How to get type info from Go compiled packages in language x? - parsing

I want to write a simple editor with basic autocomplete functionality for the Go language as a pet project. How would one go about doing it? I took a look at the Go plugins for Eclipse and IntelliJ, but they were too big for me to comprehend (not to mention getting one to compile).

The Go standard library offers the building blocks for a Go parser which
you can use to parse the source files and look for function definitions and the like.
There's also the godoc command which
already does what you want: extracting method definitions and it's documentation. You may look in the
source code to see how godoc is
working or use godoc directly.
This editor written in Go projects has a manageable amount of code,
you may look into it.

The de facto standard approach to this problem is to use nsf's gocode. I have tried it only in Vim - it works very well.
Even though there's ready made support for specific editors, gocode is not editor specific. It's a daemon with a communication protocol. It is thus usable from any program.


Is it possible to use coffee file system (as a library) in my project without the Contiki OS?

So, for an embedded project with external NOR flash and existing commercial RTOS.
Can I use the coffee filesystem in a form of a library, i.e. to compile it in? From what I've seen it seems possible, only the dependencies go quite deep in to Contiki. I'll surely dig in, but may be someone have done something of the kind already?
This does look very doable.
From a quick grep in core/cfs/ it looks like there are no Contiki-specific abstractions used in the implementation of CFS. And another very quick search on GitHub shows that swift-nav/piksi_firmware contains and uses CFS without Contiki.

Java: How to open a library?

I want to open libraries, because currently I want to see the algorithms used for drawing, modify them and implement them in my program. For example: I have tried to create an algorithm on my own for lines. But I failed. And even if I had succeeded, I fear that it might not give the same result as the algorithm in the libraries. And I don't want this to happen. That's why I want to copy the algorithms used for the methods in libraries. And I really hope that this will help me create the application I'm currently working on and with other applications in the future.
I tried to open the libraries with a code editor. But I had troubles finding the libraries- I don't really know where are they placed nor in what files are their codes stored.
How to open a Java library? Or is there a place in the Internet where the code is uploaded?
It sounds like what you want is to get inside the standard Java libraries (so you can see the code for methods like Graphics.drawLine()).
You can download the source files from the same place you got the JDK, if you are on Windows or Linux. For the Mac, see this question. You can even set up Eclipse so that you can debug into that source as if it were your own code.
However, you will probably not find line-drawing code in Java in these libraries - the Graphics implementation will almost certainly use native methods, and may just call existing methods in the OS.
If you are specifically looking for line drawing algorithms, another option would be to look at the Wikipedia page for the Bresenham (aliased) or Wu (antialiased) algorithm.
The part of a Graphics2D call that actually puts pixels on the screen is probably inside a system call and therefore the source would not be available.
A java vector graphics library like Batik might have source for some of these algorithms, but probably relies on the Graphics2D calls for most of them. So, you might look for a comprehensive vector graphics library written in a language other than Java, where those graphics calls do not already exist by default.
Alternately, checking the table of contents for a computer graphics book might point you at a variety of algorithms that you could look up on Wikipedia.
For any given library:
Make sure to obey all licenses when using another's code
If you are referring to the Java SDK source code, you can find it here:
If the project is open source, you can usually just get the source from the project website. No problem, though make sure to obey their license.
If the project is NOT open source, well, then you're in a pickle licensing wise, so I do NOT endorse this, however, you would need to use a Java Decompiler such as JD-Gui
As far as what drawing algorithms to use, there are so many different ones (obviously, people have been trying to draw quickly for many many years), your best bet is to figure out exactly what you need to do and then search for that specific need separately. There isn't really a good repository of ALL of them, except maybe wikipedia.
If you are using the libraries they are on your classpath. Check out how to figure out your classpath in whichever IDE you are using and you can find the JARs you depend on. If they are packaged with sources all you need to do it unjar them and look at the sources.
If you don't have access to the sources you can get the code using a Java Decompiler.
If you are trying to look at a standard Java library, see the other answers about getting the source to the JDK.
If you are interested in an open source library (such as something maintained by the Apache project), look on the site of the project for a 'source jar' which you can open with a standard zip utility.
If the library you want is not open source or you cannot find the source for it, you can try to decompile it. If you are using Eclipse, try this decompiler.

How do I implement an F# Read Eval Print Loop (REPL)?

I would like to add an F# REPL to my application for live debugging purposes. I am looking at the source code for fsi.exe (F# Interactive) and there is a ton of stuff going on that looks like it pokes around with F# compiler internals. I cannot get this same code to compile in the context of our application because of this.
Is there a nice simple example of implementing an F# REPL somewhere? I would have hoped for this to be fairly easy.
The short answer is that F# (unfortunatelly) doesn't currently provide any API for hosting F# Interactive in your applications. There are a lot of people asking for this - see for example this SO question.
There are essentially two things you could do about that:
You can modify the open-source release and compile fsi.exe as some DLL library that would provide the API you need. This isn't simple task - F# Interactive is tightly bound with the compiler (it compiles code you enter on the fly), but it should be doable to encapsulate the types implementing REPL into some type you could call (But you cannot just take some file out of it - you need to compile entire F# to get this working).
You can run fsi.exe as a separate process as Visual Studio does and send commands to it using standard input/output. You can get some more flexibility by loading your library when fsi.exe starts. The library could use .NET Remoting to connect back to your application and expose some data.
Unfortunatelly, these two options are probably the only things you can do at the moment.
EDIT I was thinking that I already answered this question somewhere (perhaps in email), but couldn't
find it! Thanks to Mauricio who found the exact duplicate (even with my duplicate answer... Doh!)
I've written a series of blog posts about using the open source F# interactive executable inside and WPF application.
The code base is available on github -
The series of blog posts are:
The final post is to follow soon.

How to print Smalltalk code from Pharo/Squeak?

What is the best way to print - syntax colored and well formatted - code from Pharo/Squeak on paper?
1) Is there a way to print directly from within Pharo/Squeak? (i use it on macosx)
2) Is there a way to export syntax colored, well formatted code from Pharo/Squak?
3) Are there external tools to color and format a filed out piece of code?
For the appendix in my master thesis I used the Pier CMS-to-LaTeX converter in the Pier-Documentation package. However, this plugin only takes class comments and method comments into consideration, it does not print the source code. Pier also provides a package ShoutPier for syntax highlighting of Smalltalk code, so I guess it would require little work to bring the two together. You can find the mentioned extension packages in
Pharo browsers seem to use syntax highlighting.
What difficulty are you having reading Smalltalk code using the browsers and senders/implementors ?
Edit: Would something that produces UML give the overview you're looking for? The Dandelion website only shows downloads for old Squeak versions - I don't know if they would work with Pharo.
And perhaps this GSoC project "Generate UML diagrams from Smalltalk code for Pharo" suggests not.
Here's how I did it on my Mac, I think this should work on other platforms too.
Save your categories to a Monticello local folder on your disk -- see the Pharo manual on how to do this:
Browse to this folder, and unzip the .mcz file
You'll see all your code in snapshot/ file
You'll need to edit this a bit, to remove the ! characters for e.g., there might be a tool to do this?
There is webdoc project, which allows you navigating code in web browser:
(and of course you can print code from your favorite web browser)..
1) Install shout from
2) I don't know. May be you can customize shout.
3) In gnu-smalltalk you have a smalltalk mode for emacs. But I am not pretty sure to understand what you are looking for.

What editor do you use for OpenLaszlo coding?

I'm new to developing in OpenLaszlo, and have tried Eclipse (hoping for decent code completion), but found it far too heavy for my tastes. fell back to using Textmate, but the bundle for OpenLaszlo is terribly out of date.
Any suggestions? or should I just roll up my sleeves and write a new bundle for Textmate?
I personally use SpketIDE as an Eclipse plugin. It has some code completion, good syntax highlighting.
I use VIM for this. The VIM mode that ships with OpenLaszlo recognizes both the XML tags and the embedded JavaScript. Of course, if you're not already a VIM user, it's a big project to dive in.
If you use a texteditor or XML editor with support for XSD schema, you can generate a custom XSD file of your application using this OpenLaszlo Schema Generator tool. The tool uses Ant to generate the schema file, which then can be used by the editor of your choice.
We used Visual Studio. And we used it just as a great XML editor.
I also used Notepad2 because it is very lightweight and has syntax highlighting.
I've been using Notepad++ with the XML language chosen (since Open Laszlo is basically just XML and javascript). Simple, but effective and free.
I wouldn't have added it otherwise, but since its arch-enemy VI(m) was mentioned:
is worth listing. :)
Without knowing much about OL, I am pretty sure one of gazillions of modes it has provides some level of support for your editing needs.
I've been developing in OpenLaszlo since 2006. I currently use NotePad++ with .lzx files set to be interpreted as XML files, this allows the code to be highlighted well in different colours for the different parts that make up OpenLaszlo code (XML nodes, JavaScript/AS3, etc.).
You can find NotePad++ at:
it is free.
I just test my application by loading it into a web browser page.
