Turn off/on network programmatically - blackberry

I'm trying to get access to Network status to turn it off or on.
I have already write the code to get the status of the network using RadioInfo but I can't figure out how to switch them on/off. I have looked into Radio and RadioInfo APIs, but i can't find an API that allows me to control Network. Here's my code to get network status :
private boolean GetRadInfo() {
if(RadioInfo.getState() == RadioInfo.STATE_ON)
return true;
return false;
is there any idea how to switch OFF/ON ?

Solved I used Radio.deactivateWAFs(int);


Xamarin Forms: How to check if GPS is on or off in Xamarin ios app?

Whenever I am opening my app I need to check the GPS is on or off. If the GPS is off, I need to redirect the user to the location settings page. I have done the android part using the dependency service like below.
public interface ILocSettings
void OpenSettings();
bool isGpsAvailable();
Android implementation
[assembly: Dependency(typeof(LocationShare))]
namespace Projectname.Droid.Services
public class LocationShare : ILocSettings
public bool isGpsAvailable()
bool value = false;
Android.Locations.LocationManager manager = (Android.Locations.LocationManager)Android.App.Application.Context.GetSystemService(Android.Content.Context.LocationService);
if (!manager.IsProviderEnabled(Android.Locations.LocationManager.GpsProvider))
//gps disable
value = false;
//Gps enable
value = true;
return value;
public void OpenSettings()
Intent intent = new Android.Content.Intent(Android.Provider.Settings.ActionLocat‌​ionSourceSettings);
Finally from the shared project called like below:
//For checking the GPS Status
bool gpsStatus = DependencyService.Get<ILocSettings>().isGpsAvailable();
//For opening the location settings
For ios how I can I do the same features? I tried like below:
[assembly: Dependency(typeof(LocationShare))]
namespace Projectname.iOS.Serivces
class LocationShare : ILocSettings
public bool isGpsAvailable()
//how to check the GPS is on or off here
public void OpenSettings()
UIApplication.SharedApplication.OpenUrl(new NSUrl(UIApplication.OpenSettingsUrlString));
Location settings page opening on ios simulators, but don't know how to check the GPS status.
I have tried the CLLocationManager code and it is not working as expected. It returns true always even if the location is off or on.
OpenSettings() function code (UIApplication.SharedApplication.OpenUrl(new NSUrl(UIApplication.OpenSettingsUrlString));) is also not working as expected, it is redirecting to some other page, I need to open the location settings page if the GPS is off.
Also, I am requesting location permission like below:
var status = await Permissions.RequestAsync<Permissions.LocationAlways>();
In android, location permission is asking, but in ios, no permissions are asking.
I have tried the new codes and getting false value always as GPS status. I have added all the location permission on the info.plist like below:
But location permission is not asking when running the app (not even a single time). I have tried Permissions.LocationWhenInUse instead of Permissions.LocationAlways, but no luck.
Update 3
Following is my complete flow for checking location permission, checking GPS status, and open settings. The permission status value is always Disabled.
//Requesting permission like below:
var status = await Permissions.RequestAsync<Permissions.LocationAlways>();
if (status == PermissionStatus.Granted)
//Then checking the GPS state like below
bool gpsStatus = DependencyService.Get<ILocSettings>().isGpsAvailable();
if (!gpsStatus)
//show a message to user here for sharing the GPS
//If user granted GPS Sharing, opening the location settings page like below:
I have tried the below 2 codes for requesting or checking permission. In both cases, the status value is Disabled. If I uninstall the app and reinstall it again, getting the same status and not showing any permission pop-up window.
var status = await Permissions.RequestAsync<Permissions.LocationAlways>();
var status = await Permissions.CheckStatusAsync<Permissions.LocationWhenInUse>();
Unlike the Android system, iOS can set the GPS switch separately, and can only get the status of whether the location service is turned on. The rest of the specific positioning method will be left to the iOS system to choose.
At the beginning, we need to have a look at the status of location in iOS:
CLAuthorizationStatus Enum
UIApplicationOpenSettingsURLString: Used to create a URL that you can pass to the openURL: method. When you open the URL built from this string, the system launches the Settings app and displays the app’s custom settings, if it has any.
From now, iOS only support this way to displays the app’s custom settings. There are two helpful discussion, you could have a look. How to jump to system setting's location service on iOS10? and Open Location Settings Not working in ios 11 Objective c?.
If it is redirecting to some other page as follows:
That means your app not do any settings about the location service after installing the app . Therefore, you not need to open the setting page, because it will not show the location service bellow the setting page of your app. Now the CLAuthorizationStatus should be NotDetermined. You could use CLLocationManager.RequestWhenInUseAuthorization to request the permission, the
popup window of location service will show for customer to choose inside the app.
If customer select Don't Allow first time, that means next time opening the app to check the location service that will show Denied status. Now you will need to use UIApplicationOpenSettingsURLString to open the settings page and will see the location service inside the app’s custom settings list.
At last, the final code of LocationShare is as follows:
public class LocationShare : ILocSettings
public bool isGpsAvailable()
bool value = false;
if ( CLLocationManager.LocationServicesEnabled )
if(CLLocationManager.Status == CLAuthorizationStatus.Authorized || CLLocationManager.Status == CLAuthorizationStatus.AuthorizedAlways || CLLocationManager.Status == CLAuthorizationStatus.AuthorizedWhenInUse)
value = true;
else if (CLLocationManager.Status == CLAuthorizationStatus.Denied)
value = false;
value = false;
//location service false
value = false;
//ask user to open system setting page to turn on it manually.
return value;
public void RequestRuntime()
CLLocationManager cLLocationManager = new CLLocationManager();
public void OpenSettings()
UIApplication.SharedApplication.OpenUrl(new NSUrl(UIApplication.OpenSettingsUrlString));
Similarly, if CLAuthorizationStatus is Denied (the same as status == PermissionStatus.Unknown in Forms), the following code will not work in Forms.
var status = await Permissions.RequestAsync<Permissions.LocationAlways>();
It only works when CLAuthorizationStatus is NotDetermined. And you'd better request Permissions.LocationWhenInUse instead of Permissions.LocationAlways, this should be the better recommanded option.
============================Update #2================================
I have modified the above code, and you will see that if CLLocationManager.LocationServicesEnabled is false, we only can ask user to redirect to the system setting page to turn on the service manually. Because from iOS 10, iOS not supports to navigate to system setting page from non-system app.
============================Update #3======================================
If location service is enabled, when using UIApplication.SharedApplication.OpenUrl(new NSUrl(UIApplication.OpenSettingsUrlString)); method you will see the similar screenshot as follows:
The Loaction option will show in the list.

swift firebase onDisconnectRemoveValue not firing when turning off wifi

I want to be able to remove a connection value from my app's real-time firebase database when they lose connection unexpectedly. This does not seem to be possible from what I have tried already.
I have tried using the "goOffline" function to properly close the sockets because from what I've heard, it doesn't close properly when you turn off your wifi.
func connect() {
let connectionsRef = self.rootRef.child("connections")
AF.request("https://projectname.cloudfunctions.net/Connect").response { response in
if response.data != nil {
if self.visiblename != nil {
connectionsRef.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { snapshot in
for value in JSON(snapshot.value!).arrayValue {
if value["Address"].string! == self.visiblename {
let connectionRef = connectionsRef.child(String(value["Index"].int!))
self.reachability.whenUnreachable = { _ in
self.reachability.whenReachable = { _ in
do {
try self.reachability.startNotifier()
} catch {}
It does automatically remove the value after around 60 seconds but I need my app to be able to handle any internet interruptions and remove the connection value quickly.
Also, if there is no available way to remove the value from the client when the client turns off their wifi. Is there a way to detect the disconnection from the server on the server itself? I have tried comparing date.getTime() to another date.getTime() variable that when you invoke the Connect request it updates the variable. Then the server watches but it didn't seem to work because for some reason it stopped watching the variable as soon as the client disconnected and doesn't have time to realize it. I assume this is because the server is based on cloud functions and has no reason to run when no clients are invoking it.

How to check when ios device just lost connection to internet

how to detect losing connection to network as fast as it can be
now im using reachabitity framework for swift and it takes abouut 3 sec to detect that there is no network so user can make the app crash
here how i check it :
func setupReachability() {
do {
self.reachability = try Reachability.reachabilityForInternetConnection()
} catch {
print("Cannot setup reachability monitoring")
self.reachability!.whenReachable = { reachability in
self.reachability!.whenUnreachable = { reachability in
do { try self.reachability!.startNotifier() } catch {
print("Cannot start reachability monitoring")
print("Started reachability")
You always, ALWAYS, must handle errors in your connections. You absolutely cannot rely on Reachability. You also cannot rely that your connection goes to the server that you want to connect to. It is possible and practically happens a lot that you get a reply from a totally different server in a totally different format than you expected, and you need to handle that. (Take your app to the nearest Starbucks and check whether it survives).

Knowing programmatically if cell data is disabled for the app for iOS [duplicate]

I have an iOS app that makes some small network requests on app launch (resource updates, etc). If the user turns off cellular access for the app in iOS Settings, they get a prompt from iOS about network usage every time they launch. Is there a way to know programmatically that cellular data for this app has been disabled, so that I can disable the requests at startup?
So I found this on the apple dev forums from an Apple engineer (https://devforums.apple.com/message/1059332#1059332).
Another developer wrote in to DTS and thus I had a chance to
investigate this in depth. Alas, the news is much as I expected:
there is no supported way to detect that your app is in this state.
Nor is there a way to make a "no user interaction" network connection,
that is, request that the connection fail rather than present UI like
this. If these limitations are causing problems for your app, I
encourage you to file a bug describing your specific requirements.
So it looks like it is not possible to detect if cellular data for your app has been turned off.
I filed a radar for this requesting that it be added. I just got this notification in my radar
We believe this issue has been addressed in the latest iOS 9 beta.
I looked through the API diffs, but so far I can't find the new API.
As of iOS9, the capability to check the setting to enable/disable use of cellular data for your app (Settings/Cellular/AppName) is available using Apple's CTCellularData class. The following code will set cellularDataRestrictedState when it is run initially and then set it and log whenever it changes:
import CoreTelephony
var cellularDataRestrictedState = CTCellularDataRestrictedState.restrictedStateUnknown
let cellState = CTCellularData.init()
cellState.cellularDataRestrictionDidUpdateNotifier = { (dataRestrictedState) in
if cellularDataRestrictedState != .restrictedStateUnknown { // State has changed - log to console
print("cellularDataRestrictedState: " + "\(dataRestrictedState == .restrictedStateUnknown ? "unknown" : dataRestrictedState == .restricted ? "restricted" : "not restricted")")
cellularDataRestrictedState = dataRestrictedState
Unfortunately (as of iOS11) this seems to check only the state of the app's switch - if your app's switch is set to enabled and the user switches the Cellular Data master switch to disabled, this API will return the app's state as being "not restricted".
Just wanted to add an Objective C version of the above Swift code for future travellers.
- (void)monitorCanUseCellularData {
if (GCIsiOS9) {
CTCellularData *cellularData = [[CTCellularData alloc] init];
NSLog(#"%ld", cellularData.restrictedState);
// 0, kCTCellularDataRestrictedStateUnknown
[cellularData setCellularDataRestrictionDidUpdateNotifier:^(CTCellularDataRestrictedState state) {
NSLog(#"%ld", state);
self.canUseCellularData = cellularData.restrictedState ==2?true:false;
I have found that the CTCellularData class needs some time to get to the correct value. In my implementation I call the didUpdateNotifier very early after appDidFinishLaunching. By the time my networking call are returning with errors I definitely have a correct value for the restricted state.
class CellularRestriction: NSObject {
private static var cellularData = CTCellularData()
private static var currentState = CTCellularDataRestrictedState.restrictedStateUnknown
static var isRestricted: Bool {
currentState = cellularData.restrictedState
return currentState == .restricted
static func prepare() {
if currentState == .restrictedStateUnknown {
cellularData.cellularDataRestrictionDidUpdateNotifier = { state in
currentState = cellularData.restrictedState // This value may be inconsistent, however the next read of isRestricted should be correct.
You can detect if cellular data disabled using NWPathMonitor class. (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/network/nwpathmonitor)
let cellMonitor = NWPathMonitor(requiredInterfaceType: .cellular)
cellMonitor.pathUpdateHandler = { path in
self.isCellConnected = path.status == .satisfied
Adding to dirkgroten's answer, you can use the Apple Reachability class, found here:
It uses SCNetworkReachability, and is very straight forward to use, it will detect connectivity via Cell and WiFi as you will need to check both at start up.
There are lots of frameworks out there that will give you the status of your network connectivity, and of course you can roll your own. I've found AFNetworking to be one of the best. It has a singleton class called AFNetworkReachabilityManager that abstracts some of the complexities for you. Specifically you'll want to look at the two boolean properties:
There is also a reachability changed status block that you can set:
– setReachabilityStatusChangeBlock:
AFNetworking Github

How do I know if cellular access for my iOS app is disabled?

I have an iOS app that makes some small network requests on app launch (resource updates, etc). If the user turns off cellular access for the app in iOS Settings, they get a prompt from iOS about network usage every time they launch. Is there a way to know programmatically that cellular data for this app has been disabled, so that I can disable the requests at startup?
So I found this on the apple dev forums from an Apple engineer (https://devforums.apple.com/message/1059332#1059332).
Another developer wrote in to DTS and thus I had a chance to
investigate this in depth. Alas, the news is much as I expected:
there is no supported way to detect that your app is in this state.
Nor is there a way to make a "no user interaction" network connection,
that is, request that the connection fail rather than present UI like
this. If these limitations are causing problems for your app, I
encourage you to file a bug describing your specific requirements.
So it looks like it is not possible to detect if cellular data for your app has been turned off.
I filed a radar for this requesting that it be added. I just got this notification in my radar
We believe this issue has been addressed in the latest iOS 9 beta.
I looked through the API diffs, but so far I can't find the new API.
As of iOS9, the capability to check the setting to enable/disable use of cellular data for your app (Settings/Cellular/AppName) is available using Apple's CTCellularData class. The following code will set cellularDataRestrictedState when it is run initially and then set it and log whenever it changes:
import CoreTelephony
var cellularDataRestrictedState = CTCellularDataRestrictedState.restrictedStateUnknown
let cellState = CTCellularData.init()
cellState.cellularDataRestrictionDidUpdateNotifier = { (dataRestrictedState) in
if cellularDataRestrictedState != .restrictedStateUnknown { // State has changed - log to console
print("cellularDataRestrictedState: " + "\(dataRestrictedState == .restrictedStateUnknown ? "unknown" : dataRestrictedState == .restricted ? "restricted" : "not restricted")")
cellularDataRestrictedState = dataRestrictedState
Unfortunately (as of iOS11) this seems to check only the state of the app's switch - if your app's switch is set to enabled and the user switches the Cellular Data master switch to disabled, this API will return the app's state as being "not restricted".
Just wanted to add an Objective C version of the above Swift code for future travellers.
- (void)monitorCanUseCellularData {
if (GCIsiOS9) {
CTCellularData *cellularData = [[CTCellularData alloc] init];
NSLog(#"%ld", cellularData.restrictedState);
// 0, kCTCellularDataRestrictedStateUnknown
[cellularData setCellularDataRestrictionDidUpdateNotifier:^(CTCellularDataRestrictedState state) {
NSLog(#"%ld", state);
self.canUseCellularData = cellularData.restrictedState ==2?true:false;
I have found that the CTCellularData class needs some time to get to the correct value. In my implementation I call the didUpdateNotifier very early after appDidFinishLaunching. By the time my networking call are returning with errors I definitely have a correct value for the restricted state.
class CellularRestriction: NSObject {
private static var cellularData = CTCellularData()
private static var currentState = CTCellularDataRestrictedState.restrictedStateUnknown
static var isRestricted: Bool {
currentState = cellularData.restrictedState
return currentState == .restricted
static func prepare() {
if currentState == .restrictedStateUnknown {
cellularData.cellularDataRestrictionDidUpdateNotifier = { state in
currentState = cellularData.restrictedState // This value may be inconsistent, however the next read of isRestricted should be correct.
You can detect if cellular data disabled using NWPathMonitor class. (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/network/nwpathmonitor)
let cellMonitor = NWPathMonitor(requiredInterfaceType: .cellular)
cellMonitor.pathUpdateHandler = { path in
self.isCellConnected = path.status == .satisfied
Adding to dirkgroten's answer, you can use the Apple Reachability class, found here:
It uses SCNetworkReachability, and is very straight forward to use, it will detect connectivity via Cell and WiFi as you will need to check both at start up.
There are lots of frameworks out there that will give you the status of your network connectivity, and of course you can roll your own. I've found AFNetworking to be one of the best. It has a singleton class called AFNetworkReachabilityManager that abstracts some of the complexities for you. Specifically you'll want to look at the two boolean properties:
There is also a reachability changed status block that you can set:
– setReachabilityStatusChangeBlock:
AFNetworking Github
