViewBag.Title code block alone.
(still incomplete)

ReportViewer in MVC 4 partial

I am still unsure the best way to go about it.
I've read alsorts of resources, yet still no closer to a working solution.
I created a partial ASCX file. Added Report viewer to it, then rendered said partial in my CSHTML file. This was the closest I have come. In that I can see the report viewer, buttons etc. But for some reason the data never shows.
I have tried ASPX page inside an IFrame But this is not the way I want to go, about making this solution work.
Loading an ASPX page outright. But I lose my _Layout.cshtml main page style.
Some people suggest changing all sorts of things in config / Global.asax where as some say its not even necessary.
Ideally I want to have it as a partial in a page. But can deal with it being the only thing on the page, if I keep my main layout.
My experience with the older syntax / pages / non-MVC is limited to this project - trying to get this to work.
My data is linked through the components setup. The connection works fine in aspx page, as single page or iframe. But not in ascx.
The ReportView control requires ViewState to be enabled. In ASP.NET MVC such notion no longer exists. This means that you cannot use this control inside a native ASP.NET MVC view or partial. You can use it only in a classic WebForm (not in an ASP.NET MVC View) and the embed this WebForm inside an iframe within your current ASP.NET MVC view or partial. You have the possibility to render the report as an image for example and directly stream it to the response without using this control. Here's a blog post which illustrates the technique. So you could have a controller action which generates the report as a JPEG image and then link to this controller action from your view using the <img> tag. Unfortunately this makes only a static copy of the report and the user cannot interact with it.
You might also checkout this blog post which illustrates how you could run ASP.NET MVC and classic WebForms side by side.

following iterative and agile in MVC

ok, i know there are a lot of posts online that specify how to do iterations with MVC.
my question is slightly different. when i used to do iterations using WebForms, i was creating one thing only and finishing that one thing till the end which was including the deployment on production.
for example, i was creating a webpage and deploying it, then i create the second page and deploy it. so .dll files were added to my bin folder while the previous dlls remain untouched. at the other hand, when i was making a change latter on, there was this one file that needed to be replaced on production.
now here is the question, how can i acheive the same thing in mvc? beause it just doesn't deploy each page into an individual dll. each time that i add something i have to redeploy the application dll which is not really wise! i played around with deployment options in visual studio but no luck!
There is nothing preventing you from putting controllers and other code in separate assemblies and dropping them in an existing application. Like any ASP.NET based application an MVC application will automatically restart if you add or modify any file in the bin folder or modify web.config.
If you're using Razor you can use RazorGenerator to generate code for your views and compile them into the same assembly.
You may need to write some additional logic though to get routes, model binders etc. wired up correctly.
For a more structures approach to compose the application of separate modules, you may want to look into portable areas. This is an extension to ASP.NET MVC that allows you to package the entire module (including views, css, js etc.) into a single assembly.
First thing, you have to work on the title of the post, it does not match the content of the post.
In mvc u can choose to deploy only what changed. I.e. If you only changed the .cshtml file, then you can just replace it with the file in production. However if you change any controller class (C#/Vb code), then you will have to upload the web project dll file too so that this new changes are available in the production env

Design Surface in ASP.Net MVC

Are there any recommendations for a design surface (or design tool) that could be used by a designer (the dude/dudette with the black turtleneck) in the process of building an ASP.Net MVC application?
Such that once there is agreement on the structure of the Model, and the interactions required by the app, then the designer goes away and builds out the UI (V in MVC) using this design tool, while the developer goes away and builds out the code (M&C in MVC) using Visual Studio.
As I understand it now, this designer person would also need to use Visual Studio and build the Views using Razor (or other view engine) syntax, instead of having the ability to build the Views using a design surface with drag-drop layout and property settings and the like.
I think you could ask them to give you a harcoded HTML for each view... then, you replace the harcoded data once you place it in Razor.
That is the beauty of Razor... it is very easy to pass from fixed HTML to a razor view.
Razor requires programming, and creating views is not an arbitrary task. I'd let the designer work in whatever program they like where they can excel about design and let the programmers worry about how best to create the views and programming in Razor (which is really just C#/VB with some extra syntax).
It depends.. what kind of skills does your designer have? Are they a true designer (no JS/jQuery/etc knowledge.. they live & breath PSDs) or are they a designer/front end engineer (they know js/jQuery, the diff. between IE7 and IE9 from a rendering pov).
If you've got a true designer then the best thing to get would be HTML. A PSD would be okay as well but if they can convert their design into HTML they've done a lot of the hard work for you (unless you love figuring out floats and margins and all that jazz). That said if you're using something like Twitter Bootstrap or Blueprint CSS then they would obviously have to know how to use that as well.
If you're lucky enough to have a designer/front end engineer then it's well worth your time to teach them some basic razor synax like #Url.Action and #Html.BeginForm. They can tell you the actions they need and you can work together by giving them a fake data/response version first which they can use while you create a real version. And in this case they can either use Visual Studio OR you can set it up so that they have your site hosted via IIS on their machine and they just use your source control to get latest which automatically gets placed in the right directory. Then they can just continue working in whatever editor they prefer as they should only be working in html which will get updated live. That said if you're using ASP.Net MVC 4 bundling you'll have to decide how to maintain bundles.
